Example usage for android.accounts AccountManager KEY_USERDATA

List of usage examples for android.accounts AccountManager KEY_USERDATA


In this page you can find the example usage for android.accounts AccountManager KEY_USERDATA.



To view the source code for android.accounts AccountManager KEY_USERDATA.

Click Source Link


From source file:eu.trentorise.smartcampus.ac.authenticator.AMSCAccessProvider.java

public String promote(final Activity activity, String inAuthority, final String token) {
    final String authority = inAuthority == null ? Constants.AUTHORITY_DEFAULT : inAuthority;
    final AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(activity);
    //      Bundle options = new Bundle();
    //      if (token != null) {
    //         options.putString(Constants.PROMOTION_TOKEN, token);
    //      }/*  www. jav  a2s. c o m*/
    final Account a = new Account(Constants.getAccountName(activity), Constants.getAccountType(activity));
    final String userDataString = am.getUserData(a, AccountManager.KEY_USERDATA);

    invalidateToken(activity, authority);

    am.getAuthToken(new Account(Constants.getAccountName(activity), Constants.getAccountType(activity)),
            authority, null, null, new AccountManagerCallback<Bundle>() {
                public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> result) {
                    Bundle bundle = null;
                    try {
                        bundle = result.getResult();
                        Intent launch = (Intent) bundle.get(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT);
                        if (launch != null) {
                            launch.putExtra(Constants.KEY_AUTHORITY, authority);
                            launch.putExtra(Constants.PROMOTION_TOKEN, token);
                            launch.putExtra(Constants.OLD_DATA, userDataString);
                            activity.startActivityForResult(launch, SC_AUTH_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);
                        } else if (bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN) != null) {
                            //                         am.setAuthToken(a, authority, bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN));
                            //                         am.addAccountExplicitly(a, null, null);
                            // no token acquired
                        } else {
                            storeAnonymousToken(token, authority, am, a);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // revert the invalidated token
                        storeAnonymousToken(token, authority, am, a);
            }, null);
    return null;

From source file:eu.trentorise.smartcampus.ac.authenticator.AMSCAccessProvider.java

public UserData readUserData(Context ctx, String inAuthority) {
    AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(ctx);
    Account account = new Account(Constants.getAccountName(ctx), Constants.getAccountType(ctx));
    //      final String authority = inAuthority == null ? Constants.AUTHORITY_DEFAULT : inAuthority;
    //      String token = am.peekAuthToken(account, authority);
    //      if (token == null) return null;
    String userDataString = am.getUserData(account, AccountManager.KEY_USERDATA);
    if (userDataString == null)
        return null;
    try {//from ww  w  . ja v  a  2s  .  com
        return UserData.valueOf(new JSONObject(userDataString));
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        return null;

From source file:org.xwiki.android.authenticator.auth.AuthenticatorActivity.java

public void finishLogin(Intent intent) {
    Log.d(TAG, "> finishLogin");

    //before add new account, clear old account data.
    clearOldAccount();//from www. j a va 2  s . c o m

    //get values
    String accountName = intent.getStringExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME);
    String accountPassword = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_USER_PASS);
    String accountServer = intent.getStringExtra(PARAM_USER_SERVER);

    // Creating the account on the device and setting the auth token we got
    // (Not setting the auth token will cause another call to the server to authenticate the user)
    Log.d(TAG, "finishLogin > addAccountExplicitly" + " "
            + intent.getStringExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE));
    final Account account = new Account(accountName, Constants.ACCOUNT_TYPE);
    mAccountManager.addAccountExplicitly(account, accountPassword, null);
    mAccountManager.setUserData(account, AccountManager.KEY_USERDATA, accountName);
    mAccountManager.setUserData(account, AccountManager.KEY_PASSWORD, accountPassword);
    mAccountManager.setUserData(account, AuthenticatorActivity.PARAM_USER_SERVER, accountServer);

    //grant permission if adding user from the third-party app (UID,PackageName);
    String packaName = getIntent().getStringExtra(PARAM_APP_PACKAGENAME);
    int uid = getIntent().getIntExtra(PARAM_APP_UID, 0);
    Log.d(TAG, packaName + ", " + getPackageName());
    //only if adding account from the third-party apps exclude android.uid.system, this will execute to grant permission and set token
    if (!packaName.contains("android.uid.system")) {
        AppContext.addAuthorizedApp(uid, packaName);
        String authToken = intent.getStringExtra(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(authToken)) {
            String authTokenType = getIntent().getStringExtra(KEY_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE);
            mAccountManager.setAuthToken(account, authTokenType, authToken);

    //return value to AccountManager
    Intent intentReturn = new Intent();
    intentReturn.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, Constants.ACCOUNT_TYPE);
    intentReturn.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, accountName);
    setResult(RESULT_OK, intentReturn);
    Log.d(TAG, ">" + "finish return");
    // in SettingSyncViewFlipper this activity finish;

From source file:com.owncloud.android.authentication.AuthenticatorActivity.java

 * Creates a new account through the Account Authenticator that started this
 * activity.//w w  w . j  a v a 2s .  c  om
 * This makes the account permanent.
 * TODO Decide how to name the OAuth accounts
private boolean createAccount() {
    // / create and save new ownCloud account
    boolean isOAuth = AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE_ACCESS_TOKEN.equals(mAuthTokenType);
    boolean isSaml = AccountAuthenticator.AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE_SAML_WEB_SSO_SESSION_COOKIE.equals(mAuthTokenType);

    Uri uri = Uri.parse(mHostBaseUrl);
    String username = mUsernameInput.getText().toString().trim();
    username = username + "@" + location;

    if (isSaml) {
        username = getUserNameForSamlSso();

    } else if (isOAuth) {
        username = "OAuth_user" + (new java.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis())).nextLong();
    String accountName = username + "@" + uri.getHost();
    if (uri.getPort() >= 0) {
        accountName += ":" + uri.getPort();

    mAccount = new Account(accountName, AccountAuthenticator.ACCOUNT_TYPE);
    if (AccountUtils.exists(mAccount, getApplicationContext())) {
        // fail - not a new account, but an existing one; disallow
        RemoteOperationResult result = new RemoteOperationResult(ResultCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_NEW);
        Log_OC.d(TAG, result.getLogMessage());
        return false;

    } else {

        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, "", null); // with
                                                                  // external
                                                                  // authorizations,
                                                                  // the
                                                                  // password
                                                                  // is
                                                                  // never
                                                                  // input
                                                                  // in the
                                                                  // app
        } else {
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, mPasswordInput.getText().toString(), null);

        // / add the new account as default in preferences, if there is none
        // already
        Account defaultAccount = AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this);
        if (defaultAccount == null) {
            SharedPreferences.Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit();
            editor.putString("select_oc_account", accountName);

        // / prepare result to return to the Authenticator
        // TODO check again what the Authenticator makes with it; probably
        // has the same effect as addAccountExplicitly, but it's not well
        // done
        final Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, AccountAuthenticator.ACCOUNT_TYPE);
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, mAccount.name);
         * if (!isOAuth) intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN,
         * AccountAuthenticator.ACCOUNT_TYPE);
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_USERDATA, username);
        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setAuthToken(mAccount, mAuthTokenType, mAuthToken);
        // / add user data to the new account; TODO probably can be done in
        // the last parameter addAccountExplicitly, or in KEY_USERDATA
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_OC_VERSION, mDiscoveredVersion.toString());
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_OC_BASE_URL, mHostBaseUrl);
        if (isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO, "TRUE");
        } else if (isOAuth) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, AccountAuthenticator.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2, "TRUE");

        setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);

        // / immediately request for the synchronization of the new account
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, true);
        ContentResolver.requestSync(mAccount, AccountAuthenticator.AUTHORITY, bundle);
        // Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        // bundle.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL, true);
        // ContentResolver.requestSync(mAccount,
        // AccountAuthenticator.AUTHORITY, bundle);
        return true;

From source file:com.digitalarx.android.authentication.AuthenticatorActivity.java

 * Creates a new account through the Account Authenticator that started this activity. 
 * // w  w  w . java2 s  . c  o  m
 * This makes the account permanent.
 * TODO Decide how to name the OAuth accounts
private boolean createAccount() {
    /// create and save new ownCloud account
    boolean isOAuth = AccountTypeUtils.getAuthTokenTypeAccessToken(MainApp.getAccountType())
    boolean isSaml = AccountTypeUtils.getAuthTokenTypeSamlSessionCookie(MainApp.getAccountType())

    Uri uri = Uri.parse(mServerInfo.mBaseUrl);
    String username = mUsernameInput.getText().toString().trim();
    if (isOAuth) {
        username = "OAuth_user" + (new java.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis())).nextLong();
    String accountName = com.owncloud.android.lib.common.accounts.AccountUtils.buildAccountName(uri, username);
    Account newAccount = new Account(accountName, MainApp.getAccountType());
    if (AccountUtils.exists(newAccount, getApplicationContext())) {
        // fail - not a new account, but an existing one; disallow
        RemoteOperationResult result = new RemoteOperationResult(ResultCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_NEW);
        Log_OC.d(TAG, result.getLogMessage());
        return false;

    } else {
        mAccount = newAccount;

        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, "", null); // with external authorizations, the password is never input in the app
        } else {
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, mPasswordInput.getText().toString(), null);

        /// add the new account as default in preferences, if there is none already
        Account defaultAccount = AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this);
        if (defaultAccount == null) {
            SharedPreferences.Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit();
            editor.putString("select_oc_account", accountName);

        /// prepare result to return to the Authenticator
        //  TODO check again what the Authenticator makes with it; probably has the same effect as addAccountExplicitly, but it's not well done
        final Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, MainApp.getAccountType());
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, mAccount.name);
        /*if (!isOAuth)
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN,   MainApp.getAccountType()); */
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_USERDATA, username);
        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setAuthToken(mAccount, mAuthTokenType, mAuthToken);
        /// add user data to the new account; TODO probably can be done in the last parameter addAccountExplicitly, or in KEY_USERDATA
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_VERSION, mServerInfo.mVersion.getVersion());
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_BASE_URL, mServerInfo.mBaseUrl);

        if (isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO, "TRUE");
        } else if (isOAuth) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2, "TRUE");

        setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);

        return true;

From source file:com.synox.android.authentication.AuthenticatorActivity.java

 * Creates a new account through the Account Authenticator that started this activity. 
 * //from ww w .j  a  v  a 2s .  c  o  m
 * This makes the account permanent.
 * TODO Decide how to name the OAuth accounts
private boolean createAccount(RemoteOperationResult authResult) {
    /// create and save new ownCloud account
    boolean isOAuth = AccountTypeUtils.getAuthTokenTypeAccessToken(MainApp.getAccountType())
    boolean isSaml = AccountTypeUtils.getAuthTokenTypeSamlSessionCookie(MainApp.getAccountType())

    String lastPermanentLocation = authResult.getLastPermanentLocation();
    if (lastPermanentLocation != null) {
        mServerInfo.mBaseUrl = AccountUtils.trimWebdavSuffix(lastPermanentLocation);

    Uri uri = Uri.parse(mServerInfo.mBaseUrl);
    String username = mUsernameInput.getText().toString().trim();
    if (isOAuth) {
        username = "OAuth_user" + (new java.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis())).nextLong();
    String accountName = com.synox.android.lib.common.accounts.AccountUtils.buildAccountName(uri, username);
    Account newAccount = new Account(accountName, MainApp.getAccountType());
    if (AccountUtils.exists(newAccount, getApplicationContext())) {
        // fail - not a new account, but an existing one; disallow
        RemoteOperationResult result = new RemoteOperationResult(ResultCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_NEW);
        Log_OC.d(TAG, result.getLogMessage());
        return false;

    } else {
        mAccount = newAccount;

        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            // with external authorizations, the password is never input in the app
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, "", null);
        } else {
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, mPasswordInput.getText().toString(), null);

        // include account version with the new account
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_ACCOUNT_VERSION,

        /// add the new account as default in preferences, if there is none already
        Account defaultAccount = AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this);
        if (defaultAccount == null) {
            SharedPreferences.Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit();
            editor.putString("select_oc_account", accountName);

        /// prepare result to return to the Authenticator
        //  TODO check again what the Authenticator makes with it; probably has the same 
        //  effect as addAccountExplicitly, but it's not well done
        final Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, MainApp.getAccountType());
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, mAccount.name);
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_USERDATA, username);
        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setAuthToken(mAccount, mAuthTokenType, mAuthToken);
        /// add user data to the new account; TODO probably can be done in the last parameter 
        //      addAccountExplicitly, or in KEY_USERDATA
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_VERSION, mServerInfo.mVersion.getVersion());
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_BASE_URL, mServerInfo.mBaseUrl);

        if (isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO, "TRUE");
        } else if (isOAuth) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2, "TRUE");

        setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);

        return true;

From source file:com.cerema.cloud2.authentication.AuthenticatorActivity.java

 * Creates a new account through the Account Authenticator that started this activity. 
 * /*  w  w  w  .  j a va2  s.com*/
 * This makes the account permanent.
 * TODO Decide how to name the OAuth accounts
private boolean createAccount(RemoteOperationResult authResult) {
    /// create and save new ownCloud account
    boolean isOAuth = AccountTypeUtils.getAuthTokenTypeAccessToken(MainApp.getAccountType())
    boolean isSaml = AccountTypeUtils.getAuthTokenTypeSamlSessionCookie(MainApp.getAccountType())

    String lastPermanentLocation = authResult.getLastPermanentLocation();
    if (lastPermanentLocation != null) {
        mServerInfo.mBaseUrl = AccountUtils.trimWebdavSuffix(lastPermanentLocation);

    Uri uri = Uri.parse(mServerInfo.mBaseUrl);
    String username = mUsernameInput.getText().toString().trim();
    if (isOAuth) {
        username = "OAuth_user" + (new java.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis())).nextLong();
    String accountName = com.cerema.cloud2.lib.common.accounts.AccountUtils.buildAccountName(uri, username);
    Account newAccount = new Account(accountName, MainApp.getAccountType());
    if (AccountUtils.exists(newAccount, getApplicationContext())) {
        // fail - not a new account, but an existing one; disallow
        RemoteOperationResult result = new RemoteOperationResult(ResultCode.ACCOUNT_NOT_NEW);
        Log_OC.d(TAG, result.getLogMessage());
        return false;

    } else {
        mAccount = newAccount;

        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            // with external authorizations, the password is never input in the app
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, "", null);
        } else {
            mAccountMgr.addAccountExplicitly(mAccount, mPasswordInput.getText().toString(), null);

        // include account version with the new account
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_ACCOUNT_VERSION,

        /// add the new account as default in preferences, if there is none already
        Account defaultAccount = AccountUtils.getCurrentOwnCloudAccount(this);
        if (defaultAccount == null) {
            SharedPreferences.Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).edit();
            editor.putString("select_oc_account", accountName);

        /// prepare result to return to the Authenticator
        //  TODO check again what the Authenticator makes with it; probably has the same 
        //  effect as addAccountExplicitly, but it's not well done
        final Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, MainApp.getAccountType());
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME, mAccount.name);
        intent.putExtra(AccountManager.KEY_USERDATA, username);
        if (isOAuth || isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setAuthToken(mAccount, mAuthTokenType, mAuthToken);
        /// add user data to the new account; TODO probably can be done in the last parameter 
        //      addAccountExplicitly, or in KEY_USERDATA
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_VERSION, mServerInfo.mVersion.getVersion());
        mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_OC_BASE_URL, mServerInfo.mBaseUrl);

        if (isSaml) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_SUPPORTS_SAML_WEB_SSO, "TRUE");
        } else if (isOAuth) {
            mAccountMgr.setUserData(mAccount, Constants.KEY_SUPPORTS_OAUTH2, "TRUE");

        setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);

        return true;