Java android.animation PropertyValuesHolder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.animation PropertyValuesHolder fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.animation PropertyValuesHolder.

The text is from its open source code.


Gets the name of the property that will be animated.
PropertyValuesHolderofFloat(String propertyName, float... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property name and set of float values.
PropertyValuesHolderofFloat(Property property, float... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and set of float values.
PropertyValuesHolderofInt(String propertyName, int... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property name and set of int values.
PropertyValuesHolderofInt(Property property, int... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and set of int values.
PropertyValuesHolderofKeyframe(String propertyName, Keyframe... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder object with the specified property name and set of values.
PropertyValuesHolderofKeyframe(Property property, Keyframe... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder object with the specified property and set of values.
PropertyValuesHolderofObject(Property property, TypeConverter converter, TypeEvaluator evaluator, T... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and set of Object values.
PropertyValuesHolderofObject(String propertyName, TypeEvaluator evaluator, Object... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property name and set of Object values.
PropertyValuesHolderofObject(String propertyName, TypeConverter converter, Path path)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property name and a Path along which the values should be animated.
PropertyValuesHolderofObject(Property property, TypeEvaluator evaluator, V... values)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and set of Object values.
PropertyValuesHolderofObject(Property property, TypeConverter converter, Path path)
Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and a Path along which the values should be animated.
voidsetEvaluator(TypeEvaluator evaluator)
The TypeEvaluator will be automatically determined based on the type of values supplied to PropertyValuesHolder.