Example usage for android.app Activity subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.app Activity subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.app Activity subclass-usage.


From source file org.wso2.mobile.idp.proxy.handlers.RefreshTokenHandler.java

 * Getting new access token and refresh token  from refresh grant after access token is expired
public class RefreshTokenHandler extends Activity {
    private Token tokens = null;
    private static final String TAG = "RefreshTokenHandler";

From source file cn.com.jinyinmao.app.openapi.WBLogoutAPIActivity.java

 * ? {@link LogoutAPI} ?
 * ? Token ??
 * @author SINA
 * @since 2013-11-05

From source file com.privacity.BuscarPerfilActivity.java

public class BuscarPerfilActivity extends Activity {
    ConexionSiabra com;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

From source file uni.stats.ShareFacebook.java

public class ShareFacebook extends Activity {

    // Facebook Application ID
    public static final String APP_ID = "205340276201357";

    private LoginButton mLoginButton;

From source file thiru.in.basicauthwebview.ShowWebViewActivity.java

 * Webview doesn't support Basic Authentication Prompt as the browser does.
 * This app calls REST Service by passing user id and password, get the cookies
 * and access the protected application

From source file com.citrus.sample.PaymentPage.java

public class PaymentPage extends Activity {
    public static final String BILL_URL = "https://salty-plateau-1529.herokuapp.com/billGenerator.sandbox.php?";

    Button cardpayment, tokenpayment, bankpay, walletpay, signin, getbalance;

    JSONObject customer;

From source file com.example.hello.HelloWorld.java

public class HelloWorld extends Activity implements CordovaInterface {
    CordovaWebView cwv;
    private final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    private int activityState = 0; // 0=starting, 1=running (after 1st resume), 2=shutting down

    // Plugin to call when activity result is received

From source file com.menumomma.chrome2phone.ShareLinkActivity.java

 * Invoked when user selects "Share page" in the browser. Sends link
 * to AppEngine server.
public class ShareLinkActivity extends Activity implements Handler.Callback {
    private static final int TOAST_MSG = 0;

From source file fr.cph.stock.android.activity.BaseActivity.java

 * This class represents the base activity of the app
 * @author Carl-Philipp Harmant

From source file com.worklight.poc.Pull.java

public class Pull extends Activity implements WLResponseListener {
    private Button buttonConnect = null;
    private Button buttonInvoke = null;
    private static ImageView img;
    private static TextView textView = null;
    private static TextView textViewbottom = null;