Example usage for android.app PendingIntent FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT

List of usage examples for android.app PendingIntent FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT


In this page you can find the example usage for android.app PendingIntent FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.



To view the source code for android.app PendingIntent FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.

Click Source Link


Flag indicating that if the described PendingIntent already exists, then keep it but replace its extra data with what is in this new Intent.


From source file:com.amazon.cordova.plugin.ADMMessageHandler.java

 * Creates a notification when app is not running or is not in foreground. It puts the message info into the Intent
 * extra/* w ww .  j a v a  2 s  .  c  o  m*/
 * @param context
 * @param extras
public void createNotification(Context context, Bundle extras) {
    NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(
    String appName = getAppName(this);

    // reuse the intent so that we can combine multiple messages into extra
    if (notificationIntent == null) {
        notificationIntent = new Intent(this, ADMHandlerActivity.class);
    notificationIntent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
    notificationIntent.putExtra("pushBundle", extras);

    PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent,

    final Builder notificationBuilder = new Notification.Builder(context);

    if (this.shouldShowMessageInNotification()) {
        String message = extras.getString(PushPlugin.MESSAGE);
    } else {

    String title = appName;
    // Because the ID remains unchanged, the existing notification is updated.
    notificationManager.notify((String) appName, NOTIFICATION_ID, notificationBuilder.getNotification());

From source file:com.android.mms.transaction.ReadRecTransaction.java

public void run() {
    MmsLog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "ReadRecTransaction: process()");
    // prepare for ReadRec
    int readReportState = 0;
    String messageId = null;/*from   ww  w. j  a  va  2 s  .  c om*/
    long msgId = 0;
    EncodedStringValue[] sender = new EncodedStringValue[1];
    Cursor cursor = null;
    cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(), mUri,
            new String[] { Mms.MESSAGE_ID, Mms.READ_REPORT, Mms._ID }, null, null, null);
    if (cursor != null) {
        try {
            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                messageId = cursor.getString(0);
                readReportState = cursor.getInt(1);
                msgId = cursor.getLong(2);
            // if curosr==null, this means the mms is deleted during
            // processing.
            // exception will happened. catched by out catch clause.
            // so do not catch exception here.
        } finally {
            "messageid:" + messageId + ",and readreport flag:" + readReportState + ", mSubId = " + mSubId);

    cursor = null;
    cursor = SqliteWrapper.query(mContext, mContext.getContentResolver(),
            Uri.parse("content://mms/" + msgId + "/addr"), new String[] { Mms.Addr.ADDRESS, Mms.Addr.CHARSET },
            Mms.Addr.TYPE + " = " + PduHeaders.FROM, null, null);
    if (cursor != null) {
        try {
            if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                String address = cursor.getString(0);
                int charSet = cursor.getInt(1);
                MmsLog.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "find address:" + address + ",charset:" + charSet);
                sender[0] = new EncodedStringValue(charSet, PduPersister.getBytes(address));
            // if cursor == null exception will catched by out catch clause.
        } finally {
    try {
        ReadRecInd readRecInd = new ReadRecInd(
                new EncodedStringValue(PduHeaders.FROM_INSERT_ADDRESS_TOKEN_STR.getBytes()),
                messageId.getBytes(), PduHeaders.CURRENT_MMS_VERSION, PduHeaders.READ_STATUS_READ, // always
                // set
                // read.
        readRecInd.setDate(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
        Uri uri = PduPersister.getPduPersister(mContext).persist(readRecInd, Mms.Outbox.CONTENT_URI, true,
                MmsPreferenceActivity.getIsGroupMmsEnabled(mContext), null);

        byte[] datas = new PduComposer(mContext, readRecInd).make();
        mPduFile = createPduFile(datas, READREP_REQ_NAME + uri.getLastPathSegment());
        if (mPduFile == null) {
            Log.e(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "create pdu file req failed!");
        //Intent intent = new Intent(TransactionService.ACTION_TRANSACION_PROCESSED);
        //intent.putExtra(PhoneConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, mSubId);
        //intent.putExtra(TransactionBundle.URI, mUri.toString());
        Log.d(MmsApp.TXN_TAG, "ReadRecTransaction mUri:" + mUri);
        final Intent intent = new Intent(TransactionService.ACTION_TRANSACION_PROCESSED, mUri, mContext,
        intent.putExtra(PhoneConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, mSubId);

        PendingIntent sentIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent,
        Uri pduFileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(mContext, MMS_FILE_PROVIDER_AUTHORITIES, mPduFile);
        SmsManager.getSmsManagerForSubscriptionId(mSubId).sendMultimediaMessage(mContext, pduFileUri, null,
                null, sentIntent);
    } catch (InvalidHeaderValueException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Invalide header value", e);
    } catch (MmsException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Persist message failed", e);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        Log.e(TAG, Log.getStackTraceString(t));

From source file:com.adam.aslfms.service.ScrobblingService.java

public int onStartCommand(Intent i, int flags, int startId) {
    handleCommand(i, startId);//from  w ww .j a v a2s.  co  m
    if (settings.isOnGoingEnabled(Util.checkPower(mCtx))) {
        if (mCurrentTrack != null) {
            String ar = mCurrentTrack.getArtist();
            String tr = mCurrentTrack.getTrack();
            String api = mCurrentTrack.getMusicAPI().readAPIname();

            // Heart intent
            Intent heartIntent = new Intent(mCtx, ScrobblingService.class);
            PendingIntent heartPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(mCtx, 0, heartIntent, 0);
            NotificationCompat.Action heartAction = new NotificationCompat.Action.Builder(
                    R.mipmap.ic_status_wail_love_track, "", heartPendingIntent).build();

            Intent targetIntent = new Intent(mCtx, SettingsActivity.class);
            PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(mCtx, 0, targetIntent,
            NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mCtx).setContentTitle(tr)
                    .setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_notify).setContentText(ar + " :" + api)

            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR2) {
                builder.setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mCtx.getResources(), R.mipmap.ic_launcher));

            this.startForeground(14619, builder.build());

            if (!settings.isNotifyEnabled(Util.checkPower(mCtx))) {
                Intent iNoti = new Intent(mCtx, ForegroundHide.class);
    } else {
        this.stopForeground(true); // TODO: test if this conflicts/stops scrobbles
    return Service.START_STICKY;

From source file:cn.studyjams.s2.sj0132.bowenyan.mygirlfriend.nononsenseapps.notepad.data.service.OrgSyncService.java

private void notifyError() {
    NotificationCompat.Builder notBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
            // TODO hardcoded
            .setContentTitle("Could not access files").setContentText("Please change directory")
            .setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, new Intent(this, PrefsActivity.class),

    NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(
    notificationManager.notify(237388, notBuilder.build());

From source file:com.nbempire.dentalnavarra.component.service.RemembersService.java

private void showNotification(String title, String text, Remember remember) {
    Log.d(TAG, "Building notification...");

    NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
            .setAutoCancel(true);//from w  ww  . j  av a 2  s . co m

    // Creates an explicit intent for an Activity in your app
    Intent resultIntent = new Intent(this, DentalNavarraActivity.class);
    if (remember != null) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Adding extra parameter to notification result intent, message: " + remember.getMessage());
        resultIntent.putExtra(NOTIFICATION_INTENT_PARAMETER_MESSAGE, remember.getMessage());
        Log.i(TAG, "Adding extra parameter to notification result intent, meetingDate: "
                + remember.getMeetingDate());
        resultIntent.putExtra(NOTIFICATION_INTENT_PARAMETER_MEETING_DATE, remember.getMeetingDate());
        Log.i(TAG, "Adding extra parameter to notification result intent, treatments: "
                + remember.getTreatments());
        resultIntent.putExtra(NOTIFICATION_INTENT_PARAMETER_TREATMENTS, remember.getTreatments());

    // The stack builder object will contain an artificial back stack for the
    // started Activity.
    // This ensures that navigating backward from the Activity leads out of
    // your application to the Home screen.
    TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(this);

    // Adds the back stack for the Intent (but not the Intent itself)

    // Adds the Intent that starts the Activity to the top of the stack
    PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = stackBuilder.getPendingIntent(0, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

    Notification notification = mBuilder.build();
    notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_ALL;

    NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(

    // mId allows you to update the notification later on.
    //  TODO : Functionality : Should I unhard-code this ID?
    mNotificationManager.notify(44, notification);

    Log.d(TAG, "Notification added to status bar: " + text);

From source file:com.android.email_ee.NotificationController.java

 * Returns a {@link android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder} for an event with the
 * given account. The account contains specific rules on ring tone usage and these will be used
 * to modify the notification behaviour.
 * @param accountId The id of the account this notification is being built for.
 * @param ticker Text displayed when the notification is first shown. May be {@code null}.
 * @param title The first line of text. May NOT be {@code null}.
 * @param contentText The second line of text. May NOT be {@code null}.
 * @param intent The intent to start if the user clicks on the notification.
 * @param largeIcon A large icon. May be {@code null}
 * @param number A number to display using {@link Builder#setNumber(int)}. May be {@code null}.
 * @param enableAudio If {@code false}, do not play any sound. Otherwise, play sound according
 *        to the settings for the given account.
 * @return A {@link Notification} that can be sent to the notification service.
 *//*from   w  ww  .  j  a  v  a2 s .c  om*/
private NotificationCompat.Builder createBaseAccountNotificationBuilder(long accountId, String ticker,
        CharSequence title, String contentText, Intent intent, Bitmap largeIcon, Integer number,
        boolean enableAudio, boolean ongoing) {
    // Pending Intent
    PendingIntent pending = null;
    if (intent != null) {
        pending = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

    // NOTE: the ticker is not shown for notifications in the Holo UX
    final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext).setContentTitle(title)
            .setNumber(number == null ? 0 : number).setSmallIcon(R.drawable.stat_notify_email)

    if (enableAudio) {
        Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(mContext, accountId);
        setupSoundAndVibration(builder, account);

    return builder;

From source file:com.android.providers.downloads.DownloadNotifier.java

private void updateWithLocked(Collection<DownloadInfo> downloads) {
    final Resources res = mContext.getResources();

    // Cluster downloads together
    final Multimap<String, DownloadInfo> clustered = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (DownloadInfo info : downloads) {
        final String tag = buildNotificationTag(info);
        if (tag != null) {
            clustered.put(tag, info);//from  ww  w .j  a  v a  2  s . c om

    // Build notification for each cluster
    for (String tag : clustered.keySet()) {
        final int type = getNotificationTagType(tag);
        final Collection<DownloadInfo> cluster = clustered.get(tag);

        final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext);

        // Use time when cluster was first shown to avoid shuffling
        final long firstShown;
        if (mActiveNotifs.containsKey(tag)) {
            firstShown = mActiveNotifs.get(tag);
        } else {
            firstShown = System.currentTimeMillis();
            mActiveNotifs.put(tag, firstShown);

        // Show relevant icon
        if (type == TYPE_ACTIVE) {
        } else if (type == TYPE_WAITING) {
        } else if (type == TYPE_COMPLETE) {

        // Build action intents
        if (type == TYPE_ACTIVE || type == TYPE_WAITING) {
            // build a synthetic uri for intent identification purposes
            final Uri uri = new Uri.Builder().scheme("active-dl").appendPath(tag).build();
            final Intent intent = new Intent(Constants.ACTION_LIST, uri, mContext, DownloadReceiver.class);
            intent.putExtra(DownloadManager.EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_CLICK_DOWNLOAD_IDS, getDownloadIds(cluster));
                    PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT));

        } else if (type == TYPE_COMPLETE) {
            final DownloadInfo info = cluster.iterator().next();
            final Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Downloads.Impl.ALL_DOWNLOADS_CONTENT_URI, info.mId);

            final String action;
            if (Downloads.Impl.isStatusError(info.mStatus)) {
                action = Constants.ACTION_LIST;
            } else {
                if (info.mDestination != Downloads.Impl.DESTINATION_SYSTEMCACHE_PARTITION) {
                    action = Constants.ACTION_OPEN;
                } else {
                    action = Constants.ACTION_LIST;

            final Intent intent = new Intent(action, uri, mContext, DownloadReceiver.class);
            intent.putExtra(DownloadManager.EXTRA_NOTIFICATION_CLICK_DOWNLOAD_IDS, getDownloadIds(cluster));
                    PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT));

            final Intent hideIntent = new Intent(Constants.ACTION_HIDE, uri, mContext, DownloadReceiver.class);
            builder.setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, hideIntent, 0));

        // Calculate and show progress
        String remainingText = null;
        String percentText = null;
        if (type == TYPE_ACTIVE) {
            long current = 0;
            long total = 0;
            long speed = 0;
            synchronized (mDownloadSpeed) {
                for (DownloadInfo info : cluster) {
                    if (info.mTotalBytes != -1) {
                        current += info.mCurrentBytes;
                        total += info.mTotalBytes;
                        speed += mDownloadSpeed.get(info.mId);

            if (total > 0) {
                final int percent = (int) ((current * 100) / total);
                percentText = res.getString(R.string.download_percent, percent);

                if (speed > 0) {
                    final long remainingMillis = ((total - current) * 1000) / speed;
                    remainingText = res.getString(R.string.download_remaining,
                            //                                DateUtils.formatDuration(remainingMillis)); // FIXME 
                            "" + remainingMillis);

                builder.setProgress(100, percent, false);
            } else {
                builder.setProgress(100, 0, true);

        // Build titles and description
        final Notification notif;
        if (cluster.size() == 1) {
            final DownloadInfo info = cluster.iterator().next();

            builder.setContentTitle(getDownloadTitle(res, info));

            if (type == TYPE_ACTIVE) {
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(info.mDescription)) {
                } else {

            } else if (type == TYPE_WAITING) {

            } else if (type == TYPE_COMPLETE) {
                if (Downloads.Impl.isStatusError(info.mStatus)) {
                } else if (Downloads.Impl.isStatusSuccess(info.mStatus)) {

            notif = builder.build();

        } else {
            final NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(builder);

            for (DownloadInfo info : cluster) {
                inboxStyle.addLine(getDownloadTitle(res, info));

            if (type == TYPE_ACTIVE) {
                        res.getQuantityString(R.plurals.notif_summary_active, cluster.size(), cluster.size()));

            } else if (type == TYPE_WAITING) {
                        res.getQuantityString(R.plurals.notif_summary_waiting, cluster.size(), cluster.size()));

            notif = inboxStyle.build();

        mNotifManager.notify(tag, 0, notif);

    // Remove stale tags that weren't renewed
    final Iterator<String> it = mActiveNotifs.keySet().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        final String tag = it.next();
        if (!clustered.containsKey(tag)) {
            mNotifManager.cancel(tag, 0);

From source file:com.android.email.NotificationController.java

 * Returns a {@link android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder} for an event with the
 * given account. The account contains specific rules on ring tone usage and these will be used
 * to modify the notification behaviour.
 * @param accountId The id of the account this notification is being built for.
 * @param ticker Text displayed when the notification is first shown. May be {@code null}.
 * @param title The first line of text. May NOT be {@code null}.
 * @param contentText The second line of text. May NOT be {@code null}.
 * @param intent The intent to start if the user clicks on the notification.
 * @param largeIcon A large icon. May be {@code null}
 * @param number A number to display using {@link Builder#setNumber(int)}. May be {@code null}.
 * @param enableAudio If {@code false}, do not play any sound. Otherwise, play sound according
 *        to the settings for the given account.
 * @return A {@link Notification} that can be sent to the notification service.
 *//*w ww  .  j  a v  a  2  s. c  o m*/
private NotificationCompat.Builder createBaseAccountNotificationBuilder(long accountId, String ticker,
        CharSequence title, String contentText, Intent intent, Bitmap largeIcon, Integer number,
        boolean enableAudio, boolean ongoing) {
    // Pending Intent
    PendingIntent pending = null;
    if (intent != null) {
        pending = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

    Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(mContext, accountId);

    int iconResId = NotifyIconUtilities.findNotifyIconForAccountDomain(mContext, R.drawable.stat_notify_email,
            account.mEmailAddress, R.drawable.stat_notify_email);
    // NOTE: the ticker is not shown for notifications in the Holo UX
    final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(mContext).setContentTitle(title)
            .setNumber(number == null ? 0 : number).setSmallIcon(iconResId).setWhen(mClock.getTime())

    if (enableAudio) {
        setupSoundAndVibration(builder, account);

    return builder;

From source file:com.ibm.bluelist.MainActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    SensoroManager sensoroManager = SensoroManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext());
    blApplication = (MessengerApplication) getApplication();
    if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra("EXIT", false)) {
        finish();/*w  w  w . ja va 2  s  .c om*/
    myIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), PostTrackingNotifier.class);

    if (sensoroManager.isBluetoothEnabled()) {
         * Enable cloud service (upload sensor data, including battery status, UMM, etc.)Without setup, it keeps in closed status as default.
         * Enable SDK service
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace(); // Fetch abnormal info
    } else {
        Intent bluetoothIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
        startActivityForResult(bluetoothIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT);
    BeaconManagerListener beaconManagerListener = new BeaconManagerListener() {
        ArrayList<String> foundSensors = new ArrayList<String>();

        public void onUpdateBeacon(ArrayList<Beacon> beacons) {
            // Refresh sensor info
            for (Beacon beacon : beacons) {
                if (true) {
                    if (beacon.getMovingState() == Beacon.MovingState.DISABLED) {
                        // Disable accelerometer
                        System.out.println(beacon.getSerialNumber() + "Disabled");
                        Log.d("Main", beacon.getSerialNumber() + "Disabled");

                    } else if (beacon.getMovingState() == Beacon.MovingState.STILL) {
                        // Device is at static
                        Log.d("Main", beacon.getSerialNumber() + "static");
                        Log.d("Main", beacon.getProximityUUID());
                        if (!foundSensors.contains(beacon.getProximityUUID())) {
                            //String messageDisplay = "";
                            Log.d("Main", "getting Beacon Info");
                            IBMCloudCode myCloudCodeService = IBMCloudCode.getService();
                            String id = beacon.getProximityUUID();
                            String url = "/getNotification?id=" + id;
                            myCloudCodeService.get(url).continueWith(new Continuation<IBMHttpResponse, Void>() {

                                public Void then(Task<IBMHttpResponse> task) throws Exception {
                                    if (task.isCancelled()) {
                                                "Exception : Task" + task.isCancelled() + "was cancelled.");
                                    } else if (task.isFaulted()) {
                                        Log.e(CLASS_NAME, "Exception : " + task.getError().getMessage());
                                    } else {
                                        InputStream is = task.getResult().getInputStream();
                                        try {
                                            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
                                            String responseString = "";
                                            String myString = "";
                                            while ((myString = in.readLine()) != null)
                                                responseString += myString;

                                            Log.i(CLASS_NAME, "Response Body: " + responseString);
                                            JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(responseString);
                                            final String name = obj.getString("message");
                                            final String meets = obj.getString("meetups");


                                            myIntent.putExtra("response", responseString);
                                            PendingIntent pendingNotificationIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(
                                                    getApplicationContext(), 5, myIntent,
                                            final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(
                                            builder.setContentTitle("IBM Beacons Messenger");
                                            NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(
                                            notificationManager.notify(5, builder.build());

                                        } catch (IOException e) {

                                        Log.i(CLASS_NAME, "Response Status from login: "
                                                + task.getResult().getHttpResponseCode());

                                    return null;


                        Log.d("Main", beacon.getMajor().toString());
                        Log.d("Main", beacon.getMinor().toString());
                        System.out.println(beacon.getSerialNumber() + "static");

                    } else if (beacon.getMovingState() == Beacon.MovingState.MOVING) {
                        // Device is moving
                        Log.d("Main", beacon.getSerialNumber() + "moving");
                        Log.d("Main", beacon.getProximityUUID());
                        System.out.println(beacon.getSerialNumber() + "moving");

        public void onNewBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
            // New sensor found
            Log.d("Main", beacon.getSerialNumber() + "Got New");

        public void onGoneBeacon(Beacon beacon) {
            // A sensor disappears from the range
