Java android.content ClipData fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.content ClipData fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.content ClipData.

The text is from its open source code.



voidaddItem(Item item)
Add a new Item to the overall ClipData container.
Return the ClipDescription associated with this data, describing what it contains.
ItemgetItemAt(int index)
Return a single item inside of the clip data.
Return the number of items in the clip data.
ClipDatanewHtmlText(CharSequence label, CharSequence text, String htmlText)
Create a new ClipData holding data of the type ClipDescription#MIMETYPE_TEXT_HTML .
ClipDatanewIntent(CharSequence label, Intent intent)
Create a new ClipData holding an Intent with MIME type ClipDescription#MIMETYPE_TEXT_INTENT .
ClipDatanewPlainText(CharSequence label, CharSequence text)
Create a new ClipData holding data of the type ClipDescription#MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN .
ClipDatanewRawUri(CharSequence label, Uri uri)
Create a new ClipData holding an URI with MIME type ClipDescription#MIMETYPE_TEXT_URILIST .
ClipDatanewUri(ContentResolver resolver, CharSequence label, Uri uri)
Create a new ClipData holding a URI.