Example usage for android.content Intent FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION

List of usage examples for android.content Intent FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION


In this page you can find the example usage for android.content Intent FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION.



To view the source code for android.content Intent FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION.

Click Source Link


If set, this flag will prevent the normal android.app.Activity#onUserLeaveHint callback from occurring on the current frontmost activity before it is paused as the newly-started activity is brought to the front.


From source file:saphion.fragment.alarm.alert.AlarmAlertReceiver.java

@Override/*  w  w  w  .jav  a 2 s  . c o m*/
public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
    String action = intent.getAction();
    int pos = intent.getIntExtra(PreferenceHelper.BAT_VALS, 0);
    level = intent.getIntExtra(PreferenceHelper.CURR_RING, 72);

    //Log.Toast(context, level + " in receiver", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
    // int id = intent.getIntExtra(Intents.EXTRA_ID, -1);

    if (action.equals(Intents.ALARM_ALERT_ACTION)) {
        /* Close dialogs and window shade */
        Intent closeDialogs = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);

        // Decide which activity to start based on the state of the
        // keyguard.
         * KeyguardManager km = (KeyguardManager)
         * context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE); if
         * (km.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode()) { // Use the full screen
         * activity for security. c = AlarmAlertFullScreen.class; }

        // Trigger a notification that, when clicked, will show the alarm
        // alert
        // dialog. No need to check for fullscreen since this will always be
        // launched from a user action.

            Intent notify = new Intent(context, saphion.fragments.alarm.AlarmAlert.class);
            notify.putExtra(PreferenceHelper.BAT_VALS, pos);
            PendingIntent pendingNotify = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, ID, notify, 0);

            // Alarm alarm = AlarmsManager.getAlarmsManager().getAlarm(id);
            Notification n = new Notification(R.drawable.stat_notify_alarm, "abc", System.currentTimeMillis());
            n.setLatestEventInfo(context, "Battery Alarm", "Battery Level is " + level, pendingNotify);
            n.flags |= Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS | Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT;
            n.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS;

            // NEW: Embed the full-screen UI here. The notification manager
            // will // take care of displaying it if it's OK to do so.
            Intent alarmAlert = new Intent(context, saphion.fragments.alarm.AlarmAlert.class);
            alarmAlert.putExtra(PreferenceHelper.CURR_RING, level);
            alarmAlert.putExtra(PreferenceHelper.BAT_VALS, pos);
            alarmAlert.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION);
            n.fullScreenIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, ID, alarmAlert, 0);

            // Send the notification using the alarm id to easily identify
            // the // correct notification.
            NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) context
            // Log.Toast(context, "Recieved", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
            // mNotificationManager.notify(ID, builder.build());
            nm.notify(ID, n);
        } else {
            // Log.Toast(context, "Recieved", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
            newMethod(context, pos);

    } else if (action.equals(Intents.ALARM_DISMISS_ACTION)) {
        NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

From source file:com.embeddedlog.LightUpDroid.timer.TimerReceiver.java

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
    if (Timers.LOGGING) {
        Log.v(TAG, "Received intent " + intent.toString());
    }/*from w  ww .  j a  v a 2 s.co m*/
    String actionType = intent.getAction();
    // This action does not need the timers data
    if (Timers.NOTIF_IN_USE_CANCEL.equals(actionType)) {

    // Get the updated timers data.
    if (mTimers == null) {
        mTimers = new ArrayList<TimerObj>();
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    TimerObj.getTimersFromSharedPrefs(prefs, mTimers);

    // These actions do not provide a timer ID, but do use the timers data
    if (Timers.NOTIF_IN_USE_SHOW.equals(actionType)) {
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_SHOW.equals(actionType)) {
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_CANCEL.equals(actionType)) {

    // Remaining actions provide a timer Id
    if (!intent.hasExtra(Timers.TIMER_INTENT_EXTRA)) {
        // No data to work with, do nothing
        Log.e(TAG, "got intent without Timer data");

    // Get the timer out of the Intent
    int timerId = intent.getIntExtra(Timers.TIMER_INTENT_EXTRA, -1);
    if (timerId == -1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "OnReceive:intent without Timer data for " + actionType);

    TimerObj t = Timers.findTimer(mTimers, timerId);

    if (Timers.TIMES_UP.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, " timer not found in list - do nothing");

        t.mState = TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP;
        // Play ringtone by using TimerRingService service with a default alarm.
        Log.d(TAG, "playing ringtone");
        Intent si = new Intent();
        si.setClass(context, TimerRingService.class);

        // Update the in-use notification
        if (getNextRunningTimer(mTimers, false, Utils.getTimeNow()) == null) {
            // Found no running timers.
        } else {

        // Start the TimerAlertFullScreen activity.
        Intent timersAlert = new Intent(context, TimerAlertFullScreen.class);
        timersAlert.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION);
    } else if (Timers.TIMER_RESET.equals(actionType) || Timers.DELETE_TIMER.equals(actionType)
            || Timers.TIMER_DONE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Stop Ringtone if all timers are not in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_STOP.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "timer to stop not found in list - do nothing");
        } else if (t.mState != TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            Log.d(TAG, "action to stop but timer not in times-up state - do nothing");

        // Update timer state
        t.mState = t.getDeleteAfterUse() ? TimerObj.STATE_DELETED : TimerObj.STATE_DONE;
        t.mTimeLeft = t.mOriginalLength - (Utils.getTimeNow() - t.mStartTime);

        // Flag to tell DeskClock to re-sync with the database
        prefs.edit().putBoolean(Timers.FROM_NOTIFICATION, true).apply();

        cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);

        // Done with timer - delete from data base
        if (t.getDeleteAfterUse()) {

        // Stop Ringtone if no timers are in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_PLUS_ONE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "timer to +1m not found in list - do nothing");
        } else if (t.mState != TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            Log.d(TAG, "action to +1m but timer not in times up state - do nothing");

        // Restarting the timer with 1 minute left.
        t.mState = TimerObj.STATE_RUNNING;
        t.mStartTime = Utils.getTimeNow();
        t.mTimeLeft = t.mOriginalLength = TimerObj.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS;

        // Flag to tell DeskClock to re-sync with the database
        prefs.edit().putBoolean(Timers.FROM_NOTIFICATION, true).apply();

        cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);

        // If the app is not open, refresh the in-use notification
        if (!prefs.getBoolean(Timers.NOTIF_APP_OPEN, false)) {

        // Stop Ringtone if no timers are in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.TIMER_UPDATE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Refresh buzzing notification
        if (t.mState == TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            // Must cancel the previous notification to get all updates displayed correctly
            cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);
            showTimesUpNotification(context, t);
    // Update the next "Times up" alarm

From source file:se.oort.clockify.timer.TimerReceiver.java

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
    if (Timers.LOGGING) {
        Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Received intent " + intent.toString());
    }/*from  w ww .  j ava 2  s. co m*/
    String actionType = intent.getAction();
    // This action does not need the timers data
    if (Timers.NOTIF_IN_USE_CANCEL.equals(actionType)) {

    // Get the updated timers data.
    if (mTimers == null) {
        mTimers = new ArrayList<TimerObj>();
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    TimerObj.getTimersFromSharedPrefs(prefs, mTimers);

    // These actions do not provide a timer ID, but do use the timers data
    if (Timers.NOTIF_IN_USE_SHOW.equals(actionType)) {
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_SHOW.equals(actionType)) {
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_CANCEL.equals(actionType)) {

    // Remaining actions provide a timer Id
    if (!intent.hasExtra(Timers.TIMER_INTENT_EXTRA)) {
        // No data to work with, do nothing
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "got intent without Timer data");

    // Get the timer out of the Intent
    int timerId = intent.getIntExtra(Timers.TIMER_INTENT_EXTRA, -1);
    if (timerId == -1) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "OnReceive:intent without Timer data for " + actionType);

    TimerObj t = Timers.findTimer(mTimers, timerId);

    if (Timers.TIMES_UP.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, " timer not found in list - do nothing");

        t.mState = TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP;
        // Play ringtone by using TimerRingService service with a default alarm.
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "playing ringtone");
        Intent si = new Intent();
        si.setClass(context, TimerRingService.class);

        // Update the in-use notification
        if (getNextRunningTimer(mTimers, false, Utils.getTimeNow()) == null) {
            // Found no running timers.
        } else {

        // Start the TimerAlertFullScreen activity.
        Intent timersAlert = new Intent(context, TimerAlertFullScreen.class);
        timersAlert.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION);
    } else if (Timers.TIMER_RESET.equals(actionType) || Timers.DELETE_TIMER.equals(actionType)
            || Timers.TIMER_DONE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Stop Ringtone if all timers are not in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_STOP.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "timer to stop not found in list - do nothing");
        } else if (t.mState != TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "action to stop but timer not in times-up state - do nothing");

        // Update timer state
        t.mState = t.getDeleteAfterUse() ? TimerObj.STATE_DELETED : TimerObj.STATE_DONE;
        t.mTimeLeft = t.mOriginalLength - (Utils.getTimeNow() - t.mStartTime);

        // Flag to tell DeskClock to re-sync with the database
        prefs.edit().putBoolean(Timers.FROM_NOTIFICATION, true).apply();

        cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);

        // Done with timer - delete from data base
        if (t.getDeleteAfterUse()) {

        // Stop Ringtone if no timers are in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_PLUS_ONE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "timer to +1m not found in list - do nothing");
        } else if (t.mState != TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "action to +1m but timer not in times up state - do nothing");

        // Restarting the timer with 1 minute left.
        t.mState = TimerObj.STATE_RUNNING;
        t.mStartTime = Utils.getTimeNow();
        t.mTimeLeft = t.mOriginalLength = TimerObj.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS;

        // Flag to tell DeskClock to re-sync with the database
        prefs.edit().putBoolean(Timers.FROM_NOTIFICATION, true).apply();

        cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);

        // If the app is not open, refresh the in-use notification
        if (!prefs.getBoolean(Timers.NOTIF_APP_OPEN, false)) {

        // Stop Ringtone if no timers are in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.TIMER_UPDATE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Refresh buzzing notification
        if (t.mState == TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            // Must cancel the previous notification to get all updates displayed correctly
            cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);
            showTimesUpNotification(context, t);
    // Update the next "Times up" alarm

From source file:org.android.gcm.client.GcmIntentService.java

protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
    final SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("gcmclient", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    pushpak = prefs.getString("push_pak", "");
    pushact = prefs.getString("push_act", "");
    final boolean pushon = prefs.getBoolean("push_on", true);
    final boolean pushnotif = prefs.getBoolean("push_notification", true);

    if (pushnotif) {
        final String notifact = prefs.getString("notification_act", "");
        Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
        GoogleCloudMessaging gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(this);
        // The getMessageType() intent parameter must be the intent you received
        // in your BroadcastReceiver.
        String messageType = gcm.getMessageType(intent);

        // Send a notification.
        if (!extras.isEmpty()) { // has effect of unparcelling Bundle
            /*/* w ww . j a  v  a  2 s . c om*/
             * Filter messages based on message type. Since it is likely that GCM will be
             * extended in the future with new message types, just ignore any message types you're
             * not interested in, or that you don't recognize.
            if (GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_SEND_ERROR.equals(messageType)) {
                sendNotification(getString(R.string.send_error) + ": " + extras.toString(), notifact);
            } else if (GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_DELETED.equals(messageType)) {
                sendNotification(getString(R.string.deleted) + ": " + extras.toString(), notifact);
                // If it's a regular GCM message, do some work.
            } else if (GoogleCloudMessaging.MESSAGE_TYPE_MESSAGE.equals(messageType)) {
                // Post notification of received message.
                        getString(R.string.received, extras.getString("name"), extras.getString("num")),
                Log.i(TAG, "Received: " + extras.toString());

    // End if push is not enabled.
    if (!pushon) {
        // Release the wake lock provided by the WakefulBroadcastReceiver.

    final boolean fullwake = prefs.getBoolean("full_wake", false);
    final boolean endoff = prefs.getBoolean("end_off", true);

    // Manage the screen.
    PowerManager mPowerManager = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
    PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock = mPowerManager
            .newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP, TAG);
    boolean misScreenOn = mPowerManager.isScreenOn();
    int mScreenTimeout = 0;
    if (!misScreenOn) {
        if (endoff) {
            // Change the screen timeout setting.
            mScreenTimeout = Settings.System.getInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT,
            if (mScreenTimeout != 0) {
                Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT, 3000);
        // Full wake lock
        if (fullwake) {

    // Start the activity.
    try {
        startActivity(getPushactIntent(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION
                | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS));
        // Wait to register.
    } catch (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException e) {
        RING_DURATION = 0;
        Log.i(TAG, "Activity not started");
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // Release the wake lock.
    if (!misScreenOn && fullwake) {

    // Restore the screen timeout setting.
    if (endoff && mScreenTimeout != 0) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.SCREEN_OFF_TIMEOUT, mScreenTimeout);

From source file:com.mattprecious.prioritysms.receiver.AlarmReceiver.java

private void doAlarm(Context context, BaseProfile profile, String number, String message) {
    // Maintain a cpu wake lock until the AlarmActivity and AlarmService can
    // pick it up.

    /* Close dialogs and window shade */
    Intent closeDialogs = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);

    // Play the alarm alert and vibrate the device.
    Intent playAlarm = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_ALERT);
    playAlarm.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PROFILE, profile);
    context.startService(playAlarm);// w  ww .  j a v  a2s  . c  o m

    Intent dismissIntent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_DISMISS);
    dismissIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PROFILE, profile);
    PendingIntent pendingDismiss = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, profile.getId(), dismissIntent, 0);

    Intent replyIntent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_REPLY);
    replyIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PROFILE, profile);
    PendingIntent pendingReply = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, profile.getId(), replyIntent, 0);

    Intent callIntent = new Intent(Intents.ACTION_CALL);
    callIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PROFILE, profile);
    PendingIntent pendingCall = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, profile.getId(), callIntent, 0);

    Intent activityIntent = new Intent(context, AlarmActivity.class);
    activityIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PROFILE, profile);
    activityIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_NUMBER, number);
    activityIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_MESSAGE, message);
    activityIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION);
    PendingIntent pendingActivity = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, profile.getId(), activityIntent, 0);

    NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
                    context.getString(R.string.notif_action_dismiss), pendingDismiss)
            .addAction(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_send, context.getString(R.string.notif_action_reply),
            .addAction(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_call, context.getString(R.string.notif_action_call),
            .setFullScreenIntent(pendingActivity, true).setContentIntent(pendingActivity)

    Notification notif = builder.build();

    // Send the notification using the alarm id to easily identify the
    // correct notification.
    NotificationManager nm = getNotificationManager(context);
    nm.notify(profile.getId(), notif);

    // full screen intent doesn't do anything pre-honeycomb

From source file:com.android.deskclock.timer.TimerReceiver.java

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
    if (Timers.LOGGING) {
        Log.v(TAG, "Received intent " + intent.toString());
    }//from  w  ww  .j av  a 2s .  co  m
    String actionType = intent.getAction();
    // This action does not need the timers data
    if (Timers.NOTIF_IN_USE_CANCEL.equals(actionType)) {

    // Get the updated timers data.
    if (mTimers == null) {
        mTimers = new ArrayList<>();
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    TimerObj.getTimersFromSharedPrefs(prefs, mTimers);

    if (AlarmService.PRE_SHUTDOWN_ACTION.equals(actionType)) {
        // Stop Ringtone if all timers are not in times-up status
        TimerObj timerRing = Timers.findExpiredTimer(mTimers);
        if (timerRing != null) {
            timerRing.mState = TimerObj.STATE_STOPPED;

    // These actions do not provide a timer ID, but do use the timers data
    if (Timers.NOTIF_IN_USE_SHOW.equals(actionType)) {
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_SHOW.equals(actionType)) {
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_CANCEL.equals(actionType)) {

    // Remaining actions provide a timer Id
    if (!intent.hasExtra(Timers.TIMER_INTENT_EXTRA)) {
        // No data to work with, do nothing
        Log.e(TAG, "got intent without Timer data");

    // Get the timer out of the Intent
    int timerId = intent.getIntExtra(Timers.TIMER_INTENT_EXTRA, -1);
    if (timerId == -1) {
        Log.d(TAG, "OnReceive:intent without Timer data for " + actionType);

    TimerObj t = Timers.findTimer(mTimers, timerId);

    if (Timers.TIMES_UP.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, " timer not found in list - do nothing");

        Events.sendEvent(R.string.category_timer, R.string.action_fire, 0);
        /// M: We acquire the lock here because in some rare scenario, the wake lock is release
        /// by alarm before it could be acquired by Timer activity causing state to be suspended

        // Play ringtone by using TimerRingService service with a default alarm.
        Log.d(TAG, "playing ringtone");
        Intent si = new Intent();
        si.setClass(context, TimerRingService.class);

        // Update the in-use notification
        if (getNextRunningTimer(mTimers, false, Utils.getTimeNow()) == null) {
            // Found no running timers.
        } else {

         * M: To show time up notification to avoid the case: pausing the
         * current activity(eg: touch home key) when time is up, it cause
         * the TimerAlertFullScreen can not be started, and this cause no
         * notification in status bar but the timer has sound. @{
        /** @} */
        // Start the TimerAlertFullScreen activity.
        Intent timersAlert = new Intent(context, TimerAlertFullScreen.class);
        timersAlert.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION);
    } else if (Timers.RESET_TIMER.equals(actionType) || Timers.DELETE_TIMER.equals(actionType)
            || Timers.TIMER_DONE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Stop Ringtone if all timers are not in times-up status

        if (t != null) {
            cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_STOP.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "timer to stop not found in list - do nothing");
        } else if (t.mState != TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            Log.d(TAG, "action to stop but timer not in times-up state - do nothing");

        // Update timer state
        t.setState(t.getDeleteAfterUse() ? TimerObj.STATE_DELETED : TimerObj.STATE_RESTART);
        t.mTimeLeft = t.mOriginalLength = t.mSetupLength;

        // Flag to tell DeskClock to re-sync with the database
        prefs.edit().putBoolean(Timers.REFRESH_UI_WITH_LATEST_DATA, true).apply();

        cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);

        // Done with timer - delete from data base
        if (t.getDeleteAfterUse()) {

        // Stop Ringtone if no timers are in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.NOTIF_TIMES_UP_PLUS_ONE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, "timer to +1m not found in list - do nothing");
        } else if (t.mState != TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            Log.d(TAG, "action to +1m but timer not in times up state - do nothing");

        // Restarting the timer with 1 minute left.
        t.mStartTime = Utils.getTimeNow();
        t.mTimeLeft = t.mOriginalLength = TimerObj.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS;

        // Flag to tell DeskClock to re-sync with the database
        prefs.edit().putBoolean(Timers.REFRESH_UI_WITH_LATEST_DATA, true).apply();

        cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);

        // If the app is not open, refresh the in-use notification
        if (!prefs.getBoolean(Timers.NOTIF_APP_OPEN, false)) {

        // Stop Ringtone if no timers are in times-up status
    } else if (Timers.TIMER_UPDATE.equals(actionType)) {
        // Find the timer (if it doesn't exists, it was probably deleted).
        if (t == null) {
            Log.d(TAG, " timer to update not found in list - do nothing");

        // Refresh buzzing notification
        if (t.mState == TimerObj.STATE_TIMESUP) {
            // Must cancel the previous notification to get all updates displayed correctly
            cancelTimesUpNotification(context, t);
            showTimesUpNotification(context, t);
    if (intent.getBooleanExtra(Timers.UPDATE_NEXT_TIMESUP, true)) {
        // Update the next "Times up" alarm unless explicitly told not to.

From source file:se.erichansander.retrotimer.TimerKlaxon.java

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {

    // No intent, tell the system not to restart us.
    if (intent == null) {
        stopSelf();/* w  ww .  j  a  v a  2s.  c  o  m*/
        return START_NOT_STICKY;

    boolean ring = mPrefs.getBoolean(RetroTimer.PREF_RING_ON_ALARM, true);
    boolean vibrate = mPrefs.getBoolean(RetroTimer.PREF_VIBRATE_ON_ALARM, true);
    long timeoutMillis = mPrefs.getLong(RetroTimer.PREF_ALARM_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 10 * 1000);
    mAlarmTime = intent.getLongExtra(RetroTimer.ALARM_TIME_EXTRA, 0);

    // Close dialogs and window shade
    sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS));

    // Trigger a notification that, when clicked, will dismiss the alarm.
    Intent notify = new Intent(RetroTimer.ALARM_DISMISS_ACTION);
    PendingIntent pendingNotify = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, notify, 0);

    NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this).setContentIntent(pendingNotify)

     * Send the notification using the alarm id to easily identify the
     * correct notification.
    NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
    nm.notify(RetroTimer.NOTIF_TRIGGERED_ID, mBuilder.build());

     * launch UI, explicitly stating that this is not due to user action so
     * that the current app's notification management is not disturbed
    Intent timerAlert = new Intent(this, TimerAlert.class);
    timerAlert.putExtra(RetroTimer.ALARM_TIME_EXTRA, mAlarmTime);

    play(ring, vibrate);

    // Record the initial call state here so that the new alarm has the
    // newest state.
    mInitialCallState = mTelephonyManager.getCallState();

    // Update the shared state

    return START_STICKY;

From source file:com.android.deskclock.data.TimerNotificationBuilderPreN.java

public Notification buildHeadsUp(Context context, List<Timer> expired) {
    // Generate some descriptive text, a title, and an action name based on the timer count.
    final int timerId;
    final String contentText;
    final String contentTitle;
    final String resetActionTitle;
    final int count = expired.size();

    if (count == 1) {
        final Timer timer = expired.get(0);
        timerId = timer.getId();//  www.  j  a  v a 2 s.  com
        resetActionTitle = context.getString(R.string.timer_stop);
        contentText = context.getString(R.string.timer_times_up);

        final String label = timer.getLabel();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) {
            contentTitle = context.getString(R.string.timer_notification_label);
        } else {
            contentTitle = label;
    } else {
        timerId = -1;
        contentText = context.getString(R.string.timer_multi_times_up, count);
        contentTitle = context.getString(R.string.timer_notification_label);
        resetActionTitle = context.getString(R.string.timer_stop_all);

    // Content intent shows the expired timers full screen when clicked.
    final Intent content = new Intent(context, ExpiredTimersActivity.class);
    final PendingIntent pendingContent = Utils.pendingActivityIntent(context, content);

    // Full screen intent has flags so it is different than the content intent.
    final Intent fullScreen = new Intent(context, ExpiredTimersActivity.class)
    final PendingIntent pendingFullScreen = Utils.pendingActivityIntent(context, fullScreen);

    // Left button: Reset timer / Reset all timers
    final Intent reset = TimerService.createResetExpiredTimersIntent(context);
    final PendingIntent pendingReset = Utils.pendingServiceIntent(context, reset);

    final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context).setOngoing(true)
            .setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.default_background))
            .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.stat_notify_timer).setFullScreenIntent(pendingFullScreen, true)
            .addAction(R.drawable.ic_stop_24dp, resetActionTitle, pendingReset);

    // Add a second action if only a single timer is expired.
    if (count == 1) {
        // Right button: Add minute
        final Intent addMinute = TimerService.createAddMinuteTimerIntent(context, timerId);
        final PendingIntent pendingAddMinute = Utils.pendingServiceIntent(context, addMinute);
        final String addMinuteTitle = context.getString(R.string.timer_plus_1_min);
        builder.addAction(R.drawable.ic_add_24dp, addMinuteTitle, pendingAddMinute);

    return builder.build();

From source file:com.android.deskclock.alarms.AlarmNotifications.java

public static void showAlarmNotification(Service service, AlarmInstance instance) {
    LogUtils.v("Displaying alarm notification for alarm instance: " + instance.mId);

    Resources resources = service.getResources();
    NotificationCompat.Builder notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(service)
            .setContentText(AlarmUtils.getFormattedTime(service, instance.getAlarmTime()))
            .setLocalOnly(true);/*  w  ww .  j a  va 2  s. c om*/

    // Setup Snooze Action
    Intent snoozeIntent = AlarmStateManager.createStateChangeIntent(service, AlarmStateManager.ALARM_SNOOZE_TAG,
            instance, AlarmInstance.SNOOZE_STATE);
    snoozeIntent.putExtra(AlarmStateManager.FROM_NOTIFICATION_EXTRA, true);
    PendingIntent snoozePendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(service, instance.hashCode(), snoozeIntent,
    notification.addAction(R.drawable.ic_snooze_24dp, resources.getString(R.string.alarm_alert_snooze_text),

    // Setup Dismiss Action
    Intent dismissIntent = AlarmStateManager.createStateChangeIntent(service,
            AlarmStateManager.ALARM_DISMISS_TAG, instance, AlarmInstance.DISMISSED_STATE);
    dismissIntent.putExtra(AlarmStateManager.FROM_NOTIFICATION_EXTRA, true);
    PendingIntent dismissPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(service, instance.hashCode(), dismissIntent,
    notification.addAction(R.drawable.ic_alarm_off_24dp, resources.getString(R.string.alarm_alert_dismiss_text),

    // Setup Content Action
    Intent contentIntent = AlarmInstance.createIntent(service, AlarmActivity.class, instance.mId);
    notification.setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(service, instance.hashCode(), contentIntent,

    // Setup fullscreen intent
    Intent fullScreenIntent = AlarmInstance.createIntent(service, AlarmActivity.class, instance.mId);
    // set action, so we can be different then content pending intent
    fullScreenIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION);
    notification.setFullScreenIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(service, instance.hashCode(), fullScreenIntent,
            PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT), true);

    clearNotification(service, instance);
    service.startForeground(instance.hashCode(), notification.build());

From source file:com.wizardsofm.deskclock.data.TimerNotificationBuilderPreN.java

public Notification buildHeadsUp(Context context, List<Timer> expired) {
    // Generate some descriptive text, a title, and an action name based on the timer count.
    final int timerId;
    final String contentText;
    final String contentTitle;
    final String resetActionTitle;
    final int count = expired.size();

    if (count == 1) {
        final Timer timer = expired.get(0);
        timerId = timer.getId();/*from   w ww  .j  av  a 2s .c o m*/
        resetActionTitle = context.getString(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.string.timer_stop);
        contentText = context.getString(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.string.timer_times_up);

        final String label = timer.getLabel();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) {
            contentTitle = context.getString(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.string.timer_notification_label);
        } else {
            contentTitle = label;
    } else {
        timerId = -1;
        contentText = context.getString(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.string.timer_multi_times_up, count);
        contentTitle = context.getString(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.string.timer_notification_label);
        resetActionTitle = context.getString(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.string.timer_stop_all);

    // Content intent shows the expired timers full screen when clicked.
    final Intent content = new Intent(context, ExpiredTimersActivity.class);
    final PendingIntent pendingContent = Utils.pendingActivityIntent(context, content);

    // Full screen intent has flags so it is different than the content intent.
    final Intent fullScreen = new Intent(context, ExpiredTimersActivity.class)
    final PendingIntent pendingFullScreen = Utils.pendingActivityIntent(context, fullScreen);

    // Left button: Reset timer / Reset all timers
    final Intent reset = TimerService.createResetExpiredTimersIntent(context);
    final PendingIntent pendingReset = Utils.pendingServiceIntent(context, reset);

    final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context).setOngoing(true)
            .setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(context, com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.color.default_background))
            .setFullScreenIntent(pendingFullScreen, true).setPriority(NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_MAX)
            .addAction(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.drawable.ic_stop_24dp, resetActionTitle, pendingReset);

    // Add a second action if only a single timer is expired.
    if (count == 1) {
        // Right button: Add minute
        final Intent addMinute = TimerService.createAddMinuteTimerIntent(context, timerId);
        final PendingIntent pendingAddMinute = Utils.pendingServiceIntent(context, addMinute);
        final String addMinuteTitle = context.getString(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.string.timer_plus_1_min);
        builder.addAction(com.wizardsofm.deskclock.R.drawable.ic_add_24dp, addMinuteTitle, pendingAddMinute);

    return builder.build();