Java ShortcutManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java ShortcutManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for ShortcutManager.

The text is from its open source code.


booleanaddDynamicShortcuts(@NonNull List shortcutInfoList)
Publish the list of dynamic shortcuts.
IntentcreateShortcutResultIntent(@NonNull ShortcutInfo shortcut)
Returns an Intent which can be used by the default launcher to pin a shortcut containing the given ShortcutInfo .
voiddisableShortcuts(@NonNull List shortcutIds)
Disable pinned shortcuts.
voidenableShortcuts(@NonNull List shortcutIds)
Re-enable pinned shortcuts that were previously disabled.
Return all dynamic shortcuts from the caller app.
Return all pinned shortcuts from the caller app.
Delete all dynamic shortcuts from the caller app.
voidreportShortcutUsed(String shortcutId)
Apps that publish shortcuts should call this method whenever the user selects the shortcut containing the given ID or when the user completes an action in the app that is equivalent to selecting the shortcut.
booleansetDynamicShortcuts(@NonNull List shortcutInfoList)
Publish the list of shortcuts.