Example usage for android.database Cursor getPosition

List of usage examples for android.database Cursor getPosition


In this page you can find the example usage for android.database Cursor getPosition.


int getPosition();

Source Link


Returns the current position of the cursor in the row set.


From source file:de.elanev.studip.android.app.frontend.messages.MessagesListFragment.java

public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) {
    if (getActivity() == null) {
        return;//  w w w .  j a v a  2 s. c  om

    if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
        List<SectionedCursorAdapter.Section> sections = new ArrayList<SectionedCursorAdapter.Section>();
        if (!cursor.isAfterLast())

        long previousDay = -1;
        long currentDay = -1;
        while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
            currentDay = cursor
            if (!DateTools.isSameDay(previousDay * 1000L, currentDay * 1000L)) {
                sections.add(new SectionedCursorAdapter.Section(cursor.getPosition(),
                        TextTools.getLocalizedTime(currentDay * 1000L, mContext)));

            previousDay = currentDay;





From source file:com.google.samples.apps.iosched.ui.SessionLivestreamActivity.java

 * Locates which item should be selected in the action bar drop-down spinner based on the
 * current active session uri//from   w ww .  j a  v  a  2 s.  c  o  m
 * @param data The data
 * @return The row num of the item that should be selected or 0 if not found
private int locateSelectedItem(Cursor data) {
    int selected = 0;
    if (data != null && mSessionId != null) {
        while (data.moveToNext()) {
            if (mSessionId.equals(data.getString(SessionsQuery.SESSION_ID))) {
                selected = data.getPosition();
                mCaptionsUrl = null;
    return selected;

From source file:fr.eoit.activity.fragment.blueprint.RequiredDecryptorFragment.java

public void onLoadFinished(Cursor cursor) {
    if (DbUtil.hasAtLeastOneRow(cursor)) {
        String[] from = new String[] { Item.COLUMN_NAME_NAME, "decryptorDesc" };
        int[] to = new int[] { android.R.id.text1, android.R.id.text2 };

        MatrixCursor decryptorCursor = new MatrixCursor(
                new String[] { Item._ID, Item.COLUMN_NAME_NAME, "decryptorDesc" });
        DbUtil.addRowToMatrixCursor(decryptorCursor, 0L, "None", "");

        cursor.moveToFirst();/*from   www .j a va 2  s . co  m*/
        int selectedItem = 0;
        while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
            long itemId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(Item._ID));
            DbUtil.addRowToMatrixCursor(decryptorCursor, itemId,

            if (itemId == decryptorId) {
                selectedItem = cursor.getPosition() + 1;


        SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getActivity(),
                android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, decryptorCursor, from, to,
        Spinner spinner = (Spinner) getActivity().findViewById(R.id.DECRYPTOR_SPINNER);
        spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new SpinnerDecryptorOnItemSelectedListener());

From source file:com.granita.tasks.EditTaskFragment.java

public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) {
    if (cursor != null) {
        // set the list that was used the last time the user created an event
        if (mSelectedList != -1) {
            // iterate over all lists and select the one that matches the given id
            cursor.moveToFirst();//from   w w w  .ja  va2 s  .  c  o m
            while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
                Long listId = cursor.getLong(TASK_LIST_PROJECTION_VALUES.id);
                if (listId != null && listId == mSelectedList) {

From source file:com.tct.email.provider.EmailMessageCursor.java

public EmailMessageCursor(final Context c, final Cursor cursor, final String htmlColumn,
        final String textColumn) {
    mHtmlColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(htmlColumn);
    mTextColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(textColumn);
    final int cursorSize = cursor.getCount();
    mHtmlParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    mTextParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_S
    mHtmlLinkifyColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(UIProvider.MessageColumns.BODY_HTML_LINKIFY);
    mHtmlLinkifyParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    mTextLinkifyColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(UIProvider.MessageColumns.BODY_TEXT_LINKIFY);
    mTextLinkifyParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_E

    final ContentResolver cr = c.getContentResolver();

    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        final int position = cursor.getPosition();
        final long messageId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID));
        // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL BUGFIX-1039046  MOD_S
        InputStream htmlIn = null;
        InputStream textIn = null;
        try {//from w ww. j  a  va2  s. c  om
            if (mHtmlColumnIndex != -1) {
                final Uri htmlUri = Body.getBodyHtmlUriForMessageWithId(messageId);
                //WARNING: Actually openInput will used 2 PIPE(FD) to connect,but if some exception happen during connect,
                //such as fileNotFoundException,maybe the connection will not be closed. just a try!!!
                htmlIn = cr.openInputStream(htmlUri);
                final String underlyingHtmlString;
                try {
                    underlyingHtmlString = IOUtils.toString(htmlIn);
                } finally {
                    htmlIn = null;
                //TS: zhaotianyong 2015-04-05 EMAIL BUGFIX_964325 MOD_S
                final String sanitizedHtml = HtmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(underlyingHtmlString);
                mHtmlParts.put(position, sanitizedHtml);
                //TS: zhaotianyong 2015-04-05 EMAIL BUGFIX_964325 MOD_E
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_S
                //NOTE: add links for sanitized html
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sanitizedHtml)) {
                    final String linkifyHtml = com.tct.mail.utils.Linkify.addLinks(sanitizedHtml);
                    mHtmlLinkifyParts.put(position, linkifyHtml);
                } else {
                    mHtmlLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_E
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e, "Did not find html body for message %d", messageId);
        } catch (final OutOfMemoryError oom) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, oom,
                    "Terrible,OOM happen durning query EmailMessageCursor in bodyHtml,current message %d",
            mHtmlLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
        try {
            if (mTextColumnIndex != -1) {
                final Uri textUri = Body.getBodyTextUriForMessageWithId(messageId);
                textIn = cr.openInputStream(textUri);
                final String underlyingTextString;
                try {
                    underlyingTextString = IOUtils.toString(textIn);
                } finally {
                    textIn = null;
                mTextParts.put(position, underlyingTextString);
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_S
                //NOTE: add links for underlying text string
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(underlyingTextString)) {
                    final SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString(underlyingTextString);
                            Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.WEB_URLS | Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS);
                    final String linkifyText = Html.toHtml(spannable);
                    mTextLinkifyParts.put(position, linkifyText);
                } else {
                    mTextLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_E
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e, "Did not find text body for message %d", messageId);
        } catch (final OutOfMemoryError oom) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, oom,
                    "Terrible,OOM happen durning query EmailMessageCursor in bodyText,current message %d",
            mTextLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
        //NOTE:Remember that this just a protective code,for better release Not used Resources.
        if (htmlIn != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e1, "IOException happen while close the htmlInput connection ");
        if (textIn != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e2) {
                LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e2, "IOException happen while close the textInput connection ");
        } // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL BUGFIX-1039046  MOD_E

From source file:ac.robinson.mediaphone.provider.NarrativeAdapter.java

public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {
    NarrativeViewHolder holder = (NarrativeViewHolder) view.getTag();

    // only load column indices once
    if (mInternalIdIndex < 0) {
        mInternalIdIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NarrativeItem.INTERNAL_ID);
        mCreationDateIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NarrativeItem.DATE_CREATED);
        mSequenceIdIndex = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(NarrativeItem.SEQUENCE_ID);
    }//w w  w .ja  v a2  s .  co m

    holder.narrativeInternalId = cursor.getString(mInternalIdIndex);
    holder.narrativeDateCreated = cursor.getLong(mCreationDateIndex);
    holder.narrativeSequenceId = cursor.getInt(mSequenceIdIndex);

    final BrowserActivity activity = mActivity;
    if (activity.getScrollState() == AbsListView.OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_FLING
            || activity.isPendingIconsUpdate()) {
        holder.queryIcons = true;
    } else {
        holder.queryIcons = false;

    // alternating row colours
    int cursorPosition = cursor.getPosition();
    if ((cursor.getCount() - cursorPosition) % 2 == 0) { // so the colour stays the same when adding a new narrative
                mIsTemplateView ? R.color.template_list_dark : R.color.narrative_list_dark);
    } else {
                mIsTemplateView ? R.color.template_list_light : R.color.narrative_list_light);

From source file:com.mpower.daktar.android.tasks.InstanceUploaderTask.java

protected HashMap<String, String> doInBackground(final Long... values) {
    mResults = new HashMap<String, String>();

    String postResponse;/* w w w  .j av  a2s . co  m*/
    String selection = BaseColumns._ID + "=?";
    final String[] selectionArgs = new String[values.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        if (i != values.length - 1) {
            selection += " or " + BaseColumns._ID + "=?";
        selectionArgs[i] = values[i].toString();

    // get shared HttpContext so that authentication and cookies are
    // retained.
    final HttpContext localContext = MIntel.getInstance().getHttpContext();
    final HttpClient httpclient = WebUtils.createHttpClient(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);

    final Map<URI, URI> uriRemap = new HashMap<URI, URI>();

    final Cursor c = MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().query(InstanceColumns.CONTENT_URI, null,
            selection, selectionArgs, null);

    if (c.getCount() > 0) {
        next_submission: while (c.moveToNext()) {
            if (isCancelled())
                return mResults;
            publishProgress(c.getPosition() + 1, c.getCount());
            final String instance = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns.INSTANCE_FILE_PATH));
            final String id = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID));
            final Uri toUpdate = Uri.withAppendedPath(InstanceColumns.CONTENT_URI, id);

            String urlString = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns.SUBMISSION_URI));
            if (urlString == null) {
                final SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager
                urlString = settings.getString(PreferencesActivity.KEY_SERVER_URL, null);
                urlString = urlString + WebUtils.URL_PART_SUBMISSION;

            final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            URI u = null;
            try {
                final URL url = new URL(URLDecoder.decode(urlString, "utf-8"));
                u = url.toURI();
            } catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "invalid url: " + urlString + " :: details: " + e.getMessage());
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
            } catch (final URISyntaxException e) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "invalid uri: " + urlString + " :: details: " + e.getMessage());
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
            } catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "invalid url: " + urlString + " :: details: " + e.getMessage());
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

            boolean openRosaServer = false;
            if (uriRemap.containsKey(u)) {
                // we already issued a head request and got a response,
                // so we know the proper URL to send the submission to
                // and the proper scheme. We also know that it was an
                // OpenRosa compliant server.
                openRosaServer = true;
                u = uriRemap.get(u);
            } else {
                // we need to issue a head request
                final HttpHead httpHead = WebUtils.createOpenRosaHttpHead(u);

                // prepare response
                HttpResponse response = null;
                try {
                    response = httpclient.execute(httpHead, localContext);
                    final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                    if (statusCode == 401) {
                        // we need authentication, so stop and return what
                        // we've
                        // done so far.
                        mAuthRequestingServer = u;
                        return null;
                    } else if (statusCode == 204) {
                        final Header[] locations = response.getHeaders("Location");
                        if (locations != null && locations.length == 1) {
                            try {
                                final URL url = new URL(URLDecoder.decode(locations[0].getValue(), "utf-8"));
                                final URI uNew = url.toURI();
                                if (u.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(uNew.getHost())) {
                                    openRosaServer = true;
                                    // trust the server to tell us a new
                                    // location
                                    // ... and possibly to use https
                                    // instead.
                                    uriRemap.put(u, uNew);
                                    u = uNew;
                                } else {
                                    // Don't follow a redirection attempt to
                                    // a different host.
                                    // We can't tell if this is a spoof or
                                    // not.
                                            fail + "Unexpected redirection attempt to a different host: "
                                                    + uNew.toString());
                                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                            } catch (final Exception e) {
                                mResults.put(id, fail + urlString + " " + e.getMessage());
                                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                    } else {
                        // may be a server that does not handle
                        try {
                            // have to read the stream in order to reuse the
                            // connection
                            final InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
                            // read to end of stream...
                            final long count = 1024L;
                            while (is.skip(count) == count) {
                        } catch (final IOException e) {
                        } catch (final Exception e) {

                        Log.w(t, "Status code on Head request: " + statusCode);
                        if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= 299) {
                            mResults.put(id, fail
                                    + "Invalid status code on Head request.  If you have a web proxy, you may need to login to your network. ");
                            cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                            MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (final ClientProtocolException e) {
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    mResults.put(id, fail + "Client Protocol Exception");
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (final ConnectTimeoutException e) {
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    mResults.put(id, fail + "Connection Timeout");
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
                    mResults.put(id, fail + e.getMessage() + " :: Network Connection Failed");
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    mResults.put(id, fail + "Generic Exception");
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

            // At this point, we may have updated the uri to use https.
            // This occurs only if the Location header keeps the host name
            // the same. If it specifies a different host name, we error
            // out.
            // And we may have set authentication cookies in our
            // cookiestore (referenced by localContext) that will enable
            // authenticated publication to the server.
            // get instance file
            final File instanceFile = new File(instance);

            if (!instanceFile.exists()) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "instance XML file does not exist!");
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

            // find all files in parent directory
            final File[] allFiles = instanceFile.getParentFile().listFiles();

            // add media files
            final List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
            for (final File f : allFiles) {
                final String fileName = f.getName();

                final int dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
                String extension = "";
                if (dotIndex != -1) {
                    extension = fileName.substring(dotIndex + 1);

                if (fileName.startsWith(".")) {
                    // ignore invisible files
                if (fileName.equals(instanceFile.getName())) {
                    continue; // the xml file has already been added
                } else if (openRosaServer) {
                } else if (extension.equals("jpg")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("3gpp")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("3gp")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("mp4")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("amr")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else {
                    Log.w(t, "unrecognized file type " + f.getName());

            postResponse = "";
            boolean first = true;
            int j = 0;
            while (j < files.size() || first) {
                first = false;

                final HttpPost httppost = WebUtils.createOpenRosaHttpPost(u, mAuth);

                final MimeTypeMap m = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton();

                long byteCount = 0L;

                // mime post
                final MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity();

                // add the submission file first...
                FileBody fb = new FileBody(instanceFile, "text/xml");
                entity.addPart("xml_submission_file", fb);
                Log.i(t, "added xml_submission_file: " + instanceFile.getName());
                byteCount += instanceFile.length();

                for (; j < files.size(); j++) {
                    final File f = files.get(j);
                    final String fileName = f.getName();
                    final int idx = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
                    String extension = "";
                    if (idx != -1) {
                        extension = fileName.substring(idx + 1);
                    String contentType = m.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);

                    // we will be processing every one of these, so
                    // we only need to deal with the content type
                    // determination...
                    if (extension.equals("xml")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "text/xml");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added xml file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("jpg")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "image/jpeg");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added image file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("3gpp")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "audio/3gpp");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added audio file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("3gp")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "video/3gpp");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added video file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("mp4")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "video/mp4");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added video file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("csv")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "text/csv");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added csv file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".amr")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "audio/amr");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        Log.i(t, "added audio file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("xls")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "application/vnd.ms-excel");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added xls file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (contentType != null) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, contentType);
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added recognized filetype (" + contentType + ") " + f.getName());
                    } else {
                        contentType = "application/octet-stream";
                        fb = new FileBody(f, contentType);
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.w(t, "added unrecognized file (" + contentType + ") " + f.getName());

                    // we've added at least one attachment to the request...
                    if (j + 1 < files.size()) {
                        if (byteCount + files.get(j + 1).length() > 10000000L) {
                            // the next file would exceed the 10MB
                            // threshold...
                            Log.i(t, "Extremely long post is being split into multiple posts");
                            try {
                                final StringBody sb = new StringBody("yes", Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
                                entity.addPart("*isIncomplete*", sb);
                            } catch (final Exception e) {
                                e.printStackTrace(); // never happens...
                            ++j; // advance over the last attachment
                            // added...


                // prepare response and return uploaded
                HttpResponse response = null;
                try {
                    response = httpclient.execute(httppost, localContext);
                    final int responseCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

                    // try {
                    // // have to read the stream in order to reuse the
                    // connection
                    // InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
                    // // read to end of stream...
                    // final long count = 1024L;
                    // while (is.skip(count) == count)
                    // ;
                    // is.close();
                    // } catch (IOException e) {
                    // e.printStackTrace();
                    // } catch (Exception e) {
                    // e.printStackTrace();
                    // }

                    final HttpEntity httpEntity = response.getEntity();
                    try {
                        postResponse = EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity, HTTP.UTF_8).trim();
                    } catch (final IOException e) {

                    Log.i(t, "Response code:" + responseCode);
                    // verify that the response was a 201 or 202.
                    // If it wasn't, the submission has failed.
                    if (responseCode != 201 && responseCode != 202) {
                        if (responseCode == 200) {
                            mResults.put(id, fail + "Network login failure? Again?");
                        } else {
                            if (postResponse.length() > 0) {
                                mResults.put(id, postResponse);
                            } else {
                                mResults.put(id, fail + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + " ("
                                        + responseCode + ") at " + urlString);
                        cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                        MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                        continue next_submission;
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    mResults.put(id, fail + " " + e.getMessage());
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                    continue next_submission;

            // if it got here, it must have worked
            if (postResponse.length() > 0) {
                // Custom msg from server
                mResults.put(id, postResponse);
            } else {
                // There is no response from server, use default string
                mResults.put(id, MIntel.getInstance().getString(R.string.success));
            // mResults.put(id,
            // MIntel.getInstance().getString(R.string.success));
            cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMITTED);
            MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

        if (c != null) {

    } // end while

    return mResults;

From source file:com.mpower.mintel.android.tasks.InstanceUploaderTask.java

protected HashMap<String, String> doInBackground(Long... values) {
    mResults = new HashMap<String, String>();

    String postResponse;/*  w w  w.  j a  v a  2 s .c  o m*/
    String selection = InstanceColumns._ID + "=?";
    String[] selectionArgs = new String[values.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        if (i != values.length - 1) {
            selection += " or " + InstanceColumns._ID + "=?";
        selectionArgs[i] = values[i].toString();

    // get shared HttpContext so that authentication and cookies are
    // retained.
    HttpContext localContext = MIntel.getInstance().getHttpContext();
    HttpClient httpclient = WebUtils.createHttpClient(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);

    Map<URI, URI> uriRemap = new HashMap<URI, URI>();

    Cursor c = MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().query(InstanceColumns.CONTENT_URI, null, selection,
            selectionArgs, null);

    if (c.getCount() > 0) {
        next_submission: while (c.moveToNext()) {
            if (isCancelled()) {
                return mResults;
            publishProgress(c.getPosition() + 1, c.getCount());
            String instance = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns.INSTANCE_FILE_PATH));
            String id = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns._ID));
            Uri toUpdate = Uri.withAppendedPath(InstanceColumns.CONTENT_URI, id);

            String urlString = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(InstanceColumns.SUBMISSION_URI));
            if (urlString == null) {
                SharedPreferences settings = PreferenceManager
                urlString = settings.getString(PreferencesActivity.KEY_SERVER_URL, null);
                urlString = urlString + WebUtils.URL_PART_SUBMISSION;

            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
            URI u = null;
            try {
                URL url = new URL(URLDecoder.decode(urlString, "utf-8"));
                u = url.toURI();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "invalid url: " + urlString + " :: details: " + e.getMessage());
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "invalid uri: " + urlString + " :: details: " + e.getMessage());
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "invalid url: " + urlString + " :: details: " + e.getMessage());
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

            boolean openRosaServer = false;
            if (uriRemap.containsKey(u)) {
                // we already issued a head request and got a response,
                // so we know the proper URL to send the submission to
                // and the proper scheme. We also know that it was an
                // OpenRosa compliant server.
                openRosaServer = true;
                u = uriRemap.get(u);
            } else {
                // we need to issue a head request
                HttpHead httpHead = WebUtils.createOpenRosaHttpHead(u);

                // prepare response
                HttpResponse response = null;
                try {
                    response = httpclient.execute(httpHead, localContext);
                    int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                    if (statusCode == 401) {
                        // we need authentication, so stop and return what
                        // we've
                        // done so far.
                        mAuthRequestingServer = u;
                        return null;
                    } else if (statusCode == 204) {
                        Header[] locations = response.getHeaders("Location");
                        if (locations != null && locations.length == 1) {
                            try {
                                URL url = new URL(URLDecoder.decode(locations[0].getValue(), "utf-8"));
                                URI uNew = url.toURI();
                                if (u.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(uNew.getHost())) {
                                    openRosaServer = true;
                                    // trust the server to tell us a new
                                    // location
                                    // ... and possibly to use https
                                    // instead.
                                    uriRemap.put(u, uNew);
                                    u = uNew;
                                } else {
                                    // Don't follow a redirection attempt to
                                    // a different host.
                                    // We can't tell if this is a spoof or
                                    // not.
                                            fail + "Unexpected redirection attempt to a different host: "
                                                    + uNew.toString());
                                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                mResults.put(id, fail + urlString + " " + e.getMessage());
                                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                    } else {
                        // may be a server that does not handle
                        try {
                            // have to read the stream in order to reuse the
                            // connection
                            InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
                            // read to end of stream...
                            final long count = 1024L;
                            while (is.skip(count) == count)
                        } catch (IOException e) {
                        } catch (Exception e) {

                        Log.w(t, "Status code on Head request: " + statusCode);
                        if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= 299) {
                            mResults.put(id, fail
                                    + "Invalid status code on Head request.  If you have a web proxy, you may need to login to your network. ");
                            cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                            MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    mResults.put(id, fail + "Client Protocol Exception");
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (ConnectTimeoutException e) {
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    mResults.put(id, fail + "Connection Timeout");
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                    mResults.put(id, fail + e.getMessage() + " :: Network Connection Failed");
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    mResults.put(id, fail + "Generic Exception");
                    Log.e(t, e.getMessage());
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

            // At this point, we may have updated the uri to use https.
            // This occurs only if the Location header keeps the host name
            // the same. If it specifies a different host name, we error
            // out.
            // And we may have set authentication cookies in our
            // cookiestore (referenced by localContext) that will enable
            // authenticated publication to the server.
            // get instance file
            File instanceFile = new File(instance);

            if (!instanceFile.exists()) {
                mResults.put(id, fail + "instance XML file does not exist!");
                cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

            // find all files in parent directory
            File[] allFiles = instanceFile.getParentFile().listFiles();

            // add media files
            List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
            for (File f : allFiles) {
                String fileName = f.getName();

                int dotIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
                String extension = "";
                if (dotIndex != -1) {
                    extension = fileName.substring(dotIndex + 1);

                if (fileName.startsWith(".")) {
                    // ignore invisible files
                if (fileName.equals(instanceFile.getName())) {
                    continue; // the xml file has already been added
                } else if (openRosaServer) {
                } else if (extension.equals("jpg")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("3gpp")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("3gp")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("mp4")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else if (extension.equals("amr")) { // legacy 0.9x
                } else {
                    Log.w(t, "unrecognized file type " + f.getName());

            postResponse = "";
            boolean first = true;
            int j = 0;
            while (j < files.size() || first) {
                first = false;

                HttpPost httppost = WebUtils.createOpenRosaHttpPost(u, mAuth);

                MimeTypeMap m = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton();

                long byteCount = 0L;

                // mime post
                MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity();

                // add the submission file first...
                FileBody fb = new FileBody(instanceFile, "text/xml");
                entity.addPart("xml_submission_file", fb);
                Log.i(t, "added xml_submission_file: " + instanceFile.getName());
                byteCount += instanceFile.length();

                for (; j < files.size(); j++) {
                    File f = files.get(j);
                    String fileName = f.getName();
                    int idx = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
                    String extension = "";
                    if (idx != -1) {
                        extension = fileName.substring(idx + 1);
                    String contentType = m.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);

                    // we will be processing every one of these, so
                    // we only need to deal with the content type
                    // determination...
                    if (extension.equals("xml")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "text/xml");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added xml file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("jpg")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "image/jpeg");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added image file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("3gpp")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "audio/3gpp");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added audio file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("3gp")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "video/3gpp");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added video file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("mp4")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "video/mp4");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added video file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("csv")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "text/csv");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added csv file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (f.getName().endsWith(".amr")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "audio/amr");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        Log.i(t, "added audio file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (extension.equals("xls")) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, "application/vnd.ms-excel");
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added xls file " + f.getName());
                    } else if (contentType != null) {
                        fb = new FileBody(f, contentType);
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.i(t, "added recognized filetype (" + contentType + ") " + f.getName());
                    } else {
                        contentType = "application/octet-stream";
                        fb = new FileBody(f, contentType);
                        entity.addPart(f.getName(), fb);
                        byteCount += f.length();
                        Log.w(t, "added unrecognized file (" + contentType + ") " + f.getName());

                    // we've added at least one attachment to the request...
                    if (j + 1 < files.size()) {
                        if (byteCount + files.get(j + 1).length() > 10000000L) {
                            // the next file would exceed the 10MB
                            // threshold...
                            Log.i(t, "Extremely long post is being split into multiple posts");
                            try {
                                StringBody sb = new StringBody("yes", Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
                                entity.addPart("*isIncomplete*", sb);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                e.printStackTrace(); // never happens...
                            ++j; // advance over the last attachment
                                 // added...


                // prepare response and return uploaded
                HttpResponse response = null;
                try {
                    response = httpclient.execute(httppost, localContext);
                    int responseCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

                    // try {
                    // // have to read the stream in order to reuse the
                    // connection
                    // InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
                    // // read to end of stream...
                    // final long count = 1024L;
                    // while (is.skip(count) == count)
                    // ;
                    // is.close();
                    // } catch (IOException e) {
                    // e.printStackTrace();
                    // } catch (Exception e) {
                    // e.printStackTrace();
                    // }

                    HttpEntity httpEntity = response.getEntity();
                    try {
                        postResponse = EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity, HTTP.UTF_8).trim();
                    } catch (IOException e) {

                    Log.i(t, "Response code:" + responseCode);
                    // verify that the response was a 201 or 202.
                    // If it wasn't, the submission has failed.
                    if (responseCode != 201 && responseCode != 202) {
                        if (responseCode == 200) {
                            mResults.put(id, fail + "Network login failure? Again?");
                        } else {
                            if (postResponse.length() > 0) {
                                mResults.put(id, postResponse);
                            } else {
                                mResults.put(id, fail + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + " ("
                                        + responseCode + ") at " + urlString);
                        cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                        MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                        continue next_submission;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    mResults.put(id, fail + " " + e.getMessage());
                    cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMISSION_FAILED);
                    MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);
                    continue next_submission;

            // if it got here, it must have worked
            if (postResponse.length() > 0) {
                // Custom msg from server
                mResults.put(id, postResponse);
            } else {
                // There is no response from server, use default string
                mResults.put(id, MIntel.getInstance().getString(R.string.success));
            // mResults.put(id,
            // MIntel.getInstance().getString(R.string.success));
            cv.put(InstanceColumns.STATUS, InstanceProviderAPI.STATUS_SUBMITTED);
            MIntel.getInstance().getContentResolver().update(toUpdate, cv, null, null);

        if (c != null) {

    } // end while

    return mResults;

From source file:com.money.manager.ex.common.CategoryListFragment.java

public CategoryExpandableListAdapter getAdapter(Cursor data) {
    if (data == null)
        return null;

    mCategories.clear();/*  w ww .java2  s. c o m*/
    // create core and fixed string filter to highlight
    Core core = new Core(getActivity().getApplicationContext());
    String filter = mCurFilter != null ? mCurFilter.replace("%", "") : "";

    int key = -1;
    List<QueryCategorySubCategory> listSubCategories = null;

    // reset cursor if getting back on the fragment.
    if (data.getPosition() > 0) {

    while (data.moveToNext()) {
        if (key != data.getInt(data.getColumnIndex(QueryCategorySubCategory.CATEGID))) {
            // check if listCategories > 0
            if (mCategories.size() > 0 && listSubCategories != null) {
                mSubCategories.put(mCategories.get(mCategories.size() - 1), listSubCategories);
            // update key
            key = data.getInt(data.getColumnIndex(QueryCategorySubCategory.CATEGID));

            // create instance category
            Category category = new Category();
                    .highlight(filter, data.getString(data.getColumnIndex(QueryCategorySubCategory.CATEGNAME)))

            // add list
            listSubCategories = new ArrayList<>();

        if (data.getInt(data.getColumnIndex(QueryCategorySubCategory.SUBCATEGID)) != Constants.NOT_SET) {
            QueryCategorySubCategory subCategory = new QueryCategorySubCategory(getActivity());
            // subcategory
            // add to hashmap
            // check if expand group
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(filter)) {
                String normalizedText = Normalizer
                        .normalize(subCategory.getSubcategoryName(), Normalizer.Form.NFD)
                        .replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "").toLowerCase();
                if ((normalizedText.indexOf(filter) >= 0)
                        && (!mPositionToExpand.contains(mCategories.size() - 1))) {
                    mPositionToExpand.add(mCategories.size() - 1);
    if (mCategories.size() > 0 && listSubCategories != null) {
        mSubCategories.put(mCategories.get(mCategories.size() - 1), listSubCategories);

    boolean showSelector = mAction.equals(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
    CategoryExpandableListAdapter adapter = new CategoryExpandableListAdapter(getActivity(), mLayout,
            mCategories, mSubCategories, showSelector);
    adapter.setIdChildChecked(mIdGroupChecked, mIdChildChecked);
    return adapter;

From source file:com.dpcsoftware.mn.CategoryStats.java

public void renderGraph() {
    SQLiteDatabase db = DatabaseHelper.quickDb(this, 0);
    if (date == null)
        date = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();

    String queryModifier = "";
    if (isByMonth)
        queryModifier = " AND strftime('%Y-%m'," + Db.Table1.TABLE_NAME + "." + Db.Table1.COLUMN_DATAT + ") = '"
                + app.dateToDb("yyyy-MM", date) + "'";

    Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + Db.Table2.TABLE_NAME + "." + Db.Table2._ID + "," + Db.Table2.TABLE_NAME
            + "." + Db.Table2.COLUMN_NCAT + "," + Db.Table2.TABLE_NAME + "." + Db.Table2.COLUMN_CORCAT + ","
            + "SUM(" + Db.Table1.TABLE_NAME + "." + Db.Table1.COLUMN_VALORT + ")" + " FROM "
            + Db.Table1.TABLE_NAME + "," + Db.Table2.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + Db.Table1.TABLE_NAME + "."
            + Db.Table1.COLUMN_IDCAT + " = " + Db.Table2.TABLE_NAME + "." + Db.Table2._ID + " AND "
            + Db.Table1.TABLE_NAME + "." + Db.Table1.COLUMN_IDGRUPO + " = " + app.activeGroupId + queryModifier
            + " GROUP BY " + Db.Table1.TABLE_NAME + "." + Db.Table1.COLUMN_IDCAT + " ORDER BY "
            + Db.Table2.COLUMN_NCAT, null);

    float[] values = new float[c.getCount()];
    int[] colors = new int[c.getCount()];
    float total = 0;

    while (c.moveToNext()) {
        values[c.getPosition()] = c.getFloat(3);
        colors[c.getPosition()] = c.getInt(2);
        total += c.getFloat(3);/* w  w w.  j av a 2 s.  co m*/

    BarChart v = new BarChart(this, values, colors);
    v.setPadding(10, 10, 10, 10);
    FrameLayout graphLayout = ((FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.FrameLayout1));
    if (graphLayout.getChildCount() == 1)

    ListView lv = ((ListView) findViewById(R.id.listView1));
    ((TextView) footer.findViewById(R.id.textView2)).setText(app.printMoney(total));

    int days = 1;
    if (!isByMonth) {
        SimpleDateFormat dateF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

        Cursor cTemp = db.rawQuery("SELECT " + Db.Table1.COLUMN_DATAT + " FROM " + Db.Table1.TABLE_NAME
                + " WHERE " + Db.Table1.COLUMN_IDGRUPO + " = " + app.activeGroupId + " ORDER BY "
                + Db.Table1.COLUMN_DATAT + " DESC", null);
        try {
            Date date2 = dateF.parse(cTemp.getString(0));
            Date date1 = dateF.parse(cTemp.getString(0));

            days = (int) Math.ceil((date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()) / (1000.0 * 24 * 60 * 60)) + 1;

            App.Log("" + days);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    } else {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
        if (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) == now.get(Calendar.MONTH)
                && cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) == now.get(Calendar.YEAR))
            days = now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
            days = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

    ((TextView) footer2.findViewById(R.id.textView2)).setText(app.printMoney(total / days));

    ((TextView) findViewById(R.id.textViewMonth)).setText(app.dateToUser("MMMM / yyyy", date));

    if (adapter == null) {
        adapter = new CategoryStatsAdapter(this, c, total);
    } else {
        adapter.changeCursor(c, total);