Java android.database CursorWindow fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.database CursorWindow fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.database CursorWindow.

The text is from its open source code.


Acquires a reference to the object.
Allocates a new row at the end of this cursor window.
Clears out the existing contents of the window, making it safe to reuse for new data.
Frees the last row in this cursor window.
Gets the number of rows in this window.
booleanisBlob(int row, int column)
Returns true if the field at the specified row and column index has type Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_BLOB or Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_NULL .
booleanisFloat(int row, int column)
Returns true if the field at the specified row and column index has type Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT .
booleanisLong(int row, int column)
Returns true if the field at the specified row and column index has type Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER .
booleanisNull(int row, int column)
Returns true if the field at the specified row and column index has type Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_NULL .
booleanisString(int row, int column)
Returns true if the field at the specified row and column index has type Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_STRING or Cursor#FIELD_TYPE_NULL .
booleanputBlob(byte[] value, int row, int column)
Copies a byte array into the field at the specified row and column index.
booleanputNull(int row, int column)
Puts a null value into the field at the specified row and column index.
booleanputString(String value, int row, int column)
Copies a string into the field at the specified row and column index.
Releases a reference to the object, closing the object if the last reference was released.
booleansetNumColumns(int columnNum)
Sets the number of columns in this window.
voidsetStartPosition(int pos)
Sets the start position of this cursor window.