Example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawPath

List of usage examples for android.graphics Canvas drawPath


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawPath.


public void drawPath(@NonNull Path path, @NonNull Paint paint) 

Source Link


Draw the specified path using the specified paint.


From source file:com.ushahidi.platform.mobile.app.presentation.view.ui.widget.TitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mViewPager == null) {
        return;//from w ww.ja v  a  2 s . c  om
    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    if (count == 0) {

    // mCurrentPage is -1 on first start and after orientation changed. If so, retrieve the
    // correct index from viewpager.
    if (mCurrentPage == -1 && mViewPager != null) {
        mCurrentPage = mViewPager.getCurrentItem();

    //Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<Rect> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);
    final int boundsSize = bounds.size();

    //Make sure we're on a page that still exists
    if (mCurrentPage >= boundsSize) {
        setCurrentItem(boundsSize - 1);

    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mPageOffset <= 0.5) {
        offsetPercent = mPageOffset;
    } else {
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1 - mPageOffset;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    Rect curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    //Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            //Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    //Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            //If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                Rect leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = (int) (leftBound.right + mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    //Now draw views
    int colorTextAlpha = mColorText >>> 24;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        //Get the title
        Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
        //Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            final CharSequence pageTitle = getTitle(i);

            //Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            //Draw text as unselected
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                //Fade out/in unselected text as the selected text fades in/out
                mPaintText.setAlpha(colorTextAlpha - (int) (colorTextAlpha * selectedPercent));

            //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
            if (i < boundsSize - 1) {
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
            canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

            //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

    //If we want the line on the top change height to zero and invert the line height to trick the drawing code
    float footerLineHeight = mFooterLineHeight;
    float footerIndicatorLineHeight = mFooterIndicatorHeight;
    if (mLinePosition == LinePosition.Top) {
        height = 0;
        footerLineHeight = -footerLineHeight;
        footerIndicatorLineHeight = -footerIndicatorLineHeight;

    //Draw the footer line
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    float heightMinusLine = height - footerLineHeight;
    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected || page >= boundsSize) {

        Rect underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        final float rightPlusPadding = underlineBounds.right;
        final float leftMinusPadding = underlineBounds.left;
        final float heightMinusLineMinusIndicator = heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight;

        mPath.moveTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);
        mPath.lineTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);
        mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

From source file:com.pc.pager.indicator.TitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mViewPager == null) {
        return;/*  ww  w . j  ava 2 s. c om*/
    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    if (count == 0) {

    // mCurrentPage is -1 on first start and after orientation changed. If
    // so, retrieve the correct index from viewpager.
    if (mCurrentPage == -1 && mViewPager != null) {
        mCurrentPage = mViewPager.getCurrentItem();

    // Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<Rect> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);
    final int boundsSize = bounds.size();

    // Make sure we're on a page that still exists
    if (mCurrentPage >= boundsSize) {
        setCurrentItem(boundsSize - 1);

    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mPageOffset <= 0.5) {
        offsetPercent = mPageOffset;
    } else {
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1 - mPageOffset;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    // Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    Rect curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        // Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        // Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    // Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            // Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                // Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                // Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                // Intersection
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    // Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            // If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                // Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                // Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                Rect leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                // Intersection
                if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = (int) (leftBound.right + mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    // Now draw views
    int colorTextAlpha = mColorText >>> 24;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        // Get the title
        Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
        // Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            final CharSequence pageTitle = getTitle(i);

            // Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            // Draw text as unselected
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                // Fade out/in unselected text as the selected text fades
                // in/out
                mPaintText.setAlpha(colorTextAlpha - (int) (colorTextAlpha * selectedPercent));

            // Except if there's an intersection with the right view
            if (i < boundsSize - 1) {
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                // Intersection
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
            canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left + TextMaginLeftAndRight / 2,
                    bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText);

            // If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left + TextMaginLeftAndRight / 2,
                        bound.bottom + mTopPadding, mPaintText);

    // If we want the line on the top change height to zero and invert the
    // line height to trick the drawing code
    float footerLineHeight = mFooterLineHeight;
    float footerIndicatorLineHeight = mFooterIndicatorHeight;
    if (mLinePosition == LinePosition.Top) {
        height = 0;
        footerLineHeight = -footerLineHeight;
        footerIndicatorLineHeight = -footerIndicatorLineHeight;

    // Draw the footer line
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    float heightMinusLine = height - footerLineHeight;
    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected || page >= boundsSize) {

        Rect underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        final float rightPlusPadding = underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float leftMinusPadding = underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float heightMinusLineMinusIndicator = heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight;

        mPath.moveTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);
        mPath.lineTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);

        mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

From source file:com.viewpagerindicator.as.library.indicator.RecyclerTitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mRecyclerView == null) {
        return;/*from  w  w w .  j  av a2  s .co m*/
    final int count = mRecyclerView.getAdapter().getItemCount();
    if (count == 0) {

    // mCurrentPage is -1 on first start and after orientation changed. If so, retrieve the correct index from viewpager.
    if (mCurrentPage == -1 && mRecyclerView != null) {
        mCurrentPage = ((RecyclerViewPager) mRecyclerView).getCurrentPosition();//.getCurrentItem();

    //Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<Rect> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);
    final int boundsSize = bounds.size();

    //Make sure we're on a page that still exists
    if (mCurrentPage >= boundsSize) {
        setCurrentItem(boundsSize - 1);

    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mPageOffset <= 0.5) {
        offsetPercent = mPageOffset;
    } else {
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1 - mPageOffset;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    Rect curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    //Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            //Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    //Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            //If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                Rect leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = (int) (leftBound.right + mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    //Now draw views
    int colorTextAlpha = mColorText >>> 24;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        //Get the title
        Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
        //Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            final CharSequence pageTitle = getTitle(i);

            //Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            //Draw text as unselected
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                //Fade out/in unselected text as the selected text fades in/out
                mPaintText.setAlpha(colorTextAlpha - (int) (colorTextAlpha * selectedPercent));

            //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
            if (i < boundsSize - 1) {
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
            canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

            //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

    //If we want the line on the top change height to zero and invert the line height to trick the drawing code
    float footerLineHeight = mFooterLineHeight;
    float footerIndicatorLineHeight = mFooterIndicatorHeight;
    if (mLinePosition == LinePosition.Top) {
        height = 0;
        footerLineHeight = -footerLineHeight;
        footerIndicatorLineHeight = -footerIndicatorLineHeight;

    //Draw the footer line
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    float heightMinusLine = height - footerLineHeight;
    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected || page >= boundsSize) {

        Rect underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        final float rightPlusPadding = underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float leftMinusPadding = underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float heightMinusLineMinusIndicator = heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight;

        mPath.moveTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);
        mPath.lineTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);

        mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

From source file:com.focustech.common.widget.TitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mViewPager == null) {
        return;//ww  w.ja v  a 2 s .  c  o  m
    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    if (count == 0) {

    // mCurrentPage is -1 on first start and after orientation changed. If
    // so, retrieve the correct index from
    // viewpager.
    if (mCurrentPage == -1 && mViewPager != null) {
        mCurrentPage = mViewPager.getCurrentItem();

    // Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<Rect> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);
    final int boundsSize = bounds.size();

    // Make sure we're on a page that still exists
    if (mCurrentPage >= boundsSize) {
        setCurrentItem(boundsSize - 1);

    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mPageOffset <= 0.5) {
        offsetPercent = mPageOffset;
    } else {
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1 - mPageOffset;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    // Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    Rect curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        // Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        // Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    // Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            // Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                // Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                // Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                // Intersection
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    // Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            // If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                // Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                // Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                Rect leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                // Intersection
                if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = (int) (leftBound.right + mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    // Now draw views
    int colorTextAlpha = mColorText >>> 24;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        // Get the title
        Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
        // Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            final CharSequence pageTitle = getTitle(i);

            // Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            // Draw text as unselected
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                // Fade out/in unselected text as the selected text fades
                // in/out
                mPaintText.setAlpha(colorTextAlpha - (int) (colorTextAlpha * selectedPercent));

            // Except if there's an intersection with the right view
            if (i < boundsSize - 1) {
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                // Intersection
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

            canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

            if (i == 0 && mIsShowPoint) {
                canvas.drawCircle(bound.right - 5, bound.top + (bound.bottom - bound.top) / 3 + mTopPadding, 5,

            // If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

    // If we want the line on the top change height to zero and invert the
    // line height to trick the drawing code
    float footerLineHeight = mFooterLineHeight;
    float footerIndicatorLineHeight = mFooterIndicatorHeight;
    if (mLinePosition == LinePosition.Top) {
        height = 0;
        footerLineHeight = -footerLineHeight;
        footerIndicatorLineHeight = -footerIndicatorLineHeight;

    // Draw the footer line
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    float heightMinusLine = height - footerLineHeight;
    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected || page >= boundsSize) {

        Rect underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        final float rightPlusPadding = underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float leftMinusPadding = underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float heightMinusLineMinusIndicator = heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight;

        mPath.moveTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);
        mPath.lineTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);

        mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

From source file:com.icloud.listenbook.base.view.viewpagerindicator.TitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mViewPager == null) {
        return;// w  w w  .j  a  v a  2  s .co  m
    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    if (count == 0) {

    // mCurrentPage is -1 on first start and after orientation changed. If
    // so, retrieve the correct index from viewpager.
    if (mCurrentPage == -1 && mViewPager != null) {
        mCurrentPage = mViewPager.getCurrentItem();

    // Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<Rect> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);
    final int boundsSize = bounds.size();

    // Make sure we're on a page that still exists
    if (mCurrentPage >= boundsSize) {
        setCurrentItem(boundsSize - 1);

    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mPageOffset <= 0.5) {
        offsetPercent = mPageOffset;
    } else {
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1 - mPageOffset;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    // Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    Rect curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        // Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        // Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    // Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            // Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                // Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                // Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (mTitlePadding == TITLEPADDINGMAX && (i == (mCurrentPage - 1))) {
                    bound.left -= width * mPageOffset;
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
                } else if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    // Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            // If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                // Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                // Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                Rect leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                // Intersection
                if (mTitlePadding == TITLEPADDINGMAX && (i == (page + 1) || i == (mCurrentPage + 1))) {
                    if (mCurrentPage != page) {
                        bound.left += width * (1 - mPageOffset);
                        bound.right = bound.left + w;

                } else if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = (int) (leftBound.right + mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    // Now draw views
    int colorTextAlpha = mColorText >>> 24;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        // Get the title
        Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
        // Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            final CharSequence pageTitle = getTitle(i);

            // Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            // Draw text as unselected
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                // Fade out/in unselected text as the selected text fades
                // in/out
                mPaintText.setAlpha(colorTextAlpha - (int) (colorTextAlpha * selectedPercent));

            // Except if there's an intersection with the right view
            if (i < boundsSize - 1) {
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                // Intersection

                if (mTitlePadding != TITLEPADDINGMAX && bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
            canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

            // If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

    // If we want the line on the top change height to zero and invert the
    // line height to trick the drawing code
    float footerLineHeight = mFooterLineHeight;
    float footerIndicatorLineHeight = mFooterIndicatorHeight;
    if (mLinePosition == LinePosition.Top) {
        height = 0;
        footerLineHeight = -footerLineHeight;
        footerIndicatorLineHeight = -footerIndicatorLineHeight;

    // Draw the footer line
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    float heightMinusLine = height - footerLineHeight;
    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected || page >= boundsSize) {

        Rect underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        final float rightPlusPadding = underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float leftMinusPadding = underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float heightMinusLineMinusIndicator = heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight;

        mPath.moveTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);
        mPath.lineTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);

        mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

From source file:com.home.library.vpi.TitlePageIndicator.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (mViewPager == null) {
        return;//from ww  w .ja v  a2  s. co  m
    final int count = mViewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
    if (count == 0) {

    // mCurrentPage is -1 on first start and after orientation changed. If so, retrieve the correct index from viewpager.
    if (mCurrentPage == -1 && mViewPager != null) {
        mCurrentPage = mViewPager.getCurrentItem();

    //Calculate views bounds
    ArrayList<Rect> bounds = calculateAllBounds(mPaintText);
    final int boundsSize = bounds.size();

    //Make sure we're on a page that still exists
    if (mCurrentPage >= boundsSize) {
        setCurrentItem(boundsSize - 1);


    final int countMinusOne = count - 1;
    final float halfWidth = getWidth() / 2f;
    final int left = getLeft();
    final float leftClip = left + mClipPadding;
    final int width = getWidth();
    int height = getHeight();
    final int right = left + width;
    final float rightClip = right - mClipPadding;

    int page = mCurrentPage;
    float offsetPercent;
    if (mPageOffset <= 0.5) {
        offsetPercent = mPageOffset;
    } else {
        page += 1;
        offsetPercent = 1 - mPageOffset;
    final boolean currentSelected = (offsetPercent <= SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final boolean currentBold = (offsetPercent <= BOLD_FADE_PERCENTAGE);
    final float selectedPercent = (SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE - offsetPercent) / SELECTION_FADE_PERCENTAGE;

    //Verify if the current view must be clipped to the screen
    Rect curPageBound = bounds.get(mCurrentPage);
    float curPageWidth = curPageBound.right - curPageBound.left;
    if (curPageBound.left < leftClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
        clipViewOnTheLeft(curPageBound, curPageWidth, left);
    if (curPageBound.right > rightClip) {
        //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
        clipViewOnTheRight(curPageBound, curPageWidth, right);

    //Left views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage > 0) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            //Is left side is outside the screen
            if (bound.left < leftClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (left side)
                clipViewOnTheLeft(bound, w, left);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
    //Right views starting from the current position
    if (mCurrentPage < countMinusOne) {
        for (int i = mCurrentPage + 1; i < count; i++) {
            Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
            //If right side is outside the screen
            if (bound.right > rightClip) {
                int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                //Try to clip to the screen (right side)
                clipViewOnTheRight(bound, w, right);
                //Except if there's an intersection with the left view
                Rect leftBound = bounds.get(i - 1);
                if (bound.left - mTitlePadding < leftBound.right) {
                    bound.left = (int) (leftBound.right + mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;

    //Now draw views
    int colorTextAlpha = mColorText >>> 24;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        //Get the title
        Rect bound = bounds.get(i);
        //Only if one side is visible
        if ((bound.left > left && bound.left < right) || (bound.right > left && bound.right < right)) {
            final boolean currentPage = (i == page);
            final CharSequence pageTitle = getTitle(i);

            //Only set bold if we are within bounds
            mPaintText.setFakeBoldText(currentPage && currentBold && mBoldText);

            //Draw text as unselected

            if (mScrollState != ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
            if (currentPage && currentSelected && mScrollState != ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
                //Fade out/in unselected text as the selected text fades in/out
                mPaintText.setAlpha(colorTextAlpha - (int) (colorTextAlpha * selectedPercent));

            //Except if there's an intersection with the right view
            if (i < boundsSize - 1) {
                Rect rightBound = bounds.get(i + 1);
                if (bound.right + mTitlePadding > rightBound.left) {
                    int w = bound.right - bound.left;
                    bound.left = (int) (rightBound.left - w - mTitlePadding);
                    bound.right = bound.left + w;
            canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

            //If we are within the selected bounds draw the selected text
            if (currentPage && currentSelected) {
                //mScrollState != ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE
                if (mScrollState != ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
                    mPaintText.setAlpha((int) ((mColorSelected >>> 24) * selectedPercent));
                canvas.drawText(pageTitle, 0, pageTitle.length(), bound.left, bound.bottom + mTopPadding,

    //If we want the line on the top change height to zero and invert the line height to trick the drawing code
    float footerLineHeight = mFooterLineHeight;
    float footerIndicatorLineHeight = mFooterIndicatorHeight;
    if (mLinePosition == LinePosition.Top) {
        height = 0;
        footerLineHeight = -footerLineHeight;
        footerIndicatorLineHeight = -footerIndicatorLineHeight;

    //Draw the footer line
    mPath.moveTo(0, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);
    mPath.lineTo(width, height - footerLineHeight / 2f);

    if (mScrollState != ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterLine);

    float heightMinusLine = height - footerLineHeight;
    switch (mFooterIndicatorStyle) {
    case Triangle:
        mPath.moveTo(halfWidth, heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth + footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(halfWidth - footerIndicatorLineHeight, heightMinusLine);
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

    case Underline:
        if (!currentSelected || page >= boundsSize) {

        Rect underlineBounds = bounds.get(page);
        final float rightPlusPadding = underlineBounds.right + mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float leftMinusPadding = underlineBounds.left - mFooterIndicatorUnderlinePadding;
        final float heightMinusLineMinusIndicator = heightMinusLine - footerIndicatorLineHeight;

        mPath.moveTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLine);
        mPath.lineTo(rightPlusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);
        mPath.lineTo(leftMinusPadding, heightMinusLineMinusIndicator);

        if (mScrollState != ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {
            mPaintFooterIndicator.setAlpha((int) (0xFF * selectedPercent));
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaintFooterIndicator);

        if (mScrollState != ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {



From source file:org.onebusaway.android.map.googlemapsv2.StopOverlay.java

 * Creates a bus stop icon with the given direction arrow, or without a direction arrow if
 * the direction is NO_DIRECTION/*  w w  w  . j  av  a 2  s.co m*/
 * @param direction Bus stop direction, obtained from ObaStop.getDirection() and defined in
 *                  constants in this class, or NO_DIRECTION if the stop icon shouldn't have a
 *                  direction arrow
 * @return a bus stop icon bitmap with the arrow pointing the given direction, or with no arrow
 * if direction is NO_DIRECTION
private static Bitmap createBusStopIcon(String direction) throws NullPointerException {
    if (direction == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(direction);

    Resources r = Application.get().getResources();
    Context context = Application.get();

    Float directionAngle = null; // 0-360 degrees
    Bitmap bm;
    Canvas c;
    Drawable shape;
    Float rotationX = null, rotationY = null; // Point around which to rotate the arrow

    Paint arrowPaintFill = new Paint();

    if (direction.equals(NO_DIRECTION)) {
        // Don't draw the arrow
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH)) {
        directionAngle = 0f;
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, (int) mBuffer, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth() / 2, 0, bm.getWidth() / 2, mArrowHeightPx,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // For NORTH, no rotation occurs - use center of image anyway so we have some value
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH_WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 315f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 315 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, (int) mBuffer, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, 0, mBuffer, mBuffer, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f - mBuffer / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 0f; // Arrow is drawn pointing West, so no rotation
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, 0, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, bm.getHeight() / 2, mArrowHeightPx, bm.getHeight() / 2,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // For WEST
        rotationX = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH_WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 225f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 225 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, 0, bm.getWidth(), mPx);
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, bm.getHeight(), mBuffer, bm.getHeight() - mBuffer,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f - mBuffer / 4f;
        rotationY = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 4f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH)) {
        directionAngle = 180f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 180 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, bm.getWidth(), (int) (bm.getHeight() - mBuffer));
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth() / 2, bm.getHeight(), bm.getWidth() / 2,
                bm.getHeight() - mArrowHeightPx, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH_EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 135f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 135 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, mPx, mPx);
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight(), bm.getWidth() - mBuffer,
                bm.getHeight() - mBuffer, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent),
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = (mPx + mBuffer / 2) / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 180f; // Arrow is drawn pointing West, so rotate 180
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight() / 2,
                bm.getWidth() - mArrowHeightPx, bm.getHeight() / 2, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH_EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 45f; // Arrow is drawn pointing N, so rotate 45 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, (int) mBuffer, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), 0, bm.getWidth() - mBuffer, mBuffer,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around middle of circle
        rotationX = (float) mPx / 2;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() - (float) mPx / 2;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(direction);


    if (direction.equals(NO_DIRECTION)) {
        // Everything after this point is for drawing the arrow image, so return the bitmap as-is for no arrow
        return bm;

     * Draw the arrow - all dimensions should be relative to px so the arrow is drawn the same
     * size for all orientations
    // Height of the cutout in the bottom of the triangle that makes it an arrow (0=triangle)
    final float CUTOUT_HEIGHT = mPx / 12;
    Path path = new Path();
    float x1 = 0, y1 = 0; // Tip of arrow
    float x2 = 0, y2 = 0; // lower left
    float x3 = 0, y3 = 0; // cutout in arrow bottom
    float x4 = 0, y4 = 0; // lower right

    if (direction.equals(NORTH) || direction.equals(SOUTH) || direction.equals(NORTH_EAST)
            || direction.equals(SOUTH_EAST) || direction.equals(NORTH_WEST) || direction.equals(SOUTH_WEST)) {
        // Arrow is drawn pointing NORTH
        // Tip of arrow
        x1 = mPx / 2;
        y1 = 0;

        // lower left
        x2 = (mPx / 2) - (mArrowWidthPx / 2);
        y2 = mArrowHeightPx;

        // cutout in arrow bottom
        x3 = mPx / 2;
        y3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT;

        // lower right
        x4 = (mPx / 2) + (mArrowWidthPx / 2);
        y4 = mArrowHeightPx;
    } else if (direction.equals(EAST) || direction.equals(WEST)) {
        // Arrow is drawn pointing WEST
        // Tip of arrow
        x1 = 0;
        y1 = mPx / 2;

        // lower left
        x2 = mArrowHeightPx;
        y2 = (mPx / 2) - (mArrowWidthPx / 2);

        // cutout in arrow bottom
        x3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT;
        y3 = mPx / 2;

        // lower right
        x4 = mArrowHeightPx;
        y4 = (mPx / 2) + (mArrowWidthPx / 2);

    path.moveTo(x1, y1);
    path.lineTo(x2, y2);
    path.lineTo(x3, y3);
    path.lineTo(x4, y4);
    path.lineTo(x1, y1);

    // Rotate arrow around (rotationX, rotationY) point
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.postRotate(directionAngle, rotationX, rotationY);

    c.drawPath(path, arrowPaintFill);
    c.drawPath(path, mArrowPaintStroke);

    return bm;

From source file:com.jjoe64.graphview.series.LineGraphSeries.java

 * plots the series// ww w  .j  av a2  s  . c o  m
 * draws the line and the background
 * @param graphView graphview
 * @param canvas canvas
 * @param isSecondScale flag if it is the second scale
public void draw(GraphView graphView, Canvas canvas, boolean isSecondScale) {

    // get data
    double maxX = graphView.getViewport().getMaxX(false);
    double minX = graphView.getViewport().getMinX(false);

    double maxY;
    double minY;
    if (isSecondScale) {
        maxY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMaxY(false);
        minY = graphView.getSecondScale().getMinY(false);
    } else {
        maxY = graphView.getViewport().getMaxY(false);
        minY = graphView.getViewport().getMinY(false);

    Iterator<E> values = getValues(minX, maxX);

    // draw background
    double lastEndY = 0;
    double lastEndX = 0;

    // draw data

    Paint paint;
    if (mCustomPaint != null) {
        paint = mCustomPaint;
    } else {
        paint = mPaint;


    if (mStyles.drawBackground) {

    double diffY = maxY - minY;
    double diffX = maxX - minX;

    float graphHeight = graphView.getGraphContentHeight();
    float graphWidth = graphView.getGraphContentWidth();
    float graphLeft = graphView.getGraphContentLeft();
    float graphTop = graphView.getGraphContentTop();

    lastEndY = 0;
    lastEndX = 0;

    // needed to end the path for background
    double lastUsedEndX = 0;
    double lastUsedEndY = 0;
    float firstX = -1;
    float firstY = -1;
    float lastRenderedX = Float.NaN;
    int i = 0;
    float lastAnimationReferenceX = graphLeft;

    boolean sameXSkip = false;
    float minYOnSameX = 0f;
    float maxYOnSameX = 0f;

    while (values.hasNext()) {
        E value = values.next();

        double valY = value.getY() - minY;
        double ratY = valY / diffY;
        double y = graphHeight * ratY;

        double valueX = value.getX();
        double valX = valueX - minX;
        double ratX = valX / diffX;
        double x = graphWidth * ratX;

        double orgX = x;
        double orgY = y;

        if (i > 0) {
            // overdraw
            boolean isOverdrawY = false;
            boolean isOverdrawEndPoint = false;
            boolean skipDraw = false;

            if (x > graphWidth) { // end right
                double b = ((graphWidth - lastEndX) * (y - lastEndY) / (x - lastEndX));
                y = lastEndY + b;
                x = graphWidth;
                isOverdrawEndPoint = true;
            if (y < 0) { // end bottom
                // skip when previous and this point is out of bound
                if (lastEndY < 0) {
                    skipDraw = true;
                } else {
                    double b = ((0 - lastEndY) * (x - lastEndX) / (y - lastEndY));
                    x = lastEndX + b;
                y = 0;
                isOverdrawY = isOverdrawEndPoint = true;
            if (y > graphHeight) { // end top
                // skip when previous and this point is out of bound
                if (lastEndY > graphHeight) {
                    skipDraw = true;
                } else {
                    double b = ((graphHeight - lastEndY) * (x - lastEndX) / (y - lastEndY));
                    x = lastEndX + b;
                y = graphHeight;
                isOverdrawY = isOverdrawEndPoint = true;
            if (lastEndX < 0) { // start left
                double b = ((0 - x) * (y - lastEndY) / (lastEndX - x));
                lastEndY = y - b;
                lastEndX = 0;

            // we need to save the X before it will be corrected when overdraw y
            float orgStartX = (float) lastEndX + (graphLeft + 1);

            if (lastEndY < 0) { // start bottom
                if (!skipDraw) {
                    double b = ((0 - y) * (x - lastEndX) / (lastEndY - y));
                    lastEndX = x - b;
                lastEndY = 0;
                isOverdrawY = true;
            if (lastEndY > graphHeight) { // start top
                // skip when previous and this point is out of bound
                if (!skipDraw) {
                    double b = ((graphHeight - y) * (x - lastEndX) / (lastEndY - y));
                    lastEndX = x - b;
                lastEndY = graphHeight;
                isOverdrawY = true;

            float startX = (float) lastEndX + (graphLeft + 1);
            float startY = (float) (graphTop - lastEndY) + graphHeight;
            float endX = (float) x + (graphLeft + 1);
            float endY = (float) (graphTop - y) + graphHeight;
            float startXAnimated = startX;
            float endXAnimated = endX;

            if (endX < startX) {
                // dont draw from right to left
                skipDraw = true;

            // NaN can happen when previous and current value is out of y bounds
            if (!skipDraw && !Float.isNaN(startY) && !Float.isNaN(endY)) {
                // animation
                if (mAnimated) {
                    if ((Double.isNaN(mLastAnimatedValue) || mLastAnimatedValue < valueX)) {
                        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (mAnimationStart == 0) {
                            // start animation
                            mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                            mAnimationStartFrameNo = 0;
                        } else {
                            // anti-lag: wait a few frames
                            if (mAnimationStartFrameNo < 15) {
                                // second time
                                mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                        float timeFactor = (float) (currentTime - mAnimationStart) / ANIMATION_DURATION;
                        float factor = mAnimationInterpolator.getInterpolation(timeFactor);
                        if (timeFactor <= 1.0) {
                            startXAnimated = (startX - lastAnimationReferenceX) * factor
                                    + lastAnimationReferenceX;
                            startXAnimated = Math.max(startXAnimated, lastAnimationReferenceX);
                            endXAnimated = (endX - lastAnimationReferenceX) * factor + lastAnimationReferenceX;
                        } else {
                            // animation finished
                            mLastAnimatedValue = valueX;
                    } else {
                        lastAnimationReferenceX = endX;

                // draw data point
                if (!isOverdrawEndPoint) {
                    if (mStyles.drawDataPoints) {
                        // draw first datapoint
                        Paint.Style prevStyle = paint.getStyle();
                        canvas.drawCircle(endXAnimated, endY, mStyles.dataPointsRadius, paint);
                    registerDataPoint(endX, endY, value);

                if (mDrawAsPath) {
                    mPath.moveTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                // performance opt.
                if (Float.isNaN(lastRenderedX) || Math.abs(endX - lastRenderedX) > .3f) {
                    if (mDrawAsPath) {
                        mPath.lineTo(endXAnimated, endY);
                    } else {
                        // render vertical lines that were skipped
                        if (sameXSkip) {
                            sameXSkip = false;
                                    new float[] { lastRenderedX, minYOnSameX, lastRenderedX, maxYOnSameX },
                        renderLine(canvas, new float[] { startXAnimated, startY, endXAnimated, endY }, paint);
                    lastRenderedX = endX;
                } else {
                    // rendering on same x position
                    // save min+max y position and render it as line
                    if (sameXSkip) {
                        minYOnSameX = Math.min(minYOnSameX, endY);
                        maxYOnSameX = Math.max(maxYOnSameX, endY);
                    } else {
                        // first
                        sameXSkip = true;
                        minYOnSameX = Math.min(startY, endY);
                        maxYOnSameX = Math.max(startY, endY);


            if (mStyles.drawBackground) {
                if (isOverdrawY) {
                    // start draw original x
                    if (firstX == -1) {
                        firstX = orgStartX;
                        firstY = startY;
                        mPathBackground.moveTo(orgStartX, startY);
                    // from original start to new start
                    mPathBackground.lineTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                if (firstX == -1) {
                    firstX = startXAnimated;
                    firstY = startY;
                    mPathBackground.moveTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                mPathBackground.lineTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                mPathBackground.lineTo(endXAnimated, endY);

            lastUsedEndX = endXAnimated;
            lastUsedEndY = endY;
        } else if (mStyles.drawDataPoints) {
            //fix: last value not drawn as datapoint. Draw first point here, and then on every step the end values (above)
            float first_X = (float) x + (graphLeft + 1);
            float first_Y = (float) (graphTop - y) + graphHeight;

            if (first_X >= graphLeft && first_Y <= (graphTop + graphHeight)) {
                if (mAnimated && (Double.isNaN(mLastAnimatedValue) || mLastAnimatedValue < valueX)) {
                    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (mAnimationStart == 0) {
                        // start animation
                        mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                    float timeFactor = (float) (currentTime - mAnimationStart) / ANIMATION_DURATION;
                    float factor = mAnimationInterpolator.getInterpolation(timeFactor);
                    if (timeFactor <= 1.0) {
                        first_X = (first_X - lastAnimationReferenceX) * factor + lastAnimationReferenceX;
                    } else {
                        // animation finished
                        mLastAnimatedValue = valueX;

                Paint.Style prevStyle = paint.getStyle();
                canvas.drawCircle(first_X, first_Y, mStyles.dataPointsRadius, paint);
        lastEndY = orgY;
        lastEndX = orgX;

    if (mDrawAsPath) {
        // draw at the end
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, paint);

    if (mStyles.drawBackground && firstX != -1) {
        // end / close path
        if (lastUsedEndY != graphHeight + graphTop) {
            // dont draw line to same point, otherwise the path is completely broken
            mPathBackground.lineTo((float) lastUsedEndX, graphHeight + graphTop);
        mPathBackground.lineTo(firstX, graphHeight + graphTop);
        if (firstY != graphHeight + graphTop) {
            // dont draw line to same point, otherwise the path is completely broken
            mPathBackground.lineTo(firstX, firstY);
        canvas.drawPath(mPathBackground, mPaintBackground);

From source file:p5e610.graphview.series.LineGraphSeries.java

 * plots the series/*from   ww w  .  j  a  v  a2  s .  c  o  m*/
 * draws the line and the background
 * @param graphView graphview
 * @param canvas canvas
 * @param isSecondScale flag if it is the second scale
public void draw(GraphView graphView, Canvas canvas, boolean isSecondScale) {

    // get data
    double maxY = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    double maxX = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    double minY = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double minX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

    boolean minXSet = graphView.getViewport().getMinX(false) != null;
    boolean maxXSet = graphView.getViewport().getMaxX(false) != null;
    boolean minYSet = graphView.getViewport().getMinY(false) != null;
    boolean maxYSet = graphView.getViewport().getMaxY(false) != null;

    if (minXSet)
        minX = graphView.getViewport().getMinX(false);
    if (maxXSet) {
        maxX = graphView.getViewport().getMaxX(false);
    if (minYSet) {
        minY = graphView.getViewport().getMinY(false);
    if (maxYSet) {
        maxY = graphView.getViewport().getMaxY(false);

    for (E val : mData) {
        double currX = val.getX();
        double currY = val.getY();

        if (currX > maxX && !maxXSet)
            maxX = currX;
        if (currY > maxY && !maxYSet)
            maxY = currY;
        if (currX < minX && !minXSet)
            minX = currX;
        if (currY < minY && !minYSet)
            minY = currY;

    Iterator<E> values = getValues(minX, maxX);

    // draw background
    double lastEndY = 0;
    double lastEndX = 0;

    // draw data

    Paint paint;
    if (mCustomPaint != null) {
        paint = mCustomPaint;
    } else {
        paint = mPaint;


    if (mStyles.drawBackground) {

    double diffY = maxY - minY;
    double diffX = maxX - minX;

    float graphHeight = graphView.getGraphContentHeight();
    float graphWidth = graphView.getGraphContentWidth();
    float graphLeft = graphView.getGraphContentLeft();
    float graphTop = graphView.getGraphContentTop();

    lastEndY = 0;
    lastEndX = 0;

    // needed to end the path for background
    double lastUsedEndX = 0;
    double lastUsedEndY = 0;
    float firstX = -1;
    float firstY = -1;
    float lastRenderedX = Float.NaN;
    int i = 0;
    float lastAnimationReferenceX = graphLeft;

    boolean sameXSkip = false;
    float minYOnSameX = 0f;
    float maxYOnSameX = 0f;

    while (values.hasNext()) {
        E value = values.next();

        double valY = value.getY() - minY;
        double ratY = valY / diffY;
        double y = graphHeight * ratY;

        double valueX = value.getX();
        double valX = valueX - minX;
        double ratX = valX / diffX;
        double x = graphWidth * ratX;

        double orgX = x;
        double orgY = y;

        if (i > 0) {
            // overdraw
            boolean isOverdrawY = false;
            boolean isOverdrawEndPoint = false;
            boolean skipDraw = false;

            if (x > graphWidth) { // end right
                double b = ((graphWidth - lastEndX) * (y - lastEndY) / (x - lastEndX));
                y = lastEndY + b;
                x = graphWidth;
                isOverdrawEndPoint = true;
            if (y < 0) { // end bottom
                // skip when previous and this point is out of bound
                if (lastEndY < 0) {
                    skipDraw = true;
                } else {
                    double b = ((0 - lastEndY) * (x - lastEndX) / (y - lastEndY));
                    x = lastEndX + b;
                y = 0;
                isOverdrawY = isOverdrawEndPoint = true;
            if (y > graphHeight) { // end top
                // skip when previous and this point is out of bound
                if (lastEndY > graphHeight) {
                    skipDraw = true;
                } else {
                    double b = ((graphHeight - lastEndY) * (x - lastEndX) / (y - lastEndY));
                    x = lastEndX + b;
                y = graphHeight;
                isOverdrawY = isOverdrawEndPoint = true;
            if (lastEndX < 0) { // start left
                double b = ((0 - x) * (y - lastEndY) / (lastEndX - x));
                lastEndY = y - b;
                lastEndX = 0;

            // we need to save the X before it will be corrected when overdraw y
            float orgStartX = (float) lastEndX + (graphLeft + 1);

            if (lastEndY < 0) { // start bottom
                if (!skipDraw) {
                    double b = ((0 - y) * (x - lastEndX) / (lastEndY - y));
                    lastEndX = x - b;
                lastEndY = 0;
                isOverdrawY = true;
            if (lastEndY > graphHeight) { // start top
                // skip when previous and this point is out of bound
                if (!skipDraw) {
                    double b = ((graphHeight - y) * (x - lastEndX) / (lastEndY - y));
                    lastEndX = x - b;
                lastEndY = graphHeight;
                isOverdrawY = true;

            float startX = (float) lastEndX + (graphLeft + 1);
            float startY = (float) (graphTop - lastEndY) + graphHeight;
            float endX = (float) x + (graphLeft + 1);
            float endY = (float) (graphTop - y) + graphHeight;
            float startXAnimated = startX;
            float endXAnimated = endX;

            //                if (endX < startX) {
            //                    // dont draw from right to left
            //                    skipDraw = true;
            //                }

            // NaN can happen when previous and current value is out of y bounds
            if (!skipDraw && !Float.isNaN(startY) && !Float.isNaN(endY)) {
                // animation
                if (mAnimated) {
                    if ((Double.isNaN(mLastAnimatedValue) || mLastAnimatedValue < valueX)) {
                        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (mAnimationStart == 0) {
                            // start animation
                            mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                            mAnimationStartFrameNo = 0;
                        } else {
                            // anti-lag: wait a few frames
                            if (mAnimationStartFrameNo < 15) {
                                // second time
                                mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                        float timeFactor = (float) (currentTime - mAnimationStart) / ANIMATION_DURATION;
                        float factor = mAnimationInterpolator.getInterpolation(timeFactor);
                        if (timeFactor <= 1.0) {
                            startXAnimated = (startX - lastAnimationReferenceX) * factor
                                    + lastAnimationReferenceX;
                            startXAnimated = Math.max(startXAnimated, lastAnimationReferenceX);
                            endXAnimated = (endX - lastAnimationReferenceX) * factor + lastAnimationReferenceX;
                        } else {
                            // animation finished
                            mLastAnimatedValue = valueX;
                    } else {
                        lastAnimationReferenceX = endX;

                // draw data point
                if (!isOverdrawEndPoint) {
                    if (mStyles.drawDataPoints) {
                        // draw first datapoint
                        Paint.Style prevStyle = paint.getStyle();
                        canvas.drawCircle(endXAnimated, endY, mStyles.dataPointsRadius, paint);
                    registerDataPoint(endX, endY, value);

                if (mDrawAsPath) {
                    mPath.moveTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                // performance opt.
                if (Float.isNaN(lastRenderedX) || Math.abs(endX - lastRenderedX) > .3f) {
                    if (mDrawAsPath) {
                        mPath.lineTo(endXAnimated, endY);
                    } else {
                        // render vertical lines that were skipped
                        if (sameXSkip) {
                            sameXSkip = false;
                                    new float[] { lastRenderedX, minYOnSameX, lastRenderedX, maxYOnSameX },
                        renderLine(canvas, new float[] { startXAnimated, startY, endXAnimated, endY }, paint);
                    lastRenderedX = endX;
                } else {
                    // rendering on same x position
                    // save min+max y position and render it as line
                    if (sameXSkip) {
                        minYOnSameX = Math.min(minYOnSameX, endY);
                        maxYOnSameX = Math.max(maxYOnSameX, endY);
                    } else {
                        // first
                        sameXSkip = true;
                        minYOnSameX = Math.min(startY, endY);
                        maxYOnSameX = Math.max(startY, endY);


            if (mStyles.drawBackground) {
                if (isOverdrawY) {
                    // start draw original x
                    if (firstX == -1) {
                        firstX = orgStartX;
                        firstY = startY;
                        mPathBackground.moveTo(orgStartX, startY);
                    // from original start to new start
                    mPathBackground.lineTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                if (firstX == -1) {
                    firstX = startXAnimated;
                    firstY = startY;
                    mPathBackground.moveTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                mPathBackground.lineTo(startXAnimated, startY);
                mPathBackground.lineTo(endXAnimated, endY);

            lastUsedEndX = endXAnimated;
            lastUsedEndY = endY;
        } else if (mStyles.drawDataPoints) {
            //fix: last value not drawn as datapoint. Draw first point here, and then on every step the end values (above)
            float first_X = (float) x + (graphLeft + 1);
            float first_Y = (float) (graphTop - y) + graphHeight;

            if (first_X >= graphLeft && first_Y <= (graphTop + graphHeight)) {
                if (mAnimated && (Double.isNaN(mLastAnimatedValue) || mLastAnimatedValue < valueX)) {
                    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (mAnimationStart == 0) {
                        // start animation
                        mAnimationStart = currentTime;
                    float timeFactor = (float) (currentTime - mAnimationStart) / ANIMATION_DURATION;
                    float factor = mAnimationInterpolator.getInterpolation(timeFactor);
                    if (timeFactor <= 1.0) {
                        first_X = (first_X - lastAnimationReferenceX) * factor + lastAnimationReferenceX;
                    } else {
                        // animation finished
                        mLastAnimatedValue = valueX;

                Paint.Style prevStyle = paint.getStyle();
                canvas.drawCircle(first_X, first_Y, mStyles.dataPointsRadius, paint);
        lastEndY = orgY;
        lastEndX = orgX;

    if (mDrawAsPath) {
        // draw at the end
        canvas.drawPath(mPath, paint);

    if (mStyles.drawBackground && firstX != -1) {
        // end / close path
        if (lastUsedEndY != graphHeight + graphTop) {
            // dont draw line to same point, otherwise the path is completely broken
            mPathBackground.lineTo((float) lastUsedEndX, graphHeight + graphTop);
        mPathBackground.lineTo(firstX, graphHeight + graphTop);
        if (firstY != graphHeight + graphTop) {
            // dont draw line to same point, otherwise the path is completely broken
            mPathBackground.lineTo(firstX, firstY);
        canvas.drawPath(mPathBackground, mPaintBackground);