Example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawRect

List of usage examples for android.graphics Canvas drawRect


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawRect.


public void drawRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) 

Source Link


Draw the specified Rect using the specified paint.


From source file:com.example.SmartBoard.DrawingView.java

public void onDrawRectangle(Canvas canvas) {
    Paint paint = drawPaint;/*  w  ww  . j a  v  a 2 s .  c  om*/
    if (points[3] == null) //point4 null when user did not touch and move on screen.
    int left, top, right, bottom;
    left = points[0].x;
    top = points[0].y;
    right = points[0].x;
    bottom = points[0].y;
    for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
        left = left > points[i].x ? points[i].x : left;
        top = top > points[i].y ? points[i].y : top;
        right = right < points[i].x ? points[i].x : right;
        bottom = bottom < points[i].y ? points[i].y : bottom;

    //draw stroke
    // paint.setColor(Color.parseColor("#AADB1255"));

    if (finished) {

        Rect rect = new Rect(left + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2,
                top + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2, right + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2,
                bottom + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2);

        JSONObject objectProperties = new JSONObject();
        String key = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        try {
            objectProperties.put("type", "Rectangle");
            objectProperties.put("clientId", client.getClientId());
            objectProperties.put("id", key);
            objectProperties.put("color", drawPaint.getColor());
            objectProperties.put("size", 5);
            objectProperties.put("dimens", rect.flattenToString());

        } catch (JSONException e) {


        objectDrawables.put(key, objectProperties);

        //reset to start drawing again
        points = new Point[4];

    //temporary canvas drawing on resize mode
    canvas.drawRect(left + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2, top + colorballs.get(0).getWidthOfBall() / 2,
            right + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2, bottom + colorballs.get(2).getWidthOfBall() / 2,

    //draw the corners
    BitmapDrawable bitmap = new BitmapDrawable();
    // draw the balls on the canvas

    for (int i = 0; i < colorballs.size(); i++) {
        ColorBall ball = colorballs.get(i);
        canvas.drawBitmap(ball.getBitmap(), ball.getX(), ball.getY(), paint);
        //  System.out.println("RectMode");

        canvas.drawText("" + (i + 1), ball.getX(), ball.getY(), paint);

From source file:com.android.mail.browse.ConversationItemView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (mCoordinates == null) {
        LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "null coordinates in ConversationItemView#onDraw");
        return;//from  www. j ava2s.c o m


    // Contact photo
    if (mGadgetMode == ConversationItemViewCoordinates.GADGET_CONTACT_PHOTO) {
        Utils.traceBeginSection("draw senders image");

    // Senders.
    boolean isUnread = mHeader.unread;
    // Old style senders; apply text colors/ sizes/ styling.
    if (mHeader.sendersDisplayLayout != null) {
        canvas.translate(mSendersX, mCoordinates.sendersY + mHeader.sendersDisplayLayout.getTopPadding());
    } else {

    // Subject.


    // Folders.
    if (mConfig.areFoldersVisible()) {
        mHeader.folderDisplayer.drawFolders(canvas, mCoordinates, ViewUtils.isViewRtl(this));

    // If this folder has a color (combined view/Email), show it here
    if (mConfig.isColorBlockVisible()) {
        canvas.drawRect(mCoordinates.colorBlockX, mCoordinates.colorBlockY,
                mCoordinates.colorBlockX + mCoordinates.colorBlockWidth,
                mCoordinates.colorBlockY + mCoordinates.colorBlockHeight, sFoldersPaint);

    // Draw the reply state. Draw nothing if neither replied nor forwarded.
    if (mConfig.isReplyStateVisible()) {
        if (mHeader.hasBeenRepliedTo && mHeader.hasBeenForwarded) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_REPLIED_AND_FORWARDED, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY,
        } else if (mHeader.hasBeenRepliedTo) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_REPLIED, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY, null);
        } else if (mHeader.hasBeenForwarded) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_FORWARDED, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY, null);
        } else if (mHeader.isInvite) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_CALENDAR_INVITE, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY, null);

    if (mConfig.isPersonalIndicatorVisible()) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mHeader.personalLevelBitmap, mCoordinates.personalIndicatorX,
                mCoordinates.personalIndicatorY, null);

    // Info icon
    if (mHeader.infoIcon != null) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mHeader.infoIcon, mInfoIconX, mCoordinates.infoIconY, sPaint);

    // Date.
    sPaint.setTypeface(isUnread ? SANS_SERIF_BOLD : SANS_SERIF_LIGHT);
    sPaint.setColor(isUnread ? sDateTextColorUnread : sDateTextColorRead);
    drawText(canvas, mHeader.dateText, mDateX, mCoordinates.dateYBaseline, sPaint);

    // Paper clip icon.
    if (mHeader.paperclip != null) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mHeader.paperclip, mPaperclipX, mCoordinates.paperclipY, sPaint);

    // Star.
    if (mStarEnabled) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(getStarBitmap(), mCoordinates.starX, mCoordinates.starY, sPaint);

    // Divider.
    if (mDividerEnabled) {
        final int dividerBottomY = getHeight();
        final int dividerTopY = dividerBottomY - sDividerHeight;
        canvas.drawRect(0, dividerTopY, getWidth(), dividerBottomY, sDividerPaint);

    // The focused bar
    final SwipeableListView listView = getListView();
    if (listView != null && listView.isConversationSelected(getConversation())) {
        final int w = FOCUSED_CONVERSATION_HIGHLIGHT.getIntrinsicWidth();
        final boolean isRtl = ViewUtils.isViewRtl(this);
        // This bar is on the right side of the conv list if it's RTL
        FOCUSED_CONVERSATION_HIGHLIGHT.setBounds((isRtl) ? getWidth() - w : 0, 0, (isRtl) ? getWidth() : w,


From source file:com.huangj.huangjlibrary.widget.drawerlayout.DrawerLayout.java

protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
    final int height = getHeight();
    final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child);
    int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth();

    final int restoreCount = canvas.save();
    if (drawingContent) {
        final int childCount = getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            final View v = getChildAt(i);
            if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v)
                    || v.getHeight() < height) {
            }/* w  w  w.  j a v a 2 s .  co  m*/

            if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) {
                final int vright = v.getRight();
                if (vright > clipLeft)
                    clipLeft = vright;
            } else {
                final int vleft = v.getLeft();
                if (vleft < clipRight)
                    clipRight = vleft;
        canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight());
    final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime);

    if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) {
        final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24;
        final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity);
        final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff);

        canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint);
    } else if (mShadowLeftResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.LEFT)) {
        final int shadowWidth = mShadowLeftResolved.getIntrinsicWidth();
        final int childRight = child.getRight();
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mLeftDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childRight / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowLeftResolved.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom());
        mShadowLeftResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    } else if (mShadowRightResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.RIGHT)) {
        final int shadowWidth = mShadowRightResolved.getIntrinsicWidth();
        final int childLeft = child.getLeft();
        final int showing = getWidth() - childLeft;
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mRightDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowRightResolved.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom());
        mShadowRightResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    return result;

From source file:android.support.design.widget.CoordinatorLayout.java

protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
    final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
    if (lp.mBehavior != null) {
        final float scrimAlpha = lp.mBehavior.getScrimOpacity(this, child);
        if (scrimAlpha > 0f) {
            if (mScrimPaint == null) {
                mScrimPaint = new Paint();
            }/* w  ww . ja  v  a 2s  .  c  o  m*/
            mScrimPaint.setColor(lp.mBehavior.getScrimColor(this, child));
            mScrimPaint.setAlpha(MathUtils.constrain(Math.round(255 * scrimAlpha), 0, 255));

            final int saved = canvas.save();
            if (child.isOpaque()) {
                // If the child is opaque, there is no need to draw behind it so we'll inverse
                // clip the canvas
                canvas.clipRect(child.getLeft(), child.getTop(), child.getRight(), child.getBottom(),
            // Now draw the rectangle for the scrim
            canvas.drawRect(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), getWidth() - getPaddingRight(),
                    getHeight() - getPaddingBottom(), mScrimPaint);
    return super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime);

From source file:com.jecelyin.editor.v2.widget.AnyDrawerLayout.java

protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
    final int height = getHeight();
    final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child);
    int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth();
    int clipTop = 0;

    final int restoreCount = canvas.save();
    if (drawingContent) {
        final int childCount = getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            final View v = getChildAt(i);
            if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v)
                    || v.getHeight() < height) {
            }//w  w w .j a va  2  s . c  om

            if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.TOP)) {
                final int vbottom = v.getBottom();
                if (vbottom > clipTop)
                    clipTop = vbottom;
            } else if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) {
                final int vright = v.getRight();
                if (vright > clipLeft)
                    clipLeft = vright;
            } else {
                final int vleft = v.getLeft();
                if (vleft < clipRight)
                    clipRight = vleft;
        canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, clipTop, clipRight, getHeight());
    final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime);

    if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) {
        final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24;
        final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity);
        final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff);

        canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint);
    } else if (mShadowLeftResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.LEFT)) {
        final int shadowWidth = mShadowLeftResolved.getIntrinsicWidth();
        final int childRight = child.getRight();
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mLeftDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childRight / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowLeftResolved.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom());
        mShadowLeftResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    } else if (mShadowRightResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.RIGHT)) {
        final int shadowWidth = mShadowRightResolved.getIntrinsicWidth();
        final int childLeft = child.getLeft();
        final int showing = getWidth() - childLeft;
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mRightDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowRightResolved.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom());
        mShadowRightResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    } else if (mShadowBottomResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.BOTTOM)) {
        final int shadowHeight = mShadowBottomResolved.getIntrinsicHeight();
        final int showing = getHeight() - child.getTop();
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mRightDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowBottomResolved.setBounds(child.getLeft(), child.getTop() - shadowHeight, child.getRight(),
        mShadowBottomResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    return result;

From source file:com.zyk.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout.java

protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, View child, long drawingTime) {
    final int height = getHeight();
    final boolean drawingContent = isContentView(child);
    int clipLeft = 0, clipRight = getWidth();

    final int restoreCount = canvas.save();
    if (drawingContent) {
        final int childCount = getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            final View v = getChildAt(i);
            if (v == child || v.getVisibility() != VISIBLE || !hasOpaqueBackground(v) || !isDrawerView(v)
                    || v.getHeight() < height) {
            }/*from   w  w w. ja v a  2  s.co  m*/

            if (checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(v, Gravity.LEFT)) {
                final int vright = v.getRight();
                if (vright > clipLeft)
                    clipLeft = vright;
            } else {
                final int vleft = v.getLeft();
                if (vleft < clipRight)
                    clipRight = vleft;
        canvas.clipRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight());
    final boolean result = super.drawChild(canvas, child, drawingTime);

    if (mScrimOpacity > 0 && drawingContent) {
        final int baseAlpha = (mScrimColor & 0xff000000) >>> 24;
        final int imag = (int) (baseAlpha * mScrimOpacity);
        final int color = imag << 24 | (mScrimColor & 0xffffff);
        canvas.drawRect(clipLeft, 0, clipRight, getHeight(), mScrimPaint);
    } else if (mShadowLeftResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.LEFT)) {
        final int shadowWidth = mShadowLeftResolved.getIntrinsicWidth();
        final int childRight = child.getRight();
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mLeftDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childRight / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowLeftResolved.setBounds(childRight, child.getTop(), childRight + shadowWidth, child.getBottom());
        mShadowLeftResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    } else if (mShadowTopResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.TOP)) {
        final int shadowHeight = mShadowTopResolved.getIntrinsicHeight();
        final int childBottom = child.getBottom();
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mTopDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) childBottom / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowTopResolved.setBounds(child.getLeft(), childBottom, child.getRight(),
                childBottom + shadowHeight);
        mShadowTopResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    } else if (mShadowRightResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.RIGHT)) {
        final int shadowWidth = mShadowRightResolved.getIntrinsicWidth();
        final int childLeft = child.getLeft();
        final int showing = getWidth() - childLeft;
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mRightDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowRightResolved.setBounds(childLeft - shadowWidth, child.getTop(), childLeft, child.getBottom());
        mShadowRightResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    } else if (mShadowBottomResolved != null && checkDrawerViewAbsoluteGravity(child, Gravity.BOTTOM)) {
        final int shadowHeight = mShadowBottomResolved.getIntrinsicHeight();
        final int childTop = child.getTop();
        final int showing = getWidth() - childTop;
        final int drawerPeekDistance = mBottomDragger.getEdgeSize();
        final float alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min((float) showing / drawerPeekDistance, 1.f));
        mShadowRightResolved.setBounds(child.getLeft(), childTop - shadowHeight, child.getRight(), childTop);
        mShadowRightResolved.setAlpha((int) (0xff * alpha));
    return result;

From source file:com.tct.mail.browse.ConversationItemView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    // TS: jin.dongjin 2015-06-23 EMAIL BUGFIX_1015610 MOD_S
    if (mCoordinates == null) {
        LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "null coordinates in ConversationItemView#onDraw");
        return;//from ww w . j ava2s.co  m
    // TS: jin.dongjin 2015-06-23 EMAIL BUGFIX_1015610 MOD_E


    // Contact photo
    if (mGadgetMode == ConversationItemViewCoordinates.GADGET_CONTACT_PHOTO) {
        Utils.traceBeginSection("draw senders image");

    //TS: yanhua.chen 2015-9-2 EMAIL CR_ID MOD_S
    // Subject.
    boolean isUnread = mHeader.unread;
    // Old style subject; apply text colors/ sizes/ styling.
    if (mHeader.subjectDisplayLayout != null) {
        // [FEATURE]-ADD-BEGIN by TSNJ,zhujian.shao,10/23/2014,FR-736411(porting from FR622697)
        canvas.translate(mSubjectWidth - mPriorityX,
                mCoordinates.subjectY + mHeader.subjectDisplayLayout.getTopPadding());
        // [FEATURE]-ADD-END by TSNJ,zhujian.shao,10/23/2014,FR-736411
    } else {

    // Sender.
    //TS: yanhua.chen 2015-9-2 EMAIL CR_ID MOD_E


    // Folders.
    if (mConfig.areFoldersVisible()) {
        mHeader.folderDisplayer.drawFolders(canvas, mCoordinates, ViewUtils.isViewRtl(this));

    // If this folder has a color (combined view/Email), show it here
    if (mConfig.isColorBlockVisible()) {
        canvas.drawRect(mCoordinates.colorBlockX, mCoordinates.colorBlockY,
                mCoordinates.colorBlockX + mCoordinates.colorBlockWidth,
                mCoordinates.colorBlockY + mCoordinates.colorBlockHeight, sFoldersPaint);

    // Draw the reply state. Draw nothing if neither replied nor forwarded.
    if (mConfig.isReplyStateVisible()) {
        if (mHeader.hasBeenRepliedTo && mHeader.hasBeenForwarded) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_REPLIED_AND_FORWARDED, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY,
        } else if (mHeader.hasBeenRepliedTo) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_REPLIED, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY, null);
        } else if (mHeader.hasBeenForwarded) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_FORWARDED, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY, null);
        } else if (mHeader.isInvite) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(STATE_CALENDAR_INVITE, mCoordinates.replyStateX, mCoordinates.replyStateY, null);

    if (mConfig.isPersonalIndicatorVisible()) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mHeader.personalLevelBitmap, mCoordinates.personalIndicatorX,
                mCoordinates.personalIndicatorY, null);

    // Info icon
    if (mHeader.infoIcon != null) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mHeader.infoIcon, mInfoIconX, mCoordinates.infoIconY, sPaint);

    // Date.
    sPaint.setTypeface(isUnread ? Typeface.SANS_SERIF : SANS_SERIF_LIGHT);
    sPaint.setColor(isUnread ? sDateTextColorUnread : sDateTextColorRead);
    drawText(canvas, mHeader.dateText, mDateX, mCoordinates.dateYBaseline, sPaint);
    //TS: yanhua.chen 2015-6-19 EMAIL BUGFIX_305581 MOD_S
    //TS: wenggangjin 2015-01-27 EMAIL BUGFIX_-888881 MOD_S
    //TS: wenggangjin 2015-01-15 EMAIL BUGFIX_886241 MOD_S
    //        if (mHeader.conversation.hasAttachments && !mDisplayedFolder.isSearch()) {
    if (mHeader.conversation.hasAttachments) {
        mHeader.paperclip = ATTACHMENT;
    } else {
        mHeader.paperclip = null;
    //TS: wenggangjin 2015-01-15 EMAIL BUGFIX_886241 MOD_E
    //TS: wenggangjin 2015-01-27 EMAIL BUGFIX_-888881 MOD_S
    //TS: yanhua.chen 2015-6-19 EMAIL BUGFIX_305581 MOD_E
    // Paper clip icon.
    if (mHeader.paperclip != null) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mHeader.paperclip, mPaperclipX, mCoordinates.paperclipY, sPaint);

    //[FEATURE]-Add-BEGIN by TSCD.chao zhang,04/17/2014,FR 631895(porting from FR514398)
    //priority icon
    Bitmap sPrio = sNormalPriorityIcon;
    mPriority = mHeader.conversation.flagPriority;
    if (mPriority == HIGH_PRIORITY) {
        sPrio = sHighPriorityIcon;
    } else if (mPriority == LOW_PRIORITY) {
        sPrio = sLowPriorityIcon;
    // TS: zhaotianyong 2014-12-15 EMAIL BUGFIX_859814 ADD_S
    sPrio = resizeBitMap(sPrio, 0.6f, 0.6f);
    // TS: zhaotianyong 2014-12-15 EMAIL BUGFIX_859814 ADD_E
    canvas.drawBitmap(sPrio, mPriorityX, mCoordinates.paperclipY, null);

    //[FEATURE]-Add-END by TSCD.chao zhang

    if (mStarEnabled) {
        // Star.
        canvas.drawBitmap(getStarBitmap(), mCoordinates.starX, mCoordinates.starY, sPaint);

    // right-side edge effect when in tablet conversation mode and the list is not collapsed
    if (Utils.getDisplayListRightEdgeEffect(mTabletDevice, mListCollapsible, mConfig.getViewMode())) {
        final boolean isRtl = ViewUtils.isViewRtl(this);
        RIGHT_EDGE_TABLET.setBounds((isRtl) ? 0 : getWidth() - RIGHT_EDGE_TABLET.getIntrinsicWidth(), 0,
                (isRtl) ? RIGHT_EDGE_TABLET.getIntrinsicWidth() : getWidth(), getHeight());

        if (isActivated()) {
            final int w = VISIBLE_CONVERSATION_HIGHLIGHT.getIntrinsicWidth();
            VISIBLE_CONVERSATION_HIGHLIGHT.setBounds((isRtl) ? getWidth() - w : 0, 0, (isRtl) ? getWidth() : w,
    //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 MOD_S
    if (mWillDrawDivider) {
        // draw the inset divider
        final int dividerBottomY = getHeight();
        final int dividerTopY = dividerBottomY - sDividerHeight;
        // AM: Kexue.Geng 2015-02-28 EMAIL BUGFIX_900927 MOD_S
        // canvas.drawRect(sDividerInset, dividerTopY, getWidth(), dividerBottomY, sDividerPaint);
        canvas.drawRect(mGadgetMode == ConversationItemViewCoordinates.GADGET_NONE ? 0 : sDividerInset,
                dividerTopY, getWidth(), dividerBottomY, sDividerPaint);
        // AM: Kexue.Geng 2015-02-28 EMAIL BUGFIX_900927 MOD_E
    //TS: zheng.zou 2015-09-01 EMAIL BUGFIX_539892 MOD_E
    // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL FEATURE-585337 ADD_S
    //draw the status
    // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL FEATURE-585337 ADD_E

From source file:com.ruesga.timelinechart.TimelineChartView.java

private void drawBarItems(Canvas c, LongSparseArray<Pair<double[], int[]>> data, double maxValue) {

    final float halfItemBarWidth = mBarItemWidth / 2;
    final float height = mGraphArea.height();
    final Paint[] seriesBgPaint;
    final Paint[] highlightSeriesBgPaint;
    synchronized (mLock) {
        seriesBgPaint = mSeriesBgPaint;//  w w  w  . j  a  v a 2s.c o m
        highlightSeriesBgPaint = mHighlightSeriesBgPaint;

    // Apply zoom animation
    final float zoom = mCurrentZoom;
    final float cx = mGraphArea.left + (mGraphArea.width() / 2);
    int restoreCount = 0;
    if (zoom != 1.f) {
        restoreCount = c.save();
        c.scale(zoom, zoom, cx, mGraphArea.bottom);

    final int size = data.size() - 1;
    for (int i = mItemsOnScreen[1]; i >= mItemsOnScreen[0]; i--) {
        final float x = cx + mCurrentOffset - (mBarWidth * (size - i));
        float bw = mBarItemWidth / mSeries;
        double[] values = data.valueAt(i).first;
        int[] indexes = data.valueAt(i).second;

        float y1, y2 = height;
        float x1 = x - halfItemBarWidth, x2 = x + halfItemBarWidth;
        if (mGraphMode != GRAPH_MODE_BARS_STACK) {
            int count = values.length - 1;
            for (int j = count, n = 0; j >= 0; j--, n++) {
                y2 = height;
                final Paint paint;
                if (mGraphMode == GRAPH_MODE_BARS_SIDE_BY_SIDE) {
                    y1 = (float) (height - ((height * ((values[n] * 100) / maxValue)) / 100));
                    x1 = x - halfItemBarWidth + (bw * n);
                    x2 = x1 + bw;
                    paint = (x - halfItemBarWidth) < cx && (x + halfItemBarWidth) > cx
                            && (mLastTimestamp == mCurrentTimestamp || (mState != STATE_SCROLLING))
                                    ? highlightSeriesBgPaint[indexes[n]]
                                    : seriesBgPaint[indexes[n]];
                } else {
                    y1 = (float) (height - ((height * ((values[j] * 100) / maxValue)) / 100));
                    paint = x1 < cx && x2 > cx
                            && (mLastTimestamp == mCurrentTimestamp || (mState != STATE_SCROLLING))
                                    ? highlightSeriesBgPaint[indexes[j]]
                                    : seriesBgPaint[indexes[j]];

                c.drawRect(x1, mGraphArea.top + y1, x2, mGraphArea.top + y2, paint);
        } else {
            int count = values.length;
            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                float h = (float) ((height * ((values[j] * 100) / maxValue)) / 100);
                y1 = y2 - h;

                final Paint paint = x1 < cx && x2 > cx
                        && (mLastTimestamp == mCurrentTimestamp || (mState != STATE_SCROLLING))
                                ? highlightSeriesBgPaint[indexes[j]]
                                : seriesBgPaint[indexes[j]];
                c.drawRect(x1, mGraphArea.top + y1, x2, mGraphArea.top + y2, paint);
                y2 -= h;

    // Restore from zoom
    if (zoom != 1.f) {

From source file:net.droidsolutions.droidcharts.core.renderer.AbstractCategoryItemRenderer.java

 * Draws a marker for the range axis./*w w w. j a v  a2s. co m*/
 * @param g2
 *            the graphics device (not <code>null</code>).
 * @param plot
 *            the plot (not <code>null</code>).
 * @param axis
 *            the range axis (not <code>null</code>).
 * @param marker
 *            the marker to be drawn (not <code>null</code>).
 * @param dataArea
 *            the area inside the axes (not <code>null</code>).
 * @see #drawDomainMarker(Graphics2D, CategoryPlot, CategoryAxis,
 *      CategoryMarker, Rectangle2D)
public void drawRangeMarker(Canvas g2, CategoryPlot plot, ValueAxis axis, Marker marker, Rectangle2D dataArea) {

    if (marker instanceof ValueMarker) {
        ValueMarker vm = (ValueMarker) marker;
        double value = vm.getValue();
        Range range = axis.getRange();

        if (!range.contains(value)) {

        PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
        double v = axis.valueToJava2D(value, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
        Line2D line = null;
        if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
            line = new Line2D.Double(v, dataArea.getMinY(), v, dataArea.getMaxY());
        } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
            line = new Line2D.Double(dataArea.getMinX(), v, dataArea.getMaxX(), v);

        Paint p = marker.getPaint();
        g2.drawLine((float) line.getX1(), (float) line.getY1(), (float) line.getX2(), (float) line.getY2(), p);

        String label = marker.getLabel();
        RectangleAnchor anchor = marker.getLabelAnchor();
        if (label != null) {
            Font labelFont = marker.getLabelFont();
            // g2.setFont(labelFont);

            Point2D coordinates = calculateRangeMarkerTextAnchorPoint(g2, orientation, dataArea,
                    line.getBounds2D(), marker.getLabelOffset(), LengthAdjustmentType.EXPAND, anchor);
            TextUtilities.drawAlignedString(label, g2, (float) coordinates.getX(), (float) coordinates.getY(),
                    marker.getLabelTextAnchor(), marker.getLabelPaint());
        // g2.setComposite(savedComposite);
    } else if (marker instanceof IntervalMarker) {
        IntervalMarker im = (IntervalMarker) marker;
        double start = im.getStartValue();
        double end = im.getEndValue();
        Range range = axis.getRange();
        if (!(range.intersects(start, end))) {

        double start2d = axis.valueToJava2D(start, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
        double end2d = axis.valueToJava2D(end, dataArea, plot.getRangeAxisEdge());
        double low = Math.min(start2d, end2d);
        double high = Math.max(start2d, end2d);

        PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
        Rectangle2D rect = null;
        if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
            // clip left and right bounds to data area
            low = Math.max(low, dataArea.getMinX());
            high = Math.min(high, dataArea.getMaxX());
            rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(low, dataArea.getMinY(), high - low, dataArea.getHeight());
        } else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
            // clip top and bottom bounds to data area
            low = Math.max(low, dataArea.getMinY());
            high = Math.min(high, dataArea.getMaxY());
            rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(dataArea.getMinX(), low, dataArea.getWidth(), high - low);
        Paint p = marker.getPaint();
        p.setAlpha((int) marker.getAlpha() * 100);// TODO ALPHA

        g2.drawRect((float) rect.getMinX(), (float) rect.getMinY(), (float) rect.getMaxX(),
                (float) rect.getMinY(), p);

        // now draw the outlines, if visible...
        if (im.getOutlinePaint() != null && im.getOutlineStroke() != 0.0f) {
            if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
                Line2D line = new Line2D.Double();
                double x0 = dataArea.getMinX();
                double x1 = dataArea.getMaxX();
                Paint paint = im.getOutlinePaint();

                if (range.contains(start)) {
                    line.setLine(x0, start2d, x1, start2d);
                    g2.drawLine((float) line.getX1(), (float) line.getY1(), (float) line.getX2(),
                            (float) line.getY2(), paint);
                if (range.contains(end)) {
                    line.setLine(x0, end2d, x1, end2d);
                    g2.drawLine((float) line.getX1(), (float) line.getY1(), (float) line.getX2(),
                            (float) line.getY2(), paint);
            } else { // PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL
                Line2D line = new Line2D.Double();
                double y0 = dataArea.getMinY();
                double y1 = dataArea.getMaxY();
                Paint paint = im.getOutlinePaint();
                if (range.contains(start)) {
                    line.setLine(start2d, y0, start2d, y1);
                    g2.drawLine((float) line.getX1(), (float) line.getY1(), (float) line.getX2(),
                            (float) line.getY2(), paint);
                if (range.contains(end)) {
                    line.setLine(end2d, y0, end2d, y1);
                    g2.drawLine((float) line.getX1(), (float) line.getY1(), (float) line.getX2(),
                            (float) line.getY2(), paint);

        String label = marker.getLabel();
        RectangleAnchor anchor = marker.getLabelAnchor();
        if (label != null) {
            Font labelFont = marker.getLabelFont();
            // g2.setFont(labelFont);
            Paint pp = marker.getLabelPaint();
            // g2.setPaint(marker.getLabelPaint());
            Point2D coordinates = calculateRangeMarkerTextAnchorPoint(g2, orientation, dataArea, rect,
                    marker.getLabelOffset(), marker.getLabelOffsetType(), anchor);
            TextUtilities.drawAlignedString(label, g2, (float) coordinates.getX(), (float) coordinates.getY(),
                    marker.getLabelTextAnchor(), pp);

From source file:de.hs_bremen.aurora_hunter.ui.views.PredictionGraphView.java

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (mPoints.size() == 0) {
        return;//from  w w w  . j a va  2  s .  c o m
    int yOffsetForLabels = 0;

    if (mMax * mScaleFactor > 0.8) {
        yOffsetForLabels = 15;
    Path path = new Path();
    int height = canvas.getHeight();
    int width = canvas.getWidth();

    for (Point point : mPoints) {
        point.x = point.percentageX * width + 60;
        // Log.i("mScaleFactor", " : " + mScaleFactor);
        //Log.i("percent", " : " + percent);

        point.y = (float) ((1 - point.percentageY * mScaleFactor) * height) + yOffsetForLabels * 3;

    if (mPoints.size() > 1) {
        //calcuate x/y based on size of canvas
        for (int i = 0; i < mPoints.size(); i++) {
            if (i >= 0) {
                Point point = mPoints.get(i);
                //  Log.i("dx",point.x + " - " + point.y );
                if (i == 0) {
                    Point next = mPoints.get(i + 1);
                    point.dx = ((next.x - point.x) / 5);
                    point.dy = ((next.y - point.y) / 5);
                } else if (i == mPoints.size() - 1) {
                    Point prev = mPoints.get(i - 1);
                    point.dx = ((point.x - prev.x) / 5);
                    point.dy = ((point.y - prev.y) / 5);
                } else {
                    Point next = mPoints.get(i + 1);
                    Point prev = mPoints.get(i - 1);
                    point.dx = ((next.x - prev.x) / 5);
                    point.dy = ((next.y - prev.y) / 5);

    if (mPoints.size() > 0) {
        path.moveTo(0, (float) (canvas.getHeight() * 0.8));
        path.lineTo(0, mPoints.get(0).y);

    boolean first = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < mPoints.size(); i++) {
        Point point = mPoints.get(i);
        if (first) {
            first = false;
            path.cubicTo(point.x - point.x * 2, point.y - point.y / 5, point.x - point.dx, point.y - point.dy,
                    point.x, point.y);
        } else {
            Point prev = mPoints.get(i - 1);
            //  Log.i("Draw", point.dx  + " " + point.dy);
            path.cubicTo(prev.x + prev.dx, prev.y + prev.dy, point.x - point.dx, point.y - point.dy, point.x,

    if (mPoints.size() > 0) {
        path.lineTo(width, mPoints.get(mPoints.size() - 1).y);
    path.lineTo(width, height);
    path.lineTo(0, height);

    canvas.drawPath(path, mGraphPaint);

    int detlaY = 30;

    for (Point p : mPoints) {

        int val = (int) Math.round(p.percentageY * 100);
        //if last element

        if (mPoints.indexOf(p) == mPoints.size() - 1) {
            //Log.i("last", p.toString());
            if (val == 0 || p.y > getHeight()) {
                canvas.drawText(val + "%", p.x - 150, getHeight() - detlaY, mTextPaint);
            } else {
                canvas.drawText(val + "%", p.x - 150, p.y - detlaY + yOffsetForLabels, mTextPaint);

        } else {
            if (val == 0 || p.y > getHeight()) {
                canvas.drawText(val + "%", p.x - 20, getHeight() - detlaY, mTextPaint);
            } else {
                canvas.drawText(val + "%", p.x - 20, p.y - detlaY + yOffsetForLabels, mTextPaint);

        //Log.i("point", p.toString());
    // Log.i("Lenght", mPoints.size() + " ");

    float levelStart = (float) (canvas.getHeight() - (mNotificationLevel * canvas.getHeight()));
    float lineHeight = DpToPixelUtil.convertDpToPixel(2, getContext());

    if (mViewMode == PredictionFragment.NOTIFICATION_MODE.SET_NOTIFICATION_LEVEL) {
        float leftOffset = 0;

            float arcHeight = DpToPixelUtil.convertDpToPixel(30, getContext());
            leftOffset = arcHeight;
            RectF rectF = new RectF(getWidth() - arcHeight, levelStart - arcHeight / 2, getWidth(),
                    levelStart + arcHeight / 2);
            canvas.drawArc(rectF, 0, 360, true, mNotificationLevelPaint);

        canvas.drawRect(0, levelStart, canvas.getWidth() - leftOffset, levelStart + lineHeight,

        canvas.drawRect(0, levelStart + lineHeight, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(),
        String text = Math.round(mNotificationLevel * 100) + "%";
        canvas.drawText(text, DpToPixelUtil.convertDpToPixel(10, getContext()),
                levelStart + DpToPixelUtil.convertDpToPixel(25, getContext()), mNotificationLevelTextPaint);
    } else {
        canvas.drawRect(0, levelStart, canvas.getWidth(), levelStart + lineHeight, mNotificationLevelPaint);
