Example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawRoundRect

List of usage examples for android.graphics Canvas drawRoundRect


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawRoundRect.


public void drawRoundRect(@NonNull RectF rect, float rx, float ry, @NonNull Paint paint) 

Source Link


Draw the specified round-rect using the specified paint.


From source file:com.ymt.demo1.customViews.widget.PagerSlidingTabStrip.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (isInEditMode() || tabCount == 0) {
        return;/* w  w  w  . j av  a 2s .  com*/

    final int height = getHeight();

    // draw indicator line


    // default: line below current tab
    View currentTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition);
    float lineLeft = currentTab.getLeft();
    float lineRight = currentTab.getRight();

    // if there is an offset, start interpolating left and right coordinates between current and next tab
    if (currentPositionOffset > 0f && currentPosition < tabCount - 1) {

        View nextTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition + 1);
        final float nextTabLeft = nextTab.getLeft();
        final float nextTabRight = nextTab.getRight();

        lineLeft = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabLeft + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineLeft);
        lineRight = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabRight + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineRight);

    RectF rectF = new RectF(lineLeft + 28, 28, lineRight - 28, height - 28);
    canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, 45, 45, rectPaint);

    // draw underline

    canvas.drawRect(0, height - underlineHeight, tabsContainer.getWidth(), height, rectPaint);

    // draw divider

    for (int i = 0; i < tabCount - 1; i++) {
        View tab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(i);
        canvas.drawLine(tab.getRight(), dividerPadding, tab.getRight(), height - dividerPadding, dividerPaint);

From source file:org.getlantern.firetweet.view.ShapedImageView.java

private void drawBorder(@NonNull final Canvas canvas, @NonNull final RectF dest) {
    if (mBorderColors == null)
        return;//ww  w  .  ja  v a2  s .  co m
    final RectF transitionSrc = mTransitionSource, transitionDst = mTransitionDestination;
    final float strokeWidth;
    if (transitionSrc != null && transitionDst != null) {
        final float progress = 1
                - (dest.width() - transitionDst.width()) / (transitionSrc.width() - transitionDst.width());
        strokeWidth = mStrokeWidth * progress;
        mBorderPaint.setAlpha(Math.round(mBorderAlpha * progress));
        ViewCompat.setTranslationZ(this, -ViewCompat.getElevation(this) * (1 - progress));
    } else {
        strokeWidth = mStrokeWidth;
        ViewCompat.setTranslationZ(this, 0);
    if (getStyle() == SHAPE_CIRCLE) {
        final float circleRadius = Math.min(dest.width(), dest.height()) / 2f - strokeWidth / 2;
        canvas.drawCircle(dest.centerX(), dest.centerY(), circleRadius, mBorderPaint);
    } else {
        final float radius = getCalculatedCornerRadius();
        final float inset = mStrokeWidth / 2;
        dest.inset(inset, inset);
        canvas.drawRoundRect(dest, radius, radius, mBorderPaint);
        dest.inset(-inset, -inset);

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.view.ColorPickerView.java

private void drawHuePanel(final Canvas canvas) {

    final RectF rect = mHueRect;

    if (BORDER_WIDTH_PX > 0) {
        canvas.drawRect(rect.left - BORDER_WIDTH_PX, rect.top - BORDER_WIDTH_PX, rect.right + BORDER_WIDTH_PX,
                rect.bottom + BORDER_WIDTH_PX, mBorderPaint);
    }//from   ww w.ja  va 2 s. c  o m

    if (mHueShader == null) {
        mHueShader = new LinearGradient(rect.left, rect.top, rect.left, rect.bottom, buildHueColorArray(), null,

    canvas.drawRect(rect, mHuePaint);

    final float rectHeight = 4 * mDensity / 2;

    final Point p = hueToPoint(mHue);

    final RectF r = new RectF();
    r.left = rect.left - RECTANGLE_TRACKER_OFFSET;
    r.right = rect.right + RECTANGLE_TRACKER_OFFSET;
    r.top = p.y - rectHeight;
    r.bottom = p.y + rectHeight;

    canvas.drawRoundRect(r, 2, 2, mHueTrackerPaint);


From source file:com.camnter.easyrecyclerviewsidebar.EasyRecyclerViewSidebar.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int viewWidth = this.getWidth();
    int viewHeight = this.getHeight();
    int viewHalfWidth = viewWidth / 2;
    this.sectionHeight = viewHeight / MAX_SECTION_COUNT;
    boolean isPreviousImage = false;
    boolean isPreviousLetter = false;
    float allSectionHeight;
    if (this.sections.size() > 0) {
        allSectionHeight = this.sectionHeight * this.sections.size();
        this.drawBeginY = (viewHeight - allSectionHeight) / 2;
        this.drawEndY = this.drawBeginY + allSectionHeight;
        float top = viewHeight / 2 - allSectionHeight / 2 + this.sectionHeight / 2 - this.sectionFontSize / 2;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.sections.size(); i++) {
            EasySection section = this.sections.get(i);
            if (section instanceof EasyImageSection) {
                EasyImageSection imageSection = (EasyImageSection) section;
                if (isPreviousLetter) {
                    top -= this.letterSize - (Math.max(this.letterHeight, this.sectionHeight)
                            - Math.min(this.letterHeight, this.sectionHeight));
                }//w w  w  .  j a v  a 2  s . co  m
                canvas.translate(viewHalfWidth - this.letterSize / 2, top + this.sectionHeight * i);
                Paint imagePaint = this.imagePaints.get(imageSection.hashCode());
                switch (imageSection.imageType) {
                case EasyImageSection.ROUND: {
                    canvas.drawRoundRect(this.imageSectionRect, this.imageSectionBorderRadius,
                            this.imageSectionBorderRadius, imagePaint);
                case EasyImageSection.CIRCLE: {
                    canvas.drawRoundRect(this.imageSectionRect, this.imageSectionCircleBorderRadius,
                            this.imageSectionCircleBorderRadius, imagePaint);
                isPreviousImage = true;
                isPreviousLetter = false;
            } else {
                if (isPreviousImage) {
                    top = top + this.letterSize;
                canvas.drawText(section.letter, viewHalfWidth, top + this.sectionHeight * i, this.letterPaint);
                isPreviousImage = false;
                isPreviousLetter = true;
    } else {
        this.sectionHeight = 0;

From source file:com.gm.common.ui.widget.pageindicator.PageIndicatorView.java

private void drawWithWormAnimation(@NonNull Canvas canvas, int x, int y) {
    int radius = radiusPx;

    if (orientation == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        rect.left = frameFrom;// w  ww.  j  ava  2 s. co  m
        rect.right = frameTo;
        rect.top = y - radius;
        rect.bottom = y + radius;

    } else {
        rect.left = x - radiusPx;
        rect.right = x + radiusPx;
        rect.top = frameFrom;
        rect.bottom = frameTo;

    canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, fillPaint);

    canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, radiusPx, radiusPx, fillPaint);

From source file:com.gm.common.ui.widget.pageindicator.PageIndicatorView.java

private void drawWithThinWormAnimation(@NonNull Canvas canvas, int x, int y) {
    int radius = radiusPx;

    if (orientation == Orientation.HORIZONTAL) {
        rect.left = frameFrom;//from w w  w  .j av a 2s.c  o  m
        rect.right = frameTo;
        rect.top = y - (frameHeight / 2);
        rect.bottom = y + (frameHeight / 2);

    } else {
        rect.left = x - (frameHeight / 2);
        rect.right = x + (frameHeight / 2);
        rect.top = frameFrom;
        rect.bottom = frameTo;

    canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, fillPaint);

    canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, radiusPx, radiusPx, fillPaint);

From source file:org.smart.library.widget.SlideSwitch.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int radius = backRect.height() / 2 - RIM_SIZE;
    if (shape == SHAPE_RECT) {
        paint.setAlpha(255 - alpha);/*from ww  w  .j a v  a2 s . co  m*/
        if (bitmap_off_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_off_theme, backRect.left, backRect.top, paint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawRect(backRect, paint);
        if (bitmap_on_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_on_theme, backRect.left, backRect.top, paint);
        } else
            canvas.drawRect(backRect, paint);

        drawText(canvas, radius);
        frontRect.set(frontRect_left, RIM_SIZE, frontRect_left + getMeasuredWidth() / 2 - RIM_SIZE,
                getMeasuredHeight() - RIM_SIZE);
        paint.setColor(isOpen ? circle_on_color : circle_off_color);
        if (isOpen && circle_on_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_on_bitmap, frontRect.left + space, frontRect.top + space, paint);
        else if (!isOpen && circle_off_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_off_bitmap, frontRect.left + space, frontRect.top + space, paint);
            canvas.drawRect(frontRect, paint);
    } else {
        // draw circle
        paint.setAlpha(255 - alpha);
        if (bitmap_off_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_off_theme, backCircleRect.left, backCircleRect.top, paint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawRoundRect(backCircleRect, radius, radius, paint);

        if (bitmap_on_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_on_theme, backCircleRect.left, backCircleRect.top, paint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawRoundRect(backCircleRect, radius, radius, paint);

        drawText(canvas, radius);

        frontRect.set(frontRect_left, RIM_SIZE, frontRect_left + backRect.height() - 2 * RIM_SIZE,
                backRect.height() - RIM_SIZE);
        paint.setColor(isOpen ? circle_on_color : circle_off_color);
        if (isOpen && circle_on_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_on_bitmap, frontCircleRect.left + space, frontCircleRect.top + space,
        else if (!isOpen && circle_off_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_off_bitmap, frontCircleRect.left + space, frontCircleRect.top + space,
            canvas.drawRoundRect(frontCircleRect, radius, radius, paint);

From source file:org.smart.library.widget.SlideSwitch.java

 * ???//from   w  w w .  j a v  a  2  s.  co  m
 * @param canvas
protected void onDrawDisenable(Canvas canvas) {
    int radius = backRect.height() / 2 - RIM_SIZE;
    if (shape == SHAPE_RECT) {
        if (bitmap_off_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_off_theme, backRect.left, backRect.top, paint);
        } else {
            paint.setColor(ImageUtils.colorBurn(color_off_theme, 0.1f));
            canvas.drawRect(backRect, paint);
        paint.setColor(ImageUtils.colorBurn(color_on_theme, 0.1f));
        if (bitmap_on_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_on_theme, backRect.left, backRect.top, paint);
        } else
            canvas.drawRect(backRect, paint);

        drawText(canvas, radius);
        frontRect.set(frontRect_left, RIM_SIZE, frontRect_left + getMeasuredWidth() / 2 - RIM_SIZE,
                getMeasuredHeight() - RIM_SIZE);
        paint.setColor(ImageUtils.colorBurn(isOpen ? circle_on_color : circle_off_color, 0.1f));
        if (isOpen && circle_on_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_on_bitmap, frontRect.left + space, frontRect.top + space, paint);
        else if (!isOpen && circle_off_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_off_bitmap, frontRect.left + space, frontRect.top + space, paint);
            canvas.drawRect(frontRect, paint);
    } else {
        // draw circle
        if (bitmap_off_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_off_theme, backCircleRect.left, backCircleRect.top, paint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawRoundRect(backCircleRect, radius, radius, paint);

        paint.setColor(ImageUtils.colorBurn(color_on_theme, 0.1f));
        if (bitmap_on_theme != null) {
            canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap_on_theme, backCircleRect.left, backCircleRect.top, paint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawRoundRect(backCircleRect, radius, radius, paint);

        drawText(canvas, radius);

        frontRect.set(frontRect_left, RIM_SIZE, frontRect_left + backRect.height() - 2 * RIM_SIZE,
                backRect.height() - RIM_SIZE);
        paint.setColor(ImageUtils.colorBurn(isOpen ? circle_on_color : circle_off_color, 0.1f));
        if (isOpen && circle_on_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_on_bitmap, frontCircleRect.left + space, frontCircleRect.top + space,
        else if (!isOpen && circle_off_bitmap != null)
            canvas.drawBitmap(circle_off_bitmap, frontCircleRect.left + space, frontCircleRect.top + space,
            canvas.drawRoundRect(frontCircleRect, radius, radius, paint);

From source file:de.vanita5.twittnuker.view.ColorPickerView.java

private void drawAlphaPanel(final Canvas canvas) {

    if (!mShowAlphaPanel || mAlphaRect == null || mAlphaPattern == null)
        return;/*from   w w  w  .j a v  a 2 s . c om*/

    final RectF rect = mAlphaRect;

    if (BORDER_WIDTH_PX > 0) {
        canvas.drawRect(rect.left - BORDER_WIDTH_PX, rect.top - BORDER_WIDTH_PX, rect.right + BORDER_WIDTH_PX,
                rect.bottom + BORDER_WIDTH_PX, mBorderPaint);


    final float[] hsv = new float[] { mHue, mSat, mVal };
    final int color = Color.HSVToColor(hsv);
    final int acolor = Color.HSVToColor(0, hsv);

    mAlphaShader = new LinearGradient(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.top, color, acolor, TileMode.CLAMP);


    canvas.drawRect(rect, mAlphaPaint);

    if (mAlphaSliderText != null && mAlphaSliderText != "") {
        canvas.drawText(mAlphaSliderText, rect.centerX(), rect.centerY() + 4 * mDensity, mAlphaTextPaint);

    final float rectWidth = 4 * mDensity / 2;

    final Point p = alphaToPoint(mAlpha);

    final RectF r = new RectF();
    r.left = p.x - rectWidth;
    r.right = p.x + rectWidth;
    r.top = rect.top - RECTANGLE_TRACKER_OFFSET;
    r.bottom = rect.bottom + RECTANGLE_TRACKER_OFFSET;

    canvas.drawRoundRect(r, 2, 2, mHueTrackerPaint);


From source file:com.sflib.CustomView.baseview.RoundRecPagerSlidingTabStrip.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    if (isInEditMode() || tabCount == 0) {
        return;//from w ww.j ava 2s .  c om

    final int height = getHeight();

    // draw indicator line


    // default: line below current tab
    View currentTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition);
    float lineLeft = currentTab.getLeft();
    float lineRight = currentTab.getRight();

    // if there is an offset, doRefresh interpolating left and right coordinates between current and next tab
    if (currentPositionOffset > 0f && currentPosition < tabCount - 1) {

        View nextTab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(currentPosition + 1);
        final float nextTabLeft = nextTab.getLeft();
        final float nextTabRight = nextTab.getRight();

        lineLeft = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabLeft + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineLeft);
        lineRight = (currentPositionOffset * nextTabRight + (1f - currentPositionOffset) * lineRight);
    float indicator_top = getPaddingTop();
    float indicator_botom = currentTab.getHeight() + indicator_top;
    float indicator_left = lineLeft + getPaddingLeft();
    //        L.info(this,"indicator_left: "+indicator_left+" lineLeft: "+lineLeft+" padding: "+currentTab.getPaddingLeft()+" currentPositionOffset: "+currentPositionOffset);
    RectF indicatorRec = new RectF(indicator_left - indicatorLeftRightPadding + tabPadding,
            indicator_top - indicatorTopBottomPadding, lineRight + indicatorLeftRightPadding - tabPadding,
            indicator_botom + indicatorTopBottomPadding);
    canvas.drawRoundRect(indicatorRec, indicatorRectCorner, indicatorRectCorner, rectPaint);

    // draw underline
    RectF rect = new RectF(0, height - underlineHeight, tabsContainer.getWidth(), height);
    canvas.drawRect(rect, rectPaint);
    // draw divider

    for (int i = 0; i < tabCount - 1; i++) {
        View tab = tabsContainer.getChildAt(i);
        canvas.drawLine(tab.getRight(), dividerPadding, tab.getRight(), height - dividerPadding, dividerPaint);