Example usage for android.graphics.drawable Drawable subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.graphics.drawable Drawable subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics.drawable Drawable subclass-usage.


From source file com.example.qingunext.app.util.DrawableWrapper.java

 * Drawable which delegates all calls to it's wrapped {@link Drawable}.
 * <p>
 * The wrapped {@link Drawable} <em>must</em> be fully released from any {@link View}
 * before wrapping, otherwise internal {@link Drawable.Callback} may be dropped.

From source file android.support.car.ui.CircleBitmapDrawable.java

 * A drawable for displaying a circular bitmap. This is a wrapper over RoundedBitmapDrawable,
 * since that implementation doesn't behave quite as desired.
 * Note that not all drawable functionality is passed to the RoundedBitmapDrawable at this
 * time. Feel free to add more as necessary.

From source file com.tr4android.support.extension.drawable.ColorTransitionDrawable.java

 * A drawable that animates between two color values
public class ColorTransitionDrawable extends Drawable {
    private float mColorRatio;
    private int mColor;

From source file jp.tkgktyk.xposed.forcetouchdetector.app.util.fab.CircularBorderDrawable.java

 * A drawable which draws an oval 'border'.
class CircularBorderDrawable extends Drawable {


From source file net.yanzm.actionbarprogress.MaterialIndeterminateProgressDrawable.java

 * Drawable for indeterminate horizontal ProgressBar
public class MaterialIndeterminateProgressDrawable extends Drawable {

    private final int trackColor;

From source file com.zhibeifw.frameworks.drawable.DrawableWrapper.java

 * Base wrapper that delegates all calls to another {@link Drawable}. The wrapped {@link Drawable}
 * <em>must</em> be fully released from any {@link View} before wrapping, otherwise internal {@link
 * Drawable.Callback} may be dropped.
class DrawableWrapper extends Drawable implements Drawable.Callback {

From source file android.support.v7.graphics.drawable.DrawableWrapper.java

 * Drawable which delegates all calls to it's wrapped {@link Drawable}.
 * <p>
 * The wrapped {@link Drawable} <em>must</em> be fully released from any {@link View}
 * before wrapping, otherwise internal {@link Drawable.Callback} may be dropped.

From source file android.support.v7ox.graphics.drawable.DrawableWrapper.java

 * Drawable which delegates all calls to it's wrapped {@link Drawable}.
 * <p>
 * The wrapped {@link Drawable} <em>must</em> be fully released from any {@link View}
 * before wrapping, otherwise internal {@link Drawable.Callback} may be dropped.

From source file ticwear.design.widget.DrawableWrapper.java

 * Base wrapper that delegates all calls to another {@link Drawable}. The wrapped {@link Drawable}
 * <em>must</em> be fully released from any {@link View} before wrapping, otherwise internal {@link
 * Drawable.Callback} may be dropped.
class DrawableWrapper extends Drawable implements Drawable.Callback {

From source file org.telegram.ui.Components.CircularBorderDrawable.java

 * A drawable which draws an oval 'border'.
class CircularBorderDrawable extends Drawable {
