Example usage for android.graphics Paint setTypeface

List of usage examples for android.graphics Paint setTypeface


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Paint setTypeface.


public Typeface setTypeface(Typeface typeface) 

Source Link


Set or clear the typeface object.


From source file:de.tum.in.tumcampus.auxiliary.calendar.DayView.java

private void drawAmPm(Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
    p.setColor(mCalendarAmPmLabel);/*w  w w .ja  v a2  s .  com*/
    String text = mAmString;
    if (mFirstHour >= 12) {
        text = mPmString;
    int y = mFirstCell + mFirstHourOffset + 2 * mHoursTextHeight + HOUR_GAP;
    canvas.drawText(text, HOURS_LEFT_MARGIN, y, p);

    if (mFirstHour < 12 && mFirstHour + mNumHours > 12) {
        // Also draw the "PM"
        text = mPmString;
        y = mFirstCell + mFirstHourOffset + (12 - mFirstHour) * (mCellHeight + HOUR_GAP) + 2 * mHoursTextHeight
                + HOUR_GAP;
        canvas.drawText(text, HOURS_LEFT_MARGIN, y, p);

From source file:de.tum.in.tumcampus.auxiliary.calendar.DayView.java

private void drawDayHeader(String dayStr, int day, String dateNumStr, Canvas canvas, Paint p) {
    int x;/*from w  ww .j  av a  2  s.co m*/

    int todayIndex = mTodayJulianDay - mFirstJulianDay;
    // Draw day of the month
    if (mNumDays > 1) {

        // Draw day of the month
        x = computeDayLeftPosition(day + 1) - DAY_HEADER_RIGHT_MARGIN;

        p.setTypeface(todayIndex == day ? mBold : Typeface.DEFAULT);
        canvas.drawText(dateNumStr, x, y, p);

        // Draw day of the week
        x -= p.measureText(" " + dateNumStr);
        canvas.drawText(dayStr, x, y, p);
    } else {

        // Draw day of the week
        x = computeDayLeftPosition(day) + DAY_HEADER_ONE_DAY_LEFT_MARGIN;
        x = x + ((mCellWidth - mDateStrWidthLong) / 2);
        canvas.drawText(dayStr, x, y, p);

        // Draw day of the month
        x += p.measureText(dayStr) + DAY_HEADER_ONE_DAY_RIGHT_MARGIN;
        p.setTypeface(todayIndex == day ? mBold : Typeface.DEFAULT);
        canvas.drawText(dateNumStr, x, y, p);

From source file:com.cssweb.android.view.KlineView.java

public void drawQuoteWin(Canvas canvas, JSONObject quoteData, int idx) throws JSONException {
    Paint mPaint = new Paint();
    mPaint.setAntiAlias(true);//w w  w. ja v a  2 s.  c o  m

    canvas.drawText(":", 0, axisLabelHeight, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText(":", 0, axisLabelHeight * 3, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText(":", 0, axisLabelHeight * 5, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText(":", 0, axisLabelHeight * 7, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText(":", 0, axisLabelHeight * 9, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText(":", 0, axisLabelHeight * 11, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText("??:", 0, axisLabelHeight * 13, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText("??:", 0, axisLabelHeight * 15, mPaint);

    String qt = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getString(0);
    double jrkp = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(1);
    double zg = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(2);
    double zd = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(3);
    double sp = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(4);
    double preclose;
    if ("cf".equals(exchange) || "dc".equals(exchange) || "sf".equals(exchange) || "cz".equals(exchange)) {
        switch (idx) {
        case 0:
            preclose = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(7);
            preclose = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx - 1).getDouble(7);
        if (quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length() == 1) {
            preclose = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(0).getDouble(7);
    } else {
        switch (idx) {
        case 0:
            preclose = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(4);
            preclose = quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx - 1).getDouble(4);
        if (quoteData.getJSONArray("K").length() == 1) {
            preclose = quoteData.getDouble("zrsp");//quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(0).getDouble(4);
    mPaint.setColor(getcolor(jrkp, preclose));
    canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(jrkp, stockdigit), klineX, axisLabelHeight * 2, mPaint);
    mPaint.setColor(getcolor(zg, preclose));
    canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zg, stockdigit), klineX, axisLabelHeight * 4, mPaint);
    mPaint.setColor(getcolor(zd, preclose));
    canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zd, stockdigit), klineX, axisLabelHeight * 6, mPaint);
    mPaint.setColor(getcolor(sp, preclose));
    canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(sp, stockdigit), klineX, axisLabelHeight * 8, mPaint);
    double zhangdie = sp - preclose;
    if (zhangdie > 0)
    else if (zhangdie < 0)
    canvas.drawText(Utils.dataFormation(zhangdie, stockdigit), klineX, axisLabelHeight * 10, mPaint);
    //      if(quoteData.getString("period").equals("min5") || 
    //            quoteData.getString("period").equals("min15") ||
    //            quoteData.getString("period").equals("min30") ||
    //            quoteData.getString("period").equals("min60")){
    //         qt = qt.substring(4,6)+'/'+qt.substring(6,8)+' '+qt.substring(8);
    //      }else{
    //         qt = qt.substring(2,4)+qt.substring(4,6)+qt.substring(6,8);
    //      }
    qt = qt.substring(2, 4) + qt.substring(4, 6) + qt.substring(6, 8);
    canvas.drawText(qt, klineX, axisLabelHeight * 12, mPaint);

    canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(5), false),
            klineX, axisLabelHeight * 14, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText(Utils.getAmountFormat(quoteData.getJSONArray("K").getJSONArray(idx).getDouble(6), false),
            klineX, axisLabelHeight * 16, mPaint);

From source file:de.tum.in.tumcampus.auxiliary.calendar.DayView.java

private void init(Context context) {
    setFocusable(true);/* w ww .  j  ava2  s . co  m*/

    // Allow focus in touch mode so that we can do keyboard shortcuts
    // even after we've entered touch mode.

    mFirstDayOfWeek = Time.MONDAY;

    mCurrentTime = new Time(DayUtils.getTimeZone(context, mTZUpdater));
    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    mTodayJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(currentTime, mCurrentTime.gmtoff);


    int gridLineColor = 0xff707070;
    Paint p = mSelectionPaint;

    p = mPaint;

    // Long day names
    mDayStrsLong = new String[14];

    // Allocate space for 2 weeks worth of weekday names so that we can
    // easily start the week display at any week day.
    mDayStrs = new String[14];

    // Also create an array of 2-letter abbreviations.
    mDayStrs2Letter = new String[14];

    for (int i = Calendar.SUNDAY; i <= Calendar.SATURDAY; i++) {
        int index = i - Calendar.SUNDAY;

        mDayStrsLong[index] = DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(i, DateUtils.LENGTH_LONG).toUpperCase();
        mDayStrsLong[index + 7] = mDayStrsLong[index];
        // e.g. Tue for Tuesday
        mDayStrs[index] = DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(i, DateUtils.LENGTH_MEDIUM).toUpperCase();
        mDayStrs[index + 7] = mDayStrs[index];
        // e.g. Tu for Tuesday
        mDayStrs2Letter[index] = DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(i, DateUtils.LENGTH_SHORT).toUpperCase();

        // If we don't have 2-letter day strings, fall back to 1-letter.
        if (mDayStrs2Letter[index].equals(mDayStrs[index])) {
            mDayStrs2Letter[index] = DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(i, DateUtils.LENGTH_SHORTEST);

        mDayStrs2Letter[index + 7] = mDayStrs2Letter[index];

    // Figure out how much space we need for the 3-letter abbrev names
    // in the worst case.
    String[] dateStrs = { " 28", " 30" };
    mDateStrWidth = computeMaxStringWidth(0, dateStrs, p);
    Time time = new Time();
    String s = SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date(time.toMillis(false)));
    mDateStrWidthLong = computeMaxStringWidth(0, new String[] { s }, p);
    mDateStrWidth += computeMaxStringWidth(0, mDayStrs, p);
    mDateStrWidthLong += computeMaxStringWidth(0, mDayStrsLong, p);


    mAmString = DateUtils.getAMPMString(Calendar.AM).toUpperCase();
    mPmString = DateUtils.getAMPMString(Calendar.PM).toUpperCase();
    String[] ampm = { mAmString, mPmString };
    mHoursWidth = Math.max(HOURS_MARGIN, computeMaxStringWidth(mHoursWidth, ampm, p) + HOURS_RIGHT_MARGIN);
    mHoursWidth = Math.max(MIN_HOURS_WIDTH, mHoursWidth);

    LayoutInflater inflater;
    inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    Resources.Theme dialogTheme = getResources().newTheme();
    dialogTheme.applyStyle(android.R.style.Theme_Dialog, true);
    TypedArray ta = dialogTheme.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { android.R.attr.windowBackground });

    // Catch long clicks for creating a new event
    mBaseDate = new Time(DayUtils.getTimeZone(context, mTZUpdater));
    long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();

    mEarliestStartHour = new int[mNumDays];
    mHasAllDayEvent = new boolean[mNumDays];

    // mLines is the array of points used with Canvas.drawLines() in
    // drawGridBackground() and drawAllDayEvents().  Its size depends
    // on the max number of lines that can ever be drawn by any single
    // drawLines() call in either of those methods.
    final int maxGridLines = (24 + 1) // max horizontal lines we might draw
            + (mNumDays + 1); // max vertical lines we might draw
    mLines = new float[maxGridLines * 4];

From source file:com.semfapp.adamdilger.semf.Take5PdfDocument.java

public PdfDocument createDocument() {
    //create new document
    PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();

    // crate a page description
    PdfDocument.PageInfo pageInfo = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(A4_WIDTH, A4_HEIGHT, 1).create();

    // start a page
    PdfDocument.Page page = document.startPage(pageInfo);

    can = page.getCanvas();/* ww w  . ja  v  a2 s.  co  m*/
    Paint paint = new Paint();
    can.drawRect(1, 1, 594, 395, paint);

     * Page one Text Fields
    drawText("Job Reference:", 9, 21, FONT14, carlitoBold);
    drawText("Date:", 354, 21, FONT14, carlitoBold);
    drawText("Time:", 473, 21, FONT14, carlitoBold);
    drawText("Location:", 9, 48, FONT14, carlitoBold);
    drawText("Task:", 261, 48, FONT14, carlitoBold);

    paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 1.5f, 1 }, 0));
    can.drawLine(85, 36, 350, 36, paint);
    can.drawLine(386, 36, 468, 36, paint);
    can.drawLine(506, 36, 585, 36, paint);
    can.drawLine(59, 60, 256, 60, paint);
    can.drawLine(291, 60, 585, 60, paint);

    if (mEditTextValues[0] != null) {
        drawText(mEditTextValues[0], 98, 19, FONT14, roboto);
    if (mEditTextValues[1] != null) {
        drawText(mEditTextValues[1], 65, 44, FONT14, roboto);
    if (mEditTextValues[2] != null) {
        drawText(mEditTextValues[2], 297, 44, FONT14, roboto);
    drawText(mDateString, 390, 19, FONT14, roboto);
    drawText(mTimeString, 509, 19, FONT14, roboto);

     * Section One (Stop, step back...)
    drawHeader1(8, 69, 202, "Stop, step back and think", 1);
    int left, top;

    //draw left boxes
    left = 177;
    top = 108;
    for (int x = 0; x < mCheckBoxSectionOne.size(); x++) {
        Take5Data.CheckValue isYes = mCheckBoxSectionOne.get(x).getCheckValue();
        float topLoc = top + (x * 33);

        if (x < 1) { //allowing for different 1st row size
            drawBox(left, topLoc, paint, true, isYes);
        } else {
            float newTop = topLoc - 6;
            if (x < 3) {
                drawBox(left, newTop, paint, false, isYes);
            } else {
                drawBox(left, newTop, paint, true, isYes);

    DashPathEffect pathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 1, 1.5f }, 0);

    drawText(mCheckBoxSectionOne.get(0).getHeading(), 13, 113, FONT12, carlitoBold);

    for (int x = 1; x < mCheckBoxSectionOne.size(); x++) {
        int height = 132 + ((x - 1) * 33);
        drawText(mCheckBoxSectionOne.get(x).getHeading(), 13, height, FONT12, carlitoBold);
        can.drawLine(10, height - 6, 222, height - 6, paint);

     * Section Two (Identidy the Hazards...)
    drawHeader1(230, 69, 345, "Identify the hazard(s)", 2);

    //draw right boxes
    left = 542;
    top = 104;
    for (int x = 0; x < mCheckBoxSectionTwo.size(); x++) {
        float topLoc = top + (x * 20.7f);
        Take5Data.CheckValue isYes = mCheckBoxSectionTwo.get(x).getCheckValue();
        drawBox(left, topLoc, paint, false, isYes);

    for (int x = 0; x < mCheckBoxSectionTwo.size(); x++) {
        float height = 105 + (x * 20.7f);
        drawText(mCheckBoxSectionTwo.get(x).getHeading(), 238, height + 3, FONT12, carlitoBold);
        if (x > 0) {
            can.drawLine(238, height - 4, 581, height - 4, paint);

     * draw section 3,4,5 (including checkboxes)
    drawSmallCircle(8, 331, "Assess the level of risk", 3);
    drawSmallCircle(202, 331, "Control the hazards", 4);
    drawSmallCircle(398, 331, "Proceed safely", 5);

     * Draw Page Two
    int xLoc = 7;
    int yLoc = 420;
    int height;
    int width = 565;
    int RADIUS = 14;
    float INNER_RADIUS = 13;
    int centre = yLoc + 7 + RADIUS;
    width = xLoc + width;
    int middle = width - 340;
    can.drawRect(1, 420, 594, 420 + 395, paint);


    can.drawCircle(xLoc + RADIUS, centre, RADIUS, paint);
    can.drawRect(xLoc + RADIUS, centre - RADIUS, width, centre + RADIUS, paint);
    can.drawCircle(width, centre, RADIUS, paint);
    can.drawCircle(xLoc + RADIUS, centre, INNER_RADIUS, paint);
    can.drawCircle(width, centre, INNER_RADIUS, paint);
    can.drawRect(middle, centre - INNER_RADIUS, width, centre + INNER_RADIUS, paint);
    can.drawCircle(middle, centre, RADIUS, paint);

    can.drawText("SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS)", xLoc + 31, centre + 5, paint);
    can.drawText(String.valueOf(4), xLoc + RADIUS - 4, centre + 6, paint);

    height = 50;
    drawText("What are the hazards and risks?", 25, yLoc + height, FONT12, carlitoBold);
    drawText("Risk\nRating", 267, yLoc + 47, FONT12, carlitoBold);
    drawText("How will hazards and risks be controlled?", 319, yLoc + height, FONT12, carlitoBold);

    can.drawLine(262, yLoc + 45, 262, yLoc + 320, paint);
    can.drawLine(302, yLoc + 45, 302, yLoc + 320, paint);

    float currentItemHeight = yLoc + 75;
    float padding = 5;

    for (int x = 0; x < mRiskElements.size(); x++) {
        int textHeight = (int) currentItemHeight;
        float totalItemHeight = drawRiskElement(textHeight, mRiskElements.get(x));
        currentItemHeight += totalItemHeight + padding;

    height = yLoc + 350;
    drawText("Name/s:", 12, height, FONT12, carlitoBold);
    drawText(mEditTextValues[3], 55, height - 3, FONT14, roboto);
    can.drawLine(50, height + 12, 580, height + 12, paint);

    height = yLoc + 372;
    drawText("Signatures:", 12, height, FONT12, carlitoBold);
    drawText("Date:", 468, height, FONT12, carlitoBold);
    drawText(mDateString, 497, height - 3, FONT14, roboto);
    can.drawLine(60, height + 12, 464, height + 12, paint);
    can.drawLine(492, height + 12, 580, height + 12, paint);

    // finish the page

    int imagePageCount = 2;

    for (Take5RiskElement risk : mRiskElements) {

        if (risk.imagePath != null) {

            // crate a page description
            PdfDocument.PageInfo pageInfo1 = new PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder(A4_WIDTH, A4_HEIGHT,

            PdfDocument.Page imagePage = document.startPage(pageInfo1);
            Canvas canvas = imagePage.getCanvas();

            try {

                Bitmap original = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(risk.imagePath);

                Bitmap b = resize(original, canvas.getWidth() - 100, canvas.getHeight() - 100);
                canvas.drawBitmap(b, 50, 60, new Paint());
                //                    canvas.drawText(risk.getOne(), 50, 40, new Paint());

                Path textPath = new Path();
                textPath.moveTo(50, 50);
                textPath.lineTo(canvas.getWidth() - 100, 50);

                canvas.drawTextOnPath(risk.getOne(), textPath, 0, 0, new Paint());

            } catch (Exception e) {



            new File(risk.imagePath).delete();

    // add more pages
    return document;

From source file:com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.views.AnyKeyboardBaseView.java

private void onBufferDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (mKeyboardChanged) {
        invalidateAllKeys();//from w w  w  . j  av  a2 s  .c om
        mKeyboardChanged = false;


    if (mKeyboard == null)

    final boolean drawKeyboardNameText = (mKeyboardNameTextSize > 1f)
            && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowKeyboardNameText();

    final boolean drawHintText = (mHintTextSize > 1) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowHintTextOnKeys();
    // TODO: calls to AnyApplication.getConfig().getXXXXX() functions are
    // not yet implemented,
    // but need to when allowing preferences to override theme settings of
    // these values
    // right now just using what should be the default values for these
    // unimplemented preferences

    final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = false;
    // TODO: final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor =
    // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomTextColorOnKeys();
    final ColorStateList keyTextColor = useCustomKeyTextColor
            ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFF6666FF })
            : mKeyTextColor;
    // TODO: ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomKeyTextColorOnKeys() :
    // mKeyTextColor;

    final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && false;
    // TODO: final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText &&
    // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintColorOnKeys();
    final ColorStateList hintColor = useCustomHintColor
            ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFFFF6666 })
            : mHintTextColor;
    // TODO: ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintColorOnKeys() :
    // mHintTextColor;

    // allow preferences to override theme settings for hint text position
    final boolean useCustomHintAlign = drawHintText && AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintAlign();
    final int hintAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintAlign()
            : mHintLabelAlign;
    final int hintVAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintVAlign()
            : mHintLabelVAlign;

    final Paint paint = mPaint;
    final Drawable keyBackground = mKeyBackground;
    final Rect clipRegion = mClipRegion;
    final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft();
    final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop();
    final Key[] keys = mKeys;
    final Key invalidKey = mInvalidatedKey;

    boolean drawSingleKey = false;
    if (invalidKey != null && canvas.getClipBounds(clipRegion)) {
        // TODO we should use Rect.inset and Rect.contains here.
        // Is clipRegion completely contained within the invalidated key?
        if (invalidKey.x + kbdPaddingLeft - 1 <= clipRegion.left
                && invalidKey.y + kbdPaddingTop - 1 <= clipRegion.top
                && invalidKey.x + invalidKey.width + kbdPaddingLeft + 1 >= clipRegion.right
                && invalidKey.y + invalidKey.height + kbdPaddingTop + 1 >= clipRegion.bottom) {
            drawSingleKey = true;
    final int keyCount = keys.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {
        final AnyKey key = (AnyKey) keys[i];
        final boolean keyIsSpace = isSpaceKey(key);

        if (drawSingleKey && (invalidKey != key)) {
        if (!mDirtyRect.intersects(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop,
                key.x + key.width + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + key.height + kbdPaddingTop)) {
        int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(mDrawableStatesProvider);

        if (keyIsSpace)
            paint.setColor(mKeyboardNameTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000));
            paint.setColor(keyTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000));

        // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed
        CharSequence label = key.label == null ? null : adjustCase(key).toString();

        final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds();
        if ((key.width != bounds.right) || (key.height != bounds.bottom)) {
            keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.width, key.height);
        canvas.translate(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop);

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) {
            Drawable iconToDraw = getIconToDrawForKey(key, false);
            if (iconToDraw != null/* && shouldDrawIcon */) {
                final boolean is9Patch = iconToDraw.getCurrent() instanceof NinePatchDrawable;

                // Special handing for the upper-right number hint icons
                final int drawableWidth;
                final int drawableHeight;
                final int drawableX;
                final int drawableY;

                drawableWidth = is9Patch ? key.width : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicWidth();
                drawableHeight = is9Patch ? key.height : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicHeight();
                drawableX = (key.width + mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right
                        - drawableWidth) / 2;
                drawableY = (key.height + mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom
                        - drawableHeight) / 2;

                canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY);
                iconToDraw.setBounds(0, 0, drawableWidth, drawableHeight);
                canvas.translate(-drawableX, -drawableY);
                if (keyIsSpace && drawKeyboardNameText) {
                    // now a little hack, I'll set the label now, so it get
                    // drawn.
                    label = mKeyboardName;
            } else {
                // ho... no icon.
                // I'll try to guess the text
                label = guessLabelForKey(key.codes[0]);
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) {
                    Log.w(TAG, "That's unfortunate, for key " + key.codes[0] + " at (" + key.x + ", " + key.y
                            + ") there is no icon nor label. Action ID is " + mKeyboardActionType);

        if (label != null) {
            // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use
            // small font.
            final FontMetrics fm;
            if (keyIsSpace) {
                if (mKeyboardNameFM == null)
                    mKeyboardNameFM = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mKeyboardNameFM;
            } else if (label.length() > 1 && key.codes.length < 2) {
                if (mLabelFM == null)
                    mLabelFM = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mLabelFM;
            } else {
                fm = setPaintToKeyText(paint);

            final float labelHeight = -fm.top;
            // Draw a drop shadow for the text
            paint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, mShadowOffsetX, mShadowOffsetY, mShadowColor);

            // (+)This is the trick to get RTL/LTR text correct
            // no matter what: StaticLayout
            // this should be in the top left corner of the key
            float textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length());
            // I'm going to try something if the key is too small for the
            // text:
            // 1) divide the text size by 1.5
            // 2) if still too large, divide by 2.5
            // 3) show no text
            if (textWidth > key.width) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Label '" + label + "' is too large for the key. Reducing by 1.5.");
                paint.setTextSize(mKeyTextSize / 1.5f);
                textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length());
                if (textWidth > key.width) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Label '" + label + "' is too large for the key. Reducing by 2.5.");
                    paint.setTextSize(mKeyTextSize / 2.5f);
                    textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length());
                    if (textWidth > key.width) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "Label '" + label + "' is too large for the key. Showing no text.");
                        textWidth = paint.measureText(label, 0, label.length());

            // the center of the drawable space, which is value used
            // previously for vertically
            // positioning the key label
            final float centerY = mKeyBackgroundPadding.top
                    + ((key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom)
                            / (keyIsSpace ? 3 : 2));// the label on the space is a bit higher

            // the X coordinate for the center of the main label text is
            // unaffected by the hints
            final float centerX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left
                    + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2;

            final float textX = centerX;
            final float textY;
            // Some devices (mostly pre-Honeycomb, have issues with RTL text
            // drawing.
            // Of course, there is no issue with a single character :)
            // so, we'll use the RTL secured drawing (via StaticLayout) for
            // labels.
            if (label.length() > 1 && !AnyApplication.getConfig().workaround_alwaysUseDrawText()) {
                // calculate Y coordinate of top of text based on center
                // location
                textY = centerY - ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2);
                canvas.translate(textX, textY);
                Log.d(TAG, "Using RTL fix for key draw '" + label + "'");
                // RTL fix. But it costs, let do it when in need (more than
                // 1 character)
                StaticLayout labelText = new StaticLayout(label, new TextPaint(paint), (int) textWidth,
                        Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
            } else {
                // to get Y coordinate of baseline from center of text,
                // first add half the height (to get to
                // bottom of text), then subtract the part below the
                // baseline. Note that fm.top is negative.
                textY = centerY + ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2);
                canvas.translate(textX, textY);
                canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), 0, 0, paint);
            canvas.translate(-textX, -textY);
            // (-)

            // Turn off drop shadow
            paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0);

        if (drawHintText) {
            if ((key.popupCharacters != null && key.popupCharacters.length() > 0) || (key.popupResId != 0)
                    || (key.longPressCode != 0)) {
                Paint.Align oldAlign = paint.getTextAlign();

                String hintText = null;

                if (key.hintLabel != null && key.hintLabel.length() > 0) {
                    hintText = key.hintLabel.toString();
                    // it is the responsibility of the keyboard layout
                    // designer to ensure that they do
                    // not put too many characters in the hint label...
                } else if (key.longPressCode != 0) {
                    if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(key.longPressCode))
                        hintText = Character.toString((char) key.longPressCode);
                } else if (key.popupCharacters != null) {
                    final String hintString = key.popupCharacters.toString();
                    final int hintLength = hintString.length();
                    if (hintLength <= 3)
                        hintText = hintString;

                // if hintText is still null, it means it didn't fit one of
                // the above
                // cases, so we should provide the hint using the default
                if (hintText == null) {
                    if (mHintOverflowLabel != null)
                        hintText = mHintOverflowLabel.toString();
                    else {
                        // theme does not provide a defaultHintLabel
                        // use  if hints are above, ... if hints are
                        // below
                        // (to avoid being too close to main label/icon)
                        if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP)
                            hintText = "";
                            hintText = "...";

                if (mKeyboard.isShifted())
                    hintText = hintText.toUpperCase();

                // now draw hint
                paint.setColor(hintColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000));
                // get the hint text font metrics so that we know the size
                // of the hint when
                // we try to position the main label (to try to make sure
                // they don't overlap)
                if (mHintTextFM == null) {
                    mHintTextFM = paint.getFontMetrics();

                final float hintX;
                final float hintY;

                // the (float) 0.5 value is added or subtracted to just give
                // a little more room
                // in case the theme designer didn't account for the hint
                // label location
                if (hintAlign == Gravity.LEFT) {
                    // left
                    hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + (float) 0.5;
                } else if (hintAlign == Gravity.CENTER) {
                    // center
                    hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left
                            + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2;
                } else {
                    // right
                    hintX = key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - (float) 0.5;

                if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) {
                    // above
                    hintY = mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mHintTextFM.top + (float) 0.5;
                } else {
                    // below
                    hintY = key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - mHintTextFM.bottom - (float) 0.5;

                canvas.drawText(hintText, hintX, hintY, paint);

        canvas.translate(-key.x - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.y - kbdPaddingTop);
    mInvalidatedKey = null;
    // Overlay a dark rectangle to dim the keyboard
    if (mMiniKeyboard != null && mMiniKeyboardVisible) {
        paint.setColor((int) (mBackgroundDimAmount * 0xFF) << 24);
        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), paint);

    if (FeaturesSet.DEBUG_LOG) {
        if (mShowTouchPoints) {
            for (PointerTracker tracker : mPointerTrackers) {
                int startX = tracker.getStartX();
                int startY = tracker.getStartY();
                int lastX = tracker.getLastX();
                int lastY = tracker.getLastY();
                canvas.drawCircle(startX, startY, 3, paint);
                canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, lastX, lastY, paint);
                canvas.drawCircle(lastX, lastY, 3, paint);
                canvas.drawCircle((startX + lastX) / 2, (startY + lastY) / 2, 2, paint);

    mDrawPending = false;

From source file:com.anysoftkeyboard.keyboards.views.AnyKeyboardViewBase.java

protected void onBufferDraw(Canvas canvas, final Paint paint) {
    if (mKeyboardChanged) {
        invalidateAllKeys();//w  w  w  . jav  a 2  s . c o m
        mKeyboardChanged = false;


    if (mKeyboard == null)

    final boolean drawKeyboardNameText = (mKeyboardNameTextSize > 1f)
            && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowKeyboardNameText();

    final boolean drawHintText = (mHintTextSize > 1) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowHintTextOnKeys();

    final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = false;
    // TODO: final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor =
    // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomTextColorOnKeys();
    final ColorStateList keyTextColor = useCustomKeyTextColor
            ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFF6666FF })
            : mKeyTextColor;

    final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && false;
    // TODO: final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText &&
    final ColorStateList hintColor = useCustomHintColor
            ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFFFF6666 })
            : mHintTextColor;

    // allow preferences to override theme settings for hint text position
    final boolean useCustomHintAlign = drawHintText && AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintAlign();
    final int hintAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintAlign()
            : mHintLabelAlign;
    final int hintVAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintVAlign()
            : mHintLabelVAlign;

    final Drawable keyBackground = mKeyBackground;
    final Rect clipRegion = mClipRegion;
    final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft();
    final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop();
    final Key[] keys = mKeys;
    final Key invalidKey = mInvalidatedKey;

    boolean drawSingleKey = false;
    if (invalidKey != null && canvas.getClipBounds(clipRegion)) {
        // TODO we should use Rect.inset and Rect.contains here.
        // Is clipRegion completely contained within the invalidated key?
        if (invalidKey.x + kbdPaddingLeft - 1 <= clipRegion.left
                && invalidKey.y + kbdPaddingTop - 1 <= clipRegion.top
                && invalidKey.x + invalidKey.width + kbdPaddingLeft + 1 >= clipRegion.right
                && invalidKey.y + invalidKey.height + kbdPaddingTop + 1 >= clipRegion.bottom) {
            drawSingleKey = true;

    for (Key keyBase : keys) {
        final AnyKey key = (AnyKey) keyBase;
        final boolean keyIsSpace = isSpaceKey(key);

        if (drawSingleKey && (invalidKey != key)) {
        if (!mDirtyRect.intersects(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop,
                key.x + key.width + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + key.height + kbdPaddingTop)) {
        int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(mDrawableStatesProvider);

        if (keyIsSpace)
            paint.setColor(keyTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000));

        // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed
        CharSequence label = key.label == null ? null : adjustLabelToShiftState(key);

        final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds();
        if ((key.width != bounds.right) || (key.height != bounds.bottom)) {
            keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.width, key.height);
        canvas.translate(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop);

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) {
            Drawable iconToDraw = getIconToDrawForKey(key, false);
            if (iconToDraw != null/* && shouldDrawIcon */) {
                final boolean is9Patch = iconToDraw.getCurrent() instanceof NinePatchDrawable;

                // Special handing for the upper-right number hint icons
                final int drawableWidth;
                final int drawableHeight;
                final int drawableX;
                final int drawableY;

                drawableWidth = is9Patch ? key.width : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicWidth();
                drawableHeight = is9Patch ? key.height : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicHeight();
                drawableX = (key.width + mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right
                        - drawableWidth) / 2;
                drawableY = (key.height + mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom
                        - drawableHeight) / 2;

                canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY);
                iconToDraw.setBounds(0, 0, drawableWidth, drawableHeight);
                canvas.translate(-drawableX, -drawableY);
                if (keyIsSpace && drawKeyboardNameText) {
                    // now a little hack, I'll set the label now, so it get
                    // drawn.
                    label = mKeyboardName;
            } else {
                // ho... no icon.
                // I'll try to guess the text
                label = guessLabelForKey(key.getPrimaryCode());

        if (label != null) {
            // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use
            // small font.
            final FontMetrics fm;
            if (keyIsSpace) {
                if (mKeyboardNameFontMetrics == null)
                    mKeyboardNameFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mKeyboardNameFontMetrics;
            } else if (label.length() > 1 && key.getCodesCount() < 2) {
                if (mLabelFontMetrics == null)
                    mLabelFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mLabelFontMetrics;
            } else {
                if (mTextFontMetrics == null)
                    mTextFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mTextFontMetrics;

            if (isLabelOfPictographic(label)) {
                paint.setTextSize(2f * paint.getTextSize());

            final float labelHeight = -fm.top;
            // Draw a drop shadow for the text
            paint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, mShadowOffsetX, mShadowOffsetY, mShadowColor);

            final float textWidth = adjustTextSizeForLabel(paint, label, key.width);

            // the center of the drawable space, which is value used
            // previously for vertically
            // positioning the key label
            final float centerY = mKeyBackgroundPadding.top
                    + ((key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom)
                            / (keyIsSpace ? 3 : 2));// the label on the space is a bit higher

            // the X coordinate for the center of the main label text is
            // unaffected by the hints
            final float textX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left
                    + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2;
            final float textY;
            // Some devices (mostly pre-Honeycomb, have issues with RTL text
            // drawing.
            // Of course, there is no issue with a single character :)
            // so, we'll use the RTL secured drawing (via StaticLayout) for
            // labels.
            if (label.length() > 1 && !AnyApplication.getConfig().workaround_alwaysUseDrawText()) {
                // calculate Y coordinate of top of text based on center
                // location
                textY = centerY - ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2);
                canvas.translate(textX, textY);
                // RTL fix. But it costs, let do it when in need (more than
                // 1 character)
                StaticLayout labelText = new StaticLayout(label, new TextPaint(paint), (int) textWidth,
                        Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
            } else {
                // to get Y coordinate of baseline from center of text,
                // first add half the height (to get to
                // bottom of text), then subtract the part below the
                // baseline. Note that fm.top is negative.
                textY = centerY + ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2);
                canvas.translate(textX, textY);
                canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), 0, 0, paint);
            canvas.translate(-textX, -textY);
            // (-)

            // Turn off drop shadow
            paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0);

        if (drawHintText) {
            if ((key.popupCharacters != null && key.popupCharacters.length() > 0) || (key.popupResId != 0)
                    || (key.longPressCode != 0)) {
                Align oldAlign = paint.getTextAlign();

                String hintText = null;

                if (key.hintLabel != null && key.hintLabel.length() > 0) {
                    hintText = key.hintLabel.toString();
                    // it is the responsibility of the keyboard layout
                    // designer to ensure that they do
                    // not put too many characters in the hint label...
                } else if (key.longPressCode != 0) {
                    if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(key.longPressCode))
                        hintText = Character.toString((char) key.longPressCode);
                } else if (key.popupCharacters != null) {
                    final String hintString = key.popupCharacters.toString();
                    final int hintLength = hintString.length();
                    if (hintLength <= 3)
                        hintText = hintString;

                // if hintText is still null, it means it didn't fit one of
                // the above
                // cases, so we should provide the hint using the default
                if (hintText == null) {
                    if (mHintOverflowLabel != null)
                        hintText = mHintOverflowLabel;
                    else {
                        // theme does not provide a defaultHintLabel
                        // use  if hints are above, ... if hints are
                        // below
                        // (to avoid being too close to main label/icon)
                        if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP)
                            hintText = "";
                            hintText = "...";

                if (mKeyboard.isShifted())
                    hintText = hintText.toUpperCase(getKeyboard().getLocale());

                // now draw hint
                paint.setColor(hintColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000));
                // get the hint text font metrics so that we know the size
                // of the hint when
                // we try to position the main label (to try to make sure
                // they don't overlap)
                if (mHintTextFontMetrics == null) {
                    mHintTextFontMetrics = paint.getFontMetrics();

                final float hintX;
                final float hintY;

                // the (float) 0.5 value is added or subtracted to just give
                // a little more room
                // in case the theme designer didn't account for the hint
                // label location
                if (hintAlign == Gravity.START) {
                    // left
                    hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + 0.5f;
                } else if (hintAlign == Gravity.CENTER) {
                    // center
                    hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left
                            + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2;
                } else {
                    // right
                    hintX = key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - 0.5f;

                if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) {
                    // above
                    hintY = mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mHintTextFontMetrics.top + 0.5f;
                } else {
                    // below
                    hintY = key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - mHintTextFontMetrics.bottom - 0.5f;

                canvas.drawText(hintText, hintX, hintY, paint);

        canvas.translate(-key.x - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.y - kbdPaddingTop);
    mInvalidatedKey = null;


From source file:com.yek.keyboard.keyboards.views.AnyKeyboardViewBase.java

protected void onBufferDraw(Canvas canvas, final Paint paint) {
    if (mKeyboardChanged) {
        invalidateAllKeys();/*from  w w w  .  j av a2s  .  com*/
        mKeyboardChanged = false;


    if (mKeyboard == null)

    final boolean drawKeyboardNameText = (mKeyboardNameTextSize > 1f)
            && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowKeyboardNameText();

    final boolean drawHintText = (mHintTextSize > 1) && AnyApplication.getConfig().getShowHintTextOnKeys();

    final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor = false;
    // TODO: final boolean useCustomKeyTextColor =
    // AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomTextColorOnKeys();
    final ColorStateList keyTextColor = useCustomKeyTextColor
            ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFF6666FF })
            : mKeyTextColor;

    final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText && false;
    // TODO: final boolean useCustomHintColor = drawHintText &&
    final ColorStateList hintColor = useCustomHintColor
            ? new ColorStateList(new int[][] { { 0 } }, new int[] { 0xFFFF6666 })
            : mHintTextColor;

    // allow preferences to override theme settings for hint text position
    final boolean useCustomHintAlign = drawHintText && AnyApplication.getConfig().getUseCustomHintAlign();
    final int hintAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintAlign()
            : mHintLabelAlign;
    final int hintVAlign = useCustomHintAlign ? AnyApplication.getConfig().getCustomHintVAlign()
            : mHintLabelVAlign;

    final Drawable keyBackground = mKeyBackground;
    final Rect clipRegion = mClipRegion;
    final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft();
    final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop();
    final Keyboard.Key[] keys = mKeys;
    final Keyboard.Key invalidKey = mInvalidatedKey;

    boolean drawSingleKey = false;
    if (invalidKey != null && canvas.getClipBounds(clipRegion)) {
        // TODO we should use Rect.inset and Rect.contains here.
        // Is clipRegion completely contained within the invalidated key?
        if (invalidKey.x + kbdPaddingLeft - 1 <= clipRegion.left
                && invalidKey.y + kbdPaddingTop - 1 <= clipRegion.top
                && invalidKey.x + invalidKey.width + kbdPaddingLeft + 1 >= clipRegion.right
                && invalidKey.y + invalidKey.height + kbdPaddingTop + 1 >= clipRegion.bottom) {
            drawSingleKey = true;

    for (Keyboard.Key keyBase : keys) {
        final AnyKeyboard.AnyKey key = (AnyKeyboard.AnyKey) keyBase;
        final boolean keyIsSpace = isSpaceKey(key);

        if (drawSingleKey && (invalidKey != key)) {
        if (!mDirtyRect.intersects(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop,
                key.x + key.width + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + key.height + kbdPaddingTop)) {
        int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState(mDrawableStatesProvider);

        if (keyIsSpace)
            paint.setColor(keyTextColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000));

        // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed
        CharSequence label = key.label == null ? null : adjustLabelToShiftState(key);

        final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds();
        if ((key.width != bounds.right) || (key.height != bounds.bottom)) {
            keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.width, key.height);
        canvas.translate(key.x + kbdPaddingLeft, key.y + kbdPaddingTop);

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(label)) {
            Drawable iconToDraw = getIconToDrawForKey(key, false);
            if (iconToDraw != null/* && shouldDrawIcon */) {
                final boolean is9Patch = iconToDraw.getCurrent() instanceof NinePatchDrawable;

                // Special handing for the upper-right number hint icons
                final int drawableWidth;
                final int drawableHeight;
                final int drawableX;
                final int drawableY;

                drawableWidth = is9Patch ? key.width : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicWidth();
                drawableHeight = is9Patch ? key.height : iconToDraw.getIntrinsicHeight();
                drawableX = (key.width + mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right
                        - drawableWidth) / 2;
                drawableY = (key.height + mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom
                        - drawableHeight) / 2;

                canvas.translate(drawableX, drawableY);
                iconToDraw.setBounds(0, 0, drawableWidth, drawableHeight);
                canvas.translate(-drawableX, -drawableY);
                if (keyIsSpace && drawKeyboardNameText) {
                    // now a little hack, I'll set the label now, so it get
                    // drawn.
                    label = mKeyboardName;
            } else {
                // ho... no icon.
                // I'll try to guess the text
                label = guessLabelForKey(key.getPrimaryCode());

        if (label != null) {
            // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use
            // small font.
            final FontMetrics fm;
            if (keyIsSpace) {
                if (mKeyboardNameFM == null)
                    mKeyboardNameFM = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mKeyboardNameFM;
            } else if (label.length() > 1 && key.getCodesCount() < 2) {
                if (mLabelFM == null)
                    mLabelFM = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mLabelFM;
            } else {
                if (mTextFM == null)
                    mTextFM = paint.getFontMetrics();
                fm = mTextFM;

            if (isLabelOfPictographic(label)) {
                paint.setTextSize(2f * paint.getTextSize());

            final float labelHeight = -fm.top;
            // Draw a drop shadow for the text
            paint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, mShadowOffsetX, mShadowOffsetY, mShadowColor);

            final float textWidth = adjustTextSizeForLabel(paint, label, key.width);

            // the center of the drawable space, which is value used
            // previously for vertically
            // positioning the key label
            final float centerY = mKeyBackgroundPadding.top
                    + ((key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom)
                            / (keyIsSpace ? 3 : 2));// the label on the space is a bit higher

            // the X coordinate for the center of the main label text is
            // unaffected by the hints
            final float textX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left
                    + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2;
            final float textY;
            // Some devices (mostly pre-Honeycomb, have issues with RTL text
            // drawing.
            // Of course, there is no issue with a single character :)
            // so, we'll use the RTL secured drawing (via StaticLayout) for
            // labels.
            if (label.length() > 1 && !AnyApplication.getConfig().workaround_alwaysUseDrawText()) {
                // calculate Y coordinate of top of text based on center
                // location
                textY = centerY - ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2);
                canvas.translate(textX, textY);
                // RTL fix. But it costs, let do it when in need (more than
                // 1 character)
                StaticLayout labelText = new StaticLayout(label, new TextPaint(paint), (int) textWidth,
                        Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, false);
            } else {
                // to get Y coordinate of baseline from center of text,
                // first add half the height (to get to
                // bottom of text), then subtract the part below the
                // baseline. Note that fm.top is negative.
                textY = centerY + ((labelHeight - paint.descent()) / 2);
                canvas.translate(textX, textY);
                canvas.drawText(label, 0, label.length(), 0, 0, paint);
            canvas.translate(-textX, -textY);
            // (-)

            // Turn off drop shadow
            paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0);

        if (drawHintText) {
            if ((key.popupCharacters != null && key.popupCharacters.length() > 0) || (key.popupResId != 0)
                    || (key.longPressCode != 0)) {
                Align oldAlign = paint.getTextAlign();

                String hintText = null;

                if (key.hintLabel != null && key.hintLabel.length() > 0) {
                    hintText = key.hintLabel.toString();
                    // it is the responsibility of the keyboard layout
                    // designer to ensure that they do
                    // not put too many characters in the hint label...
                } else if (key.longPressCode != 0) {
                    if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(key.longPressCode))
                        hintText = Character.toString((char) key.longPressCode);
                } else if (key.popupCharacters != null) {
                    final String hintString = key.popupCharacters.toString();
                    final int hintLength = hintString.length();
                    if (hintLength <= 3)
                        hintText = hintString;

                // if hintText is still null, it means it didn't fit one of
                // the above
                // cases, so we should provide the hint using the default
                if (hintText == null) {
                    if (mHintOverflowLabel != null)
                        hintText = mHintOverflowLabel;
                    else {
                        // theme does not provide a defaultHintLabel
                        // use  if hints are above, ... if hints are
                        // below
                        // (to avoid being too close to main label/icon)
                        if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP)
                            hintText = "";
                            hintText = "...";

                if (mKeyboard.isShifted())
                    hintText = hintText.toUpperCase(getKeyboard().getLocale());

                // now draw hint
                paint.setColor(hintColor.getColorForState(drawableState, 0xFF000000));
                // get the hint text font metrics so that we know the size
                // of the hint when
                // we try to position the main label (to try to make sure
                // they don't overlap)
                if (mHintTextFM == null) {
                    mHintTextFM = paint.getFontMetrics();

                final float hintX;
                final float hintY;

                // the (float) 0.5 value is added or subtracted to just give
                // a little more room
                // in case the theme designer didn't account for the hint
                // label location
                if (hintAlign == Gravity.START) {
                    // left
                    hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left + 0.5f;
                } else if (hintAlign == Gravity.CENTER) {
                    // center
                    hintX = mKeyBackgroundPadding.left
                            + (key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.left - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right) / 2;
                } else {
                    // right
                    hintX = key.width - mKeyBackgroundPadding.right - 0.5f;

                if (hintVAlign == Gravity.TOP) {
                    // above
                    hintY = mKeyBackgroundPadding.top - mHintTextFM.top + 0.5f;
                } else {
                    // below
                    hintY = key.height - mKeyBackgroundPadding.bottom - mHintTextFM.bottom - 0.5f;

                canvas.drawText(hintText, hintX, hintY, paint);

        canvas.translate(-key.x - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.y - kbdPaddingTop);
    mInvalidatedKey = null;
