Example usage for android.graphics Path rewind

List of usage examples for android.graphics Path rewind


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Path rewind.


public void rewind() 

Source Link


Rewinds the path: clears any lines and curves from the path but keeps the internal data structure for faster reuse.


From source file:de.uni_weimar.mheinz.androidtouchscope.display.ScopeView.java

private void initGridV(ShapeDrawable drawable, Path path, int color, int width, int height) {
    float cellWidth = width / NUM_COLUMNS;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLUMNS; ++i) {
        path.moveTo(i * cellWidth, 0);/*  w w  w.  j av  a  2  s .  c om*/
        path.lineTo(i * cellWidth, height);

    float offset = NUM_ROWS * 5;
    drawable.setShape(new PathShape(path, width, height));
    drawable.getPaint().setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 1, (height - offset) / offset }, 0));
    drawable.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);

From source file:de.uni_weimar.mheinz.androidtouchscope.display.ScopeView.java

private void initGridH(ShapeDrawable drawable, Path path, int color, int width, int height) {
    float cellHeight = height / NUM_ROWS;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ROWS; ++i) {
        path.moveTo(0, i * cellHeight);/*from w  ww.  j a v  a2  s.  c om*/
        path.lineTo(width, i * cellHeight);

    float offset = NUM_COLUMNS * 5;
    drawable.setShape(new PathShape(path, width, height));
    drawable.getPaint().setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 1, (width - offset) / offset }, 0));
    drawable.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);

From source file:com.hippo.widget.lockpattern.LockPatternView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    final ArrayList<Cell> pattern = mPattern;
    final int count = pattern.size();
    final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup;

    if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) {

        // figure out which circles to draw

        // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern
        final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle;
        final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

        clearPatternDrawLookup();//from  w w  w . ja v  a  2 s  .  c  o m
        for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
            final Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            drawLookup[cell.getRow()][cell.getColumn()] = true;

        // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line

        final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count;

        if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) {
            final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING))
                    / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

            final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1);
            final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column);
            final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row);

            final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles);
            final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX);
            final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY);
            mInProgressX = centerX + dx;
            mInProgressY = centerY + dy;
        // TODO: Infinite loop here...

    final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath;

    // draw the circles
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        float centerY = getCenterYForRow(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            CellState cellState = mCellStates[i][j];
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(j);
            float size = cellState.size * cellState.scale;
            float translationY = cellState.translateY;
            drawCircle(canvas, (int) centerX, (int) centerY + translationY, size, drawLookup[i][j],

    // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect a cell
    // only the last segment of the path should be computed here
    // draw the path of the pattern (unless we are in stealth mode)
    final boolean drawPath = !mInStealthMode;

    if (drawPath) {
        mPathPaint.setColor(getCurrentColor(true /* partOfPattern */));

        boolean anyCircles = false;
        float lastX = 0f;
        float lastY = 0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Cell cell = pattern.get(i);

            // only draw the part of the pattern stored in
            // the lookup table (this is only different in the case
            // of animation).
            if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) {
            anyCircles = true;

            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column);
            float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row);
            if (i != 0) {
                CellState state = mCellStates[cell.row][cell.column];
                currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
                if (state.lineEndX != Float.MIN_VALUE && state.lineEndY != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
                    currentPath.lineTo(state.lineEndX, state.lineEndY);
                } else {
                    currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY);
                canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);
            lastX = centerX;
            lastY = centerY;

        // draw last in progress section
        if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) {
            currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
            currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY);

                    (int) (calculateLastSegmentAlpha(mInProgressX, mInProgressY, lastX, lastY) * 255f));
            canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);

From source file:de.uni_weimar.mheinz.androidtouchscope.display.ScopeView.java

private int updatePath(Path path, WaveData waveData) {
    int retValue = -1;
    if (waveData == null || waveData.data == null || waveData.data.length == 0) {
        return retValue;
    }/*from   w ww.  j a  va2 s.co m*/

    retValue = 0;
    int length = Math.min(BaseScope.SAMPLE_LENGTH, waveData.data.length) - 10;
    float widthRatio = (float) (mContentWidth) / (length * DISPLAY_RATIO);
    double vScale = waveData.voltageScale;
    if (vScale == 0)
        vScale = 1.0f;

    Path newPath = new Path();
    double point = manipulatePoint(waveData.voltageOffset, vScale, waveData.data[10]);

    float j = -(length * (1 - DISPLAY_RATIO)) / 2;
    newPath.moveTo(j++ * widthRatio, (float) point);

    for (int i = 11; i < waveData.data.length; ++i, ++j) {
        point = manipulatePoint(waveData.voltageOffset, vScale, waveData.data[i]);
        newPath.lineTo(j * widthRatio, (float) point);

    if (new PathMeasure(path, false).getLength() == 0) {
        return retValue;

    if (mChangeDelay <= 0) {
        retValue = 1;
    } else {

    return retValue;

From source file:com.bliex.android.lockpatternlib.PatternView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    final ArrayList<Cell> pattern = mPattern;
    final int count = pattern.size();
    final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup;

    if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) {

        // figure out which circles to draw

        // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern
        final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle;
        final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

        clearPatternDrawLookup();/*from   ww  w.  j a va2  s .  co m*/
        for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
            final Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            drawLookup[cell.getRow()][cell.getColumn()] = true;

        // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line

        final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count;

        if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) {
            final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING))
                    / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

            final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1);
            final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column);
            final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row);

            final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles);
            final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX);
            final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY);
            mInProgressX = centerX + dx;
            mInProgressY = centerY + dy;
        // TODO: Infinite loop here...

    final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath;

    // draw the circles
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        float centerY = getCenterYForRow(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            CellState cellState = mCellStates[i][j];
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(j);
            float translationY = cellState.translationY;
            drawCircle(canvas, (int) centerX, (int) centerY + translationY, cellState.radius, drawLookup[i][j],

    // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect a cell
    // only the last segment of the path should be computed here
    // draw the path of the pattern (unless we are in stealth mode)
    final boolean drawPath = !mInStealthMode;

    if (drawPath) {

        mPathPaint.setColor(getCurrentColor(true /* partOfPattern */));
        // Anyway other drawing sets their own alpha ignoring the original; And in this way we
        // can use ?colorControlNormal better.
        //            mPathPaint.setAlpha(100);

        boolean anyCircles = false;
        float lastX = 0f;
        float lastY = 0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Cell cell = pattern.get(i);

            // only draw the part of the pattern stored in
            // the lookup table (this is only different in the case
            // of animation).
            if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) {
            anyCircles = true;

            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column);
            float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row);
            if (i != 0) {
                CellState state = mCellStates[cell.row][cell.column];
                currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
                if (state.lineEndX != Float.MIN_VALUE && state.lineEndY != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
                    currentPath.lineTo(state.lineEndX, state.lineEndY);
                } else {
                    currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY);
                canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);
            lastX = centerX;
            lastY = centerY;

        // draw last in progress section
        if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) {
            currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
            currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY);

            //                mPathPaint.setAlpha((int) (calculateLastSegmentAlpha(
            //                        mInProgressX, mInProgressY, lastX, lastY) * 255f));
            canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);

From source file:electrifierzzz.robotcontrol.PatternView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    final ArrayList<Cell> pattern = mPattern;
    final int count = pattern.size();
    final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup;

    if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) {

        // figure out which circles to draw

        // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern
        final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle;
        final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

        clearPatternDrawLookup();//w w w . jav  a2s  .c  o  m
        for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
            final Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            drawLookup[cell.getRow()][cell.getColumn()] = true;

        // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line

        final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count;

        if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) {
            final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING))
                    / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

            final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1);
            final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column);
            final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row);

            final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles);
            final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX);
            final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY);
            mInProgressX = centerX + dx;
            mInProgressY = centerY + dy;
        // TODO: Infinite loop here...

    final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath;

    // draw the circles
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        float centerY = getCenterYForRow(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            CellState cellState = mCellStates[i][j];
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(j);
            float translationY = cellState.translationY;
            drawCircle(canvas, (int) centerX, (int) centerY + translationY, cellState.radius, drawLookup[i][j],

    // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect a cell
    // only the last segment of the path should be computed here
    // draw the path of the pattern (unless we are in stealth mode)
    final boolean drawPath = !mInStealthMode;

    if (drawPath) {

        mPathPaint.setColor(getCurrentColor(true /* partOfPattern */));
        // Anyway other drawing sets their own alpha ignoring the original; And in this way we
        // can use ?colorControlNormal better.

        boolean anyCircles = false;
        float lastX = 0f;
        float lastY = 0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Cell cell = pattern.get(i);

            // only draw the part of the pattern stored in
            // the lookup table (this is only different in the case
            // of animation).
            if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) {
            anyCircles = true;

            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column);
            float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row);
            if (i != 0) {
                CellState state = mCellStates[cell.row][cell.column];
                currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
                if (state.lineEndX != Float.MIN_VALUE && state.lineEndY != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
                    currentPath.lineTo(state.lineEndX, state.lineEndY);
                } else {
                    currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY);
                canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);
            lastX = centerX;
            lastY = centerY;

        // draw last in progress section
        if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) {
            currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
            currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY);

                    (int) (calculateLastSegmentAlpha(mInProgressX, mInProgressY, lastX, lastY) * 255f));
            canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);

From source file:com.rexmtorres.android.patternlock.PatternLockView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    final ArrayList<Cell> pattern = mPattern;
    final int count = pattern.size();
    final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup;
    if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) {
        // figure out which circles to draw
        // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern
        final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle;
        final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        clearPatternDrawLookup();//ww w . j a  v  a 2  s  .  com
        for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
            final Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            drawLookup[cell.getRow()][cell.getColumn()] = true;
        // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line
        final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count;
        if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) {
            final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING))
                    / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
            final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1);
            final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column);
            final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row);
            final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles);
            final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX);
            final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY);
            mInProgressX = centerX + dx;
            mInProgressY = centerY + dy;
        // TODO: Infinite loop here...
    final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath;
    // draw the circles
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        float centerY = getCenterYForRow(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            CellState cellState = mCellStates[i][j];
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(j);
            float translationY = cellState.translationY;
            drawDot(canvas, (int) centerX, (int) centerY + translationY, cellState.radius, drawLookup[i][j],
                    cellState.alpha, cellState.bitmapDot);

    // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect a cell
    // only the last segment of the path should be computed here
    // draw the path of the pattern (unless we are in stealth mode)
    final boolean drawPath = !mInStealthMode;
    if (drawPath) {
        mPathPaint.setColor(getCurrentColor(true /* partOfPattern */));
        boolean anyCircles = false;
        float lastX = 0f;
        float lastY = 0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            // only draw the part of the pattern stored in
            // the lookup table (this is only different in the case
            // of animation).
            if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) {
            anyCircles = true;
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column);
            float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row);
            if (i != 0) {
                CellState state = mCellStates[cell.row][cell.column];
                currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
                if (state.lineEndX != Float.MIN_VALUE && state.lineEndY != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
                    currentPath.lineTo(state.lineEndX, state.lineEndY);
                } else {
                    currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY);
                canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);
            lastX = centerX;
            lastY = centerY;
        // draw last in progress section
        if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) {
            currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
            currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY);
                    (int) (calculateLastSegmentAlpha(mInProgressX, mInProgressY, lastX, lastY) * 255f));
            canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);

From source file:io.authme.sdk.widget.LockPatternView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    final ArrayList<Cell> pattern = mPattern;
    final int count = pattern.size();
    final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup;

    if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) {

        // figure out which circles to draw

        // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern
        final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle;
        final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

        clearPatternDrawLookup();//from   ww  w. j  a va  2s . c  o m
        for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
            final Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column] = true;

        // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line

        final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count;

        if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) {
            final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING))
                    / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

            final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1);
            final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column);
            final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row);

            final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles);
            final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX);
            final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY);
            mInProgressX = centerX + dx;
            mInProgressY = centerY + dy;
        // TODO: Infinite loop here...

    final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath;

    // draw the circles
    for (int i = 0; i < MATRIX_WIDTH; i++) {
        float centerY = getCenterYForRow(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < MATRIX_WIDTH; j++) {
            CellState cellState = mCellStates[i][j];
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(j);
            float size = cellState.size * cellState.scale;
            float translationY = cellState.translateY;
            drawCircle(canvas, (int) centerX, (int) centerY + translationY, size, drawLookup[i][j],

    // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect
    // a cell
    // only the last segment of the path should be computed here
    // draw the path of the pattern (unless we are in stealth mode)
    final boolean drawPath = !mInStealthMode;

    if (drawPath) {
        mPathPaint.setColor(getCurrentColor(true /* partOfPattern */));

        boolean anyCircles = false;
        float lastX = 0f;
        float lastY = 0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Cell cell = pattern.get(i);

            // only draw the part of the pattern stored in
            // the lookup table (this is only different in the case
            // of animation).
            if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) {
            anyCircles = true;

            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column);
            float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row);
            if (i != 0) {
                CellState state = mCellStates[cell.row][cell.column];
                currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
                if (state.lineEndX != Float.MIN_VALUE && state.lineEndY != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
                    currentPath.lineTo(state.lineEndX, state.lineEndY);
                } else {
                    currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY);
                canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);
            lastX = centerX;
            lastY = centerY;

        // draw last in progress section
        if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) {
            currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
            currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY);

                    (int) (calculateLastSegmentAlpha(mInProgressX, mInProgressY, lastX, lastY) * 255f));
            canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);

From source file:com.android.nobug.view.pattern.PatternView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    final ArrayList<Cell> pattern = mPattern;
    final int count = pattern.size();
    final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup;

    if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) {

        // figure out which circles to draw

        // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern
        final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle;
        final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

        clearPatternDrawLookup();/*from w  w w.  j  a  v a  2  s  . co  m*/
        for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
            final Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            drawLookup[cell.getRow()][cell.getColumn()] = true;

        // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line

        final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count;

        if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) {
            final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING))
                    / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

            final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1);
            final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column);
            final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row);

            final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles);
            final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX);
            final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY);
            mInProgressX = centerX + dx;
            mInProgressY = centerY + dy;
        // TODO: Infinite loop here...

    final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath;

    // draw the circles
    for (int i = 0; i < mRowCount; i++) {
        float centerY = getCenterYForRow(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < mColumnCount; j++) {
            CellState cellState = mCellStates[i][j];
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(j);
            float translationY = cellState.translationY;
            drawCircle(canvas, (int) centerX, (int) centerY + translationY, cellState.radius, drawLookup[i][j],

    // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect a cell
    // only the last segment of the path should be computed here
    // draw the path of the pattern (unless we are in stealth mode)
    final boolean drawPath = !mInStealthMode;

    if (drawPath) {

        mPathPaint.setColor(getCurrentColor(true /* partOfPattern */));
        // Anyway other drawing sets their own alpha ignoring the original; And in this way we
        // can use ?colorControlNormal better.

        boolean anyCircles = false;
        float lastX = 0f;
        float lastY = 0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Cell cell = pattern.get(i);

            // only draw the part of the pattern stored in
            // the lookup table (this is only different in the case
            // of animation).
            if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) {
            anyCircles = true;

            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column);
            float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row);
            if (i != 0) {
                CellState state = mCellStates[cell.row][cell.column];
                currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
                if (state.lineEndX != Float.MIN_VALUE && state.lineEndY != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
                    currentPath.lineTo(state.lineEndX, state.lineEndY);
                } else {
                    currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY);
                canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);
            lastX = centerX;
            lastY = centerY;

        // draw last in progress section
        if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) {
            currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
            currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY);

                    (int) (calculateLastSegmentAlpha(mInProgressX, mInProgressY, lastX, lastY) * 255f));
            canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);

From source file:com.zwj.customview.gesturelock.PatternView.java

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    final ArrayList<Cell> pattern = mPattern;
    final int count = pattern.size();
    final boolean[][] drawLookup = mPatternDrawLookup;

    if (mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) {

        // figure out which circles to draw

        // + 1 so we pause on complete pattern
        final int oneCycle = (count + 1) * MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;
        final int spotInCycle = (int) (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mAnimatingPeriodStart) % oneCycle;
        final int numCircles = spotInCycle / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

        clearPatternDrawLookup();//  www . ja va 2 s .co  m
        for (int i = 0; i < numCircles; i++) {
            final Cell cell = pattern.get(i);
            drawLookup[cell.getRow()][cell.getColumn()] = true;

        // figure out in progress portion of ghosting line

        final boolean needToUpdateInProgressPoint = numCircles > 0 && numCircles < count;

        if (needToUpdateInProgressPoint) {
            final float percentageOfNextCircle = ((float) (spotInCycle % MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING))
                    / MILLIS_PER_CIRCLE_ANIMATING;

            final Cell currentCell = pattern.get(numCircles - 1);
            final float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(currentCell.column);
            final float centerY = getCenterYForRow(currentCell.row);

            final Cell nextCell = pattern.get(numCircles);
            final float dx = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterXForColumn(nextCell.column) - centerX);
            final float dy = percentageOfNextCircle * (getCenterYForRow(nextCell.row) - centerY);
            mInProgressX = centerX + dx;
            mInProgressY = centerY + dy;
        // TODO: Infinite loop here...

    final Path currentPath = mCurrentPath;

    // draw the circles
    for (int i = 0; i < mRowCount; i++) {
        float centerY = getCenterYForRow(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < mColumnCount; j++) {
            CellState cellState = mCellStates[i][j];
            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(j);
            float translationY = cellState.translationY;

            // TODO 
            drawCircle(canvas, (int) centerX, (int) centerY + translationY, cellState.radius, drawLookup[i][j],

    // TODO: the path should be created and cached every time we hit-detect a cell
    // only the last segment of the path should be computed here
    // draw the path of the pattern (unless we are in stealth mode)
    final boolean drawPath = !mInStealthMode;

    if (drawPath) {

        mPathPaint.setColor(getCurrentColor(true /* partOfPattern */));
        // Anyway other drawing sets their own alpha ignoring the original; And in this way we
        // can use ?colorControlNormal better.

        boolean anyCircles = false;
        float lastX = 0f;
        float lastY = 0f;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            Cell cell = pattern.get(i);

            // only draw the part of the pattern stored in
            // the lookup table (this is only different in the case
            // of animation).
            if (!drawLookup[cell.row][cell.column]) {
            anyCircles = true;

            float centerX = getCenterXForColumn(cell.column);
            float centerY = getCenterYForRow(cell.row);
            if (i != 0) {
                CellState state = mCellStates[cell.row][cell.column];
                currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
                if (state.lineEndX != Float.MIN_VALUE && state.lineEndY != Float.MIN_VALUE) {
                    currentPath.lineTo(state.lineEndX, state.lineEndY);
                } else {
                    currentPath.lineTo(centerX, centerY);
                canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);
            lastX = centerX;
            lastY = centerY;

        // draw last in progress section
        if ((mPatternInProgress || mPatternDisplayMode == DisplayMode.Animate) && anyCircles) {
            currentPath.moveTo(lastX, lastY);
            currentPath.lineTo(mInProgressX, mInProgressY);

                    (int) (calculateLastSegmentAlpha(mInProgressX, mInProgressY, lastX, lastY) * 255f));
            canvas.drawPath(currentPath, mPathPaint);