Example usage for android.graphics Path transform

List of usage examples for android.graphics Path transform


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Path transform.


public void transform(Matrix matrix) 

Source Link


Transform the points in this path by matrix.


From source file:chrisrenke.drawerarrowdrawable.DrawerArrowDrawable.java

 * Scales the paths to the given screen density. If the density matches the
 * {@link DrawerArrowDrawable#PATH_GEN_DENSITY}, no scaling needs to be done.
 *///  ww  w.  j a va 2 s . co m
private static void scalePath(Path path, float density) {
    if (density == PATH_GEN_DENSITY)
    Matrix scaleMatrix = new Matrix();
    scaleMatrix.setScale(density / PATH_GEN_DENSITY, density / PATH_GEN_DENSITY, 0, 0);

From source file:com.flyn.smartandroid.views.DrawerArrowDrawable.java

 * Scales the paths to the given screen density. If the density matches the
 * {@link DrawerArrowDrawable#PATH_GEN_DENSITY}, no scaling needs to be done.
 */// w ww  .j  av  a 2 s. co m
private static void scalePath(Path path, float density) {
    if (density == PATH_GEN_DENSITY) {
    Matrix scaleMatrix = new Matrix();
    scaleMatrix.setScale(density / PATH_GEN_DENSITY, density / PATH_GEN_DENSITY, 0, 0);

From source file:com.journeyapps.barcodescanner.WXViewfinderView.java

@Override//from w w  w  . j  a v a  2  s.  c  o m
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (framingRect == null || previewFramingRect == null) {

    Rect frame = framingRect;
    Rect previewFrame = previewFramingRect;

    int width = canvas.getWidth();
    int height = canvas.getHeight();

    canvas.drawRect(0, 0, width, frame.top, maskPaint);
    canvas.drawRect(0, frame.top, frame.left, frame.bottom + 1, maskPaint);
    canvas.drawRect(frame.right + 1, frame.top, width, frame.bottom + 1, maskPaint);
    canvas.drawRect(0, frame.bottom + 1, width, height, maskPaint);
    //drawable the border
    canvas.drawRect(frame.left + 1, frame.top + 1, frame.right, frame.bottom, borderPaint);
    int halfWidth = (int) (cornerWidth / 2);
    //draw four corner
    Path corner1 = new Path();
    corner1.moveTo(frame.left, frame.top + cornerLength);
    corner1.lineTo(frame.left, frame.top);
    corner1.lineTo(frame.left + cornerLength, frame.top);
    Matrix translate1 = new Matrix();
    translate1.setTranslate(halfWidth, halfWidth);
    canvas.drawPath(corner1, cornerPaint);

    Path corner2 = new Path();
    corner2.moveTo(frame.right + 1 - cornerLength, frame.top);
    corner2.lineTo(frame.right + 1, frame.top);
    corner2.lineTo(frame.right + 1, frame.top + cornerLength);
    Matrix translate2 = new Matrix();
    translate2.setTranslate(-halfWidth, halfWidth);
    canvas.drawPath(corner2, cornerPaint);

    Path corner3 = new Path();
    corner3.moveTo(frame.left, frame.bottom + 1 - cornerLength);
    corner3.lineTo(frame.left, frame.bottom + 1);
    corner3.lineTo(frame.left + cornerLength, frame.bottom + 1);
    Matrix translate3 = new Matrix();
    translate3.setTranslate(halfWidth, -halfWidth);
    canvas.drawPath(corner3, cornerPaint);

    Path corner4 = new Path();
    corner4.moveTo(frame.right + 1 - cornerLength, frame.bottom + 1);
    corner4.lineTo(frame.right + 1, frame.bottom + 1);
    corner4.lineTo(frame.right + 1, frame.bottom + 1 - cornerLength);
    Matrix translate4 = new Matrix();
    translate4.setTranslate(-halfWidth, -halfWidth);
    canvas.drawPath(corner4, cornerPaint);

    offset += speed;
    if (offset >= frame.bottom - frame.top) {
        offset = 0;
    Rect rect = new Rect();
    rect.left = frame.left + 1 + laserPadding;
    rect.top = frame.top + 1 + offset;
    rect.right = frame.right - laserPadding;
    rect.bottom = frame.top + 1 + offset + 3;

    Bitmap laserBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) ResourcesCompat.getDrawable(getResources(), R.drawable.scan_laser,
    canvas.drawBitmap(laserBitmap, null, rect, linePaint);


    canvas.drawText(statusText, (frame.right + frame.left) / 2,
            frame.bottom + statusTextPadding + statusTextSize, textPaint);

    postInvalidateDelayed(animationDelay, frame.left, frame.top, frame.right, frame.bottom);


From source file:com.frapim.windwatch.Notifier.java

private Path getArrowPath(float degrees) {
    Path path = new Path();
    int leftX = (mBigIconSize / 2) - (mArrowWidth / 2);
    int leftHeadX = leftX - mArrowWidth;
    int rightX = (mBigIconSize / 2) + (mArrowWidth / 2);
    int rightHeadX = rightX + mArrowWidth;
    path.moveTo(leftX, mArrowHeight); // bottom left
    path.lineTo(leftX, mArrowHeadHeight); // left, arrow head start
    path.lineTo(leftHeadX, mArrowHeadHeight); //  left, arrow head end 
    path.lineTo(mBigIconSize / 2, 0); // top
    path.lineTo(rightHeadX, mArrowHeadHeight); // right, arrow head end
    path.lineTo(rightX, mArrowHeadHeight); // right, arrow head start
    path.lineTo(rightX, mArrowHeight); // bottom right
    path.lineTo(leftX, mArrowHeight); // bottom left
    path.close();/*from   ww  w.j  a  v  a2  s.  com*/
    Matrix translateMatrix = new Matrix();
    translateMatrix.postTranslate(0, 30);
    RectF bounds = new RectF();
    path.computeBounds(bounds, true);
    Matrix rotateMatrix = new Matrix();
    rotateMatrix.postRotate(degrees, (bounds.right + bounds.left) / 2, (bounds.bottom + bounds.top) / 2);
    return path;

From source file:org.adw.library.widgets.discreteseekbar.internal.drawable.MarkerDrawable.java

private void computePath(Rect bounds) {
    final float currentScale = mCurrentScale;
    final Path path = mPath;
    final RectF rect = mRect;
    final Matrix matrix = mMatrix;

    path.reset();//from  w  w w. ja v  a  2  s. c  o  m
    int totalSize = Math.min(bounds.width(), bounds.height());

    float initial = mClosedStateSize;
    float destination = totalSize;
    float currentSize = initial + (destination - initial) * currentScale;

    float halfSize = currentSize / 2f;
    float inverseScale = 1f - currentScale;
    float cornerSize = halfSize * inverseScale;
    float[] corners = new float[] { halfSize, halfSize, halfSize, halfSize, halfSize, halfSize, cornerSize,
            cornerSize };
    rect.set(bounds.left, bounds.top, bounds.left + currentSize, bounds.top + currentSize);
    path.addRoundRect(rect, corners, Path.Direction.CCW);
    matrix.postRotate(-45, bounds.left + halfSize, bounds.top + halfSize);
    matrix.postTranslate((bounds.width() - currentSize) / 2, 0);
    float hDiff = (bounds.bottom - currentSize - mExternalOffset) * inverseScale;
    matrix.postTranslate(0, hDiff);

From source file:org.mdc.chess.ChessBoard.java

private void drawMoveHints(Canvas canvas) {
    if ((moveHints == null) || blindMode) {
        return;/* w  w w .j a v a  2  s  . c  o m*/
    float h = (float) (sqSize / 2.0);
    float d = (float) (sqSize / 8.0);
    double v = 35 * Math.PI / 180;
    double cosv = Math.cos(v);
    double sinv = Math.sin(v);
    double tanv = Math.tan(v);
    int n = Math.min(moveMarkPaint.size(), moveHints.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Move m = moveHints.get(i);
        if ((m == null) || (m.from == m.to)) {
        float x0 = getXCrd(Position.getX(m.from)) + h;
        float y0 = getYCrd(Position.getY(m.from)) + h;
        float x1 = getXCrd(Position.getX(m.to)) + h;
        float y1 = getYCrd(Position.getY(m.to)) + h;

        float x2 = (float) (Math.hypot(x1 - x0, y1 - y0) + d);
        float y2 = 0;
        float x3 = (float) (x2 - h * cosv);
        float y3 = (float) (y2 - h * sinv);
        float x4 = (float) (x3 - d * sinv);
        float y4 = (float) (y3 + d * cosv);
        float x5 = (float) (x4 + (-d / 2 - y4) / tanv);
        float y5 = -d / 2;
        float x6 = 0;
        float y6 = y5 / 2;
        Path path = new Path();
        path.moveTo(x2, y2);
        path.lineTo(x3, y3);
        //          path.lineTo(x4, y4);
        path.lineTo(x5, y5);
        path.lineTo(x6, y6);
        path.lineTo(x6, -y6);
        path.lineTo(x5, -y5);
        //          path.lineTo(x4, -y4);
        path.lineTo(x3, -y3);
        Matrix mtx = new Matrix();
        mtx.postRotate((float) (Math.atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0) * 180 / Math.PI));
        mtx.postTranslate(x0, y0);
        Paint p = moveMarkPaint.get(i);
        canvas.drawPath(path, p);

From source file:org.onebusaway.android.map.googlemapsv2.StopOverlay.java

 * Creates a bus stop icon with the given direction arrow, or without a direction arrow if
 * the direction is NO_DIRECTION/* w ww.j  av a2s .com*/
 * @param direction Bus stop direction, obtained from ObaStop.getDirection() and defined in
 *                  constants in this class, or NO_DIRECTION if the stop icon shouldn't have a
 *                  direction arrow
 * @return a bus stop icon bitmap with the arrow pointing the given direction, or with no arrow
 * if direction is NO_DIRECTION
private static Bitmap createBusStopIcon(String direction) throws NullPointerException {
    if (direction == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(direction);

    Resources r = Application.get().getResources();
    Context context = Application.get();

    Float directionAngle = null; // 0-360 degrees
    Bitmap bm;
    Canvas c;
    Drawable shape;
    Float rotationX = null, rotationY = null; // Point around which to rotate the arrow

    Paint arrowPaintFill = new Paint();

    if (direction.equals(NO_DIRECTION)) {
        // Don't draw the arrow
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH)) {
        directionAngle = 0f;
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, (int) mBuffer, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth() / 2, 0, bm.getWidth() / 2, mArrowHeightPx,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // For NORTH, no rotation occurs - use center of image anyway so we have some value
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH_WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 315f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 315 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, (int) mBuffer, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, 0, mBuffer, mBuffer, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f - mBuffer / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 0f; // Arrow is drawn pointing West, so no rotation
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, 0, bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight());
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, bm.getHeight() / 2, mArrowHeightPx, bm.getHeight() / 2,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // For WEST
        rotationX = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH_WEST)) {
        directionAngle = 225f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 225 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds((int) mBuffer, 0, bm.getWidth(), mPx);
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(0, bm.getHeight(), mBuffer, bm.getHeight() - mBuffer,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f - mBuffer / 4f;
        rotationY = mPx / 2f + mBuffer / 4f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH)) {
        directionAngle = 180f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 180 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(mPx, (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, bm.getWidth(), (int) (bm.getHeight() - mBuffer));
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth() / 2, bm.getHeight(), bm.getWidth() / 2,
                bm.getHeight() - mArrowHeightPx, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(SOUTH_EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 135f; // Arrow is drawn N, rotate 135 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, mPx, mPx);
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight(), bm.getWidth() - mBuffer,
                bm.getHeight() - mBuffer, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent),
        // Rotate around below coordinates (trial and error)
        rotationX = (mPx + mBuffer / 2) / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 180f; // Arrow is drawn pointing West, so rotate 180
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), mPx, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, 0, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), bm.getHeight() / 2,
                bm.getWidth() - mArrowHeightPx, bm.getHeight() / 2, r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary),
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        rotationX = bm.getWidth() / 2f;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() / 2f;
    } else if (direction.equals(NORTH_EAST)) {
        directionAngle = 45f; // Arrow is drawn pointing N, so rotate 45 degrees
        bm = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (mPx + mBuffer), (int) (mPx + mBuffer), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        c = new Canvas(bm);
        shape = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.map_stop_icon);
        shape.setBounds(0, (int) mBuffer, mPx, bm.getHeight());
        // Shade with darkest color at tip of arrow
        arrowPaintFill.setShader(new LinearGradient(bm.getWidth(), 0, bm.getWidth() - mBuffer, mBuffer,
                r.getColor(R.color.theme_primary), r.getColor(R.color.theme_accent), Shader.TileMode.MIRROR));
        // Rotate around middle of circle
        rotationX = (float) mPx / 2;
        rotationY = bm.getHeight() - (float) mPx / 2;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(direction);


    if (direction.equals(NO_DIRECTION)) {
        // Everything after this point is for drawing the arrow image, so return the bitmap as-is for no arrow
        return bm;

     * Draw the arrow - all dimensions should be relative to px so the arrow is drawn the same
     * size for all orientations
    // Height of the cutout in the bottom of the triangle that makes it an arrow (0=triangle)
    final float CUTOUT_HEIGHT = mPx / 12;
    Path path = new Path();
    float x1 = 0, y1 = 0; // Tip of arrow
    float x2 = 0, y2 = 0; // lower left
    float x3 = 0, y3 = 0; // cutout in arrow bottom
    float x4 = 0, y4 = 0; // lower right

    if (direction.equals(NORTH) || direction.equals(SOUTH) || direction.equals(NORTH_EAST)
            || direction.equals(SOUTH_EAST) || direction.equals(NORTH_WEST) || direction.equals(SOUTH_WEST)) {
        // Arrow is drawn pointing NORTH
        // Tip of arrow
        x1 = mPx / 2;
        y1 = 0;

        // lower left
        x2 = (mPx / 2) - (mArrowWidthPx / 2);
        y2 = mArrowHeightPx;

        // cutout in arrow bottom
        x3 = mPx / 2;
        y3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT;

        // lower right
        x4 = (mPx / 2) + (mArrowWidthPx / 2);
        y4 = mArrowHeightPx;
    } else if (direction.equals(EAST) || direction.equals(WEST)) {
        // Arrow is drawn pointing WEST
        // Tip of arrow
        x1 = 0;
        y1 = mPx / 2;

        // lower left
        x2 = mArrowHeightPx;
        y2 = (mPx / 2) - (mArrowWidthPx / 2);

        // cutout in arrow bottom
        x3 = mArrowHeightPx - CUTOUT_HEIGHT;
        y3 = mPx / 2;

        // lower right
        x4 = mArrowHeightPx;
        y4 = (mPx / 2) + (mArrowWidthPx / 2);

    path.moveTo(x1, y1);
    path.lineTo(x2, y2);
    path.lineTo(x3, y3);
    path.lineTo(x4, y4);
    path.lineTo(x1, y1);

    // Rotate arrow around (rotationX, rotationY) point
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.postRotate(directionAngle, rotationX, rotationY);

    c.drawPath(path, arrowPaintFill);
    c.drawPath(path, mArrowPaintStroke);

    return bm;

From source file:com.jiahuan.svgmapview.core.helper.map.SVGParser.java

private static void drawArc(Path p, float lastX, float lastY, float x, float y, float rx, float ry, float theta,
        int largeArc, int sweepArc) {
    // Log.d("drawArc", "from (" + lastX + "," + lastY + ") to (" + x + ","+
    // y + ") r=(" + rx + "," + ry +
    // ") theta=" + theta + " flags="+ largeArc + "," + sweepArc);

    // http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes

    if (rx == 0 || ry == 0) {
        p.lineTo(x, y);//from   w  ww  .  j  a v a 2  s  . c o m

    if (x == lastX && y == lastY) {
        return; // nothing to draw

    rx = Math.abs(rx);
    ry = Math.abs(ry);

    final float thrad = theta * (float) Math.PI / 180;
    final float st = FloatMath.sin(thrad);
    final float ct = FloatMath.cos(thrad);

    final float xc = (lastX - x) / 2;
    final float yc = (lastY - y) / 2;
    final float x1t = ct * xc + st * yc;
    final float y1t = -st * xc + ct * yc;

    final float x1ts = x1t * x1t;
    final float y1ts = y1t * y1t;
    float rxs = rx * rx;
    float rys = ry * ry;

    float lambda = (x1ts / rxs + y1ts / rys) * 1.001f; // add 0.1% to be
    // sure that no out
    // of range occurs
    // due to
    // limited precision
    if (lambda > 1) {
        float lambdasr = FloatMath.sqrt(lambda);
        rx *= lambdasr;
        ry *= lambdasr;
        rxs = rx * rx;
        rys = ry * ry;

    final float R = FloatMath.sqrt((rxs * rys - rxs * y1ts - rys * x1ts) / (rxs * y1ts + rys * x1ts))
            * ((largeArc == sweepArc) ? -1 : 1);
    final float cxt = R * rx * y1t / ry;
    final float cyt = -R * ry * x1t / rx;
    final float cx = ct * cxt - st * cyt + (lastX + x) / 2;
    final float cy = st * cxt + ct * cyt + (lastY + y) / 2;

    final float th1 = angle(1, 0, (x1t - cxt) / rx, (y1t - cyt) / ry);
    float dth = angle((x1t - cxt) / rx, (y1t - cyt) / ry, (-x1t - cxt) / rx, (-y1t - cyt) / ry);

    if (sweepArc == 0 && dth > 0) {
        dth -= 360;
    } else if (sweepArc != 0 && dth < 0) {
        dth += 360;

    // draw
    if ((theta % 360) == 0) {
        // no rotate and translate need
        arcRectf.set(cx - rx, cy - ry, cx + rx, cy + ry);
        p.arcTo(arcRectf, th1, dth);
    } else {
        // this is the hard and slow part :-)
        arcRectf.set(-rx, -ry, rx, ry);

        arcMatrix.postTranslate(cx, cy);

        p.arcTo(arcRectf, th1, dth);