Example usage for android.inputmethodservice KeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.inputmethodservice KeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.inputmethodservice KeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener interface-usage.


From source file com.freerdp.freerdpcore.presentation.SessionActivity.java

public class SessionActivity extends BaseActivity
        implements LibFreeRDP.UIEventListener, KeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener,
        ScrollView2D.ScrollView2DListener, KeyboardMapper.KeyProcessingListener, SessionView.SessionViewListener,
        TouchPointerView.TouchPointerListener, ClipboardManagerProxy.OnClipboardChangedListener, Runnable {
    private class UIHandler extends Handler {

From source file research.sg.edu.edapp.kb.KbSoftKeyboard.java

 * Example of writing an input method for a soft keyboard.  This code is
 * focused on simplicity over completeness, so it should in no way be considered
 * to be a complete soft keyboard implementation.  Its purpose is to provide
 * a basic example for how you would get started writing an input method, to
 * be fleshed out as appropriate.

From source file keyboard.ecloga.com.eclogakeyboard.EclogaKeyboard.java

public class EclogaKeyboard extends InputMethodService implements KeyboardView.OnTouchListener,
        GestureDetector.OnDoubleTapListener, KeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener {

    private boolean vbListenerPause;
    private ShakeListener mShaker;
    private KeyboardView kv;

From source file com.strathclyde.highlightingkeyboard.SoftKeyboardService.java

 * Extends the InputMethodService class to provide the keyboard functionality
 * Handles the keyboard view creation and destruction
 * Manages user input and spell-checking
 * Stores user input data
 * Manages the highlighting of text in the editor views