Example usage for android.net Uri buildUpon

List of usage examples for android.net Uri buildUpon


In this page you can find the example usage for android.net Uri buildUpon.


public abstract Builder buildUpon();

Source Link


Constructs a new builder, copying the attributes from this Uri.


From source file:org.mobisocial.corral.ContentCorral.java

 * Makes a webapp available offline via the Corral.
 *//*from  w w  w. j  av a 2 s  . co m*/
public static Uri cacheWebApp(Uri appUri, String name) {
    File localAppDir = new File(
            new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), ContentCorral.APPS_SUBFOLDER), name);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    String indexPath = getIndexPath(appUri);
    try {
        downloadFile(localAppDir, appUri, indexPath);
        scrapePage(localAppDir, appUri.buildUpon().path("").build(), indexPath);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to cache webapp", e);
    return getWebappCacheUrl(appUri, localAppDir.getName());

From source file:com.mobilesolutionworks.android.httpcache.HttpCacheLoaderImpl.java

public HttpCache onForceLoad(ContentObserver observer) {
    HttpCache tag = new HttpCache();
    tag.local = mBuilder.localUri();/*  ww  w.  ja  v a  2  s .  co m*/

    Uri authority = HttpCacheConfiguration.configure(mContext).authority;

    ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver();
    tag.cursor = cr.query(authority, PROJECTION, "local = ?", new String[] { tag.local }, null);
    if (tag.cursor == null) {
        // cursor only null if provider is not set
        throw new IllegalStateException("is tag provider set properly?");


    if (tag.cursor.moveToFirst()) {
        // cache stored in database
        tag.loaded = true;
        tag.remote = tag.cursor.getString(0);
        tag.content = tag.cursor.getString(1);
        tag.expiry = tag.cursor.getLong(2);
        tag.error = tag.cursor.getInt(3);

        byte[] trace = tag.cursor.getBlob(4);
        if (trace != null) {
            tag.trace = SerializationUtils.deserialize(trace);

        tag.status = tag.cursor.getInt(5);

    return tag;

From source file:com.android.music.AlbumBrowserActivity.java

private Cursor getAlbumCursor(AsyncQueryHandler async, String filter) {
    String[] cols = new String[] { MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID, MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST,
            MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM, MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM_ART };

    Cursor ret = null;//from   w  w w. j a  v  a2  s . c  o  m
    if (mArtistId != null) {
        Uri uri = MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums.getContentUri("external", Long.valueOf(mArtistId));
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(filter)) {
            uri = uri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("filter", Uri.encode(filter)).build();
        if (async != null) {
            async.startQuery(0, null, uri, cols, null, null, MediaStore.Audio.Albums.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
        } else {
            ret = MusicUtils.query(this, uri, cols, null, null, MediaStore.Audio.Albums.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
    } else {
        Uri uri = MediaStore.Audio.Albums.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(filter)) {
            uri = uri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("filter", Uri.encode(filter)).build();
        if (async != null) {
            async.startQuery(0, null, uri, cols, null, null, MediaStore.Audio.Albums.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
        } else {
            ret = MusicUtils.query(this, uri, cols, null, null, MediaStore.Audio.Albums.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
    return ret;

From source file:com.android.contacts.common.ContactPhotoManager.java

 * Removes the contact type information stored in the photo URI encoded fragment.
 * @param photoUri The photo URI to remove the contact type from.
 * @return The photo URI with contact type removed.
 *///from www  .  j  av a2s .  c om
public static Uri removeContactType(Uri photoUri) {
    String encodedFragment = photoUri.getEncodedFragment();
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(encodedFragment)) {
        Builder builder = photoUri.buildUpon();
        return builder.build();
    return photoUri;

From source file:moose.com.ac.ArticleViewActivity.java

private void filterImg(String str) {
    Document mDocument = Jsoup.parse(str);

    Elements imgs = mDocument.select("img");
    for (int imgIndex = 0; imgIndex < imgs.size(); imgIndex++) {
        Element img = imgs.get(imgIndex);
        String src = img.attr("src").trim();
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(src))
        Uri parsedUri = Uri.parse(src);
        if ("file".equals(parsedUri.getScheme()))
        if (parsedUri.getPath() == null)
        if (!"http".equals(parsedUri.getScheme())) {
            parsedUri = parsedUri.buildUpon().scheme("http").authority("www.acfun.tv").build();
        }/*from   w  ww .  ja  va  2 s.co m*/
        // url may have encoded path
        parsedUri = parsedUri.buildUpon().path(parsedUri.getPath()).build();
        src = parsedUri.toString();
        Log.i(TAG, "image src:" + src);
        img.attr("org", src);
        if (CommonUtil.getMode() == 1 && !CommonUtil.isWifiConnected(mContext)) {//
            Log.i(TAG, "[?]");
            img.after("<div style=\"width: 100%;text-align: center;\"><br><p>[]</p></div>");
        } else {
            Log.i(TAG, "[?]");
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            builder.append("<div style='text-align: center;'><br>")
                    .append("<img src='file:///android_asset/loading.gif'").append("name = '").append(src)
                    .append("'\n;onclick = window.JsBridge.showImage('").append(src).append("')")
                    .append(" alt=' '/>\n").append("</div>");
            Log.i(TAG, "image:table:-" + builder.toString());
        /*if (CommonUtil.getMode() == 1 && !CommonUtil.isWifiConnected(mContext)) {
        img.after("<p >[]</p>");
        } else if (!src.contains(Config.AC_EMOTION)) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        builder.append("<div style=\"width: 100%;text-align: center;\"><br><img src=\"")
                .append("\" width=: 100%;height:auto\"")
                .append(" alt=\" \"/>\n")
        Log.i(TAG, "index image:" + builder.toString());
        } else {
        img.after("<img src=\"" + src + "\" alt=\" \"/>\n");

        HtmlBody = mDocument.toString();
        Log.i(TAG, "??html:" + HtmlBody);

From source file:com.silentcircle.contacts.list.ScContactEntryListAdapter.java

protected Uri getContactUri(int partitionIndex, Cursor cursor, int contactIdColumn) {

    long contactId = cursor.getLong(contactIdColumn);
    Uri uri = RawContacts.getLookupUri(contactId);
    long directoryId = ((DirectoryPartition) getPartition(partitionIndex)).getDirectoryId();
    if (directoryId != Directory.DEFAULT) {
        uri = uri.buildUpon()
                .appendQueryParameter(ScContactsContract.DIRECTORY_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(directoryId))
                .build();//  w w w.  j a  va2s.  c om
    return uri;

From source file:com.android.contacts.list.ContactEntryListAdapter.java

protected Uri getContactUri(int partitionIndex, Cursor cursor, int contactIdColumn, int lookUpKeyColumn) {
    long contactId = cursor.getLong(contactIdColumn);
    String lookupKey = cursor.getString(lookUpKeyColumn);
    Uri uri = Contacts.getLookupUri(contactId, lookupKey);
    long directoryId = ((DirectoryPartition) getPartition(partitionIndex)).getDirectoryId();
    if (directoryId != Directory.DEFAULT) {
        uri = uri.buildUpon()
                .appendQueryParameter(ContactsContract.DIRECTORY_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(directoryId))
                .build();//  w w  w .  j  a va 2s  .  c  o m
    return uri;

From source file:com.silentcircle.contacts.list.ScDefaultContactListAdapter.java

protected void configureUri(CursorLoader loader, long directoryId, ContactListFilter filter) {
    Uri uri = RawContacts.CONTENT_URI;
    if (filter != null && filter.filterType == ContactListFilter.FILTER_TYPE_SINGLE_CONTACT) {
        uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, getSelectedContactId());
    }//from  w w w.  java 2  s  . c  o m

    if (directoryId == Directory.DEFAULT && isSectionHeaderDisplayEnabled()) {
        uri = buildSectionIndexerUri(uri);

    // The "All accounts" filter is the same as the entire contents of Directory.DEFAULT
    if (filter != null && filter.filterType != ContactListFilter.FILTER_TYPE_CUSTOM
            && filter.filterType != ContactListFilter.FILTER_TYPE_SINGLE_CONTACT) {
        final Uri.Builder builder = uri.buildUpon();
        builder.appendQueryParameter(ScContactsContract.DIRECTORY_PARAM_KEY, String.valueOf(Directory.DEFAULT));
        if (filter.filterType == ContactListFilter.FILTER_TYPE_ACCOUNT) {
        uri = builder.build();

From source file:com.android.messaging.datamodel.BugleNotifications.java

 * Returns the displayPhotoUri from the avatar URI, or null if avatar URI
 * does not have a displayPhotoUri./*  w ww  .  j a  va  2  s  .  c om*/
private static Uri getDisplayPhotoUri(final Uri avatarUri) {
    final Uri thumbnailUri = getThumbnailUri(avatarUri);
    if (thumbnailUri == null) {
        return null;
    final List<String> originalPaths = thumbnailUri.getPathSegments();
    final int originalPathsSize = originalPaths.size();
    final StringBuilder newPathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    // Change content://com.android.contacts/contacts("_corp")/123/photo to
    // content://com.android.contacts/contacts("_corp")/123/display_photo
    for (int i = 0; i < originalPathsSize; i++) {
        if (i == 2) {
        } else {
    return thumbnailUri.buildUpon().path(newPathBuilder.toString()).build();

From source file:bolts.AppLinkNavigation.java

 * Performs the navigation.//ww w.  ja va  2  s .  com
 * @param context the Context from which the navigation should be performed.
 * @return the {@link NavigationResult} performed by navigating.
public NavigationResult navigate(Context context) {
    PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
    Bundle finalAppLinkData = buildAppLinkDataForNavigation(context);

    Intent eligibleTargetIntent = null;
    for (AppLink.Target target : getAppLink().getTargets()) {
        Intent targetIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
        if (target.getUrl() != null) {
        } else {
        if (target.getClassName() != null) {
            targetIntent.setClassName(target.getPackageName(), target.getClassName());
        targetIntent.putExtra(AppLinks.KEY_NAME_APPLINK_DATA, finalAppLinkData);

        ResolveInfo resolved = pm.resolveActivity(targetIntent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);
        if (resolved != null) {
            eligibleTargetIntent = targetIntent;

    Intent outIntent = null;
    NavigationResult result = NavigationResult.FAILED;
    if (eligibleTargetIntent != null) {
        outIntent = eligibleTargetIntent;
        result = NavigationResult.APP;
    } else {
        // Fall back to the web if it's available
        Uri webUrl = getAppLink().getWebUrl();
        if (webUrl != null) {
            JSONObject appLinkDataJson;
            try {
                appLinkDataJson = getJSONForBundle(finalAppLinkData);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                sendAppLinkNavigateEventBroadcast(context, eligibleTargetIntent, NavigationResult.FAILED, e);
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            webUrl = webUrl.buildUpon()
                    .appendQueryParameter(AppLinks.KEY_NAME_APPLINK_DATA, appLinkDataJson.toString()).build();
            outIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, webUrl);
            result = NavigationResult.WEB;

    sendAppLinkNavigateEventBroadcast(context, outIntent, result, null);
    if (outIntent != null) {
    return result;