Example usage for android.net Uri getPath

List of usage examples for android.net Uri getPath


In this page you can find the example usage for android.net Uri getPath.


public abstract String getPath();

Source Link


Gets the decoded path.


From source file:Main.java

/**//w  w  w.j  a  va 2  s .c o  m
 * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access
 * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and
 * other file-based ContentProviders.<br>
 * <br>
 * Callers should check whether the path is local before assuming it
 * represents a local file.
 * @param context The context.
 * @param uri The Uri to query.
 * @see #isLocal(String)
 * @see #getFile(Context, Uri)
 * @author paulburke
public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

    final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19;

    // DocumentProvider
    if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {

        // ExternalStorageProvider
        if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];

            // TODO handle non-primary volumes
        // DownloadsProvider
        else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {

            final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"),

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
        // MediaProvider
        else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            Uri contentUri = null;
            if ("image".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

            final String selection = "_id=?";
            final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { split[1] };

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
    // MediaStore (and general)
    else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {

        // Return the remote address
        if (isGooglePhotosUri(uri))
            return uri.getLastPathSegment();

        return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
    // File
    else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return uri.getPath();

    return null;

From source file:ca.psiphon.ploggy.FragmentComposeMessage.java

private void setPicture(Uri pictureUri) {
    // Try to use the MediaStore for gallery selections; otherwise, treat
    // the URI as a filesystem path.
    String path = null;//from   ww w.  jav  a2s  .c o  m
    String mimeType = null;
    Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
        String[] projection = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE };
        cursor = getActivity().getContentResolver().query(pictureUri, projection, null, null, null);
        if (cursor != null) {
            int dataColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
            int mimeTypeColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE);
            if (dataColumnIndex != -1 && mimeTypeColumnIndex != -1) {
                path = cursor.getString(dataColumnIndex);
                mimeType = cursor.getString(mimeTypeColumnIndex);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

    if (mimeType == null) {
        // TODO: vs. MimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension?
        mimeType = getActivity().getContentResolver().getType(pictureUri);
        if (mimeType == null) {
            mimeType = "application/octet-stream";

    // For non-MediaStore cases
    if (path == null) {
        path = pictureUri.getPath();

    // Abort when no path
    if (path == null) {

    // Show a thumbnail; also, hide the add picture button (user can change picture by touching thumbnail instead).
    if (Pictures.loadThumbnail(getActivity(), new File(path), mPictureThumbnail)) {
        // These fields hold the picture values used when the message is sent
        mPicturePath = path;
        mPictureMimeType = mimeType;
    } else {
        mPicturePath = null;
        mPictureMimeType = null;

From source file:ca.rmen.android.networkmonitor.app.prefs.PreferenceFragmentActivity.java

public void onOkClicked(int actionId, Bundle extras) {
    Log.v(TAG, "onClicked, actionId=" + actionId + ", extras = " + extras);
    mUserInput = true;// www .j a v a  2s.c  om
    // Import the database in a background thread.
    if (actionId == ID_ACTION_IMPORT) {
        final Uri uri = extras.getParcelable(EXTRA_IMPORT_URI);
        AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean> task = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean>() {

            protected void onPreExecute() {
                        getString(R.string.progress_dialog_message), ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER,

            protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {
                try {
                    Log.v(TAG, "Importing db from " + uri);
                    DBImport.importDB(PreferenceFragmentActivity.this, uri);
                    return true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Error importing db: " + e.getMessage(), e);
                    return false;

            protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {
                ProgressDialogFragment dialogFragment = (ProgressDialogFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()
                if (dialogFragment != null)
                String toastText = result ? getString(R.string.import_successful, uri.getPath())
                        : getString(R.string.import_failed, uri.getPath());
                Toast.makeText(PreferenceFragmentActivity.this, toastText, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    } else if (actionId == ID_ACTION_LOCATION_SETTINGS) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS);

From source file:Main.java

public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

    final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;

    // DocumentProvider
        if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
            // ExternalStorageProvider
            if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
                final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final String[] split = docId.split(":");
                final String type = split[0];

                if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                    return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];
                }//w  w  w.  ja  v  a2  s.  co m

                // TODO handle non-primary volumes
            // DownloadsProvider
            else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {

                final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final Uri contentUri = ContentUris
                        .withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(id));

                return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
            // MediaProvider
            else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
                final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final String[] split = docId.split(":");
                final String type = split[0];

                Uri contentUri = null;
                if ("image".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

                final String selection = "_id=?";
                final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { split[1] };

                return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
        // MediaStore (and general)
        else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
            return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
        // File
        else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
            return uri.getPath();

    return null;

From source file:com.android.music.MediaPlaybackActivity.java

private void startPlayback() {

    if (mService == null)
        return;//ww w .ja v a2s. com
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    String filename = "";
    Uri uri = intent.getData();
    if (uri != null && uri.toString().length() > 0) {
        // If this is a file:// URI, just use the path directly instead
        // of going through the open-from-filedescriptor codepath.
        String scheme = uri.getScheme();
        if ("file".equals(scheme)) {
            filename = uri.getPath();
        } else {
            filename = uri.toString();
        try {
            setIntent(new Intent());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log.d("MediaPlaybackActivity", "couldn't start playback: " + ex);

    long next = refreshNow();

From source file:com.luorrak.ouroboros.reply.ReplyCommentFragment.java

 * Get a file path from a Uri. This will get the the path for Storage Access
 * Framework Documents, as well as the _data field for the MediaStore and
 * other file-based ContentProviders./*  w ww .ja  v  a 2s.co m*/
 * @param context The context.
 * @param uri The Uri to query.
 * @author paulburke
private static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

    final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;

    // DocumentProvider
    if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
        // ExternalStorageProvider
        if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];

            // TODO handle non-primary volumes
        // DownloadsProvider
        else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {

            final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"),

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
        // MediaProvider
        else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
            final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
            final String[] split = docId.split(":");
            final String type = split[0];

            Uri contentUri = null;
            if ("image".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
            } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

            final String selection = "_id=?";
            final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { split[1] };

            return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
    // MediaStore (and general)
    else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
    // File
    else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        return uri.getPath();

    return null;

From source file:com.mobicage.rogerthat.util.ui.SendMessageView.java

private void copyVideoFile(final Uri selectedVideo) {
    final ContentResolver cr = mActivity.getContentResolver();
    final ProgressDialog progressDialog = showProcessing();

    new SafeAsyncTask<Object, Object, Boolean>() {
        @Override/*from w  w w.j  a  va2s  .co m*/
        protected Boolean safeDoInBackground(Object... params) {
            L.d("Processing video: " + selectedVideo.toString());
            try {
                if (mTmpUploadFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(selectedVideo.getPath())) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    InputStream is = cr.openInputStream(selectedVideo);
                    if (is != null) {
                        try {
                            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(mTmpUploadFile);
                            try {
                                IOUtils.copy(is, out, 1024);
                            } finally {
                        } finally {
                        return true;
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                L.bug("Unknown exception occured while processing video: " + selectedVideo.toString(), e);

            return false;

        protected void safeOnPostExecute(Boolean result) {
            if (result) {
            } else {
                UIUtils.showLongToast(mActivity, mActivity.getString(R.string.error_please_try_again));

        protected void safeOnCancelled(Boolean result) {

        protected void safeOnProgressUpdate(Object... values) {

        protected void safeOnPreExecute() {

From source file:org.planetmono.dcuploader.ActivityUploader.java

private Bitmap getBitmapThumbnail(Uri uri) {
    Bitmap b = null;/*from   w ww.j a  v a  2  s  .c  om*/
    try {
        b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri));
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
        try {
            b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(uri.getPath()));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {
            return Bitmap.createBitmap(64, 64, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444);

    int orientation = queryOrientation(uri);

    Bitmap resized = BitmapHelper.getResizedBitmap(b, 64, BitmapHelper.Axis.Vertical, orientation);

    return resized;

From source file:com.chatwing.whitelabel.activities.CommunicationActivity.java

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
    LogUtils.v("onActivityResult " + requestCode + ":" + resultCode);
    mCurrentCommunicationMode.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_AUTHENTICATION && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
    }/* w  w w. ja  v  a2  s  .  co  m*/

    if (requestCode == Crop.REQUEST_CROP && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        Uri output = Crop.getOutput(intent);

From source file:com.anhubo.anhubo.ui.activity.unitDetial.UploadingActivity1.java

private Bitmap handleImageOnKitKat(Intent data) {
    String imagePath = null;/*  ww  w  .  j a  va2 s .c om*/
    Uri uri = data.getData();
    Log.d("TAG", "handleImageOnKitKat: uri is " + uri);
    if (DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(this, uri)) {
        // documentUridocument id?
        String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
        if ("com.android.providers.media.documents".equals(uri.getAuthority())) {
            String id = docId.split(":")[1]; // ??id
            String selection = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + "=" + id;
            imagePath = getImagePath(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, selection);
        } else if ("com.android.providers.downloads.documents".equals(uri.getAuthority())) {
            Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"),
            imagePath = getImagePath(contentUri, null);
    } else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        // contentUri??
        imagePath = getImagePath(uri, null);
    } else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
        // fileUri???
        imagePath = uri.getPath();
    Bitmap bitmap = displayImage(imagePath);// ?
    return bitmap;