Example usage for android.os Build BOARD

List of usage examples for android.os Build BOARD


In this page you can find the example usage for android.os Build BOARD.


String BOARD

To view the source code for android.os Build BOARD.

Click Source Link


The name of the underlying board, like "goldfish".


From source file:Main.java

public static String getUniqueId() {
    String m_szDevIDShort = "35" + //we make this look like a valid IMEI
            Build.BOARD.length() % 10 + Build.BRAND.length() % 10 + Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10
            + Build.DEVICE.length() % 10 + Build.DISPLAY.length() % 10 + Build.HOST.length() % 10
            + Build.ID.length() % 10 + Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10 + Build.MODEL.length() % 10
            + Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10 + Build.TAGS.length() % 10 + Build.TYPE.length() % 10
            + Build.USER.length() % 10;//from  w w w  .j a v  a  2 s.  c  o m
    return m_szDevIDShort;

From source file:Main.java

 * Generates a pseudo-unique ID according to http://www.pocketmagic.net/android-unique-device-id/
 *///from ww  w. j  a v a 2 s .  c  o  m
static String generateDeviceId() {
    return "35" + //we make this look like a valid IMEI
            Build.BOARD.length() % 10 + Build.BRAND.length() % 10 + Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10
            + Build.DEVICE.length() % 10 + Build.DISPLAY.length() % 10 + Build.HOST.length() % 10
            + Build.ID.length() % 10 + Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10 + Build.MODEL.length() % 10
            + Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10 + Build.TAGS.length() % 10 + Build.TYPE.length() % 10
            + Build.USER.length() % 10; //13 digits

From source file:Main.java

public static String getBuildInfo(Context context) {
    // get app version info
    String appVersion = "";
    PackageInfo pInfo;/*from  ww w.ja  va2  s.c o  m*/
    try {
        pInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0);
        appVersion = pInfo.versionName + " (" + pInfo.versionCode + ")\n";
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {

    String board = "Board: " + Build.BOARD + "\n";
    String bootloader = "Bootloader: " + Build.BOOTLOADER + "\n";
    String brand = "Brand: " + Build.BRAND + "\n";
    String device = "Device: " + Build.DEVICE + "\n";
    String display = "Display: " + Build.DISPLAY + "\n";
    String product = "Product: " + Build.PRODUCT + "\n";
    String model = "Model: " + Build.MODEL + "\n";
    String manufacturer = "Manufacturer: " + Build.MANUFACTURER + "\n";

    return appVersion + board + bootloader + brand + device + display + product + model + manufacturer;

From source file:Main.java

public static String getBoard() {
    return Build.BOARD;

From source file:Main.java

public static String getSystemInfo() {
    String a = "BOARD" + Build.BOARD;
    a += "BRAND" + Build.BRAND;
    a += "CPU_ABI" + Build.CPU_ABI;
    a += "DEVICE" + Build.DEVICE;
    a += "DISPLAY" + Build.DISPLAY;
    a += "HOST" + Build.HOST;
    a += "ID" + Build.ID;
    a += "MODEL" + Build.MODEL;
    a += "PRODUCT" + Build.PRODUCT;
    a += "TAGS" + Build.TAGS;
    a += "TYPE" + Build.TYPE;
    a += "USER" + Build.USER;
    return a;//w  w  w  . j av  a2 s .  c o m


From source file:Main.java

 * Return pseudo unique ID/*from w w  w .j a  va  2s  .c  o  m*/
 * @return ID
public static String getUniquePsuedoID() {
    // If all else fails, if the user does have lower than API 9 (lower
    // than Gingerbread), has reset their phone or 'Secure.ANDROID_ID'
    // returns 'null', then simply the ID returned will be solely based
    // off their Android device information. This is where the collisions
    // can happen.
    // Thanks http://www.pocketmagic.net/?p=1662!
    // Try not to use DISPLAY, HOST or ID - these items could change.
    // If there are collisions, there will be overlapping data
    String m_szDevIDShort = "35" + (Build.BOARD.length() % 10) + (Build.BRAND.length() % 10)
            + (Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10) + (Build.DEVICE.length() % 10) + (Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10)
            + (Build.MODEL.length() % 10) + (Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10);

    // Thanks to @Roman SL!
    // http://stackoverflow.com/a/4789483/950427
    // Only devices with API >= 9 have android.os.Build.SERIAL
    // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.html#SERIAL
    // If a user upgrades software or roots their phone, there will be a duplicate entry
    String serial = null;
    try {
        serial = android.os.Build.class.getField("SERIAL").get(null).toString();

        // Go ahead and return the serial for api => 9
        return new UUID(m_szDevIDShort.hashCode(), serial.hashCode()).toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // String needs to be initialized
        serial = "serial"; // some value

    // Thanks @Joe!
    // http://stackoverflow.com/a/2853253/950427
    // Finally, combine the values we have found by using the UUID class to create a unique identifier
    return new UUID(m_szDevIDShort.hashCode(), serial.hashCode()).toString();

From source file:Main.java

public static String getDeviceId(Context context) {
    try {/*  www.j  a  v a 2s .  c  o m*/
        TelephonyManager TelephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
        String szImei = TelephonyMgr.getDeviceId(); // Requires READ_PHONE_STATE
        return szImei;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Oh well
    try {
        String m_szDevIDShort = "35" + //we make this look like a valid IMEI
                Build.BOARD.length() % 10 + Build.BRAND.length() % 10 + Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10
                + Build.DEVICE.length() % 10 + Build.DISPLAY.length() % 10 + Build.HOST.length() % 10
                + Build.ID.length() % 10 + Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10 + Build.MODEL.length() % 10
                + Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10 + Build.TAGS.length() % 10 + Build.TYPE.length() % 10
                + Build.USER.length() % 10; //13 digits
        return m_szDevIDShort;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Oh well
    return "tempid" + getRandom().nextInt();

From source file:Main.java

public static String getPsuedoUniqueID() {
    String devIDShort = "35" + (Build.BOARD.length() % 10) + (Build.BRAND.length() % 10);
        devIDShort += (Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0].length() % 10);
    } else {//from   w  w w  .j  a  va  2 s.co m
        devIDShort += (Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10);
    devIDShort += (Build.DEVICE.length() % 10) + (Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10)
            + (Build.MODEL.length() % 10) + (Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10);
    String serial;
    try {
        serial = Build.class.getField("SERIAL").get(null).toString();
        return new UUID(devIDShort.hashCode(), serial.hashCode()).toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        serial = "ESYDV000";
    return new UUID(devIDShort.hashCode(), serial.hashCode()).toString();

From source file:Main.java

 * Return pseudo unique ID//from  w ww  . java2  s  .  c  o m
 * @return ID
public static String getUniquePsuedoID() {
    // If all else fails, if the user does have lower than API 9 (lower
    // than Gingerbread), has reset their phone or 'Secure.ANDROID_ID'
    // returns 'null', then simply the ID returned will be solely based
    // off their Android device information. This is where the collisions
    // can happen.
    // Thanks http://www.pocketmagic.net/?p=1662!
    // Try not to use DISPLAY, HOST or ID - these items could change.
    // If there are collisions, there will be overlapping data
    String m_szDevIDShort = "35" + (Build.BOARD.length() % 10) + (Build.BRAND.length() % 10)
            + (Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10) + (Build.DEVICE.length() % 10) + (Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10)
            + (Build.MODEL.length() % 10) + (Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10);

    // Thanks to @Roman SL!
    // http://stackoverflow.com/a/4789483/950427
    // Only devices with API >= 9 have android.os.Build.SERIAL
    // http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Build.html#SERIAL
    // If a user upgrades software or roots their phone, there will be a
    // duplicate entry
    String serial = null;
    try {
        serial = android.os.Build.class.getField("SERIAL").get(null).toString();

        // Go ahead and return the serial for api => 9
        return new UUID(m_szDevIDShort.hashCode(), serial.hashCode()).toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // String needs to be initialized
        serial = "serial"; // some value

    // Thanks @Joe!
    // http://stackoverflow.com/a/2853253/950427
    // Finally, combine the values we have found by using the UUID class to
    // create a unique identifier
    return new UUID(m_szDevIDShort.hashCode(), serial.hashCode()).toString();

From source file:Main.java

public static final String getOblyDevicesID(Context mContext) {

    String m_szImei = "";
    try {//  www  .  j  a v a2 s.  com
        TelephonyManager TelephonyMgr = null;
        TelephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Activity.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
        m_szImei = TelephonyMgr.getDeviceId();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    String m_szDevIDShort = null;
    try {
        m_szDevIDShort = "35" + //we make this look like a valid IMEI

                Build.BOARD.length() % 10 + Build.BRAND.length() % 10 + Build.CPU_ABI.length() % 10
                + Build.DEVICE.length() % 10 + Build.DISPLAY.length() % 10 + Build.HOST.length() % 10
                + Build.ID.length() % 10 + Build.MANUFACTURER.length() % 10 + Build.MODEL.length() % 10
                + Build.PRODUCT.length() % 10 + Build.TAGS.length() % 10 + Build.TYPE.length() % 10
                + Build.USER.length() % 10; //13 digits
    } catch (Exception ex) {

    String m_szAndroidID = "";
    try {
        m_szAndroidID = "";
        Settings.Secure.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    String m_szWLANMAC = "";
    try {
        WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
        m_szWLANMAC = wm.getConnectionInfo().getMacAddress();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    String m_szBTMAC = null;
    try {
        BluetoothAdapter m_BluetoothAdapter = null; // Local Bluetooth adapter
        m_BluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
        m_szBTMAC = m_BluetoothAdapter.getAddress();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    String m_szLongID = m_szImei + m_szDevIDShort + m_szAndroidID + m_szWLANMAC + m_szBTMAC;
    // compute md5
    MessageDigest m = null;
    try {
        m = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    m.update(m_szLongID.getBytes(), 0, m_szLongID.length());
    // get md5 bytes
    byte p_md5Data[] = m.digest();
    // create a hex string
    String m_szUniqueID = new String();
    for (int i = 0; i < p_md5Data.length; i++) {
        int b = (0xFF & p_md5Data[i]);
        // if it is a single digit, make sure it have 0 in front (proper padding)
        if (b <= 0xF)
            m_szUniqueID += "0";
        // add number to string
        m_szUniqueID += Integer.toHexString(b);
    } // hex string to uppercase
    m_szUniqueID = m_szUniqueID.toUpperCase();

    return m_szUniqueID;