Example usage for android.os Bundle clone

List of usage examples for android.os Bundle clone


In this page you can find the example usage for android.os Bundle clone.


public Object clone() 

Source Link


Clones the current Bundle.


From source file:com.ccs.wedate.common.eventbus.util.ErrorDialogFragmentFactory.java

 * Prepares the fragment's arguments and creates the fragment. May be overridden to provide custom error fragments.
 *///from   ww  w .  jav a 2s .c om
protected T prepareErrorFragment(ThrowableFailureEvent event, boolean finishAfterDialog,
        Bundle argumentsForErrorDialog) {
    if (event.isSuppressErrorUi()) {
        // Show nothing by default
        return null;
    Bundle bundle;
    if (argumentsForErrorDialog != null) {
        bundle = (Bundle) argumentsForErrorDialog.clone();
    } else {
        bundle = new Bundle();

    if (!bundle.containsKey(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_TITLE)) {
        String title = getTitleFor(event, bundle);
        bundle.putString(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_TITLE, title);
    if (!bundle.containsKey(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_MESSAGE)) {
        String message = getMessageFor(event, bundle);
        bundle.putString(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_MESSAGE, message);
    if (!bundle.containsKey(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_FINISH_AFTER_DIALOG)) {
        bundle.putBoolean(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_FINISH_AFTER_DIALOG, finishAfterDialog);
    if (!bundle.containsKey(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_EVENT_TYPE_ON_CLOSE)
            && config.defaultEventTypeOnDialogClosed != null) {
    if (!bundle.containsKey(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_ICON_ID) && config.defaultDialogIconId != 0) {
        bundle.putInt(ErrorDialogManager.KEY_ICON_ID, config.defaultDialogIconId);
    return createErrorFragment(event, bundle);

From source file:com.todoroo.astrid.activity.AstridActivity.java

protected Bundle configureIntentAndExtrasWithFilter(Intent intent, Filter filter) {
    if (filter instanceof FilterWithCustomIntent) {
        int lastSelectedList = intent.getIntExtra(FilterListFragment.TOKEN_LAST_SELECTED, 0);
        intent = ((FilterWithCustomIntent) filter).getCustomIntent();
        intent.putExtra(FilterListFragment.TOKEN_LAST_SELECTED, lastSelectedList);
    } else {//from ww w  .j  a  v  a  2  s.  c  om
        intent.putExtra(TaskListFragment.TOKEN_FILTER, filter);


    Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
    if (extras != null)
        extras = (Bundle) extras.clone();
    return extras;

From source file:com.andrada.sitracker.ui.fragment.RemoteAuthorsFragment.java

public void reloadFromArguments(Bundle arguments) {
    // Load new arguments
    if (arguments == null) {
        arguments = new Bundle();
    } else {//from   w w  w . ja v a  2 s  . co  m
        // since we might make changes, don't meddle with caller's copy
        arguments = (Bundle) arguments.clone();

    // save arguments so we can reuse it when reloading from content observer events
    mArguments = arguments;

    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading from arguments: " + arguments);
    mCurrentUri = arguments.getParcelable("_uri");
    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading, uri=" + mCurrentUri);

From source file:org.deviceconnect.android.deviceplugin.host.activity.TouchProfileActivity.java

 * Send event data.//www.  j a v a  2 s  . c o m
 * @param state MotionEvent state.
 * @param event MotionEvent.
 * @param events Event request list.
private void sendEventData(final String state, final MotionEvent event, final List<Event> events) {
    List<Event> touchEvents = EventManager.INSTANCE.getEventList(mServiceId, TouchProfile.PROFILE_NAME, null,
    Bundle touchdata = new Bundle();
    List<Bundle> touchlist = new ArrayList<Bundle>();
    Bundle touches = new Bundle();
    for (int n = 0; n < event.getPointerCount(); n++) {
        int pointerId = event.getPointerId(n);
        touchdata.putInt(TouchProfile.PARAM_ID, pointerId);
        touchdata.putFloat(TouchProfile.PARAM_X, event.getX(n));
        touchdata.putFloat(TouchProfile.PARAM_Y, event.getY(n));
        touchlist.add((Bundle) touchdata.clone());
    touches.putParcelableArray(TouchProfile.PARAM_TOUCHES, touchlist.toArray(new Bundle[touchlist.size()]));
    for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) {
        Event eventdata = events.get(i);
        String attr = eventdata.getAttribute();
        Intent intent = EventManager.createEventMessage(eventdata);
        intent.putExtra(TouchProfile.PARAM_TOUCH, touches);
        mApp.setTouchCache(attr, touches);
    for (int i = 0; i < touchEvents.size(); i++) {
        Event eventdata = touchEvents.get(i);
        String attr = eventdata.getAttribute();
        touches.putString("state", state);
        Intent intent = EventManager.createEventMessage(eventdata);
        intent.putExtra(TouchProfile.PARAM_TOUCH, touches);
        mApp.setTouchCache(attr, touches);


From source file:com.todoroo.astrid.activity.TaskListActivity.java

 * @see android.app.Activity#onCreate(Bundle)
 *//*from  w w w  .  j  a v a 2 s.c om*/
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    int contentView = getContentView();
    if (contentView == R.layout.task_list_wrapper_activity)
        swipeEnabled = true;

    ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    actionBar.setDisplayOptions(0, ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE);

    listsNav = actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.lists_nav);
    listsNavDisclosure = (ImageView) actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.list_disclosure_arrow);
    lists = (TextView) actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.list_title);
    mainMenu = (ImageView) actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.main_menu);
    personStatus = (TextView) actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.person_image);
    commentsButton = (Button) actionBar.getCustomView().findViewById(R.id.comments);
    if (ThemeService.getTheme() == R.style.Theme_White_Alt)


    Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
    if (extras != null)
        extras = (Bundle) extras.clone();

    if (extras == null)
        extras = new Bundle();

    Filter savedFilter = getIntent().getParcelableExtra(TaskListFragment.TOKEN_FILTER);
    if (Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.equals(getIntent().getAction())) {
        String query = getIntent().getStringExtra(SearchManager.QUERY).trim();
        String title = getString(R.string.FLA_search_filter, query);
        savedFilter = new Filter(title, title, new QueryTemplate().where(Task.TITLE.like("%" + //$NON-NLS-1$
                query + "%")), //$NON-NLS-1$

    if (savedFilter == null) {
        savedFilter = getDefaultFilter();
        extras.putAll(configureIntentAndExtrasWithFilter(getIntent(), savedFilter));

    extras.putParcelable(TaskListFragment.TOKEN_FILTER, savedFilter);

    if (swipeIsEnabled()) {

    setupTasklistFragmentWithFilter(savedFilter, extras);

    if (savedFilter != null)

    if (getIntent().hasExtra(TOKEN_SOURCE)) {

    // Have to call this here because sometimes StartupService
    // isn't called (i.e. if the app was silently alive in the background)

From source file:koma.movieapp.ui.MoviesFragment.java

void reloadFromArguments(Bundle arguments) {
    // Load new arguments
    if (arguments == null) {
        arguments = new Bundle();
    } else {/*  www  . jav  a  2  s .com*/
        // since we might make changes, don't meddle with caller's copy
        arguments = (Bundle) arguments.clone();

    // save arguments so we can reuse it when reloading from content observer events
    mArguments = arguments;

    mToolbarTitle = arguments.getString("title");


    /*LOGD(TAG, "MoviesFragment reloading from arguments: " + arguments);
    mCurrentUri = arguments.getParcelable("_uri");
    if (mCurrentUri == null) {
    // if no URI, default to all sessions URI
    LOGD(TAG, "MoviesFragment did not get a URL, defaulting to all sessions.");
    //arguments.putParcelable("_uri", ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI);
    //mCurrentUri = ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI;

    mSessionQueryToken = mArguments.getInt("queryType");

    mCurrentSearchString = arguments.getString("searchString");

    mNoTrackBranding = mArguments.getBoolean(EXTRA_NO_TRACK_BRANDING);

    //LOGD(TAG, "MoviesFragment reloading, uri=" + mCurrentUri);

    reloadMovieData(true); // full reload


From source file:fr.paug.droidcon.ui.SessionsFragment.java

void reloadFromArguments(Bundle arguments) {
    // Load new arguments
    if (arguments == null) {
        arguments = new Bundle();
    } else {// w  w w .  jav a2 s .  co m
        // since we might make changes, don't meddle with caller's copy
        arguments = (Bundle) arguments.clone();

    // save arguments so we can reuse it when reloading from content observer events
    mArguments = arguments;

    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading from arguments: " + arguments);
    mCurrentUri = arguments.getParcelable("_uri");
    if (mCurrentUri == null) {
        // if no URI, default to all sessions URI
        LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment did not get a URL, defaulting to all sessions.");
        arguments.putParcelable("_uri", ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI);
        mCurrentUri = ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI;

    if (ScheduleContract.Sessions.isSearchUri(mCurrentUri)) {
        mSessionQueryToken = SessionsQuery.SEARCH_TOKEN;
    } else {
        mSessionQueryToken = SessionsQuery.NORMAL_TOKEN;

    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading, uri=" + mCurrentUri + ", expanded=" + useExpandedMode());

    reloadSessionData(true); // full reload
    if (mTagMetadata == null) {

From source file:com.ncode.android.apps.schedo.ui.EventsFragment.java

void reloadFromArguments(Bundle arguments) {
    // Load new arguments
    if (arguments == null) {
        arguments = new Bundle();
    } else {// w  w  w. ja v a  2 s .c  o m
        // since we might make changes, don't meddle with caller's copy
        arguments = (Bundle) arguments.clone();

    // save arguments so we can reuse it when reloading from content observer events
    mArguments = arguments;

    LOGD(TAG, "EventsFragment reloading from arguments: " + arguments);
    mCurrentUri = arguments.getParcelable("_uri");
    if (mCurrentUri == null) {
        // if no URI, default to all events URI
        LOGD(TAG, "EventsFragment did not get a URL, defaulting to all events.");
        arguments.putParcelable("_uri", ScheduleContract.Events.CONTENT_URI);
        mCurrentUri = ScheduleContract.Events.CONTENT_URI;

    mNoTrackBranding = mArguments.getBoolean(EXTRA_NO_TRACK_BRANDING);

    if (ScheduleContract.Events.isSearchUri(mCurrentUri)) {
        mEventQueryToken = EventsQuery.SEARCH_TOKEN;
    } else {
        mEventQueryToken = EventsQuery.NORMAL_TOKEN;

    LOGD(TAG, "EventsFragment reloading, uri=" + mCurrentUri + ", expanded=" + useExpandedMode());

    reloadEventData(true); // full reload
    if (mTagMetadata == null) {

From source file:com.google.samples.apps.iosched.ui.SessionsFragment.java

void reloadFromArguments(Bundle arguments) {
    // Load new arguments
    if (arguments == null) {
        arguments = new Bundle();
    } else {/*from  w  w  w .ja va 2  s  . co m*/
        // since we might make changes, don't meddle with caller's copy
        arguments = (Bundle) arguments.clone();

    // save arguments so we can reuse it when reloading from content observer events
    mArguments = arguments;

    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading from arguments: " + arguments);
    mCurrentUri = arguments.getParcelable("_uri");
    if (mCurrentUri == null) {
        // if no URI, default to all sessions URI
        LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment did not get a URL, defaulting to all sessions.");
        arguments.putParcelable("_uri", ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI);
        mCurrentUri = ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI;

    mNoTrackBranding = mArguments.getBoolean(EXTRA_NO_TRACK_BRANDING);

    if (ScheduleContract.Sessions.isSearchUri(mCurrentUri)) {
        mSessionQueryToken = SessionsQuery.SEARCH_TOKEN;
    } else {
        mSessionQueryToken = SessionsQuery.NORMAL_TOKEN;

    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading, uri=" + mCurrentUri + ", expanded=" + useExpandedMode());

    reloadSessionData(true); // full reload
    if (mTagMetadata == null) {

From source file:xyz.template.material.menu.ui.fragment.SessionsFragment.java

public void reloadFromArguments(Bundle arguments) {
    // Load new arguments
    if (arguments == null) {
        arguments = new Bundle();
    } else {/*from w w  w.ja  v  a  2 s . c o m*/
        // since we might make changes, don't meddle with caller's copy
        arguments = (Bundle) arguments.clone();

    // save arguments so we can reuse it when reloading from content observer events
    mArguments = arguments;

    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading from arguments: " + arguments);
    mCurrentUri = arguments.getParcelable("_uri");
    if (mCurrentUri == null) {
        // if no URI, default to all sessions URI
        LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment did not get a URL, defaulting to all sessions.");
        arguments.putParcelable("_uri", ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI);
        mCurrentUri = ScheduleContract.Sessions.CONTENT_URI;

    mNoTrackBranding = mArguments.getBoolean(EXTRA_NO_TRACK_BRANDING);

    if (ScheduleContract.Sessions.isSearchUri(mCurrentUri)) {
        mSessionQueryToken = SessionsQuery.SEARCH_TOKEN;
    } else {
        mSessionQueryToken = SessionsQuery.NORMAL_TOKEN;

    LOGD(TAG, "SessionsFragment reloading, uri=" + mCurrentUri + ", expanded=" + useExpandedMode());

    reloadSessionData(true); // full reload
    if (mTagMetadata == null) {