Example usage for android.os Bundle putCharSequenceArray

List of usage examples for android.os Bundle putCharSequenceArray


In this page you can find the example usage for android.os Bundle putCharSequenceArray.


public void putCharSequenceArray(@Nullable String key, @Nullable CharSequence[] value) 

Source Link


Inserts a CharSequence array value into the mapping of this Bundle, replacing any existing value for the given key.


From source file:ca.rmen.android.scrumchatter.dialog.DialogFragmentFactory.java

 * Show a visible dialog fragment with the given title and list of items. If the given activity implements {@link DialogItemListener}, the
 *         actionId, list of items, and item selected by the user, will be provided in the
 *         {@link DialogItemListener#onItemSelected(int, CharSequence[], int)} callback on the activity, when the user selects an item.
 * @param selectedItem if greater than zero, then the given item at that index will be pre-selected in the list.
 *//*  w w w  .  j a va2s  . co m*/
public static void showChoiceDialog(FragmentActivity activity, String title, CharSequence[] items,
        int selectedItem, @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") int actionId) {
    Log.v(TAG, "showChoiceDialog: title = " + title + ", actionId = " + actionId + ", items ="
            + Arrays.toString(items) + ", selectedItem = " + selectedItem);
    ChoiceDialogFragment result = new ChoiceDialogFragment();
    Bundle arguments = new Bundle(5);
    arguments.putString(EXTRA_TITLE, title);
    arguments.putInt(EXTRA_ACTION_ID, actionId);
    arguments.putCharSequenceArray(EXTRA_CHOICES, items);
    arguments.putInt(EXTRA_SELECTED_ITEM, selectedItem);
    result.show(activity.getSupportFragmentManager(), ChoiceDialogFragment.class.getSimpleName());

From source file:com.syncedsynapse.kore2.ui.GenericSelectDialog.java

 * Create a new instance of the dialog, providing arguments.
 * @param listener Listener for selection
 * @param token Token to be returned on the callback, to differentiate different calls
 * @param title Title of the dialog/*from  w  w w.  java 2s.c  o  m*/
 * @param items String array of the options to show in the dialog
 * @param selectedItem Index of the selected item
 * @return New dialog
public static GenericSelectDialog newInstance(GenericSelectDialogListener listener, int token, String title,
        CharSequence[] items, int selectedItem) {
    GenericSelectDialog dialog = new GenericSelectDialog();
    // TODO: This isn't going to survive destroys, but it's the easiast way to communicate
    dialog.mListener = listener;

    Bundle args = new Bundle();
    args.putInt(TOKEN_KEY, token);
    args.putString(TITLE_KEY, title);
    args.putCharSequenceArray(ARRAY_ITEMS, items);
    args.putInt(SELECTED_ITEM_KEY, selectedItem);

    return dialog;

From source file:ca.rmen.android.networkmonitor.app.dialog.DialogFragmentFactory.java

 * Show a visible dialog fragment with the given title and list of items. If the given activity implements {@link DialogItemListener}, the
 *         actionId, list of items, and item selected by the user, will be provided in the
 *         {@link DialogItemListener#onItemSelected(int, CharSequence[], int)} callback on the activity, when the user selects an item.
 * @param selectedItem if greater than zero, then the given item at that index will be pre-selected in the list.
 *//*from w  w w  .j a  va  2  s  .  co  m*/
public static void showChoiceDialog(FragmentActivity activity, String title, CharSequence[] items,
        int selectedItem, int actionId) {
    Log.v(TAG, "showChoiceDialog: title = " + title + ", actionId = " + actionId + ", items ="
            + Arrays.toString(items) + ", selectedItem = " + selectedItem);
    ChoiceDialogFragment result = new ChoiceDialogFragment();
    Bundle arguments = new Bundle(5);
    arguments.putString(EXTRA_TITLE, title);
    arguments.putInt(EXTRA_ACTION_ID, actionId);
    arguments.putCharSequenceArray(EXTRA_CHOICES, items);
    arguments.putInt(EXTRA_SELECTED_ITEM, selectedItem);
    result.show(activity.getSupportFragmentManager(), ChoiceDialogFragment.class.getSimpleName());

From source file:com.alicode.android.teraworldevents.TeraTimeActivity.java

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle state) {
    state.putCharSequenceArray(KEY_MODELS, models);
    state.putInt(KEY_POSITION, getSupportActionBar().getSelectedNavigationIndex());

From source file:android.support.v17.preference.LeanbackListPreferenceDialogFragment.java

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
    outState.putCharSequence(SAVE_STATE_TITLE, mDialogTitle);
    outState.putCharSequence(SAVE_STATE_MESSAGE, mDialogMessage);
    outState.putBoolean(SAVE_STATE_IS_MULTI, mMulti);
    outState.putCharSequenceArray(SAVE_STATE_ENTRIES, mEntries);
    outState.putCharSequenceArray(SAVE_STATE_ENTRY_VALUES, mEntryValues);
    if (mMulti) {
                mInitialSelections.toArray(new String[mInitialSelections.size()]));
    } else {//from ww  w .ja  v a  2s  . c o m
        outState.putString(SAVE_STATE_INITIAL_SELECTION, mInitialSelection);

From source file:me.xiaopan.android.inject.sample.MainActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    listView = new ListView(getBaseContext());
    setContentView(listView);//from   w w  w .  j a v  a 2s . c  o  m

    // SharedPreferences?
    PreferenceUtils.putBoolean(getBaseContext(), KEY_BOOLEAN, true);
    PreferenceUtils.putFloat(getBaseContext(), KEY_FLOAT, 10000f);
    PreferenceUtils.putInt(getBaseContext(), KEY_INT, 2000);
    PreferenceUtils.putLong(getBaseContext(), KEY_LONG, 50000);
    PreferenceUtils.putString(getBaseContext(), KEY_STRING, "Preference String");
    Set<String> stringSet = new HashSet<String>();
    stringSet.add("String Set 1");
    stringSet.add("String Set 2");
    stringSet.add("String Set 3");
    stringSet.add("String Set 4");
    PreferenceUtils.putStringSet(getBaseContext(), KEY_STRING_SET, stringSet);
    MyBean bean2 = new MyBean();
    PreferenceUtils.putObject(getBaseContext(), KEY_JSON, bean2);
    PreferenceUtils.putString(getBaseContext(), KEY_ENUM, Sex.WOMAN.name());

    // ??
    String[] items = new String[] { "", "?", "FragmentDialog",
            "InjectAdapter", "InjectExpandableListAdapter" };
    listView.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(getBaseContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,
            android.R.id.text1, items));
    listView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
        public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
            if (position <= 2) {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putBoolean(MainActivity.PARAM_BOOLEAN, true);
                bundle.putBooleanArray(MainActivity.PARAM_BOOLEAN_ARRAY, new boolean[] { true, false, true });
                bundle.putByte(MainActivity.PARAM_BYTE, (byte) 110);
                bundle.putByteArray(MainActivity.PARAM_BYTE_ARRAY, new byte[] { 111, 112, 113 });
                bundle.putChar(MainActivity.PARAM_CHAR, 'R');
                bundle.putCharArray(MainActivity.PARAM_CHAR_ARRAY, new char[] { 'c', 'h', 'a', 'r' });
                bundle.putCharSequence(MainActivity.PARAM_CHAR_SEQUENCE, "CharSequence");
                        new CharSequence[] { "Char", " ", "Sequence" });
                bundle.putDouble(MainActivity.PARAM_DOUBLE, 12.00d);
                bundle.putDoubleArray(MainActivity.PARAM_DOUBLE_ARRAY, new double[] { 12.01d, 12.02d, 12.03d });
                bundle.putFloat(MainActivity.PARAM_FLOAT, 13.00f);
                bundle.putFloatArray(MainActivity.PARAM_FLOAT_ARRAY, new float[] { 13.01f, 13.02f, 13.03f });
                bundle.putInt(MainActivity.PARAM_INT, 120);
                bundle.putIntArray(MainActivity.PARAM_INT_ARRAY, new int[] { 121, 122, 123, });
                bundle.putLong(MainActivity.PARAM_LONG, 12345);
                bundle.putLongArray(MainActivity.PARAM_LONG_ARRAY, new long[] { 12346, 12347, 12348 });
                bundle.putShort(MainActivity.PARAM_SHORT, (short) 2);
                bundle.putShortArray(MainActivity.PARAM_SHORT_ARRAY, new short[] { 3, 4, 5 });
                bundle.putString(MainActivity.PARAM_STRING, "String");
                        new String[] { "String1", "String2", "String3" });

                // ??JSONBundle
                MyBean bean = new MyBean();
                bundle.putString(PARAM_STRING_JSON, new Gson().toJson(bean));

                bundle.putString(MainActivity.PARAM_STRING_ENUM, Sex.WOMAN.name());

                ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
                stringList.add("ArrayList String 1");
                stringList.add("ArrayList String 2");
                stringList.add("ArrayList String 3");
                bundle.putStringArrayList(MainActivity.PARAM_STRING_ARRAY_LIST, stringList);
                switch (position) {
                case 0:
                    Intent intent = new Intent(getBaseContext(), InjectTestActivity.class);
                case 1:
                    Intent intent2 = new Intent(getBaseContext(), NormalActivity.class);
                case 2:
                    new TestDialogFragment().show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "");
            } else {
                Class<?> targetClass = null;
                if (position == 3) {
                    targetClass = InjectAdapterActivity.class;
                } else if (position == 4) {
                    targetClass = InjectExpandableListAdapterActivity.class;
                if (targetClass != null) {
                    startActivity(new Intent(getBaseContext(), targetClass));

From source file:com.facebook.react.modules.dialog.DialogModule.java

public void showAlert(ReadableMap options, Callback errorCallback, Callback actionCallback) {
    FragmentManagerHelper fragmentManagerHelper = getFragmentManagerHelper();
    if (fragmentManagerHelper == null) {
        errorCallback.invoke("Tried to show an alert while not attached to an Activity");
        return;//from   ww  w  .  ja  v  a 2  s  . com

    final Bundle args = new Bundle();
    if (options.hasKey(KEY_TITLE)) {
        args.putString(AlertFragment.ARG_TITLE, options.getString(KEY_TITLE));
    if (options.hasKey(KEY_MESSAGE)) {
        args.putString(AlertFragment.ARG_MESSAGE, options.getString(KEY_MESSAGE));
    if (options.hasKey(KEY_BUTTON_POSITIVE)) {
        args.putString(AlertFragment.ARG_BUTTON_POSITIVE, options.getString(KEY_BUTTON_POSITIVE));
    if (options.hasKey(KEY_BUTTON_NEGATIVE)) {
        args.putString(AlertFragment.ARG_BUTTON_NEGATIVE, options.getString(KEY_BUTTON_NEGATIVE));
    if (options.hasKey(KEY_BUTTON_NEUTRAL)) {
        args.putString(AlertFragment.ARG_BUTTON_NEUTRAL, options.getString(KEY_BUTTON_NEUTRAL));
    if (options.hasKey(KEY_ITEMS)) {
        ReadableArray items = options.getArray(KEY_ITEMS);
        CharSequence[] itemsArray = new CharSequence[items.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
            itemsArray[i] = items.getString(i);
        args.putCharSequenceArray(AlertFragment.ARG_ITEMS, itemsArray);

    fragmentManagerHelper.showNewAlert(mIsInForeground, args, actionCallback);