Example usage for android.os Handler sendMessageDelayed

List of usage examples for android.os Handler sendMessageDelayed


In this page you can find the example usage for android.os Handler sendMessageDelayed.


public final boolean sendMessageDelayed(Message msg, long delayMillis) 

Source Link


Enqueue a message into the message queue after all pending messages before (current time + delayMillis).


From source file:Main.java

public static void loadFailed(Handler handler) {
    handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(LOAD_FAIL), 3000);
    return;/*from  ww w  .  j  a  v  a2 s . c o m*/

From source file:Main.java

public static Long startDownload(DownloadManager dm, Handler handler, String location) {
    DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(Uri.parse(location));
    Long id = dm.enqueue(request);
    handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(MSG_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, id), DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
    if (DEBUG)/*w w w  .  j a va  2s.  co m*/
        Log.d(TAG, "Starting download: DownloadId=" + id);
    return id;

From source file:com.squareup.picasso3.Utils.java

 * Prior to Android 5, HandlerThread always keeps a stack local reference to the last message
 * that was sent to it. This method makes sure that stack local reference never stays there
 * for too long by sending new messages to it every second.
 *//*from w  w w. j a  v  a  2  s  .  com*/
static void flushStackLocalLeaks(Looper looper) {
    Handler handler = new Handler(looper) {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(), THREAD_LEAK_CLEANING_MS);
    handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(), THREAD_LEAK_CLEANING_MS);

From source file:jmri.enginedriver.threaded_application.java

public boolean sendMsgDelay(Handler h, long delayMs, int msgType, String msgBody, int msgArg1, int msgArg2) {
    boolean sent = false;
    if (h != null) {
        Message msg = Message.obtain();/*from w ww . j  a va2 s.c o m*/
        msg.what = msgType;
        msg.obj = new String(msgBody);
        msg.arg1 = msgArg1;
        msg.arg2 = msgArg2;
        try {
            sent = h.sendMessageDelayed(msg, delayMs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (!sent)
    return sent;

From source file:com.jerrellmardis.amphitheatre.task.DownloadTaskHelper.java

public static void traverseSmbFiles(SmbFile root, NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth)
        throws SmbException, MalformedURLException {
    int fileCount = 0;
    boolean video_folder = false;
    final Video v = new Video();
    Handler h = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {
        @Override/*from w w  w  .  ja v a2 s.com*/
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            //                            super.handleMessage(msg);
            Video vid = (Video) msg.getData().getSerializable("VIDEO");
            Log.d(TAG, "Handle " + msg.getData().getInt("WHEN") + " " + vid.getName());
            updateSingleVideo(vid, null);


    for (SmbFile f : root.listFiles()) {
        if (f.getParent().contains("Entertainment Media")) {
            //                Log.d(TAG, "Discovered "+f.getPath()+" "+f.isDirectory());
        if (f.isDirectory()) {
            try {
                //TODO Port VOB folder support to USB and internal storage
                SmbFile[] directoryContents = f.listFiles();
                //                    Log.d(TAG, "Going into directory "+f.getPath());
                //If this works, then we can explore
                //Let's do some quick name checking to for time savings
                if (f.getName().contains("Entertainment Media")) {
                    //                        Log.d(TAG, Arrays.asList(f.listFiles()).toString());
                if (!f.getName().contains("iTunes") && !f.getName().contains("Digi Pix")
                        && !f.getName().contains("AppData") && !f.getName().startsWith(".")
                        && !f.getName().contains("Avid") && !f.getName().contains("Spotify")
                        && !f.getName().contains("audacity_temp") && !f.getName().contains("Media_previews")
                        && !f.getName().contains("GFX_previews")
                        && !f.getName().contains("Samsung Install Files") && !f.getName().contains("AE Renders")
                        && !f.getName().contains("LocalData") && !f.getName().contains("$RECYCLE")
                        && !f.getName().contains("Encore DVD") && !f.getName().contains("16 GB Photo card")
                        && !f.getName().contains("Ignore") && !f.getName().contains("Documents") //TEMP
                        && !f.getName().contains("Downloads") //TEMP
                        && !f.getName().contains("TypeGEMs") //TEMP
                        && !f.getName().contains("KofC7032Web") //TEMP
                        && !f.getName().contains("hype mobile docs") //TEMP
                        && !f.getName().contains("Thrive Music Video") //TEMP
                        /*&& f.getPath().contains("Entertainment") //TEMP*/
                        && !f.getName().contains("Preview Files")) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Check " + f.getPath());
                    traverseSmbFiles(f, auth);
                } else {
                    //                        Log.d(TAG, "Don't check " + f.getPath());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //This folder isn't accessible
                Log.d(TAG, "Inaccessible: " + f.getName() + " " + e.getMessage());
                //This will save us time in the traversal
        } else/* if(f.getPath().contains("Films"))*/ { //TEMP
            //Is this something we want to add?
            //                Log.d(TAG, "Non-directory "+f.getPath());
            if (VideoUtils.isVideoFile(f.getPath())) {
                Log.d(TAG, f.getName() + " is a video");
                //Perhaps. Let's do some checking.
                /* VOB check
                If the files are in a structure like:
                { Movie Name } -> VIDEO_TS -> VTS_nn_n.vob
                Then use the movie name as the source, and each vob url will
                be added in a comma-separated list to the video url string

                if (f.getPath().contains("VIDEO_TS")) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "Special case for " + f.getPath());
                    //We have a special case!
                    String grandparentPath = f.getPath().substring(0, f.getPath().indexOf("VIDEO_TS"));
                    SmbFile grandparent = new SmbFile(grandparentPath, auth);

                    //Let's delete this video and all like it from our video database
                    //TODO Makes more sense to not delete and replace a video, just to update in place
                    //                        Log.d(TAG, "Purge where video_url like "+"%" + grandparent.getPath().replace("'", "\'") + "%");
                    List<Video> videos = Select.from(Video.class).where(Condition.prop("video_url")
                            .like("%" + grandparent.getPath().replace("'", "\'") + "%")).list();
                    //                        Log.d(TAG, "Purging "+videos.size()+" item(s)");
                    for (Video vx : videos) {
                        //                            Log.d(TAG, "Deleting "+vx.getVideoUrl());

                    v.setName(grandparent.getName().replace("/", "").replace("_", " ") + ".avi"); //FIXME VOB currently not supported
                    v.setIsMatched(true); //Kind of a lie, but we know it's a thing!
                    //Get all the video files
                    ArrayList<String> urls = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (SmbFile f2 : grandparent.listFiles()) {
                        for (SmbFile f3 : f2.listFiles()) {
                            if (VideoUtils.isVideoFile(f3.getPath())) {
                                //Presumably in order
                    //                        Log.d(TAG, urls.toString()); //This works well
                    video_folder = true;
                } else {
                    //Add the video like normal
                    //Let's delete this video and all like it from our video database
                    List<Video> videos = Select.from(Video.class)
                            .where(Condition.prop("video_url").like("%" + f.getPath().replace("'", "''") + "%"))
                    //                        Log.d(TAG, "Purging "+videos.size()+" item(s)");
                    for (Video vx : videos) {
                        //                            Log.d(TAG, "Deleting "+vx.getVideoUrl());


                    //Send a request to update metadata every second, to prevent as many 429 errors and memory exceptions
                    Message m = new Message();
                    Bundle mBundle = new Bundle();
                    mBundle.putSerializable("VIDEO", v.clone());
                    mBundle.putInt("WHEN", (int) (1000 * fileCount + Math.round(Math.random() * 100)));
                    //                        h.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(1000 * fileCount, 1000 * fileCount);
                    h.sendMessageDelayed(m, 1000 * fileCount);
                    Log.d(TAG, "Queued " + mBundle.getInt("WHEN") + "  -  " + v.getName());
                    v.save(); //Need to save here, otherwise purging won't work as expected

                //                    Log.d(TAG, v.toString());

                //                    return;
            //Ignore otherwise
    //Let's do VOB video
    if (video_folder) {
        //            Log.d(TAG, "Done rooting through "+root.getPath());
        Log.d(TAG, "Created info for VOB " + v.toString());
        //Send a request to update metadata every second, to prevent as many 429 errors and memory exceptions
        Message m = new Message();
        Bundle mBundle = new Bundle();
        mBundle.putSerializable("VIDEO", v.clone());
        //                        h.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(1000 * fileCount, 1000 * fileCount);
        h.sendMessageDelayed(m, 1000 * fileCount);
        Log.d(TAG, "Queued " + 1000 * fileCount + "  -  " + v.getName());
        v.save(); //Need to save here, otherwise purging won't work as expected