Example usage for android.os ParcelFileDescriptor hashCode

List of usage examples for android.os ParcelFileDescriptor hashCode


In this page you can find the example usage for android.os ParcelFileDescriptor hashCode.


public native int hashCode();

Source Link


Returns a hash code value for the object.


From source file:org.opensilk.music.cast.CastWebServer.java

 * Fetches and serves the album art/*from   w w w  . ja  va2 s  .com*/
 * @param uri
 * @param headers
 * @return
private Response serveArt(Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, String> params, String uri) {
    String artist = params.get("artist");
    String album = params.get("album");
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(artist) || TextUtils.isEmpty(album)) {
        return notFoundResponse();
    String reqEtag = headers.get("if-none-match");
    if (!quiet)
        Log.d(TAG, "requested Art etag " + reqEtag);
    // Check our cache if we served up this etag for this url already
    // we can just return and save ourselfs a lot of expensive db/disk queries
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(reqEtag)) {
        String oldUri;
        synchronized (mEtagCache) {
            oldUri = mEtagCache.get(reqEtag);
        if (oldUri != null && oldUri.equals(uri)) {
            // We already served it
            return createResponse(Response.Status.NOT_MODIFIED, MIME_ART, "");
    // We've got get get the art
    InputStream parcelIn = null;
    ByteArrayOutputStream tmpOut = null;
    try {
        final ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = mContext.getContentResolver()
                .openFileDescriptor(ArtworkProvider.createArtworkUri(artist, album), "r");
        //Hackish but hopefully will yield unique etags (at least for this session)
        String etag = Integer.toHexString(pfd.hashCode());
        if (!quiet)
            Log.d(TAG, "Created etag " + etag + " for " + uri);
        synchronized (mEtagCache) {
            mEtagCache.put(etag, uri);
        // pipes dont perform well over the network and tend to get broken
        // so copy the image into memory and send the copy
        parcelIn = new ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream(pfd);
        tmpOut = new PoolingByteArrayOutputStream(mBytePool, 512 * 1024);
        IOUtils.copy(parcelIn, tmpOut);
        if (!quiet)
            Log.d(TAG, "image size=" + tmpOut.size() / 1024.0 + "k");
        Response res = createResponse(Response.Status.OK, MIME_ART,
                new ByteArrayInputStream(tmpOut.toByteArray()));
        res.addHeader("ETag", etag);
        return res;
    } catch (NullPointerException | IOException e) {
        // Serve up the default art
        return createResponse(Response.Status.OK, MIME_ART,
    } finally {