Java android.preference PreferenceScreen fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.preference PreferenceScreen fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.preference PreferenceScreen.

The text is from its open source code.


booleanaddPreference(Preference preference)
Adds a Preference at the correct position based on the preference's order.
voidbind(ListView listView)
Binds a ListView to the preferences contained in this PreferenceScreen via #getRootAdapter() .
PreferencefindPreference(CharSequence key)
Finds a Preference based on its key.
Returns the android.content.Context of this Preference.
Used to get a handle to the dialog.
PreferencegetPreference(int index)
Returns the Preference at a particular index.
Returns the number of children Preference s.
Gets the PreferenceManager that manages this Preference object's tree.
Returns an adapter that can be attached to a PreferenceActivity or PreferenceFragment to show the preferences contained in this PreferenceScreen .
Returns the SharedPreferences where this Preference can read its value(s).
Returns the summary of this Preference.
Returns the title of this Preference.
voidonItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id)
Removes all Preference Preferences from this group.
booleanremovePreference(Preference preference)
Removes a Preference from this group.
voidrestoreHierarchyState(Bundle container)
Restore this Preference hierarchy's previously saved state from the given container.
voidsaveHierarchyState(Bundle container)
Store this Preference hierarchy's frozen state into the given container.
voidsetEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets whether this Preference is enabled.
voidsetKey(String key)
Sets the key for this Preference, which is used as a key to the SharedPreferences or PreferenceDataStore .
voidsetOnPreferenceClickListener(OnPreferenceClickListener onPreferenceClickListener)
Sets the callback to be invoked when this Preference is clicked.
voidsetOrder(int order)
Sets the order of this Preference with respect to other Preference objects on the same level.
voidsetPersistent(boolean persistent)
Sets whether this Preference is persistent.
voidsetSummary(CharSequence summary)
Sets the summary for this Preference with a CharSequence.
voidsetTitle(CharSequence title)
Sets the title for this Preference with a CharSequence.