Example usage for android.support.v4.app ActivityManagerCompat isLowRamDevice

List of usage examples for android.support.v4.app ActivityManagerCompat isLowRamDevice


In this page you can find the example usage for android.support.v4.app ActivityManagerCompat isLowRamDevice.


public static boolean isLowRamDevice(ActivityManager activityManager) 

Source Link


From source file:de.schildbach.wallet.util.CrashReporter.java

public static void appendDeviceInfo(final Appendable report, final Context context) throws IOException {
    final Resources res = context.getResources();
    final android.content.res.Configuration config = res.getConfiguration();
    final ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) context
    final DevicePolicyManager devicePolicyManager = (DevicePolicyManager) context

    report.append("Device Model: " + Build.MODEL + "\n");
    report.append("Android Version: " + Build.VERSION.RELEASE + "\n");
        report.append("Android security patch level: ").append(Build.VERSION.SECURITY_PATCH).append("\n");
    report.append("ABIs: ").append(Joiner.on(", ").skipNulls().join(Strings.emptyToNull(Build.CPU_ABI),
    report.append("Board: " + Build.BOARD + "\n");
    report.append("Brand: " + Build.BRAND + "\n");
    report.append("Device: " + Build.DEVICE + "\n");
    report.append("Display: " + Build.DISPLAY + "\n");
    report.append("Finger Print: " + Build.FINGERPRINT + "\n");
    report.append("Host: " + Build.HOST + "\n");
    report.append("ID: " + Build.ID + "\n");
    report.append("Product: " + Build.PRODUCT + "\n");
    report.append("Tags: " + Build.TAGS + "\n");
    report.append("Time: " + Build.TIME + "\n");
    report.append("Type: " + Build.TYPE + "\n");
    report.append("User: " + Build.USER + "\n");
    report.append("Configuration: " + config + "\n");
    report.append("Screen Layout: size "
            + (config.screenLayout & android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK) + " long "
            + (config.screenLayout & android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_MASK) + "\n");
    report.append("Display Metrics: " + res.getDisplayMetrics() + "\n");
    report.append("Memory Class: " + activityManager.getMemoryClass() + "/"
            + activityManager.getLargeMemoryClass()
            + (ActivityManagerCompat.isLowRamDevice(activityManager) ? " (low RAM device)" : "") + "\n");
    report.append("Storage Encryption Status: " + devicePolicyManager.getStorageEncryptionStatus() + "\n");
    report.append("Bluetooth MAC: " + bluetoothMac() + "\n");
    report.append("Runtime: ").append(System.getProperty("java.vm.name")).append(" ")