Example usage for android.support.v4.app DialogFragment subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.support.v4.app DialogFragment subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.support.v4.app DialogFragment subclass-usage.


From source file com.appeaser.sublimepicker.SublimePickerFragment.java

public class SublimePickerFragment extends DialogFragment {
    // Date & Time formatter used for formatting
    // text on the switcher button
    DateFormat mDateFormatter, mTimeFormatter;

    // Picker

From source file butter.droid.base.fragments.dialog.FileSelectorDialogFragment.java

public class FileSelectorDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {

    private static FileSelectorDialogFragment sFragment = null;
    private File currentDir;
    private FileArrayAdapter adapter;
    private ListView list;

From source file com.actinarium.nagbox.ui.EditTaskDialogFragment.java

 * A popup window for creating and editing tasks, implemented as a dialog fragment
 * @author Paul Danyliuk

From source file cat.wuyingren.rorhelper.fragments.dialogs.ConfirmationDialogFragment.java

 * Created by wuyingren on 18/02/14.
public class ConfirmationDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {

    public static final String ARG_MESSAGE = "message";

From source file com.cerema.cloud2.ui.dialog.CredentialsDialogFragment.java

 *  Dialog to input authentication credentials
public class CredentialsDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener {

From source file com.cerema.cloud2.ui.dialog.CreateFolderDialogFragment.java

 *  Dialog to input the name for a new folder to create.  
 *  Triggers the folder creation when name is confirmed.
public class CreateFolderDialogFragment extends DialogFragment implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener {

From source file br.com.anteros.vendas.gui.ClienteConsultaDialog.java

 * Dialog para consulta de clientes.
 * @author Eduardo Greco (eduardogreco93@gmail.com)
 *         Eduardo Albertini (albertinieduardo@hotmail.com)
 *         Edson Martins (edsonmartins2005@gmail.com)

From source file alba_manager.albamanager.Util.colorpicker.ColorPickerDialog.java

 * A dialog which takes in as input an array of colors and creates a palette allowing the user to
 * select a specific color swatch, which invokes a listener.
public class ColorPickerDialog extends DialogFragment implements ColorPickerSwatch.OnColorSelectedListener {

From source file at.alladin.rmbt.android.loopmode.LoopModeStartFragment.java

public class LoopModeStartFragment extends DialogFragment {

    public static LoopModeStartFragment newInstance() {
        final LoopModeStartFragment f = new LoopModeStartFragment();
        return f;

From source file ch.scythe.hsr.DayFragment.java

public class DayFragment extends DialogFragment {

    public static final String FRAGMENT_PARAMETER_DATA = "week";
    public static final String FRAGMENT_PARAMETER_WEEKDAY = "position";

    private UiWeek week;