Java NavUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java NavUtils fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for NavUtils.

The text is from its open source code.



IntentgetParentActivityIntent(Activity sourceActivity)
Obtain an Intent that will launch Intent#ACTION_MAIN with an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivity's #PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.
StringgetParentActivityName(Activity sourceActivity)
Return the fully qualified class name of sourceActivity's parent activity as specified by a #PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element within the activity element in the application's manifest.
voidnavigateUpFromSameTask(Activity sourceActivity)
Convenience method that is equivalent to calling #navigateUpTo(Activity,Intent) navigateUpTo (sourceActivity, #getParentActivityIntent(Activity) getParentActivityIntent (sourceActivity)).
voidnavigateUpTo(Activity sourceActivity, Intent upIntent)
Navigate from sourceActivity to the activity specified by upIntent, finishing sourceActivity in the process.
booleanshouldUpRecreateTask(Activity sourceActivity, Intent targetIntent)
Returns true if sourceActivity should recreate the task when navigating 'up' by using targetIntent.