Example usage for android.support.v4.content AsyncTaskLoader subclass-usage

List of usage examples for android.support.v4.content AsyncTaskLoader subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.support.v4.content AsyncTaskLoader subclass-usage.


From source file com.revesoft.itelmobiledialer.util.SQLiteCursorLoader.java

 * A loader that queries the {@link ContentResolver} and returns a {@link Cursor}.
 * This class implements the {@link Loader} protocol in a standard way for
 * querying cursors, building on {@link AsyncTaskLoader} to perform the cursor
 * query on a background thread so that it does not block the application's UI.

From source file org.musicbrainz.mobile.loader.SubmitTagsLoader.java

public class SubmitTagsLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<AsyncResult<LinkedList<Tag>>> {

    private MusicBrainzApplication app;
    private Entity type;
    private String mbid;
    private String tags;

From source file org.getlantern.firetweet.loader.support.BaseUserListsLoader.java

public abstract class BaseUserListsLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<ParcelableUserList>> {

    protected final NoDuplicatesArrayList<ParcelableUserList> mData = new NoDuplicatesArrayList<ParcelableUserList>();
    protected final long mAccountId;
    private final long mCursor;

From source file org.mariotaku.twidere.loader.support.ParcelableStatusLoader.java

 * Created by mariotaku on 14/12/5.
public class ParcelableStatusLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<SingleResponse<ParcelableStatus>> {

    private final boolean mOmitIntentExtra;

From source file com.chute.android.photopickerplus.loaders.AbstractSingleDataInstanceAsyncTaskLoader.java

 * An abstract class that performs asynchronous data loading. While Loaders are
 * active they should monitor the source of their data and deliver new results
 * when the contents change.
 * @author darko.grozdanovski

From source file com.hotmart.dragonfly.ui.PageableLoader.java

 * An {@link AsyncTaskLoader} that loads activities from the public Google+ stream for
 * a given search query. The loader maintains a page state with the Google+ API and thus
 * supports pagination.
public class PageableLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<AddressResponseVO>> {

From source file org.adawaycn.util.ScanAdwareLoader.java

 * A custom Loader to search for bad adware apps, based on
 * https://github.com/brosmike/AirPush-Detector. Daniel Bjorge licensed it under Apachev2 after
 * asking him by mail.
public class ScanAdwareLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<Map<String, String>>> {

From source file org.smap.smapTask.android.loaders.TaskLoader.java

 * An implementation of AsyncTaskLoader which loads a {@code List<TaskEntry>}
 * containing all tasks on the device.
public class TaskLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader<List<TaskEntry>> {

From source file com.chute.components.android.multiimagepicker.loader.AbstractSingleDataInstanceAsyncTaskLoader.java

 * An abstract class that performs asynchronous loading of data. While Loaders
 * are active they should monitor the source of their data and deliver new
 * results when the contents change.
 * @author darko.grozdanovski

From source file com.dwdesign.tweetings.loader.ParcelableStatusesLoader.java

public abstract class ParcelableStatusesLoader
        extends AsyncTaskLoader<SynchronizedStateSavedList<ParcelableStatus, Long>> implements Constants {

    protected final Twitter mTwitter;
    protected final long mAccountId;
    private final String mClassName;