Example usage for android.support.v4.graphics ColorUtils compositeColors

List of usage examples for android.support.v4.graphics ColorUtils compositeColors


In this page you can find the example usage for android.support.v4.graphics ColorUtils compositeColors.


public static int compositeColors(@ColorInt int foreground, @ColorInt int background) 

Source Link


Composite two potentially translucent colors over each other and returns the result.


From source file:ooo.oxo.moments.util.ColorMixer.java

public static int mix(@ColorInt int background, @ColorInt int foreground, float ratio) {
    int alpha = Color.alpha(foreground);
    alpha = (int) Math.floor((float) alpha * Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f, ratio)));
    foreground = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(foreground, alpha);
    return ColorUtils.compositeColors(foreground, background);

From source file:me.xingrz.gankmeizhi.util.ColorMixer.java

 * ??/*w w w .jav  a  2 s. c  o  m*/
 * @param background 
 * @param foreground ?
 * @param ratio      ??
 * @return ??
public static int mix(@ColorInt int background, @ColorInt int foreground, float ratio) {
    int alpha = Color.alpha(foreground);
    alpha = (int) Math.floor((float) alpha * ratio);
    foreground = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(foreground, alpha);
    return ColorUtils.compositeColors(foreground, background);

From source file:net.xpece.android.colorpicker.ColorStateDrawable.java

private int getPressedColor() {
    return ColorUtils.compositeColors(mPressed, mColor);

From source file:com.fastbootmobile.encore.app.tv.CardPresenter.java

private static void updateCardBackgroundColor(ImageCardView view, boolean selected) {
    int color = selected ? sSelectedBackgroundColor : sDefaultBackgroundColor;

    if (view.getTag() != null && view.getTag() instanceof Palette) {
        Palette palette = (Palette) view.getTag();
        final int darkVibColor = palette.getDarkVibrantColor(sSelectedBackgroundColor);
        final int darkVibColorDim = ColorUtils.compositeColors(0xA0FFFFFF & darkVibColor, 0xFF000000);
        color = selected ? darkVibColor : darkVibColorDim;
    }//from  w  ww .j av  a 2 s  . c om

    // Both background colors should be set because the view's background is temporarily visible
    // during animations.

From source file:org.mariotaku.twidere.text.OriginalStatusSpan.java

public void draw(final Canvas canvas, final CharSequence text, final int start, final int end, final float x,
        final int top, final int y, final int bottom, final Paint paint) {
    if (!(paint instanceof TextPaint))
        return;//from w ww .  j a v a 2s .  c om
    final TextPaint tp = (TextPaint) paint;
    mBounds.left = x;
    mBounds.right = x + paint.measureText(text, start, end) + mPadding * 2;
    mBounds.top = top;
    mBounds.bottom = bottom;
    final int innerTextColor = TwidereColorUtils.getContrastYIQ(tp.linkColor, ThemeUtils.ACCENT_COLOR_THRESHOLD,
            mDarkLightColors[0], mDarkLightColors[1]);
    mBounds.inset(mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2, mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2);
    canvas.drawRoundRect(mBounds, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, mPaint);
    mBounds.inset(-mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2, -mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2);
            ColorUtils.compositeColors(ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(innerTextColor, 0x80), tp.linkColor));
    mBounds.inset(mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2, mPaint.getStrokeWidth() / 2);
    canvas.drawRoundRect(mBounds, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, mPaint);
    canvas.drawText(text, start, end, x + mPadding,
            top + (bottom - top) / 2 - (paint.descent() + paint.ascent()) / 2, paint);

From source file:jp.tkgktyk.xposed.forcetouchdetector.app.util.fab.CircularBorderDrawable.java

 * Creates a vertical {@link LinearGradient}
 * @return//w w w .  j av  a2  s  .  co m
private Shader createGradientShader() {
    final Rect rect = mRect;

    final float borderRatio = mBorderWidth / rect.height();

    final int[] colors = new int[6];
    colors[0] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mTopOuterStrokeColor, mTintColor);
    colors[1] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mTopInnerStrokeColor, mTintColor);
    colors[2] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(mTopInnerStrokeColor, 0), mTintColor);
    colors[3] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(mBottomInnerStrokeColor, 0),
    colors[4] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mBottomInnerStrokeColor, mTintColor);
    colors[5] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mBottomOuterStrokeColor, mTintColor);

    final float[] positions = new float[6];
    positions[0] = 0f;
    positions[1] = borderRatio;
    positions[2] = 0.5f;
    positions[3] = 0.5f;
    positions[4] = 1f - borderRatio;
    positions[5] = 1f;

    return new LinearGradient(0, rect.top, 0, rect.bottom, colors, positions, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);

From source file:android.support.v7.app.MediaRouterThemeHelper.java

public static void setVolumeSliderColor(Context context, MediaRouteVolumeSlider volumeSlider,
        View backgroundView) {//from w w  w.jav  a 2 s.c  om
    int controllerColor = getControllerColor(context, 0);
    if (Color.alpha(controllerColor) != 0xFF) {
        // Composite with the background in order not to show the underlying progress bar
        // through the thumb.
        int backgroundColor = (int) backgroundView.getTag();
        controllerColor = ColorUtils.compositeColors(controllerColor, backgroundColor);

From source file:android.support.design.widget.CircularBorderDrawable.java

 * Creates a vertical {@link LinearGradient}
 * @return//  www  .ja  v a2s . c o m
private Shader createGradientShader() {
    final Rect rect = mRect;

    final float borderRatio = mBorderWidth / rect.height();

    final int[] colors = new int[6];
    colors[0] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mTopOuterStrokeColor, mCurrentBorderTintColor);
    colors[1] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mTopInnerStrokeColor, mCurrentBorderTintColor);
    colors[2] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(mTopInnerStrokeColor, 0),
    colors[3] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(mBottomInnerStrokeColor, 0),
    colors[4] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mBottomInnerStrokeColor, mCurrentBorderTintColor);
    colors[5] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(mBottomOuterStrokeColor, mCurrentBorderTintColor);

    final float[] positions = new float[6];
    positions[0] = 0f;
    positions[1] = borderRatio;
    positions[2] = 0.5f;
    positions[3] = 0.5f;
    positions[4] = 1f - borderRatio;
    positions[5] = 1f;

    return new LinearGradient(0, rect.top, 0, rect.bottom, colors, positions, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);

From source file:com.tr4android.support.extension.widget.LabelView.java

private static ColorStateList createColorStateList(int rippleColor, int backgroundColor) {
    final int compositeColor = ColorUtils.compositeColors(rippleColor, backgroundColor);
    return new ColorStateList(new int[][] { // states
            new int[] { android.R.attr.state_focused }, new int[] { android.R.attr.state_pressed }, new int[] {} // state_default
    }, new int[] { // colors
            compositeColor, compositeColor, backgroundColor });

From source file:com.max.library.view.v7.AppCompatDrawableManager.java

private ColorStateList createButtonColorStateList(Context context, int baseColorAttr) {
    final int[][] states = new int[4][];
    final int[] colors = new int[4];
    int i = 0;/*from  ww w  . j  a  v  a 2  s  . c  om*/

    final int baseColor = getThemeAttrColor(context, baseColorAttr);
    final int colorControlHighlight = getThemeAttrColor(context, R.attr.colorControlHighlight);

    // Disabled state
    states[i] = ThemeUtils.DISABLED_STATE_SET;
    colors[i] = getDisabledThemeAttrColor(context, R.attr.colorButtonNormal);

    states[i] = ThemeUtils.PRESSED_STATE_SET;
    colors[i] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(colorControlHighlight, baseColor);

    states[i] = ThemeUtils.FOCUSED_STATE_SET;
    colors[i] = ColorUtils.compositeColors(colorControlHighlight, baseColor);

    // Default enabled state
    states[i] = ThemeUtils.EMPTY_STATE_SET;
    colors[i] = baseColor;

    return new ColorStateList(states, colors);