Example usage for android.text Html fromHtml

List of usage examples for android.text Html fromHtml


In this page you can find the example usage for android.text Html fromHtml.


public static Spanned fromHtml(String source) 

Source Link


Returns displayable styled text from the provided HTML string with the legacy flags #FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY .


From source file:ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.export.flowzr.FlowzrSyncEngine.java

private String httpPush(ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs, String action) throws Exception {
    HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(
            FlowzrSyncOptions.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/" + action + "/");
    httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs, HTTP.UTF_8));
    HttpResponse response;//from ww w . jav a 2s .c o  m
    String strResponse;
    response = http_client.execute(httppost);
    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(entity.getContent()));
    strResponse = reader.readLine();
    if (code != 200) {
        throw new Exception(Html.fromHtml(strResponse).toString());
    return strResponse;

From source file:net.networksaremadeofstring.rhybudd.ViewZenossEventFragment.java

private void AddLogMessage(final String Message) {
    try {//w ww .  j ava  2 s . c  om
        addMessageProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(getActivity());
        addMessageProgressDialog.setTitle("Contacting Zenoss");
        addMessageProgressDialog.setMessage("Please wait:\nProcessing Event Log Updates");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        BugSenseHandler.sendExceptionMessage("ViewZenossEventFragment", "AddLogMessage Dialog", e);

    addLogMessageHandler = new Handler() {
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

            if (msg.what == 1) {
                try {
                    String[] tmp = LogEntries.clone();
                    final int NewArrlength = tmp.length + 1;
                    LogEntries = new String[NewArrlength];

                    LogEntries[0] = "<strong>" + settings.getString("userName", "") + "</strong> wrote "
                            + Message + "\n<br/><strong>At:</strong> Just now";

                    for (int i = 1; i < NewArrlength; ++i) //
                        LogEntries[i] = tmp[(i - 1)];

                    TextView newLog = new TextView(getActivity());
                    newLog.setPadding(0, 6, 0, 6);

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    BugSenseHandler.sendExceptionMessage("ViewZenossEvent", "AddMessageProgressHandler", e);
                    try {
                                "The log message was successfully sent to Zenoss but an error occured when updating the UI",
                    } catch (Exception e1) {
                                "AddMessageProgressHandler Toast", e1);
            } else {
                try {
                    Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "An error was encountered adding your message to the log",
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    BugSenseHandler.sendExceptionMessage("ViewZenossEvent", "AddMessageProgressHandler", e);


    addLogMessageThread = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            Boolean Success = false;

            try {
                if (API == null) {
                    if (settings.getBoolean(ZenossAPI.PREFERENCE_IS_ZAAS, false)) {
                        API = new ZenossAPIZaas();
                    } else {
                        API = new ZenossAPICore();

                    ZenossCredentials credentials = new ZenossCredentials(getActivity());

                Success = API.AddEventLog(getArguments().getString("EventID"), Message);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                BugSenseHandler.sendExceptionMessage("ViewZenossEvent", "AddLogMessageThread", e);

            if (Success) {
            } else {


From source file:net.fred.feedex.activity.EditFeedActivity.java

 * This is where the bulk of our work is done. This function is called in a background thread and should generate a new set of data to be
 * published by the loader./* w  w w . j av a2  s . c o  m*/
public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> loadInBackground() {
    try {
        HttpURLConnection conn = NetworkUtils
                .setupConnection("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/find?v=1.0&q=" + mSearchText);
        try {
            String jsonStr = new String(NetworkUtils.getBytes(conn.getInputStream()));

            // Parse results
            final ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> results = new ArrayList<>();
            JSONObject response = new JSONObject(jsonStr).getJSONObject("responseData");
            JSONArray entries = response.getJSONArray("entries");
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) {
                try {
                    JSONObject entry = (JSONObject) entries.get(i);
                    String url = entry.get(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL).toString();
                    if (!url.isEmpty()) {
                        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_TITLE, Html
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL, url);
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_DESC, Html

                } catch (Exception ignored) {

            return results;
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Dog.e("Error", e);
        return null;

From source file:com.android.tv.dvr.ui.DvrUiHelper.java

public static CharSequence getStyledTitleWithEpisodeNumber(Context context, String title, String seasonNumber,
        String episodeNumber, int episodeNumberStyleResId) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
        return "";
    }//from   www  .  ja  va 2 s.  c  om
    SpannableStringBuilder builder;
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(seasonNumber) || seasonNumber.equals("0")) {
        builder = TextUtils.isEmpty(episodeNumber) ? new SpannableStringBuilder(title)
                : new SpannableStringBuilder(Html.fromHtml(context.getString(
                        R.string.program_title_with_episode_number_no_season, title, episodeNumber)));
    } else {
        builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(Html.fromHtml(context
                .getString(R.string.program_title_with_episode_number, title, seasonNumber, episodeNumber)));
    Object[] spans = builder.getSpans(0, builder.length(), Object.class);
    if (spans.length > 0) {
        if (episodeNumberStyleResId != 0) {
            builder.setSpan(new TextAppearanceSpan(context, episodeNumberStyleResId),
                    builder.getSpanStart(spans[0]), builder.getSpanEnd(spans[0]),
    return new SpannableString(builder);

From source file:com.pdftron.pdf.utils.Utils.java

public static void showAlertDialogWithLink(Context context, String message, String title) {
    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);

            new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                @Override/*from   w w w .  j  av a 2s  . co m*/
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
    if (title.length() > 0) {
    final AlertDialog d = builder.create();

    // Make the textview clickable. Must be called after show()
    ((TextView) d.findViewById(android.R.id.message)).setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance());

From source file:com.hardcopy.retrowatch.contents.FeedParser.java

 *      Public methods/*  ww w.  j  a  v  a2  s .c  o m*/

public ArrayList<FeedObject> parseResultString(CPObject CpObj, String strResult) {
    if (CpObj == null)
        return null;

    int type = CpObj.mId;
    ArrayList<FeedObject> feedList = new ArrayList<FeedObject>();

    Logs.d(TAG, "# Parsing string :: CP type = " + CpObj.mId + ", parsing type = " + CpObj.mParsingType);

    switch (CpObj.mParsingType) {
        try {
            DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

            InputSource is = new InputSource();
            is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(strResult));

            Document doc = db.parse(is);
            Element element = doc.getDocumentElement();

            NodeList items = element.getElementsByTagName(PARSING_TAG_WORD); // <realtime/>[ <word/> {<rank/><keyword/><value/><type/><linkurl/>} ]

            for (int i = 0; i < items.getLength(); i++) {
                String link = null;
                String keyword = null;
                String content = null;
                String thumbnail = null;
                int rankType = RANK_TYPE_NONE;
                int rankUpAndDown = 0;
                int commentCount = 0;

                Node item = items.item(i); //  ? Node? ??  .
                NodeList children = item.getChildNodes(); // ?? Node 

                for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
                    Node child = children.item(j);
                    String nodeName = child.getNodeName();
                    if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_KEYWORD)) {
                        String temp = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                        if (temp != null)
                            keyword = new String(temp.getBytes());
                    } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_LINKURL)) {
                        String temp = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                        if (temp != null)
                            link = new String(temp.getBytes(), ENCODING_TYPE_UTF_8);
                    } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_TYPE)) {
                        String temp = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                        if (temp != null) {
                            String temp2 = new String(temp.getBytes(), ENCODING_TYPE_UTF_8); // <type> value : "new" or "++"
                            if (temp2.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_NEW))
                                rankType = RANK_TYPE_NEW;
                    } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_VALUE)) {
                        try {
                            String temp = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                            if (temp != null && temp.length() > 0) {
                                String temp2 = new String(temp.getBytes(), ENCODING_TYPE_UTF_8); // <value> : 
                                rankUpAndDown = Integer.parseInt(temp2) / RANK_MODIFIER_DAUM_REALTIME_KEYWORD; // TODO:
                                if (rankUpAndDown > 10)
                                    rankUpAndDown = 10;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                } // End of for loop

                if (keyword != null && link != null) {
                    String idStr = keyword;
                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, idStr, link, keyword, null, null);
                    feed.mDownloadStatus = FeedObject.CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_INIT;
                    feed.setRankInfo(rankType, rankUpAndDown, commentCount);

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, e.getMessage() == null ? "Unknown error while parsing xml" : e.getMessage());
            feedList = null;

        try {
            DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

            InputSource is = new InputSource();
            is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(strResult));

            Document doc = db.parse(is);
            Element element = doc.getDocumentElement();

            NodeList temp = element.getElementsByTagName(PARSING_TAG_ITEM); // result -> item 
            NodeList items = temp.item(0).getChildNodes(); // List contains R1, R2...

            //? ? ??? Node ?
            for (int i = 0; i < items.getLength(); i++) {
                String link = null;
                String keyword = null;
                String content = null;
                String thumbnail = null;
                int rankType = RANK_TYPE_NONE;
                int rankUpAndDown = 0;
                int commentCount = 0;

                Node item = items.item(i); // <Rn> :    n-th R tag
                NodeList children = item.getChildNodes(); // <k> <s> <v>

                for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
                    Node child = children.item(j);
                    String nodeName = child.getNodeName();
                    if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_K)) {
                        String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                        if (tempStr != null)
                            keyword = new String(tempStr.getBytes());
                    } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_V)) {
                        String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                        rankUpAndDown = Integer.parseInt(tempStr) / RANK_MODIFIER_NAVER_REALTIME_KEYWORD; // TODO: 
                        if (rankUpAndDown > 10)
                            rankUpAndDown = 10;

                if (keyword != null) {
                    String idStr = keyword;
                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, idStr, null, keyword, null, null);
                    feed.mDownloadStatus = FeedObject.CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_INIT;
                    feed.setRankInfo(rankType, rankUpAndDown, commentCount);

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, e.getMessage() == null ? "Unknown error while parsing xml" : e.getMessage());
            feedList = null;

        try {
            JSONObject jsonRoot = new JSONObject(strResult); // root { 
            JSONObject jsonObjSocialPick = jsonRoot.getJSONObject(PARSING_TAG_SOCIALPICK); // { socialpick :
            JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObjSocialPick.getJSONArray(PARSING_TAG_ITEM); // {item: [

            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                String link = null;
                String keyword = null;
                String content = null;
                String thumbnail = null;
                int rankType = RANK_TYPE_NONE;
                int rankUpAndDown = 0;
                int commentCount = 0;

                JSONObject obj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); // {rank:1, link:"xx", keyword:"xx", content:"xx", count:30000, quotation_cnt:1345, comment_cnt:13816, rank_diff:3, category:"c" }
                link = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_LINK);
                keyword = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_KEYWORD);
                content = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_CONTENT);
                commentCount = obj.getInt(PARSING_TAG_COMMENT_CNT) / RANK_MODIFIER_DAUM_SOCIALPICK;
                commentCount = commentCount * 2; // To encourage rank priority
                if (commentCount > 10)
                    commentCount = 10;

                if (link != null && keyword != null && content != null) {
                    String idStr = keyword;
                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, idStr, link, keyword, content, null);
                    feed.mDownloadStatus = FeedObject.CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_INIT;
                    feed.setRankInfo(rankType, rankUpAndDown, commentCount);

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, "##### JSON Parsing stopped with error :");
            feedList = null;

        String link = null;
        String keyword = null;
        String content = null;
        String thumbnail = null;

        try {
            JSONObject jsonRoot = new JSONObject(strResult); // root { 
            JSONArray jsonObjList = jsonRoot.getJSONArray(PARSING_TAG_RANKED_TWIT_LIST); // { rankedTwitList : [

            for (int i = 0; i < jsonObjList.length(); i++) {
                JSONObject obj = jsonObjList.getJSONObject(i); // id, owner, body, rtRank, rtCount, registDate, links:{}, rtTwitCount, twitId

                //---------- make content
                String idStr = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_ID);
                String name = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_OWNER);
                content = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_BODY);

                JSONObject linkObj = obj.getJSONObject(PARSING_TAG_LINKS);
                if (linkObj != null) {
                    try { // If there is no <image> object, skip below routine
                        JSONArray imageObjList = linkObj.getJSONArray(PARSING_TAG_IMAGE);
                        if (imageObjList != null) {
                            // Multiple images can be found, but we'll take only first one.
                            JSONObject objImg = imageObjList.getJSONObject(0);
                            thumbnail = objImg.getString(PARSING_TAG_THUMBNAIL_URL);
                            link = objImg.getString(PARSING_TAG_URL);
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                if (idStr != null && content != null) {
                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, idStr, link, keyword, content, thumbnail);
                    if (name != null)
                        Log.d(TAG, "+++ Parsing :: id is null");

                    feed.mDownloadStatus = FeedObject.CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_INIT;

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, "##### JSON Parsing stopped with error :");
            feedList = null;

        try {
            DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

            InputSource is = new InputSource();
            is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(strResult));

            // Document Element  w3c dom? ? ? .
            Document doc = db.parse(is);
            Element element = doc.getDocumentElement();

            NodeList temp = element.getElementsByTagName(PARSING_TAG_ITEM); // result -> item 

            //? ? ??? Node ?
            for (int i = 0; i < temp.getLength(); i++) {
                String keyword = null;
                Node item = temp.item(i);
                String tempStr = item.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                if (tempStr != null && tempStr.length() > 0)
                    keyword = new String(tempStr.getBytes());

                if (keyword != null) {
                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, keyword, null, keyword, null, null);

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, e.getMessage() == null ? "Unknown error while parsing xml" : e.getMessage());
            feedList = null;

    case FeedObject.REQUEST_TYPE_9GAG_HOT:
    case FeedObject.REQUEST_TYPE_9GAG_TREND: {
        try {
            JSONObject jsonRoot = new JSONObject(strResult); // root { 
            JSONArray jsonArray = jsonRoot.getJSONArray(PARSING_TAG_DATA); // {data: [

            long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                String id = null;
                String link = null;
                String keyword = null;
                String content = null;
                String thumbnail = null;
                String fullSizeImage = null;
                // {id:xx, from:{name:xx}, caption:xx, images:{small:xx, normal:xx, large:xx}, link:xx, action:{like:xx, dislike:xx, unlike:xx}, vote:{count:xx}
                JSONObject obj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
                id = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_ID);
                link = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_LINK);
                keyword = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_CAPTION);
                JSONObject objImage = obj.getJSONObject(PARSING_TAG_IMAGES);
                thumbnail = objImage.getString(PARSING_TAG_SMALL);
                fullSizeImage = objImage.getString(PARSING_TAG_NORMAL);

                if (id != null && link != null && keyword != null && thumbnail != null) {
                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, id, link, keyword, null, thumbnail);

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, "##### JSON Parsing stopped with error :");
            feedList = null;

    case FeedObject.REQUEST_TYPE_NOTICE: {
        try {
            JSONObject jsonRoot = new JSONObject(strResult); // root { 
            JSONArray jsonArray = jsonRoot.getJSONArray(PARSING_TAG_NOTICE); // {notice: [

            long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
                int version = 0;
                String id = null;
                String link = null;
                String name = null;
                String keyword = null;
                String content = null;
                String thumbnail = null;
                String fullSizeImage = null;
                // {title:XXX, LINK:XXX, description:XXX, author:XXX, appversion:XXX, pubDate:XXX
                JSONObject obj = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);

                keyword = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_TITLE);
                link = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_LINK);
                content = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_DESCRIPTION);
                name = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_AUTHOR);
                version = obj.getInt(PARSING_TAG_APP_VERSION);
                id = obj.getString(PARSING_TAG_PUBDATE);

                if (id != null && link != null && keyword != null) {
                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, id, link, keyword, content, null);

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, "##### JSON Parsing stopped with error :");
            feedList = null;

    case FeedObject.REQUEST_TYPE_RSS_FEED43: {
        try {
            DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder db = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

            InputSource is = new InputSource();
            is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(strResult));

            // Document Element  w3c dom? ? ? .
            Document doc = db.parse(is);
            Element element = doc.getDocumentElement();

            // Extract logo image
            try {
                NodeList logoImage = element.getElementsByTagName(PARSING_TAG_IMAGE);
                if (logoImage != null && logoImage.getLength() > 0) {
                    Node logoitem = logoImage.item(0);
                    NodeList logochildren = logoitem.getChildNodes();
                    for (int j = 0; j < logochildren.getLength(); j++) {
                        Node logochild = logochildren.item(j);
                        String logoName = logochild.getNodeName();
                        if (logoName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_URL)) {
                            String tempStr = logochild.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                            if (tempStr != null && tempStr.length() > 0)
                                CpObj.mLogoImage = tempStr;
            } catch (Exception e) {

            NodeList temp = element.getElementsByTagName(PARSING_TAG_ITEM); // channel -> item 

            long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
            for (int i = 0; i < temp.getLength(); i++) {
                int version = 0;
                String guid = null;
                String name = null;
                String date = null;
                String link = null;
                String keyword = null;
                String content = null;
                String thumbnail = null;
                Node item = temp.item(i); // <item> :    n-th item tag
                NodeList children = item.getChildNodes(); // <title> <author> <link> <description> <pubDate>

                for (int j = 0; j < children.getLength(); j++) {
                    try { // If error occurs in this block, skip current item parsing and go next
                        Node child = children.item(j);
                        String nodeName = child.getNodeName();
                        if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_LINK)) {
                            String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                            if (tempStr != null)
                                link = new String(tempStr.getBytes());
                        } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_TITLE)) {
                            String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                            if (tempStr != null) {
                                keyword = new String(tempStr.getBytes());
                        } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_DESCRIPTION)) {
                            String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                            if (tempStr != null) {
                                String[] strArray = tempStr.split(STRING_RSS_SPLIT_TAG);
                                if (strArray[0] != null && strArray[0].length() > 0) {
                                    strArray[0] = Html.fromHtml(strArray[0]).toString();
                                    strArray[0] = strArray[0].replaceAll(REG_EXP_REMOVE_TAG, "");
                                    strArray[0] = strArray[0].replaceAll(REG_EXP_REMOVE_NEWLINE, "");
                                    content = strArray[0];
                                if (strArray.length > 1 && strArray[1] != null && strArray[1].length() > 0) {
                                    thumbnail = strArray[1];
                        } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_AUTHOR)) {
                            if (child != null && child.getFirstChild() != null) {
                                String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                                if (tempStr != null)
                                    name = new String(tempStr.getBytes());
                        } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_PUBDATE)) {
                            if (child != null && child.getFirstChild() != null) {
                                String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                                if (tempStr != null)
                                    date = new String(tempStr.getBytes());
                        } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_GUID)) {
                            if (child != null && child.getFirstChild() != null) {
                                String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                                if (tempStr != null)
                                    guid = new String(tempStr.getBytes());
                        } else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_APP_VERSION)) {
                            if (child != null && child.getFirstChild() != null) {
                                String tempStr = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue();
                                if (tempStr != null && tempStr.length() > 0)
                                    version = Integer.parseInt(tempStr);
                        } else if (nodeName.contains(PARSING_TAG_THUMBNAIL)) {
                            try {
                                if (child != null && child.hasAttributes()) {
                                    NamedNodeMap attrs = child.getAttributes();
                                    for (int k = 0; k < attrs.getLength(); k++) {
                                        Node attr = attrs.item(k);
                                        if (attr.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_URL)) {
                                            thumbnail = attr.getNodeValue();
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                thumbnail = null;

                        } else if (nodeName.contains(PARSING_TAG_ENCLOSURE)) {
                            try {
                                if (child != null && child.hasAttributes()) {
                                    NamedNodeMap attrs = child.getAttributes();
                                    for (int k = 0; k < attrs.getLength(); k++) {
                                        Node attr = attrs.item(k);
                                        if (attr.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(PARSING_TAG_URL)) {
                                            thumbnail = attr.getNodeValue();
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                thumbnail = null;


                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                e.getMessage() == null ? "Unknown error while parsing xml" : e.getMessage());

                } // End of for loop.... parsing each item

                if (link != null && keyword != null && content != null) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    if (guid != null) {
                    } else if (date != null) {
                        sb.append("rss_").append(date.replace(",", "").replace(":", "").trim());
                    } else {
                        String temp1 = null;
                        if (keyword.length() > 50)
                            temp1 = keyword.substring(0, 50);
                            temp1 = keyword;
                        temp1 = URLEncoder.encode(temp1, ENCODING_TYPE_UTF_8).replace("+", "%20")
                                .replace("*", "%2A").replace("%7E", "~");
                        if (temp1.length() > PARSER_ID_SUBSTRING_MAX)
                            temp1 = temp1.substring(0, PARSER_ID_SUBSTRING_MAX - 1);
                        temp1 = temp1.trim();

                    FeedObject feed = new FeedObject(type, sb.toString(), link, keyword, content, thumbnail);
                    feed.mDownloadStatus = FeedObject.CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_INIT;
                    if (CpObj.mParsingType == FeedObject.REQUEST_TYPE_NOTICE && version > 0)

                if (i >= CpObj.mCachingCount - 1) { // Break loop if count has reached caching count
            } // End of for loop

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logs.d(TAG, e.getMessage() == null ? "Unknown error while parsing xml" : e.getMessage());
            feedList = null;
    } // End of default block

    } // End of switch(type)

    return feedList;


From source file:cn.edu.nju.dapenti.activity.EditFeedActivity.java

 * This is where the bulk of our work is done. This function is called in a background thread and should generate a new set of data to be
 * published by the loader.//w w w. j a va  2 s  .c om
public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> loadInBackground() {
    try {
        HttpURLConnection conn = NetworkUtils
                .setupConnection("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/find?v=1.0&q=" + mSearchText);
        try {
            String jsonStr = new String(NetworkUtils.getBytes(NetworkUtils.getConnectionInputStream(conn)));

            // Parse results
            final ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> results = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
            JSONObject response = new JSONObject(jsonStr).getJSONObject("responseData");
            JSONArray entries = response.getJSONArray("entries");
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) {
                try {
                    JSONObject entry = (JSONObject) entries.get(i);
                    String url = entry.get(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL).toString();
                    if (!url.isEmpty()) {
                        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_TITLE, Html
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL, url);
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_DESC, Html

                } catch (Exception ignored) {

            return results;
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

From source file:com.klinker.android.twitter.utils.NotificationUtils.java

public static void makeFavsNotification(ArrayList<String[]> tweets, Context context, boolean toDrawer) {
    String shortText;/* ww  w  .j  ava  2 s.c o m*/
    String longText;
    String title;
    int smallIcon = R.drawable.ic_stat_icon;
    Bitmap largeIcon;

    Intent resultIntent;

    if (toDrawer) {
        resultIntent = new Intent(context, RedirectToDrawer.class);
    } else {
        resultIntent = new Intent(context, NotiTweetPager.class);

    PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, resultIntent, 0);

    NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inbox = null;

    if (tweets.size() == 1) {
        title = tweets.get(0)[0];
        shortText = tweets.get(0)[1];
        longText = shortText;

        largeIcon = getImage(context, tweets.get(0)[2]);
    } else {
        inbox = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle();

        title = context.getResources().getString(R.string.favorite_users);
        shortText = tweets.size() + " " + context.getResources().getString(R.string.fav_user_tweets);
        longText = "";

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {


        if (tweets.size() <= 5) {
            for (String[] s : tweets) {
                inbox.addLine(Html.fromHtml("<b>" + s[0] + ":</b> " + s[1]));
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                inbox.addLine(Html.fromHtml("<b>" + tweets.get(i)[0] + ":</b> " + tweets.get(i)[1]));

            inbox.setSummaryText("+" + (tweets.size() - 5) + " " + context.getString(R.string.tweets));

        largeIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.drawer_user_dark);

    NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder;

    AppSettings settings = AppSettings.getInstance(context);

    if (shortText.contains("@" + settings.myScreenName)) {
        // return because there is a mention notification for this already

    Intent deleteIntent = new Intent(context, NotificationDeleteReceiverOne.class);

    mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context).setContentTitle(title)
            .setContentText(TweetLinkUtils.removeColorHtml(shortText, settings)).setSmallIcon(smallIcon)
            .setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, deleteIntent, 0))

    if (inbox == null) {
        mBuilder.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(Html.fromHtml(
                settings.addonTheme ? longText.replaceAll("FF8800", settings.accentColor) : longText)));
    } else {
    if (settings.vibrate) {

    if (settings.sound) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    if (settings.led)
        mBuilder.setLights(0xFFFFFF, 1000, 1000);

    if (settings.notifications) {

        NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(context);

        notificationManager.notify(2, mBuilder.build());

        // if we want to wake the screen on a new message
        if (settings.wakeScreen) {
            PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
            final PowerManager.WakeLock wakeLock = pm.newWakeLock((PowerManager.SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK
                    | PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP), "TAG");

        // Pebble notification
        if (context
                        Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE + Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE)
                .getBoolean("pebble_notification", false)) {
            sendAlertToPebble(context, title, shortText);

        // Light Flow notification
        sendToLightFlow(context, title, shortText);

From source file:com.flowzr.budget.holo.export.flowzr.FlowzrSyncEngine.java

private static String httpPush(ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs, String action) throws Exception {
    HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(FLOWZR_API_URL + nsString + "/" + action + "/");
    httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs, HTTP.UTF_8));
    HttpResponse response;//ww  w. j  av a2s . co  m
    String strResponse;
    response = http_client.execute(httppost);
    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(entity.getContent()));
    strResponse = reader.readLine();
    if (code != 200) {
        throw new Exception(Html.fromHtml(strResponse).toString());
    return strResponse;

From source file:com.carlrice.reader.activity.EditFeedActivity.java

 * This is where the bulk of our work is done. This function is called in a background thread and should generate a new set of data to be
 * published by the loader./* w w  w . jav  a  2s.c  o  m*/
public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> loadInBackground() {
    try {
        HttpURLConnection conn = NetworkUtils
                .setupConnection("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/find?v=1.0&q=" + mSearchText);
        try {
            String jsonStr = new String(NetworkUtils.getBytes(conn.getInputStream()));

            // Parse results
            final ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> results = new ArrayList<>();
            JSONObject response = new JSONObject(jsonStr).getJSONObject("responseData");
            JSONArray entries = response.getJSONArray("entries");
            for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) {
                try {
                    JSONObject entry = (JSONObject) entries.get(i);
                    String url = entry.get(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL).toString();
                    if (!url.isEmpty()) {
                        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_TITLE, Html
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_URL, url);
                        map.put(EditFeedActivity.FEED_SEARCH_DESC, Html

                } catch (Exception ignored) {

            return results;
        } finally {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;