Example usage for android.text Html toHtml

List of usage examples for android.text Html toHtml


In this page you can find the example usage for android.text Html toHtml.


public static String toHtml(Spanned text) 

Source Link


From source file:Main.java

private static void append(StringBuilder sb, CharSequence... data) {
    for (CharSequence d : data) {
        if (d != null) {
            if (d instanceof Spanned) {
                String s = Html.toHtml((Spanned) d);
                sb.append(hexStringFromInt(FLAG_SPANNED, NUM_LEN));
                append(sb, s);/*from w  w  w.  jav  a2  s .  com*/
            } else {
                int len = d.length();
                sb.append(hexStringFromInt(len, NUM_LEN)).append(d);
        } else {
            sb.append(hexStringFromInt(FLAG_NULL, NUM_LEN));

From source file:org.hopestarter.wallet.util.BitmapFragment.java

private static BitmapFragment instance(final Bitmap bitmap, @Nullable final Spanned label,
        @Nullable final CharSequence address) {
    final BitmapFragment fragment = new BitmapFragment();

    final Bundle args = new Bundle();
    args.putParcelable(KEY_BITMAP, bitmap);
    if (label != null)
        args.putCharSequence(KEY_LABEL, Html.toHtml(label));
    if (address != null)
        args.putCharSequence(KEY_ADDRESS, address);
    fragment.setArguments(args);// ww w. j a  v  a 2 s . co  m

    return fragment;

From source file:com.bdevlin.apps.ui.fragments.HelpListFragment.java

private void updateText() {
    // mHelpText = (TextView) getView().findViewById(R.id.help_text);
    mHelpText = (WebView) getView().findViewById(R.id.webView1);

    CharSequence text = Utils.bold(Utils.italic(getResources().getString(R.string.about_eula)),
            Utils.color(Color.RED, getResources().getString(R.string.about_licenses)));
    CharSequence yourHtml = "<table>table</table>";

    CharSequence content = getContent();
    ;/*from  ww  w. ja v a2  s .  co  m*/
    SpannedString sstr = SpannedString.valueOf(content);
    SpannedString message = SpannedString.valueOf(mMessage);
    SpannedString message2 = SpannedString.valueOf(text);
    SpannedString message3 = SpannedString.valueOf(yourHtml);

    SpannableStringBuilder aboutBody = new SpannableStringBuilder();
    aboutBody.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), 0, aboutBody.length(), 0);
    // mHelpText.setText(aboutBody);
    // mHelpText.loadData(Html.toHtml(aboutBody), "text/html", null);

    mHelpText.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/" + mTitle + ".html", null);



From source file:com.google.android.gcm.demo.ui.MainActivity.java

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedState) {
    mLogger = new Logger(this);
    mLogsUI = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.logs);
    mLoggerCallback = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        @Override//w  w  w  .j  a va2s  . com
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            switch (intent.getAction()) {
            case LoggingService.ACTION_CLEAR_LOGS:
            case LoggingService.ACTION_LOG:
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                String newLog = intent.getStringExtra(LoggingService.EXTRA_LOG_MESSAGE);
                String oldLogs = Html.toHtml(new SpannableString(mLogsUI.getText()));
                appendFormattedLogLine(newLog, stringBuilder);
                List<Fragment> fragments = getSupportFragmentManager().getFragments();
                for (Fragment fragment : fragments) {
                    if (fragment instanceof RefreshableFragment && fragment.isVisible()) {
                        ((RefreshableFragment) fragment).refresh();

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.toolbar);
    mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout);
    mDrawerView = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.navigation_drawer);
    mDrawerMenu = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.navigation_drawer_menu);
    mDrawerScrim = findViewById(R.id.navigation_drawer_scrim);


    TypedArray colorPrimaryDark = getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { R.attr.colorPrimaryDark });
    mDrawerLayout.setStatusBarBackgroundColor(colorPrimaryDark.getColor(0, 0xFF000000));
    mDrawerLayout.setDrawerShadow(R.drawable.drawer_shadow, GravityCompat.START);

    ImageView drawerHeader = new ImageView(this);

        // Set the drawer width accordingly with the guidelines: window_width - toolbar_height.
        toolbar.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
            public void onLayoutChange(View view, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft,
                    int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
                if (left == 0 && top == 0 && right == 0 && bottom == 0) {
                DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
                float logicalDensity = metrics.density;
                int maxWidth = (int) Math.ceil(320 * logicalDensity);
                DrawerLayout.LayoutParams params = (DrawerLayout.LayoutParams) mDrawerView.getLayoutParams();
                int newWidth = view.getWidth() - view.getHeight();
                params.width = (newWidth > maxWidth ? maxWidth : newWidth);

        mDrawerView.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(new View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener() {
            public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(View v, WindowInsets insets) {
                // Set scrim height to match status bar height.
                mDrawerScrim.setLayoutParams(new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
                return insets;

    int activeItemIndicator = (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB)
            ? android.R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1
            : android.R.layout.simple_list_item_checked;

    mMainMenu = new MainMenu(this);
    mDrawerMenu.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<>(getSupportActionBar().getThemedContext(), activeItemIndicator,
            android.R.id.text1, mMainMenu.getEntries()));

    mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, mDrawerLayout, R.string.drawer_open,
            R.string.drawer_close) {
        public void onDrawerOpened(View drawerView) {
            // The user learned how to open the drawer. Do not open it for him anymore.
            getAppPreferences().edit().putBoolean(PREF_OPEN_DRAWER_AT_STARTUP, false).apply();

    boolean activityResumed = (savedState != null);
    boolean openDrawer = getAppPreferences().getBoolean(PREF_OPEN_DRAWER_AT_STARTUP, true);
    int lastScreenId = getAppPreferences().getInt(PREF_LAST_SCREEN_ID, 0);
    if (!activityResumed && openDrawer) {

     * Here we check if the Activity was created by the user clicking on one of our GCM
     * notifications:
     * 1. Check if the action of the intent used to launch the Activity.
     * 2. Print out any additional data sent with the notification. This is included as extras
     *  on the intent.
    Intent launchIntent = getIntent();
    if ("gcm_test_app_notification_click_action".equals(launchIntent.getAction())) {
        Bundle data = launchIntent.getExtras();
        data.isEmpty(); // Force the bundle to unparcel so that toString() works
        String format = getResources().getString(R.string.notification_intent_received);
        mLogger.log(Log.INFO, String.format(format, data));

From source file:com.github.irshulx.Components.InputExtensions.java

public Node getContent(View view) {
    Node node = this.getNodeInstance(view);
    EditText _text = (EditText) view;/*from   ww w .j a v  a2 s .  c  o  m*/
    EditorControl tag = (EditorControl) view.getTag();
    node.contentStyles = tag.editorTextStyles;
    node.textSettings = tag.textSettings;
    return node;

From source file:com.example.linhdq.test.documents.viewing.single.DocumentPagerFragment.java

public String getTextOfAllDocuments() {
    final DocumentTextFragment fragment = mAdapter.getFragment(mLastPosition);

    DocumentAdapter adapter = (DocumentAdapter) mPager.getAdapter();
    final int count = adapter.getCount();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        String text = null;//w w  w.j a  v a  2s.  c om
        if (i == mLastPosition && fragment != null) {
            final Spanned documentText = fragment.getDocumentText();
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(documentText)) {
                text = Html.toHtml(documentText);
        } else {
            text = adapter.getText(i);
        if (text != null) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
    return sb.toString();

From source file:com.tct.email.provider.EmailMessageCursor.java

public EmailMessageCursor(final Context c, final Cursor cursor, final String htmlColumn,
        final String textColumn) {
    mHtmlColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(htmlColumn);
    mTextColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(textColumn);
    final int cursorSize = cursor.getCount();
    mHtmlParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    mTextParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_S
    mHtmlLinkifyColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(UIProvider.MessageColumns.BODY_HTML_LINKIFY);
    mHtmlLinkifyParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    mTextLinkifyColumnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(UIProvider.MessageColumns.BODY_TEXT_LINKIFY);
    mTextLinkifyParts = new SparseArray<String>(cursorSize);
    //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_E

    final ContentResolver cr = c.getContentResolver();

    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        final int position = cursor.getPosition();
        final long messageId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID));
        // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL BUGFIX-1039046  MOD_S
        InputStream htmlIn = null;
        InputStream textIn = null;
        try {//from   w  w  w .  ja v  a 2 s .  c o m
            if (mHtmlColumnIndex != -1) {
                final Uri htmlUri = Body.getBodyHtmlUriForMessageWithId(messageId);
                //WARNING: Actually openInput will used 2 PIPE(FD) to connect,but if some exception happen during connect,
                //such as fileNotFoundException,maybe the connection will not be closed. just a try!!!
                htmlIn = cr.openInputStream(htmlUri);
                final String underlyingHtmlString;
                try {
                    underlyingHtmlString = IOUtils.toString(htmlIn);
                } finally {
                    htmlIn = null;
                //TS: zhaotianyong 2015-04-05 EMAIL BUGFIX_964325 MOD_S
                final String sanitizedHtml = HtmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(underlyingHtmlString);
                mHtmlParts.put(position, sanitizedHtml);
                //TS: zhaotianyong 2015-04-05 EMAIL BUGFIX_964325 MOD_E
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_S
                //NOTE: add links for sanitized html
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sanitizedHtml)) {
                    final String linkifyHtml = com.tct.mail.utils.Linkify.addLinks(sanitizedHtml);
                    mHtmlLinkifyParts.put(position, linkifyHtml);
                } else {
                    mHtmlLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_E
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e, "Did not find html body for message %d", messageId);
        } catch (final OutOfMemoryError oom) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, oom,
                    "Terrible,OOM happen durning query EmailMessageCursor in bodyHtml,current message %d",
            mHtmlLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
        try {
            if (mTextColumnIndex != -1) {
                final Uri textUri = Body.getBodyTextUriForMessageWithId(messageId);
                textIn = cr.openInputStream(textUri);
                final String underlyingTextString;
                try {
                    underlyingTextString = IOUtils.toString(textIn);
                } finally {
                    textIn = null;
                mTextParts.put(position, underlyingTextString);
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_S
                //NOTE: add links for underlying text string
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(underlyingTextString)) {
                    final SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString(underlyingTextString);
                            Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.WEB_URLS | Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS);
                    final String linkifyText = Html.toHtml(spannable);
                    mTextLinkifyParts.put(position, linkifyText);
                } else {
                    mTextLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
                //TS: jian.xu 2015-11-03 EMAIL BUGFIX-845079 ADD_E
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e, "Did not find text body for message %d", messageId);
        } catch (final OutOfMemoryError oom) {
            LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, oom,
                    "Terrible,OOM happen durning query EmailMessageCursor in bodyText,current message %d",
            mTextLinkifyParts.put(position, "");
        //NOTE:Remember that this just a protective code,for better release Not used Resources.
        if (htmlIn != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e1, "IOException happen while close the htmlInput connection ");
        if (textIn != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e2) {
                LogUtils.v(LogUtils.TAG, e2, "IOException happen while close the textInput connection ");
        } // TS: chao.zhang 2015-09-14 EMAIL BUGFIX-1039046  MOD_E

From source file:com.adkdevelopment.earthquakesurvival.data.syncadapter.SyncAdapter.java

public void onPerformSync(Account account, Bundle extras, String authority, ContentProviderClient provider,
        SyncResult syncResult) {/*from  w ww.  j  av a2 s .c o m*/

    Context context = getContext();

    App.getApiManager().getEarthquakeService().getData().enqueue(new Callback<EarthquakeObject>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<EarthquakeObject> call, Response<EarthquakeObject> response) {
            EarthquakeObject earthquake = response.body();

            Vector<ContentValues> cVVector = new Vector<>(earthquake.getFeatures().size());

            double currentBiggest = 0.0;
            ContentValues notifyValues = null;

            for (Feature each : earthquake.getFeatures()) {

                ContentValues earthquakeValues = new ContentValues();

                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.PLACE, each.getProperties().getPlace());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.ID_EARTH, each.getId());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.MAG, each.getProperties().getMag());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.TYPE, each.getProperties().getType());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.ALERT, each.getProperties().getAlert());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.TIME, each.getProperties().getTime());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.URL, each.getProperties().getUrl());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.DETAIL, each.getProperties().getDetail());
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.DEPTH, each.getGeometry().getCoordinates().get(2));
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.LONGITUDE, each.getGeometry().getCoordinates().get(0));
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.LATITUDE, each.getGeometry().getCoordinates().get(1));

                LatLng latLng = new LatLng(each.getGeometry().getCoordinates().get(1),
                LatLng location = LocationUtils.getLocation(context);
                earthquakeValues.put(EarthquakeColumns.DISTANCE, LocationUtils.getDistance(latLng, location));


                if (each.getProperties().getMag() != null && each.getProperties().getMag() > currentBiggest) {
                    currentBiggest = each.getProperties().getMag();
                    notifyValues = new ContentValues(earthquakeValues);

            int inserted = 0;
            // add to database
            ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();

            if (cVVector.size() > 0) {
                ContentValues[] cvArray = new ContentValues[cVVector.size()];
                inserted = resolver.bulkInsert(EarthquakeColumns.CONTENT_URI, cvArray);

            // Set the date to day minus one to delete old data from the database
            Date date = new Date();
            date.setTime(date.getTime() - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS);

            int deleted = resolver.delete(EarthquakeColumns.CONTENT_URI, EarthquakeColumns.TIME + " <= ?",
                    new String[] { String.valueOf(date.getTime()) });
            Log.v(TAG, "Service Complete. " + inserted + " Inserted, " + deleted + " deleted");

        public void onFailure(Call<EarthquakeObject> call, Throwable t) {
            Log.e(TAG, "onFailure: " + t.toString());

    App.getNewsManager().getNewsService().getNews().enqueue(new Callback<Rss>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<Rss> call, Response<Rss> response) {
            Channel news = response.body().getChannel();

            Vector<ContentValues> cVVector = new Vector<>(news.getItem().size());

            SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z",
            Date date = new Date();

            for (Item each : news.getItem()) {

                ContentValues weatherValues = new ContentValues();

                try {
                    date = simpleDateFormat.parse(each.getPubDate());
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "e:" + e);

                weatherValues.put(NewsColumns.DATE, date.getTime());
                weatherValues.put(NewsColumns.TITLE, each.getTitle());
                        Html.toHtml(new SpannedString(each.getDescription())));
                weatherValues.put(NewsColumns.URL, each.getLink());
                weatherValues.put(NewsColumns.GUID, each.getGuid().getContent());


            int inserted = 0;
            // add to database
            ContentResolver resolver = getContext().getContentResolver();

            if (cVVector.size() > 0) {

                // Student: call bulkInsert to add the weatherEntries to the database here
                ContentValues[] cvArray = new ContentValues[cVVector.size()];
                inserted = resolver.bulkInsert(NewsColumns.CONTENT_URI, cvArray);

            // Set the date to day minus two to delete old data from the database
            date = new Date();
            date.setTime(date.getTime() - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS * 3);

            int deleted = resolver.delete(NewsColumns.CONTENT_URI, NewsColumns.DATE + " <= ?",
                    new String[] { String.valueOf(date.getTime()) });

        public void onFailure(Call<Rss> call, Throwable t) {
            Log.e(TAG, "onFailure: " + t.toString());

    // TODO: 4/22/16 possible refactoring 
    //checking the last update and notify if it' the first of the day
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
    String lastNotificationKey = context.getString(R.string.sharedprefs_key_last_countupdate);
    long lastSync = prefs.getLong(lastNotificationKey, DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS);

    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSync >= Utilities.getSyncIntervalPrefs(context)
            * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS) {
        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US);
        Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());

        String startTime[] = new String[] { simpleDateFormat.format(date.getTime() - DateUtils.YEAR_IN_MILLIS),
                simpleDateFormat.format(date.getTime() - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS * 30),
                simpleDateFormat.format(date.getTime() - DateUtils.WEEK_IN_MILLIS),
                simpleDateFormat.format(date.getTime() - DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS) };

        String endTime = simpleDateFormat.format(date);

        int iterator = 1;
        while (iterator < CountColumns.ALL_COLUMNS.length) {
            final int round = iterator;

            App.getApiManager().getEarthquakeService().getEarthquakeStats(startTime[round - 1], endTime)
                    .enqueue(new Callback<CountEarthquakes>() {
                        public void onResponse(Call<CountEarthquakes> call,
                                Response<CountEarthquakes> response) {
                            ContentValues count = new ContentValues();
                            count.put(CountColumns.ALL_COLUMNS[round], response.body().getCount());

                            ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver();

                            Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(CountColumns.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null,

                            if (cursor != null) {
                                if (cursor.getCount() < 1) {
                                    long inserted = ContentUris
                                            .parseId(contentResolver.insert(CountColumns.CONTENT_URI, count));
                                    //Log.d(TAG, "inserted:" + inserted);
                                } else {
                                    int updated = contentResolver.update(CountColumns.CONTENT_URI, count,
                                            CountColumns._ID + " = ?", new String[] { "1" });
                                    //Log.d(TAG, "updated: " + updated);


                        public void onFailure(Call<CountEarthquakes> call, Throwable t) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "Error: " + t);

        //refreshing last sync
        prefs.edit().putLong(lastNotificationKey, System.currentTimeMillis()).apply();

    // notify PagerActivity that data has been updated
    context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(EarthquakeColumns.CONTENT_URI, null, false);
    context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(NewsColumns.CONTENT_URI, null, false);
    context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(CountColumns.CONTENT_URI, null, false);


From source file:com.eng.arab.translator.androidtranslator.translate.TranslateViewActivity.java

protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    savedInstanceState.putInt(STATE_SRC_CARD_VISIBILITY, srcCard.getVisibility());
    savedInstanceState.putInt(STATE_TRG_CARD_VISIBILITY, trgCard.getVisibility());
    savedInstanceState.putString(STATE_SRC_TEXT, Html.toHtml(srcText.getText()));
    if (trgText.getEditableText() != null) {
        savedInstanceState.putString(STATE_TRG_TEXT, Html.toHtml(trgText.getEditableText()));
    }//from  w w w. j  a  v  a  2s.co  m

From source file:com.digipom.manteresting.android.adapter.NailCursorAdapter.java

private CachedData cacheDataAndGet(Context context, Cursor cursor, int requestedWidth) throws JSONException {
    final String nailId = cursor.getString(nailIdColumnIndex);

    CachedData cachedDataForThisNailItem = cachedData.get(nailId);

    if (cachedDataForThisNailItem == null) {
        cachedDataForThisNailItem = new CachedData();

        final JSONObject nailObject = new JSONObject(cursor.getString(nailObjectColumnIndex));

        cachedDataForThisNailItem.originalImageUriString = nailObject.getString("original");
        cachedDataForThisNailItem.nailDescription = nailObject.getString("description");

        final String userName = nailObject.getJSONObject("user").getString("username");
        final String userNameFirstLetterCapitalised = userName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
                + userName.substring(1);
        final String workBench = nailObject.getJSONObject("workbench").getString("title");

        cachedDataForThisNailItem.styledUserAndCategory = Html.fromHtml(String.format(
                Html.toHtml(new SpannedString(context.getResources().getText(R.string.nailUserAndCategory))),
                userNameFirstLetterCapitalised, workBench));

        cachedData.put(nailId, cachedDataForThisNailItem);
    }//from w  w  w  .j  a va2s  .co  m

    // Request a bitmap load.
    if (!failedDownloads.contains(cachedDataForThisNailItem.originalImageUriString)
            && serviceConnector.getService() != null) {

    return cachedDataForThisNailItem;