Example usage for android.util Size Size

List of usage examples for android.util Size Size


In this page you can find the example usage for android.util Size Size.


public Size(int width, int height) 

Source Link


Create a new immutable Size instance.


From source file:freed.cam.apis.camera2.modules.VideoModuleApi2.java

@Override/*  w  w  w . ja  v  a2s . c om*/
public void startPreview() {
    previewSize = new Size(currentVideoProfile.videoFrameWidth, currentVideoProfile.videoFrameHeight);
    int sensorOrientation = cameraHolder.characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_ORIENTATION);
    int orientation = 0;
    switch (sensorOrientation) {
    case 90:
        orientation = 270;
    case 180:
        orientation = 0;
    case 270:
        orientation = 90;
    case 0:
        orientation = 180;
    cameraHolder.CaptureSessionH.SetTextureViewSize(previewSize.getWidth(), previewSize.getHeight(),
            orientation, orientation + 180, true);
    SurfaceTexture texture = cameraHolder.CaptureSessionH.getSurfaceTexture();
    texture.setDefaultBufferSize(currentVideoProfile.videoFrameWidth, currentVideoProfile.videoFrameHeight);
    previewsurface = new Surface(texture);
    cameraHolder.CaptureSessionH.AddSurface(previewsurface, true);

From source file:com.example.joshf.conc.CameraFragment.java

 * Sets up member variables related to camera.
 * @param width  The width of available size for camera preview
 * @param height The height of available size for camera preview
 *///  w ww.ja  v  a2 s.  c  o m
private void setUpCameraOutputs(int width, int height) {
    Activity activity = getActivity();
    CameraManager manager = (CameraManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
    try {
        for (String cameraId : manager.getCameraIdList()) {
            CameraCharacteristics characteristics = manager.getCameraCharacteristics(cameraId);

            // We don't use a front facing camera in this sample.
            Integer facing = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING);
            if (facing != null && facing == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT) {

            StreamConfigurationMap map = characteristics
            if (map == null) {

            // For still image captures, we use the largest available size.
            /*                Size largest = Collections.max(
                new CompareSizesByArea());*/

            Size largest = new Size(1088, 1088);

            /*                Size[] largest1 = map.getOutputSizes(ImageFormat.JPEG);
                            for(Size n : largest1){
            Log.e("camera", n.toString());
            mImageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(largest.getWidth(), largest.getHeight(), ImageFormat.JPEG,
            mImageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(mOnImageAvailableListener, mBackgroundHandler);

            // Find out if we need to swap dimension to get the preview size relative to sensor
            // coordinate.
            int displayRotation = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();

            //noinspection ConstantConditions
            mSensorOrientation = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_ORIENTATION);
            // Log.e("Sensor", String.valueOf(mSensorOrientation));
            boolean swappedDimensions = false;
            switch (displayRotation) {
            case Surface.ROTATION_0:

            case Surface.ROTATION_180:
                if (mSensorOrientation == 90 || mSensorOrientation == 270) {
                    swappedDimensions = true;
                    Log.e("Sensor", "1");
            case Surface.ROTATION_90:
                Log.e("Sensor", "3");
            case Surface.ROTATION_270:
                Log.e("Sensor", "4");
                if (mSensorOrientation == 0 || mSensorOrientation == 180) {
                    swappedDimensions = true;
                Log.e(TAG, "Display rotation is invalid: " + displayRotation);

            Point displaySize = new Point();
            int rotatedPreviewWidth = width;
            int rotatedPreviewHeight = height;
            int maxPreviewWidth = displaySize.x;
            int maxPreviewHeight = displaySize.y;

            if (swappedDimensions) {
                rotatedPreviewWidth = height;
                rotatedPreviewHeight = width;
                maxPreviewWidth = displaySize.y;
                maxPreviewHeight = displaySize.x;

            if (maxPreviewWidth > MAX_PREVIEW_WIDTH) {
                maxPreviewWidth = MAX_PREVIEW_WIDTH;

            if (maxPreviewHeight > MAX_PREVIEW_HEIGHT) {
                maxPreviewHeight = MAX_PREVIEW_HEIGHT;

            // Danger, W.R.! Attempting to use too large a preview size could  exceed the camera
            // bus' bandwidth limitation, resulting in gorgeous previews but the storage of
            // garbage capture data.

            mPreviewSize = new Size(1088, 1088);

            /*                mPreviewSize = chooseOptimalSize(map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class),
                rotatedPreviewWidth, rotatedPreviewHeight, maxPreviewWidth,
                maxPreviewHeight, largest);*/

            // We fit the aspect ratio of TextureView to the size of preview we picked.
            int orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
            if (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
                mTextureView.setAspectRatio(mPreviewSize.getWidth(), mPreviewSize.getHeight());
            } else {
                mTextureView.setAspectRatio(mPreviewSize.getHeight(), mPreviewSize.getWidth());

            // Check if the flash is supported.
            Boolean available = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE);
            mFlashSupported = available == null ? false : available;

            mCameraId = cameraId;
    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        // Currently an NPE is thrown when the Camera2API is used but not supported on the
        // device this code runs.
        ErrorDialog.newInstance(getString(R.string.error)).show(getChildFragmentManager(), FRAGMENT_DIALOG);

From source file:com.Yamate.Camera.Camera.java

 * Sets up member variables related to camera.
 * @param width  The width of available size for camera preview
 * @param height The height of available size for camera preview
 *//*from  w  w w  .j  a  v  a2s .  c o  m*/
private void setUpCameraOutputs(int width, int height) {
    Activity activity = mActivity;
    CameraManager manager = (CameraManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
    try {
        for (String cameraId : manager.getCameraIdList()) {
            CameraCharacteristics characteristics = manager.getCameraCharacteristics(cameraId);

            // We don't use a front facing camera in this sample.
            Integer facing = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING);
            if (facing != null && facing == CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING_FRONT) {

            StreamConfigurationMap map = characteristics
            if (map == null) {

            Util.PiCoreLog("output w:" + map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getWidth() + ",h:"
                    + map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getHeight());

            // For still image captures, we use the largest available size.
                            Size largest = Collections.max(
                new CompareSizesByArea());
                            mImageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(largest.getWidth(), largest.getHeight(),
                ImageFormat.JPEG, 2);
                mOnImageAvailableListener, mBackgroundHandler);
                            mCaptureSize=new Size(largest.getWidth(), largest.getHeight());
            // Find out if we need to swap dimension to get the preview size relative to sensor
            // coordinate.
            int displayRotation = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
            //noinspection ConstantConditions
            mSensorOrientation = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_ORIENTATION);
            boolean swappedDimensions = false;
            switch (displayRotation) {
            case Surface.ROTATION_0:
            case Surface.ROTATION_180:
                if (mSensorOrientation == 90 || mSensorOrientation == 270) {
                    swappedDimensions = true;
            case Surface.ROTATION_90:
            case Surface.ROTATION_270:
                if (mSensorOrientation == 0 || mSensorOrientation == 180) {
                    swappedDimensions = true;
                Log.e(TAG, "Display rotation is invalid: " + displayRotation);

            Point displaySize = new Point();
            int rotatedPreviewWidth = width;
            int rotatedPreviewHeight = height;
            int maxPreviewWidth = displaySize.x;
            int maxPreviewHeight = displaySize.y;

            if (swappedDimensions) {
                rotatedPreviewWidth = height;
                rotatedPreviewHeight = width;
                maxPreviewWidth = displaySize.y;
                maxPreviewHeight = displaySize.x;
                            if (maxPreviewWidth > MAX_PREVIEW_WIDTH) {
            maxPreviewWidth = MAX_PREVIEW_WIDTH;
                            if (maxPreviewHeight > MAX_PREVIEW_HEIGHT) {
            maxPreviewHeight = MAX_PREVIEW_HEIGHT;
            // Danger, W.R.! Attempting to use too large a preview size could  exceed the camera
            // bus' bandwidth limitation, resulting in gorgeous previews but the storage of
            // garbage capture data.
            //mPreviewSize = chooseOptimalSize(map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class),
            //        rotatedPreviewWidth, rotatedPreviewHeight, maxPreviewWidth,
            //        maxPreviewHeight, largest);

            if (displaySize.x > displaySize.y) {
                double scale = (double) displaySize.y
                        / (double) map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getHeight();
                mPreviewSize = new Size((int) (scale * map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getWidth()),
                        (int) (scale * map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getHeight()));
            } else {
                double scale = (double) displaySize.x
                        / (double) map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getHeight();
                mPreviewSize = new Size((int) (scale * map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getHeight()),
                        (int) (scale * map.getOutputSizes(SurfaceTexture.class)[0].getWidth()));
            Util.PiCoreLog("mPreviewSize w:" + mPreviewSize.getWidth() + ",h:" + mPreviewSize.getHeight());

            mCaptureSize = new Size(CAPTURE_WIDTH, CAPTURE_HEIGHT);
            mImageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(mCaptureSize.getWidth(), mCaptureSize.getHeight(),
                    ImageFormat.JPEG, 2);
            mImageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(mOnImageAvailableListener, mBackgroundHandler);

            // We fit the aspect ratio of TextureView to the size of preview we picked.
            int orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
            if (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
                    mPreviewSize.getWidth(), mPreviewSize.getHeight());
            } else {
                    mPreviewSize.getHeight(), mPreviewSize.getWidth());
            // Check if the flash is supported.
            Boolean available = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.FLASH_INFO_AVAILABLE);
            mFlashSupported = available == null ? false : available;

            mCameraId = cameraId;
    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        // Currently an NPE is thrown when the Camera2API is used but not supported on the
        // device this code runs.

From source file:com.android.camera2.its.ItsSerializer.java

public static CaptureRequest.Builder deserialize(CaptureRequest.Builder mdDefault, JSONObject jsonReq)
        throws ItsException {
    try {/*  w  w w . j  a v  a  2s  .  c o m*/
        Logt.i(TAG, "Parsing JSON capture request ...");

        // Iterate over the CaptureRequest reflected fields.
        CaptureRequest.Builder md = mdDefault;
        Field[] allFields = CaptureRequest.class.getDeclaredFields();
        for (Field field : allFields) {
            if (Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())
                    && field.getType() == CaptureRequest.Key.class
                    && field.getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                ParameterizedType paramType = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType();
                Type[] argTypes = paramType.getActualTypeArguments();
                if (argTypes.length > 0) {
                    CaptureRequest.Key key = (CaptureRequest.Key) field.get(md);
                    String keyName = key.getName();
                    Type keyType = argTypes[0];

                    // For each reflected CaptureRequest entry, look inside the JSON object
                    // to see if it is being set. If it is found, remove the key from the
                    // JSON object. After this process, there should be no keys left in the
                    // JSON (otherwise an invalid key was specified).

                    if (jsonReq.has(keyName) && !jsonReq.isNull(keyName)) {
                        if (keyType instanceof GenericArrayType) {
                            Type elmtType = ((GenericArrayType) keyType).getGenericComponentType();
                            JSONArray ja = jsonReq.getJSONArray(keyName);
                            Object val[] = new Object[ja.length()];
                            for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); i++) {
                                if (elmtType == int.class) {
                                    Array.set(val, i, ja.getInt(i));
                                } else if (elmtType == byte.class) {
                                    Array.set(val, i, (byte) ja.getInt(i));
                                } else if (elmtType == float.class) {
                                    Array.set(val, i, (float) ja.getDouble(i));
                                } else if (elmtType == long.class) {
                                    Array.set(val, i, ja.getLong(i));
                                } else if (elmtType == double.class) {
                                    Array.set(val, i, ja.getDouble(i));
                                } else if (elmtType == boolean.class) {
                                    Array.set(val, i, ja.getBoolean(i));
                                } else if (elmtType == String.class) {
                                    Array.set(val, i, ja.getString(i));
                                } else if (elmtType == Size.class) {
                                    JSONObject obj = ja.getJSONObject(i);
                                    Array.set(val, i, new Size(obj.getInt("width"), obj.getInt("height")));
                                } else if (elmtType == Rect.class) {
                                    JSONObject obj = ja.getJSONObject(i);
                                    Array.set(val, i, new Rect(obj.getInt("left"), obj.getInt("top"),
                                            obj.getInt("bottom"), obj.getInt("right")));
                                } else if (elmtType == Rational.class) {
                                    JSONObject obj = ja.getJSONObject(i);
                                    Array.set(val, i,
                                            new Rational(obj.getInt("numerator"), obj.getInt("denominator")));
                                } else if (elmtType == RggbChannelVector.class) {
                                    JSONArray arr = ja.getJSONArray(i);
                                    Array.set(val, i,
                                            new RggbChannelVector((float) arr.getDouble(0),
                                                    (float) arr.getDouble(1), (float) arr.getDouble(2),
                                                    (float) arr.getDouble(3)));
                                } else if (elmtType == ColorSpaceTransform.class) {
                                    JSONArray arr = ja.getJSONArray(i);
                                    Rational xform[] = new Rational[9];
                                    for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
                                        xform[j] = new Rational(arr.getJSONObject(j).getInt("numerator"),
                                    Array.set(val, i, new ColorSpaceTransform(xform));
                                } else if (elmtType == MeteringRectangle.class) {
                                    JSONObject obj = ja.getJSONObject(i);
                                    Array.set(val, i, new MeteringRectangle(obj.getInt("x"), obj.getInt("y"),
                                            obj.getInt("width"), obj.getInt("height"), obj.getInt("weight")));
                                } else {
                                    throw new ItsException("Failed to parse key from JSON: " + keyName);
                            if (val != null) {
                                Logt.i(TAG, "Set: " + keyName + " -> " + Arrays.toString(val));
                                md.set(key, val);
                        } else {
                            Object val = null;
                            if (keyType == Integer.class) {
                                val = jsonReq.getInt(keyName);
                            } else if (keyType == Byte.class) {
                                val = (byte) jsonReq.getInt(keyName);
                            } else if (keyType == Double.class) {
                                val = jsonReq.getDouble(keyName);
                            } else if (keyType == Long.class) {
                                val = jsonReq.getLong(keyName);
                            } else if (keyType == Float.class) {
                                val = (float) jsonReq.getDouble(keyName);
                            } else if (keyType == Boolean.class) {
                                val = jsonReq.getBoolean(keyName);
                            } else if (keyType == String.class) {
                                val = jsonReq.getString(keyName);
                            } else if (keyType == Size.class) {
                                JSONObject obj = jsonReq.getJSONObject(keyName);
                                val = new Size(obj.getInt("width"), obj.getInt("height"));
                            } else if (keyType == Rect.class) {
                                JSONObject obj = jsonReq.getJSONObject(keyName);
                                val = new Rect(obj.getInt("left"), obj.getInt("top"), obj.getInt("right"),
                            } else if (keyType == Rational.class) {
                                JSONObject obj = jsonReq.getJSONObject(keyName);
                                val = new Rational(obj.getInt("numerator"), obj.getInt("denominator"));
                            } else if (keyType == RggbChannelVector.class) {
                                JSONObject obj = jsonReq.optJSONObject(keyName);
                                JSONArray arr = jsonReq.optJSONArray(keyName);
                                if (arr != null) {
                                    val = new RggbChannelVector((float) arr.getDouble(0),
                                            (float) arr.getDouble(1), (float) arr.getDouble(2),
                                            (float) arr.getDouble(3));
                                } else if (obj != null) {
                                    val = new RggbChannelVector((float) obj.getDouble("red"),
                                            (float) obj.getDouble("greenEven"),
                                            (float) obj.getDouble("greenOdd"), (float) obj.getDouble("blue"));
                                } else {
                                    throw new ItsException("Invalid RggbChannelVector object");
                            } else if (keyType == ColorSpaceTransform.class) {
                                JSONArray arr = jsonReq.getJSONArray(keyName);
                                Rational a[] = new Rational[9];
                                for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
                                    a[i] = new Rational(arr.getJSONObject(i).getInt("numerator"),
                                val = new ColorSpaceTransform(a);
                            } else if (keyType instanceof ParameterizedType
                                    && ((ParameterizedType) keyType).getRawType() == Range.class
                                    && ((ParameterizedType) keyType).getActualTypeArguments().length == 1
                                    && ((ParameterizedType) keyType)
                                            .getActualTypeArguments()[0] == Integer.class) {
                                JSONArray arr = jsonReq.getJSONArray(keyName);
                                val = new Range<Integer>(arr.getInt(0), arr.getInt(1));
                            } else {
                                throw new ItsException(
                                        "Failed to parse key from JSON: " + keyName + ", " + keyType);
                            if (val != null) {
                                Logt.i(TAG, "Set: " + keyName + " -> " + val);
                                md.set(key, val);

        // Ensure that there were no invalid keys in the JSON request object.
        if (jsonReq.length() != 0) {
            throw new ItsException("Invalid JSON key(s): " + jsonReq.toString());

        Logt.i(TAG, "Parsing JSON capture request completed");
        return md;
    } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new ItsException("Access error: ", e);
    } catch (org.json.JSONException e) {
        throw new ItsException("JSON error: ", e);

From source file:com.almalence.opencam.SavingService.java

private void saveDNGPicture(int frameNum, long sessionID, OutputStream os, int width, int height,
        int orientation, boolean cameraMirrored) {
    DngCreator creator = new DngCreator(CameraController.getCameraCharacteristics(),
            PluginManager.getInstance().getFromRAWCaptureResults("captureResult" + frameNum + sessionID));
    byte[] frame = SwapHeap.SwapFromHeap(
            Integer.parseInt(getFromSharedMem("resultframe" + frameNum + Long.toString(sessionID))),
            Integer.parseInt(getFromSharedMem("resultframelen" + frameNum + Long.toString(sessionID))));

    ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(frame.length);
    buff.put(frame);/*from   www .j a  v  a2s .c  o  m*/

    int exif_orientation = ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL;
    switch ((orientation + 360) % 360) {
    case 0:
        exif_orientation = ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL;
    case 90:
        exif_orientation = cameraMirrored ? ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270
                : ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90;
    case 180:
        exif_orientation = ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180;
    case 270:
        exif_orientation = cameraMirrored ? ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90
                : ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270;

    try {
        creator.writeByteBuffer(os, new Size(width, height), buff, 0);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Log.e("Open Camera", "saveDNGPicture error: " + e.getMessage());
