Java android.view.inputmethod InputMethodManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java android.view.inputmethod InputMethodManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for android.view.inputmethod InputMethodManager.

The text is from its open source code.


Flag for #showSoftInput to indicate that this is an implicit request to show the input window, not as the result of a direct request by the user.
Flag for #showSoftInput to indicate that the user has forced the input method open (such as by long-pressing menu) so it should not be closed until they explicitly do so.
Flag for the ResultReceiver result code from #showSoftInput(View,int,ResultReceiver) and #hideSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder,int,ResultReceiver) : the state of the soft input window was unchanged and remains shown.
Flag for the ResultReceiver result code from #showSoftInput(View,int,ResultReceiver) and #hideSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder,int,ResultReceiver) : the state of the soft input window changed from hidden to shown.
Flag for the ResultReceiver result code from #showSoftInput(View,int,ResultReceiver) and #hideSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder,int,ResultReceiver) : the state of the soft input window changed from shown to hidden.
Flag for #hideSoftInputFromWindow and InputMethodService#requestHideSelf(int) to indicate that the soft input window should only be hidden if it was not explicitly shown by the user.
Flag for #hideSoftInputFromWindow and InputMethodService#requestShowSelf(int) to indicate that the soft input window should normally be hidden, unless it was originally shown with #SHOW_FORCED .


Returns the runtime class of this Object .
Returns the current input method subtype.
ListgetEnabledInputMethodSubtypeList(InputMethodInfo imi, boolean allowsImplicitlySelectedSubtypes)
Returns a list of enabled input method subtypes for the specified input method info.
voidhideSoftInputFromInputMethod(IBinder token, int flags)
Close/hide the input method's soft input area, so the user no longer sees it or can interact with it.
booleanhideSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder windowToken, int flags)
Synonym for #hideSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder,int,ResultReceiver) without a result: request to hide the soft input window from the context of the window that is currently accepting input.
Return true if the currently served view is accepting full text edits.
Return true if any view is currently active in the input method.
booleanisActive(View view)
Return true if the given view is the currently active view for the input method.
Allows you to discover whether the attached input method is running in fullscreen mode.
voidrestartInput(View view)
If the input method is currently connected to the given view, restart it with its new contents.
booleanshowSoftInput(View view, int flags)
Synonym for #showSoftInput(View,int,ResultReceiver) without a result receiver: explicitly request that the current input method's soft input area be shown to the user, if needed.
booleanshowSoftInput(View view, int flags, ResultReceiver resultReceiver)
Explicitly request that the current input method's soft input area be shown to the user, if needed.
voidshowSoftInputFromInputMethod(IBinder token, int flags)
Show the input method's soft input area, so the user sees the input method window and can interact with it.
voidtoggleSoftInput(int showFlags, int hideFlags)
This method toggles the input method window display.
voidtoggleSoftInputFromWindow(IBinder windowToken, int showFlags, int hideFlags)
This method toggles the input method window display.