Example usage for android.view SurfaceHolder.Callback interface-usage

List of usage examples for android.view SurfaceHolder.Callback interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for android.view SurfaceHolder.Callback interface-usage.


From source file piuk.blockchain.android.ui.zxing.CaptureActivity.java

 * This activity opens the camera and does the actual scanning on a background thread. It draws a viewfinder to help the
 * user place the barcode correctly, shows feedback as the image processing is happening, and then overlays the results
 * when a scan is successful.
 * @author dswitkin@google.com (Daniel Switkin)

From source file com.abhi.barcode.frag.libv2.BarcodeFragment.java

 * This activity opens the camera and does the actual scanning on a background
 * thread. It draws a viewfinder to help the user place the barcode correctly,
 * shows feedback as the image processing is happening, and then overlays the
 * results when a scan is successful.

From source file org.artoolkit.ar.utils.calib_optical.CameraSurface.java

public class CameraSurface extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, Camera.PreviewCallback {

    private static final String TAG = "CameraSurface";
    private Camera camera;

    private boolean mustAskPermissionFirst = false;

From source file com.kuaichumen.whistle.admin.CaptureActivity.java

 * This activity opens the camera and does the actual scanning on a background
 * thread. It draws a viewfinder to help the user place the barcode correctly,
 * shows feedback as the image processing is happening, and then overlays the
 * results when a scan is successful.

From source file com.example.android.mediarecorder.MainActivity.java

 *  This activity uses the camera/camcorder as the A/V source for the {@link android.media.MediaRecorder} API.
 *  A {@link android.view.TextureView} is used as the camera preview which limits the code to API 14+. This
 *  can be easily replaced with a {@link android.view.SurfaceView} to run on older devices.
public class MainActivity extends Activity

From source file com.melvin.share.zxing.activity.CaptureActivity.java

 * This activity opens the camera and does the actual scanning on a background
 * thread. It draws a viewfinder to help the user place the barcode correctly,
 * shows feedback as the image processing is happening, and then overlays the
 * results when a scan is successful.

From source file gov.nasa.arc.geocam.geocam.CameraActivity.java

public class CameraActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {

    private static final int DIALOG_SAVE_PROGRESS = 991;
    private static final int DIALOG_HIDE_KEYBOARD = 992;

    // UI elements

From source file es.curso.android.streamingVLC.VideoActivity.java

public class VideoActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, IVideoPlayer {

    public final static String TAG = "streamingVLC/VideoActivity";

    private String mFilePath;

From source file org.bobstuff.bobball.ActivityStateEnum.java

public class BobBallActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, OnClickListener, OnTouchListener {
    static final int NUMBER_OF_FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 60;
    static final double TOUCH_DETECT_SQUARES = 2.5;
    static final int VIBRATE_LIVE_LOST_MS = 40;

    static final String STATE_GAME_MANAGER = "state_game_manager";

From source file net.microtrash.clapcamera.Preview.java

 * openCamera() onSizeChanged() onLayout() onLayout() surfaceCreated()
 * surfaceChanged() onLayout()
class Preview extends ViewGroup implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { // <1>