Example usage for com.amazonaws.http HttpMethodName PUT

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.http HttpMethodName PUT


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.http HttpMethodName PUT.


HttpMethodName PUT

To view the source code for com.amazonaws.http HttpMethodName PUT.

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From source file:com.emc.vipr.services.s3.ViPRS3Client.java

License:Open Source License

public BucketFileAccessModeResult setBucketFileAccessMode(SetBucketFileAccessModeRequest putAccessModeRequest)
        throws AmazonClientException {
            "The SetBucketFileAccessModeRequest parameter must be specified");

    String bucketName = putAccessModeRequest.getBucketName();
    assertParameterNotNull(bucketName, "The bucket name parameter must be specified when changing access mode");

    Request<SetBucketFileAccessModeRequest> request = createRequest(bucketName, null, putAccessModeRequest,
    request.addParameter(ViPRConstants.ACCESS_MODE_PARAMETER, null);
    request.addHeader(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, Mimetypes.MIMETYPE_XML);

    if (putAccessModeRequest.getAccessMode() != null) {
    }/*from   w  w w. j a  v  a2  s. c  o  m*/
    if (putAccessModeRequest.getDuration() != 0) {
    if (putAccessModeRequest.getHostList() != null) {
                join(",", putAccessModeRequest.getHostList()));
    if (putAccessModeRequest.getUid() != null) {
        request.addHeader(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_UID_HEADER, putAccessModeRequest.getUid());
    if (putAccessModeRequest.getToken() != null) {
        request.addHeader(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_TOKEN_HEADER, putAccessModeRequest.getToken());
    if (putAccessModeRequest.isPreserveIngestPaths()) {
        request.addHeader(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_PRESERVE_INGEST_PATHS, "true");

    return invoke(request, new AbstractS3ResponseHandler<BucketFileAccessModeResult>() {
        public AmazonWebServiceResponse<BucketFileAccessModeResult> handle(HttpResponse response)
                throws Exception {
            BucketFileAccessModeResult result = new BucketFileAccessModeResult();
            Map<String, String> headers = response.getHeaders();

            if (headers.containsKey(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_MODE_HEADER))
            if (headers.containsKey(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_DURATION_HEADER))
            if (headers.containsKey(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_HOST_LIST_HEADER))
            if (headers.containsKey(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_UID_HEADER))
            if (headers.containsKey(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_START_TOKEN_HEADER))
            if (headers.containsKey(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_END_TOKEN_HEADER))
            if (headers.containsKey(ViPRConstants.FILE_ACCESS_PRESERVE_INGEST_PATHS))

            AmazonWebServiceResponse<BucketFileAccessModeResult> awsResponse = parseResponseMetadata(response);
            return awsResponse;
    }, bucketName, null);

From source file:com.emc.vipr.services.s3.ViPRS3Client.java

License:Open Source License

 * Executes a (Subclass of) PutObjectRequest.  In particular, we check for subclasses
 * of the UpdateObjectRequest and inject the value of the Range header.  This version
 * also returns the raw ObjectMetadata for the response so callers can construct
 * their own result objects.//from w  w w.ja  v  a 2 s  . c  o  m
 * @param putObjectRequest the request to execute
 * @return an ObjectMetadata containing the response headers.
protected ObjectMetadata doPut(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) {
            "The PutObjectRequest parameter must be specified when uploading an object");

    String bucketName = putObjectRequest.getBucketName();
    String key = putObjectRequest.getKey();
    ObjectMetadata metadata = putObjectRequest.getMetadata();
    InputStream input = putObjectRequest.getInputStream();
    if (metadata == null)
        metadata = new ObjectMetadata();

    assertParameterNotNull(bucketName, "The bucket name parameter must be specified when uploading an object");
    assertParameterNotNull(key, "The key parameter must be specified when uploading an object");

     * This is compatible with progress listener set by either the legacy
     * method GetObjectRequest#setProgressListener or the new method
     * GetObjectRequest#setGeneralProgressListener.
    com.amazonaws.event.ProgressListener progressListener = putObjectRequest.getGeneralProgressListener();
    ProgressListenerCallbackExecutor progressListenerCallbackExecutor = ProgressListenerCallbackExecutor

    // If a file is specified for upload, we need to pull some additional
    // information from it to auto-configure a few options
    if (putObjectRequest.getFile() != null) {
        File file = putObjectRequest.getFile();

        // Always set the content length, even if it's already set

        // Only set the content type if it hasn't already been set
        if (metadata.getContentType() == null) {

        FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
        try {
            fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
            byte[] md5Hash = Md5Utils.computeMD5Hash(fileInputStream);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new AmazonClientException("Unable to calculate MD5 hash: " + e.getMessage(), e);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            input = new RepeatableFileInputStream(file);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            throw new AmazonClientException("Unable to find file to upload", fnfe);

    Request<PutObjectRequest> request = createRequest(bucketName, key, putObjectRequest, HttpMethodName.PUT);

    if (putObjectRequest.getAccessControlList() != null) {
        addAclHeaders(request, putObjectRequest.getAccessControlList());
    } else if (putObjectRequest.getCannedAcl() != null) {
        request.addHeader(Headers.S3_CANNED_ACL, putObjectRequest.getCannedAcl().toString());

    if (putObjectRequest.getStorageClass() != null) {
        request.addHeader(Headers.STORAGE_CLASS, putObjectRequest.getStorageClass());

    if (putObjectRequest.getRedirectLocation() != null) {
        request.addHeader(Headers.REDIRECT_LOCATION, putObjectRequest.getRedirectLocation());
        if (input == null) {
            input = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);

    // Use internal interface to differentiate 0 from unset.
    if (metadata.getRawMetadata().get(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH) == null) {
         * There's nothing we can do except for let the HTTP client buffer
         * the input stream contents if the caller doesn't tell us how much
         * data to expect in a stream since we have to explicitly tell
         * Amazon S3 how much we're sending before we start sending any of
         * it.
        log.warn("No content length specified for stream data.  "
                + "Stream contents will be buffered in memory and could result in " + "out of memory errors.");

    if (progressListenerCallbackExecutor != null) {
        com.amazonaws.event.ProgressReportingInputStream progressReportingInputStream = new com.amazonaws.event.ProgressReportingInputStream(
                input, progressListenerCallbackExecutor);

    if (!input.markSupported()) {
        int streamBufferSize = Constants.DEFAULT_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE;
        String bufferSizeOverride = System.getProperty("com.amazonaws.sdk.s3.defaultStreamBufferSize");
        if (bufferSizeOverride != null) {
            try {
                streamBufferSize = Integer.parseInt(bufferSizeOverride);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("Unable to parse buffer size override from value: " + bufferSizeOverride);

        input = new RepeatableInputStream(input, streamBufferSize);

    MD5DigestCalculatingInputStream md5DigestStream = null;
    if (metadata.getContentMD5() == null) {
         * If the user hasn't set the content MD5, then we don't want to
         * buffer the whole stream in memory just to calculate it. Instead,
         * we can calculate it on the fly and validate it with the returned
         * ETag from the object upload.
        try {
            md5DigestStream = new MD5DigestCalculatingInputStream(input);
            input = md5DigestStream;
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            log.warn("No MD5 digest algorithm available.  Unable to calculate "
                    + "checksum and verify data integrity.", e);

    if (metadata.getContentType() == null) {
         * Default to the "application/octet-stream" if the user hasn't
         * specified a content type.

    populateRequestMetadata(request, metadata);

    if (putObjectRequest instanceof UpdateObjectRequest) {
        request.addHeader(Headers.RANGE, "bytes=" + ((UpdateObjectRequest) putObjectRequest).getUpdateRange());

    ObjectMetadata returnedMetadata = null;
    try {
        returnedMetadata = invoke(request, new S3MetadataResponseHandler(), bucketName, key);
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        throw ace;
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.warn("Unable to cleanly close input stream: " + e.getMessage(), e);

    String contentMd5 = metadata.getContentMD5();
    if (md5DigestStream != null) {
        contentMd5 = BinaryUtils.toBase64(md5DigestStream.getMd5Digest());

    // Can't verify MD5 on appends/update (yet).
    if (!(putObjectRequest instanceof UpdateObjectRequest)) {
        if (returnedMetadata != null && contentMd5 != null) {
            byte[] clientSideHash = BinaryUtils.fromBase64(contentMd5);
            byte[] serverSideHash = BinaryUtils.fromHex(returnedMetadata.getETag());

            if (!Arrays.equals(clientSideHash, serverSideHash)) {
                throw new AmazonClientException("Unable to verify integrity of data upload.  "
                        + "Client calculated content hash didn't match hash calculated by Amazon S3.  "
                        + "You may need to delete the data stored in Amazon S3.");

    fireProgressEvent(progressListenerCallbackExecutor, com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEvent.COMPLETED_EVENT_CODE);

    return returnedMetadata;

From source file:com.emc.vipr.services.s3.ViPRS3Client.java

License:Open Source License

 * ViPR-specific create bucket command.  This version of the command adds some
 * options specific to EMC ViPR, specifically the ability to set the ViPR project ID
 * and Object Virtual Pool ID on the new bucket.
 * @param createBucketRequest the configuration parameters for the new bucket.
 *//*from w  w w . jav a  2  s  . c  o  m*/
public Bucket createBucket(ViPRCreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest)
        throws AmazonClientException, AmazonServiceException {
            "The CreateBucketRequest parameter must be specified when creating a bucket");

    String bucketName = createBucketRequest.getBucketName();
    String region = createBucketRequest.getRegion();
    assertParameterNotNull(bucketName, "The bucket name parameter must be specified when creating a bucket");

    if (bucketName != null)
        bucketName = bucketName.trim();

    Request<ViPRCreateBucketRequest> request = createRequest(bucketName, null, createBucketRequest,

    if (createBucketRequest.getAccessControlList() != null) {
        addAclHeaders(request, createBucketRequest.getAccessControlList());
    } else if (createBucketRequest.getCannedAcl() != null) {
        request.addHeader(Headers.S3_CANNED_ACL, createBucketRequest.getCannedAcl().toString());

    // ViPR specific: projectId,  vpoolId and fsAccessEnabled.
    if (createBucketRequest.getProjectId() != null) {
        request.addHeader(ViPRConstants.PROJECT_HEADER, createBucketRequest.getProjectId());
    if (createBucketRequest.getVpoolId() != null) {
        request.addHeader(ViPRConstants.VPOOL_HEADER, createBucketRequest.getVpoolId());
    if (createBucketRequest.isFsAccessEnabled()) {
        request.addHeader(ViPRConstants.FS_ACCESS_ENABLED, "true");

     * If we're talking to a region-specific endpoint other than the US, we
     * *must* specify a location constraint. Try to derive the region from
     * the endpoint.
    if (!(this.endpoint.getHost().equals(Constants.S3_HOSTNAME)) && (region == null || region.isEmpty())) {

        try {
            region = RegionUtils.getRegionByEndpoint(this.endpoint.getHost()).getName();
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
            // Endpoint does not correspond to a known region; send the
            // request with no location constraint and hope for the best.


     * We can only send the CreateBucketConfiguration if we're *not*
     * creating a bucket in the US region.
    if (region != null && !region.toUpperCase().equals(Region.US_Standard.toString())) {
        XmlWriter xml = new XmlWriter();
        xml.start("CreateBucketConfiguration", "xmlns", Constants.XML_NAMESPACE);

        request.setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()));

    invoke(request, voidResponseHandler, bucketName, null);

    return new Bucket(bucketName);

From source file:com.ibm.og.s3.v4.AWSS3V4Signer.java

License:Open Source License

 * Determine whether to use aws-chunked for signing
 *///from www .ja  va  2  s  . co  m
private boolean useChunkEncoding(final SignableRequest<?> request) {
    // If chunked encoding is explicitly disabled through client options
    // return right here.
    if (isChunkedEncodingDisabled(request)) {
        return false;
    // FIXME this may break with POST or part upload
    return this.chunkedEncoding && request.getHttpMethod() == HttpMethodName.PUT;

From source file:org.apache.nifi.processors.aws.wag.AbstractAWSGatewayApiProcessor.java

License:Apache License

protected GenericApiGatewayRequest configureRequest(final ProcessContext context, final ProcessSession session,
        final String resourcePath, final FlowFile requestFlowFile, final HttpMethodName methodName) {

    GenericApiGatewayRequestBuilder builder = new GenericApiGatewayRequestBuilder()
    final Map<String, List<String>> parameters = getParameters(context);
    builder = builder.withParameters(parameters);

    InputStream requestBody = null;
    switch (methodName) {
    case GET:// ww  w .ja v  a 2s  .  com
        builder = builder.withHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.GET);
    case POST:
        requestBody = getRequestBodyToSend(session, context, requestFlowFile);
        builder = builder.withHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.POST).withBody(requestBody);
    case PUT:
        requestBody = getRequestBodyToSend(session, context, requestFlowFile);
        builder = builder.withHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.PUT).withBody(requestBody);
    case PATCH:
        requestBody = getRequestBodyToSend(session, context, requestFlowFile);
        builder = builder.withHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.PATCH).withBody(requestBody);
    case HEAD:
        builder = builder.withHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.HEAD);
    case DELETE:
        builder = builder.withHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.DELETE);
    case OPTIONS:
        requestBody = getRequestBodyToSend(session, context, requestFlowFile);
        builder = builder.withHttpMethod(HttpMethodName.OPTIONS).withBody(requestBody);

    builder = setHeaderProperties(context, builder, methodName, requestFlowFile);
    return builder.build();

From source file:org.apache.nifi.processors.aws.wag.AbstractAWSGatewayApiProcessor.java

License:Apache License

protected GenericApiGatewayRequestBuilder setHeaderProperties(final ProcessContext context,
        GenericApiGatewayRequestBuilder requestBuilder, HttpMethodName methodName,
        final FlowFile requestFlowFile) {

    Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
    for (String headerKey : dynamicPropertyNames) {
        String headerValue = context.getProperty(headerKey).evaluateAttributeExpressions(requestFlowFile)
                .getValue();//  w  ww  .  j av  a2  s .  c  o m
        headers.put(headerKey, headerValue);

    // iterate through the flowfile attributes, adding any attribute that
    // matches the attributes-to-send pattern. if the pattern is not set
    // (it's an optional property), ignore that attribute entirely
    if (regexAttributesToSend != null && requestFlowFile != null) {
        Map<String, String> attributes = requestFlowFile.getAttributes();
        Matcher m = regexAttributesToSend.matcher("");
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
            String headerKey = trimToEmpty(entry.getKey());

            // don't include any of the ignored attributes
            if (IGNORED_ATTRIBUTES.contains(headerKey)) {

            // check if our attribute key matches the pattern
            // if so, include in the request as a header
            if (m.matches()) {
                String headerVal = trimToEmpty(entry.getValue());
                headers.put(headerKey, headerVal);

    String contentType = context.getProperty(PROP_CONTENT_TYPE).evaluateAttributeExpressions(requestFlowFile)
    boolean sendBody = context.getProperty(PROP_SEND_BODY).asBoolean();
    contentType = StringUtils.isBlank(contentType) ? DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE : contentType;
    if (methodName == HttpMethodName.PUT || methodName == HttpMethodName.POST
            || methodName == HttpMethodName.PATCH) {
        if (sendBody) {
            headers.put("Content-Type", contentType);
    } else {
        headers.put("Content-Type", contentType);

    if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
        requestBuilder = requestBuilder.withHeaders(headers);

    return requestBuilder;