Example usage for com.amazonaws.services.apigateway AmazonApiGateway getRestApis

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.services.apigateway AmazonApiGateway getRestApis


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.services.apigateway AmazonApiGateway getRestApis.


GetRestApisResult getRestApis(GetRestApisRequest getRestApisRequest);

Source Link


Lists the RestApis resources for your collection.


From source file:squash.deployment.lambdas.ApiGatewayCustomResourceLambda.java

License:Apache License

 * Implementation for the AWS Lambda function backing the ApiGateway resource.
 * /*from w w w  .  j  a v  a2  s.  c om*/
 * <p>This lambda requires the following environment variables:
 * <p>Keys suppling arn of other AWS lambda functions that the Api invokes:
 * <ul>
 *    <li>ValidDatesGETLambdaURI</li>
 *    <li>BookingsGETLambdaURI</li>
 *    <li>BookingRulesGETLambdaURI</li>
 *    <li>BookingsPUTDELETELambdaURI</li>
 *    <li>BookingRuleOrExclusionPUTDELETELambdaURI</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>Other keys:
 * <ul>
 *    <li>BookingsApiGatewayInvocationRole - role allowing Api to invoke these three lambda functions.</li>
 *    <li>WebsiteBucket - name of S3 bucket serving the booking website.</li>
 *    <li>StageName - the name to give to the Api's stage.</li>
 *    <li>Region - the AWS region in which the Cloudformation stack is created.</li>
 *    <li>Revision - integer incremented to force stack updates to update this resource.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>On success, it returns the following output to Cloudformation:
 * <ul>
 *    <li>ApiGatewayBaseUrl - base Url of the created ApiGateway Api.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param request request parameters as provided by the CloudFormation service
 * @param context context as provided by the CloudFormation service
public Object handleRequest(Map<String, Object> request, Context context) {

    LambdaLogger logger = context.getLogger();
    logger.log("Starting ApiGateway custom resource handleRequest");

    // Handle standard request parameters
    Map<String, String> standardRequestParameters = LambdaInputLogger.logStandardRequestParameters(request,
    String requestType = standardRequestParameters.get("RequestType");

    // Handle required environment variables
    logger.log("Logging required environment variables for custom resource request");
    String region = System.getenv("AWS_REGION");
    String revision = System.getenv("Revision");
    String validDatesGETLambdaURI = wrapURI((System.getenv("ValidDatesGETLambdaURI")), region);
    String bookingsGETLambdaURI = wrapURI((System.getenv("BookingsGETLambdaURI")), region);
    String bookingRulesGETLambdaURI = wrapURI((System.getenv("BookingRulesGETLambdaURI")), region);
    String bookingsPUTDELETELambdaURI = wrapURI((System.getenv("BookingsPUTDELETELambdaURI")), region);
    String bookingRuleOrExclusionPUTDELETELambdaURI = wrapURI(
            System.getenv("BookingRuleOrExclusionPUTDELETELambdaURI"), region);
    String bookingsApiGatewayInvocationRole = System.getenv("BookingsApiGatewayInvocationRole");
    squashWebsiteBucket = System.getenv("WebsiteBucket");
    String stageName = System.getenv("StageName");

    // Log out our required environment variables
    logger.log("Logging custom parameters to ApiGateway custom resource request:");
    logger.log("ValidDatesGETLambdaURI: " + validDatesGETLambdaURI);
    logger.log("BookingsGETLambdaURI: " + bookingsGETLambdaURI);
    logger.log("BookingRulesGETLambdaURI: " + bookingRulesGETLambdaURI);
    logger.log("BookingsPUTDELETELambdaURI: " + bookingsPUTDELETELambdaURI);
    logger.log("BookingRuleOrExclusionPUTDELETELambdaURI: " + bookingRuleOrExclusionPUTDELETELambdaURI);
    logger.log("BookingsApiGatewayInvocationRole: " + bookingsApiGatewayInvocationRole);
    logger.log("Squash website bucket: " + squashWebsiteBucket);
    logger.log("StageName: " + stageName);
    logger.log("Region: " + region);
    logger.log("Revision: " + revision);

    // API calls below can sometimes give access denied errors during stack
    // creation which I think is bc required new roles have not yet propagated
    // across AWS. We sleep here to allow time for this propagation.
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        logger.log("Sleep to allow new roles to propagate has been interrupted.");

    // Prepare our response to be sent in the finally block
    CloudFormationResponder cloudFormationResponder = new CloudFormationResponder(standardRequestParameters,
    // Initialise failure response, which will be changed on success
    String responseStatus = "FAILED";
    String apiGatewayBaseUrl = null;

    try {

        // Create ApiGateway client
        AmazonApiGateway apiGatewayClient = AmazonApiGatewayClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(region).build();

        String apiName = "SquashApi" + standardRequestParameters.get("StackId");
        logger.log("Setting api name to: " + apiName);
        if (requestType.equals("Create")) {

            // Ensure an API of the same name does not already exist - can happen
            // e.g. if wrongly put two of these custom resources in the stack
            // template.
            logger.log("Verifying an api with name: " + apiName + " does not already exist.");
            GetRestApisRequest getRestApisRequest = new GetRestApisRequest();
            GetRestApisResult apis = apiGatewayClient.getRestApis(getRestApisRequest);
            List<RestApi> apiList = apis.getItems();
            Boolean apiExists = apiList.stream().filter(api -> api.getName().equals(apiName)).findFirst()
            if (apiExists) {
                logger.log(apiName + " exists already - creating another api with this name is not allowed");
                // Change physical id in responder - this is bc CloudFormation will
                // follow up this failed creation with a Delete request to clean up
                // - and we want to ignore that delete call - but not delete calls
                // for our original resource - and we use the PhysicalId to tell these
                // two cases apart.

                return null;

            // Api does not already exist - so create it
            logger.log("Creating API");
            CreateRestApiRequest createRestApiRequest = new CreateRestApiRequest();
            createRestApiRequest.setDescription("Api for managing squash court bookings");
            CreateRestApiResult createRestApiResult = apiGatewayClient.createRestApi(createRestApiRequest);
            String restApiId = createRestApiResult.getId();

            // Add all resources and methods to the Api, then upload its SDK to S3.
            constructApiAndUploadSdk(restApiId, apiGatewayClient, region, validDatesGETLambdaURI,
                    bookingsGETLambdaURI, bookingsPUTDELETELambdaURI, bookingRulesGETLambdaURI,
                    bookingRuleOrExclusionPUTDELETELambdaURI, bookingsApiGatewayInvocationRole, stageName,

            apiGatewayBaseUrl = getApiGatewayBaseUrl(restApiId, region, stageName);
            logger.log("Created API with base url: " + apiGatewayBaseUrl);

        } else if (requestType.equals("Update")) {
            // We update an Api by removing all existing resources from it and then
            // adding them back, whilst retaining the original ApiId. This ensures
            // that its deployment creates a new entry in the deployment history of
            // the Api - i.e. it mimics editing and re-deploying the api in the
            // console.

            String restApiId = standardRequestParameters.get("PhysicalResourceId");
            // Keep same physical id - otherwise CloudFormation thinks it needs to
            // follow up with a Delete request on the 'previous' physical resource.
            logger.log("Updating Api for apiId: " + restApiId);

            // Remove all existing resources (except the root) from this Api
            logger.log("Removing existing resources from Api with apiId: " + restApiId);
            GetResourcesRequest getResourcesRequest = new GetResourcesRequest();
            GetResourcesResult getResourcesResult = apiGatewayClient.getResources(getResourcesRequest);
            getResourcesResult.getItems().stream().filter(r -> !r.getPath().equals("/")).forEach(resource -> {
                logger.log("About to delete resource: " + resource.getPath());
                DeleteResourceRequest deleteResourceRequest = new DeleteResourceRequest();
                logger.log("Successfully deleted resource: " + resource.getPath());

            // Remove the existing SDK from the S3 website bucket

            // And add back the updated set of resources and SDK
            logger.log("Adding back updated resources to Api with apiId: " + restApiId);
            constructApiAndUploadSdk(restApiId, apiGatewayClient, region, validDatesGETLambdaURI,
                    bookingsGETLambdaURI, bookingsPUTDELETELambdaURI, bookingRulesGETLambdaURI,
                    bookingRuleOrExclusionPUTDELETELambdaURI, bookingsApiGatewayInvocationRole, stageName,

            apiGatewayBaseUrl = getApiGatewayBaseUrl(restApiId, region, stageName);
            logger.log("Updated API with base url: " + apiGatewayBaseUrl);

        } else if (requestType.equals("Delete")) {

            String restApiId = standardRequestParameters.get("PhysicalResourceId");
            logger.log("Deleting Api for apiId: " + restApiId);

            // Early-out if this is a Delete corresponding to a failed attempt to
            // create a duplicate API, otherwise we will end up wrongly deleting
            // our (valid) original API instead.
            if (restApiId.equals("DuplicatePhysicalResourceId")) {
                logger.log("Ignoring delete request as it's for a non-existent duplicate API");
            } else {
                // Delete the API
                GetRestApiRequest getRestApiRequest = new GetRestApiRequest();
                // This will throw if the api does not exist
                GetRestApiResult api = apiGatewayClient.getRestApi(getRestApiRequest);
                DeleteRestApiRequest deleteRestApiRequest = new DeleteRestApiRequest();

                // Remove the sdk from the website bucket

        responseStatus = "SUCCESS";
        return null;
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
        ExceptionUtils.logAmazonServiceException(ase, logger);
        return null;
    } catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
        ExceptionUtils.logAmazonClientException(ace, logger);
        return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.log("Exception caught in ApiGateway Lambda: " + e.getMessage());
        return null;
    } finally {
        cloudFormationResponder.addKeyValueOutputsPair("ApiGatewayBaseUrl", apiGatewayBaseUrl);
        cloudFormationResponder.sendResponse(responseStatus, logger);