Java CloudFrontUrlSigner fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java CloudFrontUrlSigner fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for CloudFrontUrlSigner.

The text is from its open source code.


StringgetSignedURLWithCannedPolicy(String resourceUrlOrPath, String keyPairId, PrivateKey privateKey, Date dateLessThan)
Generate a signed URL that allows access to a specific distribution and S3 object by applying a access restrictions from a "canned" (simplified) policy document.
StringgetSignedURLWithCannedPolicy(final Protocol protocol, final String distributionDomain, final File privateKeyFile, final String s3ObjectKey, final String keyPairId, final Date dateLessThan)
Returns a signed URL with a canned policy that grants universal access to private content until a given date.
StringgetSignedURLWithCustomPolicy(final Protocol protocol, final String distributionDomain, final File privateKeyFile, final String s3ObjectKey, final String keyPairId, final Date dateLessThan, final Date dateGreaterThan, final String ipRange)
Returns a signed URL that provides tailored access to private content based on an access time window and an ip range.