Java Item fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java Item fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for Item.

The text is from its open source code.




Returns all attributes of the current item as a map.
ItemfromJSON(String json)
Convenient factory method - instantiates an Item from the given JSON string.
ItemfromMap(Map attributes)
Convenient factory method - instantiates an Item from the given map.
Objectget(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as an object; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
byte[]getBinary(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a byte array; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
booleangetBoolean(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a primitive boolean.
intgetInt(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as an int.
StringgetJSON(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a JSON string; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
ListgetList(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a set of T's.; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
longgetLong(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as an long.
MapgetMap(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a map of string-to-T's; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
BigDecimalgetNumber(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a BigDecimal; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
MapgetRawMap(String attrName)
Convenient method to return the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a map of string-to-Object's; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
StringgetString(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a string; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
SetgetStringSet(String attrName)
Returns the value of the specified attribute in the current item as a set of strings; or null if the attribute either doesn't exist or the attribute value is null.
booleanhasAttribute(String attrName)
Returns true if this item has the specified attribute; false otherwise.
booleanisNull(String attrName)
Returns true if the specified attribute exists with a null value; false otherwise.
booleanisPresent(String attrName)
Returns true if this item contains the specified attribute; false otherwise.
Returns this item as a JSON string.
Returns this item as a pretty JSON string.
ItemwithBinary(String attrName, byte[] val)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the current item to the given value.
ItemwithBinary(String attrName, ByteBuffer val)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the current item to the given value.
ItemwithInt(String attrName, int val)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the current item to the given value.
ItemwithJSON(String attrName, String json)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the current item to the given JSON document in the form of a string.
ItemwithLong(String attrName, long val)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the current item to the given value.
ItemwithMap(String attrName, Map val)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the current item to the given value.
ItemwithPrimaryKey(String hashKeyName, Object hashKeyValue)
Convenient method to set the attributes of this item from the given hash-only primary key name and value.
ItemwithString(String attrName, String val)
Sets the value of the specified attribute in the current item to the given string value.