Java CreateJobOutput fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java CreateJobOutput fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for CreateJobOutput.

The text is from its open source code.



voidsetAlbumArt(JobAlbumArt albumArt)

Information about the album art that you want Elastic Transcoder to add to the file during transcoding.

voidsetCaptions(Captions captions)

You can configure Elastic Transcoder to transcode captions, or subtitles, from one format to another.

voidsetComposition(java.util.Collection composition)

You can create an output file that contains an excerpt from the input file.

voidsetEncryption(Encryption encryption)

You can specify encryption settings for any output files that you want to use for a transcoding job.

voidsetKey(String key)

The name to assign to the transcoded file.

voidsetPresetId(String presetId)

The Id of the preset to use for this job.

voidsetRotate(String rotate)

The number of degrees clockwise by which you want Elastic Transcoder to rotate the output relative to the input.

voidsetSegmentDuration(String segmentDuration)

(Outputs in Fragmented MP4 or MPEG-TS format only.

voidsetThumbnailEncryption(Encryption thumbnailEncryption)

The encryption settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to apply to your thumbnail.

voidsetThumbnailPattern(String thumbnailPattern)

Whether you want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails for your videos and, if so, how you want Elastic Transcoder to name the files.

voidsetWatermarks(java.util.Collection watermarks)

Information about the watermarks that you want Elastic Transcoder to add to the video during transcoding.

CreateJobOutputwithPresetId(String presetId)

The Id of the preset to use for this job.