Example usage for com.amazonaws.services.identitymanagement.model CreateAccessKeyRequest CreateAccessKeyRequest

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.services.identitymanagement.model CreateAccessKeyRequest CreateAccessKeyRequest


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.services.identitymanagement.model CreateAccessKeyRequest CreateAccessKeyRequest.


public CreateAccessKeyRequest() 

Source Link


Default constructor for CreateAccessKeyRequest object.


From source file:aws.example.iam.CreateAccessKey.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) {

    final String USAGE = "To run this example, supply an IAM user\n" + "Ex: CreateAccessKey <user>\n";

    if (args.length != 1) {
        System.exit(1);//from w  w  w  . j  a  va2  s .  c o  m

    String user = args[0];

    final AmazonIdentityManagement iam = AmazonIdentityManagementClientBuilder.defaultClient();

    CreateAccessKeyRequest request = new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(user);

    CreateAccessKeyResult response = iam.createAccessKey(request);

    System.out.println("Created access key: " + response.getAccessKey());

From source file:ch.cyberduck.core.iam.AmazonIdentityConfiguration.java

License:Open Source License

public void create(final String username, final String policy, final LoginCallback prompt)
        throws BackgroundException {
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
        log.info(String.format("Create user %s with policy %s", username, policy));
    }/*w  w  w. j a  v a2 s  . c  om*/
    this.authenticated(new Authenticated<Void>() {
        public Void call() throws BackgroundException {
            // Create new IAM credentials
            final AmazonIdentityManagementClient client = new AmazonIdentityManagementClient(
                    new com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials() {
                        public String getAWSAccessKeyId() {
                            return host.getCredentials().getUsername();

                        public String getAWSSecretKey() {
                            return host.getCredentials().getPassword();
                    }, configuration);
            try {
                // Create new IAM credentials
                User user;
                try {
                    user = client.createUser(new CreateUserRequest().withUserName(username)).getUser();
                } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException e) {
                    user = client.getUser(new GetUserRequest().withUserName(username)).getUser();
                final CreateAccessKeyResult key = client
                        .createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(user.getUserName()));
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug(String.format("Created access key %s for user %s", key, username));
                // Write policy document to get read access
                client.putUserPolicy(new PutUserPolicyRequest(user.getUserName(), "Policy", policy));
                // Map virtual user name to IAM access key
                final String id = key.getAccessKey().getAccessKeyId();
                if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
                    log.info(String.format("Map user %s to access key %s",
                            String.format("%s%s", prefix, username), id));
                PreferencesFactory.get().setProperty(String.format("%s%s", prefix, username), id);
                // Save secret
                PasswordStoreFactory.get().addPassword(host.getProtocol().getScheme(), host.getPort(),
                        host.getHostname(), id, key.getAccessKey().getSecretAccessKey());
            } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
                throw new AmazonServiceExceptionMappingService().map("Cannot write user configuration", e);
            } finally {
            return null;
    }, prompt);

From source file:com.github.trask.sandbox.ec2.Ec2Service.java

License:Apache License

public AccessKey createAccessKey(final String username) {
    CreateAccessKeyRequest request = new CreateAccessKeyRequest();
    request.setUserName(username);/*w w  w . j  a va 2s.  co  m*/
    CreateAccessKeyResult result = iam.createAccessKey(request);
    return result.getAccessKey();

From source file:fr.xebia.cloud.amazon.aws.iam.AmazonAwsIamAccountCreator.java

License:Apache License

 * <p>/*from   w w w.j av  a  2 s .  co  m*/
 * Create an Amazon IAM account and send the details by email.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Created elements:
 * </p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>password to login to the management console if none exists,</li>
 * <li>accesskey if none is active,</li>
 * <li></li>
 * </ul>
 * @param userName valid email used as userName of the created account.
public void createUser(@Nonnull final String userName, GetGroupResult groupDescriptor, String keyPairName)
        throws Exception {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(userName, "Given userName can NOT be null");
    logger.info("Process user {}", userName);

    List<String> userAccountChanges = Lists.newArrayList();

    Map<String, String> templatesParams = Maps.newHashMap();
    templatesParams.put("awsCredentialsHome", "~/.aws");
    templatesParams.put("awsCommandLinesHome", "/opt/amazon-aws");

    User user;
    try {
        user = iam.getUser(new GetUserRequest().withUserName(userName)).getUser();
    } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
        logger.debug("User {} does not exist, create it", userName, e);
        user = iam.createUser(new CreateUserRequest(userName)).getUser();
        userAccountChanges.add("Create user");

    List<BodyPart> attachments = Lists.newArrayList();

    try {
        LoginProfile loginProfile = iam.getLoginProfile(new GetLoginProfileRequest(user.getUserName()))
        templatesParams.put("loginUserName", loginProfile.getUserName());
        templatesParams.put("loginPassword", "#your password has already been generated and sent to you#");

        logger.info("Login profile already exists {}", loginProfile);
    } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
        // manually add a number to ensure amazon policy is respected
        String password = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(10) + random.nextInt(10);
        LoginProfile loginProfile = iam
                .createLoginProfile(new CreateLoginProfileRequest(user.getUserName(), password))
        userAccountChanges.add("Create user.login");
        templatesParams.put("loginUserName", loginProfile.getUserName());
        templatesParams.put("loginPassword", password);

    Group group = groupDescriptor.getGroup();
    List<User> groupMembers = groupDescriptor.getUsers();

    boolean isUserInGroup = Iterables.any(groupMembers, new Predicate<User>() {
        public boolean apply(User groupMember) {
            return userName.equals(groupMember.getUserName());


    if (!isUserInGroup) {
        logger.debug("Add user {} to group {}", user, group);
        iam.addUserToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest(group.getGroupName(), user.getUserName()));
        userAccountChanges.add("Add user to group");

    boolean activeAccessKeyExists = false;
    ListAccessKeysResult listAccessKeysResult = iam
            .listAccessKeys(new ListAccessKeysRequest().withUserName(user.getUserName()));
    for (AccessKeyMetadata accessKeyMetadata : listAccessKeysResult.getAccessKeyMetadata()) {
        StatusType status = StatusType.fromValue(accessKeyMetadata.getStatus());
        if (StatusType.Active.equals(status)) {
            logger.info("Access key {} ({}) is already active, don't create another one.",
                    accessKeyMetadata.getAccessKeyId(), accessKeyMetadata.getCreateDate());
            activeAccessKeyExists = true;
            templatesParams.put("accessKeyId", accessKeyMetadata.getAccessKeyId());
                    "#accessKey has already been generated and the secretId has been sent to you#");


    if (!activeAccessKeyExists) {
        AccessKey accessKey = iam.createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(user.getUserName()))
        userAccountChanges.add("Create user.accessKey");
        logger.debug("Created access key {}", accessKey);
        templatesParams.put("accessKeyId", accessKey.getAccessKeyId());
        templatesParams.put("accessKeySecretId", accessKey.getSecretAccessKey());

        // email attachment: aws-credentials.txt
            BodyPart awsCredentialsBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
            templatesParams.put("attachedCredentialsFileName", awsCredentialsBodyPart.getFileName());
            String awsCredentials = FreemarkerUtils.generate(templatesParams,
            awsCredentialsBodyPart.setContent(awsCredentials, "text/plain");


    if (keyPairName == null) { // If keyPairName is null, generate it from the username
        if (userName.endsWith("@xebia.fr") || userName.endsWith("@xebia.com")) {
            keyPairName = userName.substring(0, userName.indexOf("@xebia."));
        } else {
            keyPairName = userName.replace("@", "_at_").replace(".", "_dot_").replace("+", "_plus_");

    try {
        List<KeyPairInfo> keyPairInfos = ec2
                .describeKeyPairs(new DescribeKeyPairsRequest().withKeyNames(keyPairName)).getKeyPairs();
        KeyPairInfo keyPairInfo = Iterables.getOnlyElement(keyPairInfos);
        logger.info("SSH key {} already exists. Don't overwrite it.", keyPairInfo.getKeyName());
        templatesParams.put("sshKeyName", keyPairInfo.getKeyName());
        templatesParams.put("sshKeyFingerprint", keyPairInfo.getKeyFingerprint());

        String sshKeyFileName = keyPairName + ".pem";
        URL sshKeyFileURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(sshKeyFileName);
        if (sshKeyFileURL != null) {
            logger.info("SSH Key file {} found.", sshKeyFileName);

            BodyPart keyPairBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
            templatesParams.put("attachedSshKeyFileName", keyPairBodyPart.getFileName());
            keyPairBodyPart.setContent(Resources.toString(sshKeyFileURL, Charsets.ISO_8859_1),
        } else {
            logger.info("SSH Key file {} NOT found.", sshKeyFileName);

    } catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
        if ("InvalidKeyPair.NotFound".equals(e.getErrorCode())) {
            // ssh key does not exist, create it
            KeyPair keyPair = ec2.createKeyPair(new CreateKeyPairRequest(keyPairName)).getKeyPair();
            userAccountChanges.add("Create ssh key");

            logger.info("Created ssh key {}", keyPair);
            templatesParams.put("sshKeyName", keyPair.getKeyName());
            templatesParams.put("sshKeyFingerprint", keyPair.getKeyFingerprint());

            BodyPart keyPairBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
            keyPairBodyPart.setFileName(keyPair.getKeyName() + ".pem");
            templatesParams.put("attachedSshKeyFileName", keyPairBodyPart.getFileName());
            keyPairBodyPart.setContent(keyPair.getKeyMaterial(), "application/x-x509-ca-cert");
        } else {
            throw e;

    Collection<SigningCertificate> certificates = iam
            .listSigningCertificates(new ListSigningCertificatesRequest().withUserName(userName))
    // filter active certificates
    certificates = Collections2.filter(certificates, new Predicate<SigningCertificate>() {
        public boolean apply(SigningCertificate signingCertificate) {
            return StatusType.Active.equals(StatusType.fromValue(signingCertificate.getStatus()));

    if (certificates.isEmpty()) {
        java.security.KeyPair x509KeyPair = keyPairGenerator.generateKeyPair();
        X509Certificate x509Certificate = generateSelfSignedX509Certificate(userName, x509KeyPair);
        String x509CertificatePem = Pems.pem(x509Certificate);

        UploadSigningCertificateResult uploadSigningCertificateResult = iam.uploadSigningCertificate( //
                new UploadSigningCertificateRequest(x509CertificatePem).withUserName(user.getUserName()));
        SigningCertificate signingCertificate = uploadSigningCertificateResult.getCertificate();
        templatesParams.put("x509CertificateId", signingCertificate.getCertificateId());
        userAccountChanges.add("Create x509 certificate");

        logger.info("Created x509 certificate {}", signingCertificate);

        // email attachment: x509 private key
            BodyPart x509PrivateKeyBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
            x509PrivateKeyBodyPart.setFileName("pk-" + signingCertificate.getCertificateId() + ".pem");
            templatesParams.put("attachedX509PrivateKeyFileName", x509PrivateKeyBodyPart.getFileName());
            String x509privateKeyPem = Pems.pem(x509KeyPair.getPrivate());
            x509PrivateKeyBodyPart.setContent(x509privateKeyPem, "application/x-x509-ca-cert");
        // email attachment: x509 certifiate pem
            BodyPart x509CertificateBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
            x509CertificateBodyPart.setFileName("cert-" + signingCertificate.getCertificateId() + ".pem");
            templatesParams.put("attachedX509CertificateFileName", x509CertificateBodyPart.getFileName());
            x509CertificateBodyPart.setContent(x509CertificatePem, "application/x-x509-ca-cert");

    } else {
        SigningCertificate signingCertificate = Iterables.getFirst(certificates, null);
        logger.info("X509 certificate {} already exists", signingCertificate.getCertificateId());
        templatesParams.put("x509CertificateId", signingCertificate.getCertificateId());

    sendEmail(templatesParams, attachments, userName);

From source file:fr.xebia.demo.amazon.aws.AmazonAwsIamAccountCreator.java

License:Apache License

 * Create an Amazon IAM account with a password, a secret key and member of
 * "Admins". The password, access key and secret key are sent by email.
 * //from w  w w.  ja v a  2 s .  com
 * @param userName
 *            valid email used as userName of the created account.
public void createUsers(String userName) {

    CreateUserRequest createUserRequest = new CreateUserRequest(userName);
    CreateUserResult createUserResult = iam.createUser(createUserRequest);
    User user = createUserResult.getUser();

    String password = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8);

    iam.createLoginProfile(new CreateLoginProfileRequest(user.getUserName(), password));
    iam.addUserToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest("Admins", user.getUserName()));
    CreateAccessKeyResult createAccessKeyResult = iam
            .createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(user.getUserName()));
    AccessKey accessKey = createAccessKeyResult.getAccessKey();

    System.out.println("CREATED userName=" + user.getUserName() + "\tpassword=" + password + "\taccessKeyId="
            + accessKey.getAccessKeyId() + "\tsecretAccessKey=" + accessKey.getSecretAccessKey());

    String subject = "Xebia France Amazon EC2 Credentials";

    String body = "Hello,\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Here are the credentials to connect to Xebia Amazon AWS/EC2 training infrastructure:\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "User Name: " + user.getUserName() + "\n";
    body += "Password: " + password + "\n";
    body += "Access Key Id: " + accessKey.getAccessKeyId() + "\n";
    body += "Secret Access Key: " + accessKey.getSecretAccessKey() + "\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "The authentication page is https://xebia-france.signin.aws.amazon.com/console";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Don't hesitate to connect to Amazon AWS, to play with it but please DO NOT FORGET TO STOP INSTANCES OR IF POSSIBLE TERMINATE THEM AFTER USING THEM.\n";
    body += "Letting instances started would cost unnecessary money to Xebia.\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Thanks,\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Cyrille";
    try {
        sendEmail(subject, body, "cyrille@cyrilleleclerc.com", user.getUserName());
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:fr.xebia.demo.amazon.aws.AmazonAwsIamAccountCreatorV2.java

License:Apache License

 * Create an Amazon IAM account with a password, a secret key and member of
 * "Admins". The password, access key and secret key are sent by email.
 * /*from   ww  w. jav a  2 s  .  co  m*/
 * @param userName
 *            valid email used as userName of the created account.
public void createUsers(String userName) {

    CreateUserRequest createUserRequest = new CreateUserRequest(userName);
    CreateUserResult createUserResult = iam.createUser(createUserRequest);
    User user = createUserResult.getUser();

    String password = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(8);

    iam.createLoginProfile(new CreateLoginProfileRequest(user.getUserName(), password));
    iam.addUserToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest("Admins", user.getUserName()));
    CreateAccessKeyResult createAccessKeyResult = iam
            .createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(user.getUserName()));
    AccessKey accessKey = createAccessKeyResult.getAccessKey();

    // SSH
    KeyPair sshKeyPair = createOrOverWriteSshKeyPair(userName);

    // X509
    java.security.KeyPair x509KeyPair = createRsaKeyPair();
    X509Certificate x509Certificate = createX509Certificate(userName, x509KeyPair);

    SigningCertificate signingCertificate;
    try {
        UploadSigningCertificateResult uploadSigningCertificateResult = iam
                .uploadSigningCertificate(new UploadSigningCertificateRequest(Pems.pem(x509Certificate))
        signingCertificate = uploadSigningCertificateResult.getCertificate();
    } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    System.out.println("CREATED userName=" + user.getUserName() + "\tpassword=" + password + "\taccessKeyId="
            + accessKey.getAccessKeyId() + "\tsecretAccessKey=" + accessKey.getSecretAccessKey()
            + "\tsshKeyPair=" + sshKeyPair.getKeyName() + "\tx509Certificate="
            + signingCertificate.getCertificateId());

    String subject = "Xebia France Amazon EC2 Credentials";

    String body = "Hello,\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Here are the credentials to connect to Xebia Amazon AWS/EC2 training infrastructure:\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "User Name: " + user.getUserName() + "\n";
    body += "Password: " + password + "\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Access Key Id: " + accessKey.getAccessKeyId() + "\n";
    body += "Secret Access Key: " + accessKey.getSecretAccessKey() + "\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "SSH private key pair '" + sshKeyPair.getKeyName() + "' attached, rename it as '"
            + sshKeyPair.getKeyName() + ".pem" + "'n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "The authentication page is https://xebia-france.signin.aws.amazon.com/console";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Don't hesitate to connect to Amazon AWS, to play with it but please DO NOT FORGET TO STOP INSTANCES OR IF POSSIBLE TERMINATE THEM AFTER USING THEM.\n";
    body += "Letting instances started would cost unnecessary money to Xebia.\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Thanks,\n";
    body += "\n";
    body += "Cyrille";
    try {
        sendEmail(subject, body, accessKey, sshKeyPair, x509KeyPair, x509Certificate, signingCertificate,
                "cyrille@cyrilleleclerc.com", user.getUserName());
    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:mail.server.storage.AWSStorageCreation.java

License:GNU General Public License

public Map<String, String> create(String email, String region) throws Exception {
    log.debug("I will now figure out what region to put things in", region);
    Region awsRegion = Region.valueOf(region);
    String awsRegionString = awsRegion.toString();
    if (awsRegionString == null)
        awsRegionString = "";

    String awsRegionStringEndPoint = awsRegionString.isEmpty() ? "s3.amazonaws.com"
            : ("s3-" + awsRegionString + ".amazonaws.com");

    log.debug("I will now log in to S3 and the IdentityManagement to check these credentials.");

    SimpleAWSCredentials credentials = new SimpleAWSCredentials(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey);
    AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
    AmazonIdentityManagement im = new AmazonIdentityManagementClient(credentials);

    log.debug("Successfully logged into S3");

    log.debug("I will now derive names for items");

    log.debug("I will now try to:\n" + "  1. Create the S3 Bucket with name ", bucketName,
            "\n" + "  2. Create two IAM Identities for permissions -\n" + "       ", writeIdentity,
            " to be sent to the mail server to be able to write to the mailbox.\n" + "       ", writeIdentity,
            " to be stored in your configuration to enable the mail client to read and write mail.\n\n");

    s3.createBucket(bucketName, awsRegion);

    log.debug("Setting website configuration");

    BucketWebsiteConfiguration bwc = new BucketWebsiteConfiguration("index.html");
    s3.setBucketWebsiteConfiguration(bucketName, bwc);

    log.debug("Enabling CORS");
    CORSRule rule1 = new CORSRule().withId("CORSRule1")
            .withAllowedMethods(Arrays.asList(new CORSRule.AllowedMethods[] { CORSRule.AllowedMethods.GET,
                    CORSRule.AllowedMethods.PUT, CORSRule.AllowedMethods.DELETE }))
            .withAllowedOrigins(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "*" })).withMaxAgeSeconds(3000)
            .withAllowedHeaders(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "*" }))
            .withExposedHeaders(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ETag" }));

    BucketCrossOriginConfiguration cors = new BucketCrossOriginConfiguration();
    cors.setRules(Arrays.asList(new CORSRule[] { rule1 }));

    s3.setBucketCrossOriginConfiguration(bucketName, cors);

    log.format("Creating group %s ... ", groupName);
    im.createGroup(new CreateGroupRequest().withGroupName(groupName));

    log.format("Creating user %s ... ", writeIdentity);
    im.createUser(new CreateUserRequest().withUserName(writeIdentity));

    log.format("Adding user %s to group %s ... ", writeIdentity, groupName);
    im.addUserToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest().withGroupName(groupName).withUserName(writeIdentity));

    log.format("Creating user %s ... ", readWriteIdentity);
    im.createUser(new CreateUserRequest().withUserName(readWriteIdentity));

    log.format("Adding user %s to group %s ... ", readWriteIdentity, groupName);
    im.addUserToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest().withGroupName(groupName).withUserName(readWriteIdentity));

    log.format("Creating permissions for %s to write to bucket %s ... \n", writeIdentity, bucketName);

    String writePolicyRaw = "{                        \n" + "  #Statement#: [            \n"
            + "    {                     \n" + "      #Sid#: #SID#,         \n"
            + "      #Action#: [            \n" + "        #s3:PutObject#,      \n"
            + "        #s3:PutObjectAcl#      \n" + "      ],                  \n"
            + "      #Effect#: #Allow#,      \n" + "      #Resource#: [         \n"
            + "        #arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET/*#\n" + "      ]                  \n"
            + "    }                     \n" + "  ]                     \n" + "}\n";

    String writePolicy = writePolicyRaw.replaceAll("#", "\"").replace("SID", policyWriteName).replace("BUCKET",
            bucketName);/* ww w . ja v a2s  . c  om*/
    //      q.println ("Policy definition: " + writePolicy);
    im.putUserPolicy(new PutUserPolicyRequest().withUserName(writeIdentity).withPolicyDocument(writePolicy)

    log.format("Creating permissions for %s to read/write to bucket %s ... \n", writeIdentity, bucketName);

    String readWritePolicyRaw = "{                        \n" + "  #Statement#: [            \n"
            + "  {                     \n" + "      #Sid#: #SID#,         \n"
            + "      #Action#: [            \n" + "        #s3:PutObject#,      \n"
            + "        #s3:PutObjectAcl#,      \n" + "        #s3:DeleteObject#,      \n"
            + "        #s3:Get*#,            \n" + "        #s3:List*#            \n"
            + "      ],                  \n" + "      #Effect#: #Allow#,      \n"
            + "      #Resource#: [         \n" + "        #arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET/*#,\n"
            + "        #arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET#   \n" + "      ]                  \n"
            + "    }                     \n" + "  ]                     \n" + "}\n";

    String readWritePolicy = readWritePolicyRaw.replaceAll("#", "\"").replace("SID", policyReadWriteName)
            .replace("BUCKET", bucketName);
    //      q.println ("Policy definition: " + readPolicy);
    im.putUserPolicy(new PutUserPolicyRequest().withUserName(readWriteIdentity)

    log.format("Requesting access key for %s", writeIdentity);
    writeAccessKey = im.createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(writeIdentity))
    log.format("Received [%s] [%s] Done.\n", writeAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(),

    log.format("Requesting access key for %s", readWriteIdentity);
    readWriteAccessKey = im.createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(readWriteIdentity))
    log.format("Received [%s] [%s] Done.\n", readWriteAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(),

    log.debug("I have finished the creating the S3 items.\n");

    return Maps.toMap("bucketName", bucketName, "bucketRegion", awsRegionString, "writeAccessKey",
            writeAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(), "writeSecretKey", writeAccessKey.getSecretAccessKey(),
            "readWriteAccessKey", readWriteAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(), "readWriteSecretKey",

From source file:org.akvo.flow.InstanceConfigurator.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    Options opts = getOptions();/*from  w ww. java  2  s  .  c  om*/
    CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser();
    CommandLine cli = null;

    try {
        cli = parser.parse(opts, args);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp(InstanceConfigurator.class.getName(), opts);

    String awsAccessKey = cli.getOptionValue("ak");
    String awsSecret = cli.getOptionValue("as");
    String bucketName = cli.getOptionValue("bn");
    String gaeId = cli.getOptionValue("gae");
    String outFolder = cli.getOptionValue("o");
    String flowServices = cli.getOptionValue("fs");
    String alias = cli.getOptionValue("a");
    String emailFrom = cli.getOptionValue("ef");
    String emailTo = cli.getOptionValue("et");
    String orgName = cli.getOptionValue("on");
    String signingKey = cli.getOptionValue("sk");

    File out = new File(outFolder);

    if (!out.exists()) {

    Map<String, AccessKey> accessKeys = new HashMap<String, AccessKey>();
    String apiKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");

    AWSCredentials creds = new BasicAWSCredentials(awsAccessKey, awsSecret);
    AmazonIdentityManagementClient iamClient = new AmazonIdentityManagementClient(creds);
    AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(creds);

    // Creating bucket

    System.out.println("Creating bucket: " + bucketName);

    try {
        if (s3Client.doesBucketExist(bucketName)) {
            System.out.println(bucketName + " already exists, skipping creation");
        } else {
            s3Client.createBucket(bucketName, Region.EU_Ireland);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Error trying to create bucket " + bucketName + " : " + e.getMessage());

    // Creating users and groups

    String gaeUser = bucketName + GAE_SUFFIX;
    String apkUser = bucketName + APK_SUFFIX;

    // GAE

    System.out.println("Creating user: " + gaeUser);

    GetUserRequest gaeUserRequest = new GetUserRequest();

    try {
        System.out.println("User already exists, skipping creation");
    } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
        iamClient.createUser(new CreateUserRequest(gaeUser));

    System.out.println("Requesting security credentials for " + gaeUser);

    CreateAccessKeyRequest gaeAccessRequest = new CreateAccessKeyRequest();

    CreateAccessKeyResult gaeAccessResult = iamClient.createAccessKey(gaeAccessRequest);
    accessKeys.put(gaeUser, gaeAccessResult.getAccessKey());

    // APK

    System.out.println("Creating user: " + apkUser);

    GetUserRequest apkUserRequest = new GetUserRequest();

    try {
        System.out.println("User already exists, skipping creation");
    } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
        iamClient.createUser(new CreateUserRequest(apkUser));

    System.out.println("Requesting security credentials for " + apkUser);

    CreateAccessKeyRequest apkAccessRequest = new CreateAccessKeyRequest();

    CreateAccessKeyResult apkAccessResult = iamClient.createAccessKey(apkAccessRequest);
    accessKeys.put(apkUser, apkAccessResult.getAccessKey());

    System.out.println("Configuring security policies...");

    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
    cfg.setClassForTemplateLoading(InstanceConfigurator.class, "/org/akvo/flow/templates");
    cfg.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper());

    Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    data.put("bucketName", bucketName);
    data.put("version", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()));
    data.put("accessKey", accessKeys);

    Template t1 = cfg.getTemplate("apk-s3-policy.ftl");
    StringWriter apkPolicy = new StringWriter();
    t1.process(data, apkPolicy);

    Template t2 = cfg.getTemplate("gae-s3-policy.ftl");
    StringWriter gaePolicy = new StringWriter();
    t2.process(data, gaePolicy);

            new PutUserPolicyRequest(apkUser, apkUser, Policy.fromJson(apkPolicy.toString()).toJson()));

            new PutUserPolicyRequest(gaeUser, gaeUser, Policy.fromJson(gaePolicy.toString()).toJson()));

    System.out.println("Creating configuration files...");

    // survey.properties
    Map<String, Object> apkData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    apkData.put("awsBucket", bucketName);
    apkData.put("awsAccessKeyId", accessKeys.get(apkUser).getAccessKeyId());
    apkData.put("awsSecretKey", accessKeys.get(apkUser).getSecretAccessKey());
    apkData.put("serverBase", "https://" + gaeId + ".appspot.com");
    apkData.put("restApiKey", apiKey);

    Template t3 = cfg.getTemplate("survey.properties.ftl");
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(out, "/survey.properties"));
    t3.process(apkData, fw);

    // appengine-web.xml
    Map<String, Object> webData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    webData.put("awsBucket", bucketName);
    webData.put("awsAccessKeyId", accessKeys.get(gaeUser).getAccessKeyId());
    webData.put("awsSecretAccessKey", accessKeys.get(gaeUser).getSecretAccessKey());
    webData.put("s3url", "https://" + bucketName + ".s3.amazonaws.com");
    webData.put("instanceId", gaeId);
    webData.put("alias", alias);
    webData.put("flowServices", flowServices);
    webData.put("apiKey", apiKey);
    webData.put("emailFrom", emailFrom);
    webData.put("emailTo", emailTo);
    webData.put("organization", orgName);
    webData.put("signingKey", signingKey);

    Template t5 = cfg.getTemplate("appengine-web.xml.ftl");
    FileWriter fw3 = new FileWriter(new File(out, "/appengine-web.xml"));
    t5.process(webData, fw3);


From source file:org.apache.usergrid.apm.service.ApplicationServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

public AccessKey createAuthorizedAppPrinciple(Long applicationId, String orgAppName) {
    CreateUserRequest createUserRequest = new CreateUserRequest();

    createUserRequest.setUserName(APP_PRINCIPLE_USER_PREFIX + "_" + orgAppName);


    try {/*from w  ww.  j  av a  2  s.com*/
        CreateUserResult createUserResult = identityManagementClient.createUser(createUserRequest);
        log.info("cloud user id for app with " + orgAppName + " created with "
                + createUserResult.getUser().getUserName());
        CreateAccessKeyRequest accessKeyRequest = new CreateAccessKeyRequest();


        CreateAccessKeyResult accessKeyResult = identityManagementClient.createAccessKey(accessKeyRequest);

        //Create policy of queue

        GetQueueAttributesRequest attributesRequest = new GetQueueAttributesRequest();

        log.info("Going to secure sqs queue : " + AWSUtil.formFullQueueUrl(orgAppName));


        List<String> attributeNames = new ArrayList<String>();

        GetQueueAttributesResult attributesResult = sqsClient.getQueueAttributes(attributesRequest);

        String queueArn = attributesResult.getAttributes().get("QueueArn");

        String policy = POLICY_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE.replace("QUEUE_ARN", queueArn);

        String formattedPolicy = String.format(POLICY_DOCUMENT_TEMPLATE, queueArn);
        log.info("Applying authorization for following AWS resources" + formattedPolicy);

        PutUserPolicyRequest policyRequest = new PutUserPolicyRequest();




        log.info("User policy for queue " + queueArn + " was set");

        return accessKeyResult.getAccessKey();
    } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException e) {

        log.error("This should not happen in production. Swallowing the error fow now " + e.getMessage());
        return null;

From source file:org.applicationMigrator.userManagement.UserManagementWorker.java

License:Apache License

private void createUser(String ANDROID_ID) throws FileNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
    Random randomizer = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
    String userName = "User" + randomizer.nextDouble();
    CreateUserRequest user = new CreateUserRequest();
    user.setUserName(userName);//from w  w  w  .  j av a2s. c o m
    AWSCredentials credentials = new PropertiesCredentials(
            new File("C:\\AndroidMigration\\Credentials\\AwsCredentials.properties"));
    AmazonIdentityManagementClient client = new AmazonIdentityManagementClient(credentials);
    CreateUserResult result = null;
    AccessKey accessKey = null;
    try {

        boolean userCreatedSuccessfully = false;
        while (!userCreatedSuccessfully) {
            try {
                result = client.createUser(user);
                userCreatedSuccessfully = true;
            } catch (EntityAlreadyExistsException exception) {
                user.setUserName(userName + randomizer.nextDouble());
                userCreatedSuccessfully = false;

        CreateAccessKeyRequest accessKeyRequest = new CreateAccessKeyRequest();
        CreateAccessKeyResult accessKeyResult = client.createAccessKey(accessKeyRequest);
        accessKey = accessKeyResult.getAccessKey();

        grantPermissions(user, client);

        File userList = new File(USER_LIST_FILEPATH);
        BufferedWriter userListFileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(userList));

        // Concurrency ?
        userListFileWriter.write(ANDROID_ID + " ");
        userListFileWriter.write(accessKey.getAccessKeyId() + " ");
        userListFileWriter.write(accessKey.getSecretAccessKey() + " ");
        userListFileWriter.write(user.getUserName() + " ");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (accessKey != null) {
            DeleteAccessKeyRequest deleteAccessKeyRequest = new DeleteAccessKeyRequest(
            DeleteUserRequest deleteUserRequest = new DeleteUserRequest(user.getUserName());

        throw e;