Example usage for com.amazonaws.services.s3 AmazonS3 setBucketWebsiteConfiguration

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.services.s3 AmazonS3 setBucketWebsiteConfiguration


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.services.s3 AmazonS3 setBucketWebsiteConfiguration.


public void setBucketWebsiteConfiguration(String bucketName, BucketWebsiteConfiguration configuration)
        throws SdkClientException, AmazonServiceException;

Source Link


Sets the website configuration for the specified bucket.


From source file:aws.example.s3.SetWebsiteConfiguration.java

License:Open Source License

public static void setWebsiteConfig(String bucket_name, String index_doc, String error_doc) {
    BucketWebsiteConfiguration website_config = null;

    if (index_doc == null) {
        website_config = new BucketWebsiteConfiguration();
    } else if (error_doc == null) {
        website_config = new BucketWebsiteConfiguration(index_doc);
    } else {/*from ww w .ja  va  2 s .  co  m*/
        website_config = new BucketWebsiteConfiguration(index_doc, error_doc);

    final AmazonS3 s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient();
    try {
        s3.setBucketWebsiteConfiguration(bucket_name, website_config);
    } catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
        System.out.format("Failed to set website configuration for bucket '%s'!\n", bucket_name);

From source file:cloudExplorer.Acl.java

License:Open Source License

void setBUCKETwebsite(String object, String access_key, String secret_key, String endpoint, String bucket) {
    try {/*  w ww  .j a  v  a  2 s  .c om*/
        AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(access_key, secret_key);
        AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials,
                new ClientConfiguration().withSignerOverride("S3SignerType"));
        BucketWebsiteConfiguration bucketWebsiteConfiguration = s3Client.getBucketWebsiteConfiguration(bucket);
        s3Client.setBucketAcl(bucket, CannedAccessControlList.PublicRead);
                new BucketWebsiteConfiguration("index.html", "error.html"));
    } catch (Exception setACLpublic) {
        mainFrame.jTextArea1.append("\nException occurred in ACL");

From source file:mail.server.storage.AWSStorageCreation.java

License:GNU General Public License

public Map<String, String> create(String email, String region) throws Exception {
    log.debug("I will now figure out what region to put things in", region);
    Region awsRegion = Region.valueOf(region);
    String awsRegionString = awsRegion.toString();
    if (awsRegionString == null)
        awsRegionString = "";

    String awsRegionStringEndPoint = awsRegionString.isEmpty() ? "s3.amazonaws.com"
            : ("s3-" + awsRegionString + ".amazonaws.com");

    log.debug("I will now log in to S3 and the IdentityManagement to check these credentials.");

    SimpleAWSCredentials credentials = new SimpleAWSCredentials(awsAccessKeyId, awsSecretKey);
    AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
    AmazonIdentityManagement im = new AmazonIdentityManagementClient(credentials);

    log.debug("Successfully logged into S3");

    log.debug("I will now derive names for items");

    log.debug("I will now try to:\n" + "  1. Create the S3 Bucket with name ", bucketName,
            "\n" + "  2. Create two IAM Identities for permissions -\n" + "       ", writeIdentity,
            " to be sent to the mail server to be able to write to the mailbox.\n" + "       ", writeIdentity,
            " to be stored in your configuration to enable the mail client to read and write mail.\n\n");

    s3.createBucket(bucketName, awsRegion);

    log.debug("Setting website configuration");

    BucketWebsiteConfiguration bwc = new BucketWebsiteConfiguration("index.html");
    s3.setBucketWebsiteConfiguration(bucketName, bwc);

    log.debug("Enabling CORS");
    CORSRule rule1 = new CORSRule().withId("CORSRule1")
            .withAllowedMethods(Arrays.asList(new CORSRule.AllowedMethods[] { CORSRule.AllowedMethods.GET,
                    CORSRule.AllowedMethods.PUT, CORSRule.AllowedMethods.DELETE }))
            .withAllowedOrigins(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "*" })).withMaxAgeSeconds(3000)
            .withAllowedHeaders(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "*" }))
            .withExposedHeaders(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ETag" }));

    BucketCrossOriginConfiguration cors = new BucketCrossOriginConfiguration();
    cors.setRules(Arrays.asList(new CORSRule[] { rule1 }));

    s3.setBucketCrossOriginConfiguration(bucketName, cors);

    log.format("Creating group %s ... ", groupName);
    im.createGroup(new CreateGroupRequest().withGroupName(groupName));

    log.format("Creating user %s ... ", writeIdentity);
    im.createUser(new CreateUserRequest().withUserName(writeIdentity));

    log.format("Adding user %s to group %s ... ", writeIdentity, groupName);
    im.addUserToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest().withGroupName(groupName).withUserName(writeIdentity));

    log.format("Creating user %s ... ", readWriteIdentity);
    im.createUser(new CreateUserRequest().withUserName(readWriteIdentity));

    log.format("Adding user %s to group %s ... ", readWriteIdentity, groupName);
    im.addUserToGroup(new AddUserToGroupRequest().withGroupName(groupName).withUserName(readWriteIdentity));

    log.format("Creating permissions for %s to write to bucket %s ... \n", writeIdentity, bucketName);

    String writePolicyRaw = "{                        \n" + "  #Statement#: [            \n"
            + "    {                     \n" + "      #Sid#: #SID#,         \n"
            + "      #Action#: [            \n" + "        #s3:PutObject#,      \n"
            + "        #s3:PutObjectAcl#      \n" + "      ],                  \n"
            + "      #Effect#: #Allow#,      \n" + "      #Resource#: [         \n"
            + "        #arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET/*#\n" + "      ]                  \n"
            + "    }                     \n" + "  ]                     \n" + "}\n";

    String writePolicy = writePolicyRaw.replaceAll("#", "\"").replace("SID", policyWriteName).replace("BUCKET",
            bucketName);/*from  ww w.  j  a  v  a  2  s.com*/
    //      q.println ("Policy definition: " + writePolicy);
    im.putUserPolicy(new PutUserPolicyRequest().withUserName(writeIdentity).withPolicyDocument(writePolicy)

    log.format("Creating permissions for %s to read/write to bucket %s ... \n", writeIdentity, bucketName);

    String readWritePolicyRaw = "{                        \n" + "  #Statement#: [            \n"
            + "  {                     \n" + "      #Sid#: #SID#,         \n"
            + "      #Action#: [            \n" + "        #s3:PutObject#,      \n"
            + "        #s3:PutObjectAcl#,      \n" + "        #s3:DeleteObject#,      \n"
            + "        #s3:Get*#,            \n" + "        #s3:List*#            \n"
            + "      ],                  \n" + "      #Effect#: #Allow#,      \n"
            + "      #Resource#: [         \n" + "        #arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET/*#,\n"
            + "        #arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET#   \n" + "      ]                  \n"
            + "    }                     \n" + "  ]                     \n" + "}\n";

    String readWritePolicy = readWritePolicyRaw.replaceAll("#", "\"").replace("SID", policyReadWriteName)
            .replace("BUCKET", bucketName);
    //      q.println ("Policy definition: " + readPolicy);
    im.putUserPolicy(new PutUserPolicyRequest().withUserName(readWriteIdentity)

    log.format("Requesting access key for %s", writeIdentity);
    writeAccessKey = im.createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(writeIdentity))
    log.format("Received [%s] [%s] Done.\n", writeAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(),

    log.format("Requesting access key for %s", readWriteIdentity);
    readWriteAccessKey = im.createAccessKey(new CreateAccessKeyRequest().withUserName(readWriteIdentity))
    log.format("Received [%s] [%s] Done.\n", readWriteAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(),

    log.debug("I have finished the creating the S3 items.\n");

    return Maps.toMap("bucketName", bucketName, "bucketRegion", awsRegionString, "writeAccessKey",
            writeAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(), "writeSecretKey", writeAccessKey.getSecretAccessKey(),
            "readWriteAccessKey", readWriteAccessKey.getAccessKeyId(), "readWriteSecretKey",