Java GetObjectRequest fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java GetObjectRequest fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for GetObjectRequest.

The text is from its open source code.


GetObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key)
Constructs a new GetObjectRequest with all the required parameters.
GetObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, String versionId)
Constructs a new GetObjectRequest with all the required parameters.
GetObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, boolean isRequesterPays)
Constructs a new GetObjectRequest with all the required parameters.
GetObjectRequest(S3ObjectId s3ObjectId)


Gets the name of the bucket containing the object to be downloaded.
Gets the key under which the object to be downloaded is stored.
Returns the optional progress listener for receiving updates about object download status.

Gets the optional inclusive byte range within the desired object that will be downloaded by this request.

voidsetMatchingETagConstraints(List eTagList)
Sets the optional list of ETag constraints that when present must include a match for the object's current ETag in order for this request to be executed.
voidsetModifiedSinceConstraint(Date date)
Sets the optional modified constraint that restricts this request to executing only if the object has been modified after the specified date.
voidsetNonmatchingETagConstraints(List eTagList)
Sets the optional list of ETag constraints that when present must not include a match for the object's current ETag in order for this request to be executed.
voidsetProgressListener( progressListener)
Sets the optional progress listener for receiving updates about object download status.
voidsetRange(long start)

Sets the optional inclusive start range within the desired object that the rest of which will be downloaded by this request.

voidsetRange(long start, long end)

Sets the optional inclusive byte range within the desired object that will be downloaded by this request.

voidsetSSECustomerKey(SSECustomerKey sseKey)
Sets the optional customer-provided server-side encryption key to use to decrypt this object.
voidsetUnmodifiedSinceConstraint(Date date)
Sets the optional unmodified constraint that restricts this request to executing only if the object has not been modified after the specified date.
voidsetVersionId(String versionId)
Sets the optional version ID specifying which version of the object to download.
GetObjectRequestwithRange(long start, long end)

Sets the optional inclusive byte range within the desired object that will be downloaded by this request.

GetObjectRequestwithSSECustomerKey(SSECustomerKey sseKey)
Sets the optional customer-provided server-side encryption key to use to decrypt this object, and returns the updated GetObjectRequest so that additional method calls may be chained together.