Java PutObjectRequest fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java PutObjectRequest fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for PutObjectRequest.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


PutObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, File file)
Constructs a new PutObjectRequest object to upload a file to the specified bucket and key.
PutObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, String redirectLocation)
Constructs a new PutObjectRequest object to perform a redirect for the specified bucket and key.
PutObjectRequest(String bucketName, String key, InputStream input, ObjectMetadata metadata)
Constructs a new PutObjectRequest object to upload a stream of data to the specified bucket and key.


Returns the optional access control list for the new object.
Gets the name of the existing bucket where this request will upload a new object to.
Gets the optional pre-configured access control policy to use for the new object.
Gets the path and name of the file containing the data to be uploaded to Amazon S3.
Returns the optional progress listener for receiving updates about the progress of the request.
Gets the input stream containing the data to be uploaded to Amazon S3.
Gets the key under which to store the new object.
Gets the optional metadata instructing Amazon S3 how to handle the uploaded data (e.g.
Gets the optional redirect location for the new object.
Gets the options stored with this request object.
Gets the optional Amazon S3 storage class to use when storing the new object.
StringputCustomRequestHeader(String name, String value)
Put a new custom header to the map of custom header names to custom header values, and return the previous value if the header has already been set in this map.
voidsetAccessControlList(AccessControlList accessControlList)
Sets the optional access control list for the new object.
voidsetBucketName(String bucketName)
Sets the name of an existing bucket where this request will upload a new object to.
voidsetCannedAcl(CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl)
Sets the optional pre-configured access control policy to use for the new object.
voidsetGeneralProgressListener(ProgressListener progressListener)
Sets the optional progress listener for receiving updates about the progress of the request.
voidsetKey(String key)
Sets the key under which to store the new object.
voidsetMetadata(ObjectMetadata metadata)
Sets the optional metadata instructing Amazon S3 how to handle the uploaded data (e.g.
voidsetProgressListener( progressListener)
Sets the optional progress listener for receiving updates for object upload status.
voidsetSSEAwsKeyManagementParams(SSEAwsKeyManagementParams params)
Sets the AWS Key Management System parameters used to encrypt the object on server side.
voidsetSSECustomerKey(SSECustomerKey sseKey)
Sets the optional customer-provided server-side encryption key to use to encrypt the uploaded object.
voidsetStorageClass(String storageClass)
Sets the optional Amazon S3 storage class to use when storing the new object.
voidsetTagging(ObjectTagging tagging)
PutObjectRequestwithAccessControlList(AccessControlList accessControlList)
PutObjectRequestwithCannedAcl(CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl)
PutObjectRequestwithMetadata(ObjectMetadata metadata)
PutObjectRequestwithSSEAwsKeyManagementParams(SSEAwsKeyManagementParams sseAwsKeyManagementParams)
PutObjectRequestwithSSECustomerKey(SSECustomerKey sseKey)
PutObjectRequestwithStorageClass(String storageClass)
PutObjectRequestwithStorageClass(StorageClass storageClass)