Java TransferManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java TransferManager fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for TransferManager.

The text is from its open source code.

Subclass has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


TransferManager(AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider)
Constructs a new TransferManager and Amazon S3 client using the specified AWS security credentials provider.
TransferManager(AWSCredentials credentials)
Constructs a new TransferManager and Amazon S3 client using the specified AWS security credentials.
TransferManager(AmazonS3 s3)
Constructs a new TransferManager, specifying the client to use when making requests to Amazon S3.
TransferManager(TransferManagerParams params)
TransferManager(TransferManagerBuilder builder)
Constructor for use by classes that need to extend the TransferManager.
Constructs a new TransferManager and Amazon S3 client using the credentials from DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain

TransferManager and client objects may pool connections and threads.

TransferManager(AmazonS3 s3, ExecutorService executorService)
Constructs a new TransferManager specifying the client and thread pool to use when making requests to Amazon S3.
TransferManager(AmazonS3 s3, ExecutorService executorService, boolean shutDownThreadPools)
Constructs a new TransferManager specifying the client and thread pool to use when making requests to Amazon S3.


voidabortMultipartUploads(String bucketName, Date date)

Aborts any multipart uploads that were initiated before the specified date.

XappendSingleObjectUserAgent(X request)
Copycopy(String sourceBucketName, String sourceKey, String destinationBucketName, String destinationKey)

Schedules a new transfer to copy data from one Amazon S3 location to another Amazon S3 location.

Copycopy(final CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest)

Schedules a new transfer to copy data from one Amazon S3 location to another Amazon S3 location.

Downloaddownload(String bucket, String key, File file)
Schedules a new transfer to download data from Amazon S3 and save it to the specified file.
Downloaddownload(final GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest, final File file, long timeoutMillis)
Schedules a new transfer to download data from Amazon S3 and save it to the specified file.
Downloaddownload(final GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest, final File file, final S3ProgressListener progressListener)
Schedules a new transfer to download data from Amazon S3 and save it to the specified file.
PresignedUrlDownloaddownload(final PresignedUrlDownloadRequest request, final File destFile, final PresignedUrlDownloadConfig downloadContext)
Schedules a new transfer to download data from Amazon S3 using presigned url and save it to the specified file.
MultipleFileDownloaddownloadDirectory(String bucketName, String keyPrefix, File destinationDirectory)
MultipleFileDownloaddownloadDirectory(String bucketName, String keyPrefix, File destinationDirectory, KeyFilter filter)
MultipleFileDownloaddownloadDirectory(String bucketName, String keyPrefix, File destinationDirectory, boolean resumeOnRetry)
Returns the underlying Amazon S3 client used to make requests to Amazon S3.
Returns the configuration which specifies how this TransferManager processes requests.
voidsetConfiguration(TransferManagerConfiguration configuration)
Sets the configuration which specifies how this TransferManager processes requests.
Forcefully shuts down this TransferManager instance - currently executing transfers will not be allowed to finish.
voidshutdownNow(boolean shutDownS3Client)
Forcefully shuts down this TransferManager instance - currently executing transfers will not be allowed to finish.
Uploadupload(final String bucketName, final String key, final File file)
Schedules a new transfer to upload data to Amazon S3.
Uploadupload(final PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest)

Schedules a new transfer to upload data to Amazon S3.

Uploadupload(final String bucketName, final String key, final InputStream input, ObjectMetadata objectMetadata)

Schedules a new transfer to upload data to Amazon S3.

MultipleFileUploaduploadDirectory(String bucketName, String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, File directory, boolean includeSubdirectories)
Uploads all files in the directory given to the bucket named, optionally recursing for all subdirectories.
MultipleFileUploaduploadDirectory(String bucketName, String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, File directory, boolean includeSubdirectories, ObjectMetadataProvider metadataProvider)
Uploads all files in the directory given to the bucket named, optionally recursing for all subdirectories.
MultipleFileUploaduploadFileList(String bucketName, String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, File directory, List files)
Uploads all specified files to the bucket named, constructing relative keys depending on the commonParentDirectory given.
MultipleFileUploaduploadFileList(String bucketName, String virtualDirectoryKeyPrefix, File directory, List files, ObjectMetadataProvider metadataProvider)
Uploads all specified files to the bucket named, constructing relative keys depending on the commonParentDirectory given.