Example usage for com.amazonaws.util Base64 encode

List of usage examples for com.amazonaws.util Base64 encode


In this page you can find the example usage for com.amazonaws.util Base64 encode.


public static byte[] encode(byte[] bytes) 

Source Link


Returns a 64 encoded byte array of the given bytes.


From source file:EC2.java

License:Apache License

public List<String> launch(String workerAMI, String instanceType, int num, double price,
        List<String> securityGroups, String keyName, String userData, String charset)
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    RequestSpotInstancesRequest requestRequest = new RequestSpotInstancesRequest();

    LaunchSpecification launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification();
    launchSpecification.setUserData(new String(Base64.encode(userData.getBytes(charset))));
    launchSpecification.setKeyName(keyName); //for test

    RequestSpotInstancesResult requestResult = ec2.requestSpotInstances(requestRequest);
    List<SpotInstanceRequest> requestResponses = requestResult.getSpotInstanceRequests();

    List<String> spotInstanceRequestIds = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (SpotInstanceRequest requestResponse : requestResponses) {
        System.out.println("Created Spot Request: " + requestResponse.getSpotInstanceRequestId());
    }//w  w  w.  j ava  2s  . c  o  m
    return spotInstanceRequestIds;

From source file:alluxio.underfs.s3a.S3AOutputStream.java

License:Apache License

public void close() throws IOException {
    if (mClosed) {
        return;/*from ww w.  j a v  a 2 s.  com*/
    try {
        // Generate the object metadata by setting server side encryption, md5 checksum, the file
        // length, and encoding as octet stream since no assumptions are made about the file type
        ObjectMetadata meta = new ObjectMetadata();
        if (SSE_ENABLED) {
        if (mHash != null) {
            meta.setContentMD5(new String(Base64.encode(mHash.digest())));

        // Generate the put request and wait for the transfer manager to complete the upload, then
        // delete the temporary file on the local machine
        PutObjectRequest putReq = new PutObjectRequest(mBucketName, mKey, mFile).withMetadata(meta);
        if (!mFile.delete()) {
            LOG.error("Failed to delete temporary file @ {}", mFile.getPath());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to upload {}. Temporary file @ {}", mKey, mFile.getPath());
        throw new IOException(e);

    // Set the closed flag, close can be retried until mFile.delete is called successfully
    mClosed = true;

From source file:io.fineo.client.auth.cognito.CognitoSecretHash.java

License:Open Source License

 * Generates secret hash. Uses HMAC SHA256.
 * @param userId            REQUIRED: User ID
 * @param clientId          REQUIRED: Client ID
 * @param clientSecret      REQUIRED: Client secret
 * @return  secret hash as a {@code String}, {@code null } if {@code clinetSecret if null}
 */// www  .j  a v  a  2  s  .co  m
public static String getSecretHash(String userId, String clientId, String clientSecret) {
    // Arguments userId and clientId have to be not-null.
    if (userId == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("user ID cannot be null");

    if (clientId == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("client ID cannot be null");

    // Return null as secret hash if clientSecret is null.
    if (clientSecret == null) {
        return null;

    SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(clientSecret.getBytes(StringUtils.UTF8), HMAC_SHA_256);

    try {
        Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA_256);
        byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(clientId.getBytes(StringUtils.UTF8));
        return new String(Base64.encode(rawHmac));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("errors in HMAC calculation");

From source file:io.fineo.client.auth.cognito.CognitoUser.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates response for the second step of the SRP authentication.
 * @param challenge                     REQUIRED: {@link InitiateAuthResult} contains next challenge.
 * @param authenticationDetails         REQUIRED: {@link AuthenticationDetails} user authentication details.
 * @param authenticationHelper          REQUIRED: Internal helper class for SRP calculations.
 * @return {@link RespondToAuthChallengeRequest}.
 *///w ww  . j  a v  a2 s .  c  om
private RespondToAuthChallengeRequest userSrpAuthRequest(InitiateAuthResult challenge,
        AuthenticationDetails authenticationDetails, AuthenticationHelper authenticationHelper) {
    this.usernameInternal = challenge.getChallengeParameters().get("USERNAME");
    this.deviceKey = devices.getDeviceKey(usernameInternal, getUserPoolId());
    secretHash = CognitoSecretHash.getSecretHash(usernameInternal, clientId, clientSecret);

    BigInteger B = new BigInteger(challenge.getChallengeParameters().get("SRP_B"), 16);
    if (B.mod(AuthenticationHelper.N).equals(BigInteger.ZERO)) {
        throw new CognitoInternalErrorException("SRP error, B cannot be zero");

    BigInteger salt = new BigInteger(challenge.getChallengeParameters().get("SALT"), 16);
    byte[] key = authenticationHelper.getPasswordAuthenticationKey(usernameInternal,
            authenticationDetails.getPassword(), B, salt);

    Date timestamp = new Date();
    byte[] hmac;
    try {
        Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "HmacSHA256");
        mac.update(pool.getUserPoolId().split("_", 2)[1].getBytes(StringUtils.UTF8));
        byte[] secretBlock = Base64.decode(challenge.getChallengeParameters().get("SECRET_BLOCK"));
        SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.US);
        simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME, "UTC"));
        String dateString = simpleDateFormat.format(timestamp);
        byte[] dateBytes = dateString.getBytes(StringUtils.UTF8);
        hmac = mac.doFinal(dateBytes);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new CognitoInternalErrorException("SRP error", e);

    SimpleDateFormat formatTimestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.US);
    formatTimestamp.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME, "UTC"));

    Map<String, String> srpAuthResponses = new HashMap<String, String>();
    srpAuthResponses.put("PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK", challenge.getChallengeParameters().get("SECRET_BLOCK"));
    srpAuthResponses.put("PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE", new String(Base64.encode(hmac), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
    srpAuthResponses.put("TIMESTAMP", formatTimestamp.format(timestamp));
    srpAuthResponses.put("USERNAME", usernameInternal);
    srpAuthResponses.put("USER_ID_FOR_SRP", usernameInternal);
    srpAuthResponses.put("DEVICE_KEY", deviceKey);
    srpAuthResponses.put("SECRET_HASH", secretHash);

    RespondToAuthChallengeRequest authChallengeRequest = new RespondToAuthChallengeRequest();

    return authChallengeRequest;

From source file:org.alfresco.provision.AWSService.java

License:Open Source License

private String getUserData(String[] lines) {
    String str = new String(Base64.encode(join(lines, "\n").getBytes()));
    return str;

From source file:org.zalando.crypto.aws.kms.KmsEncrypter.java

License:Apache License

public String encrypt(String text) {
    if (isNullOrEmpty(text)) {

        return EMPTY_STRING;
    } else {//from w w  w.ja v a2 s.  com
        final EncryptRequest encryptRequest = new EncryptRequest().withKeyId(kmsKeyId) //

        final ByteBuffer encryptedBytes = kms.encrypt(encryptRequest).getCiphertextBlob();

        return extractString(ByteBuffer.wrap(Base64.encode(encryptedBytes.array())));