Java com.fasterxml.jackson.core Base64Variant fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.fasterxml.jackson.core Base64Variant fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.fasterxml.jackson.core Base64Variant.

The text is from its open source code.


Marker used to denote ascii character (in decoding table) that is the padding character using this variant (if any).


intdecodeBase64Char(char c)
intdecodeBase64Char(int ch)
intencodeBase64Chunk(int b24, char[] buffer, int ptr)
Method that encodes given right-aligned (LSB) 24-bit value into 4 base64 characters, stored in given result buffer.
intencodeBase64Chunk(int b24, byte[] buffer, int ptr)
Method that encodes given right-aligned (LSB) 24-bit value into 4 base64 bytes (ascii), stored in given result buffer.
intencodeBase64Partial(int bits, int outputBytes, char[] buffer, int outPtr)
Method that outputs partial chunk (which only encodes one or two bytes of data).
intencodeBase64Partial(int bits, int outputBytes, byte[] buffer, int outPtr)
Method that outputs partial chunk (which only encodes one or two bytes of data).
booleanusesPaddingChar(char c)
booleanusesPaddingChar(int ch)