Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core JsonProcessingException getMessage

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.core JsonProcessingException getMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core JsonProcessingException getMessage.


public String getMessage() 

Source Link


Default method overridden so that we can add location information


From source file:com.dlmu.bat.client.receiver.LocalFileSpanReceiver.java

public void receiveSpan(BaseSpan span) {
    TimerContext context = Metrics.newTimer("receiveSpanTimer", Collections.<String, String>emptyMap()).time();
    try {//from   w w w  .ja  v  a2s .c om
        // Serialize the span data into a byte[].  Note that we're not holding the lock here, to improve concurrency.
        byte jsonBuf[] = null;
        try {
            jsonBuf = JSON_WRITER.writeValueAsBytes(span);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            logger.error("receiveSpan(path=" + path + ", span=" + span + "): Json processing error: "
                    + e.getMessage());

        // Grab the bufferLock and put our jsonBuf into the list of buffers to flush.
        byte toFlush[][] = null;
        try {
            if (bufferedSpans == null) {
                logger.debug("receiveSpan(path=" + path + ", span=" + span + "): LocalFileSpanReceiver for "
                        + path + " is closed.");
            bufferedSpans[bufferedSpansIndex] = jsonBuf;
            if (bufferedSpansIndex == bufferedSpans.length) {
                // If we've hit the limit for the number of buffers to flush,
                // swap out the existing bufferedSpans array for a new array, and
                // prepare to flush those spans to disk.
                toFlush = bufferedSpans;
                bufferedSpansIndex = 0;
                bufferedSpans = new byte[bufferedSpans.length][];
        } finally {
        if (toFlush != null) {
            // We released the bufferLock above, to avoid blocking concurrent
            // receiveSpan calls.  But now, we must take the channelLock, to make
            // sure that we have sole access to the output channel.  If we did not do
            // this, we might get interleaved output.
            // There is a small chance that another thread doing a flush of more
            // recent spans could get ahead of us here, and take the lock before we
            // do.  This is ok, since spans don't have to be written out in order.
            try {
                doFlush(toFlush, toFlush.length);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("Error flushing buffers to " + path + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
            } finally {
    } finally {

From source file:org.wikidata.wdtk.dumpfiles.JsonDumpFileProcessor.java

 * Process dump file data from the given input stream. This method uses the
 * efficient Jackson {@link MappingIterator}. However, this class cannot
 * recover from processing errors. If an error occurs in one entity, the
 * (presumably) less efficient processing method
 * {@link #processDumpFileContentsRecovery(InputStream)} is used instead.
 * @see MwDumpFileProcessor#processDumpFileContents(InputStream, MwDumpFile)
 *///from  ww  w  .  j a v  a2  s. c om
public void processDumpFileContents(InputStream inputStream, MwDumpFile dumpFile) {

    logger.info("Processing JSON dump file " + dumpFile.toString());

    try {
        try {
            MappingIterator<JacksonTermedStatementDocument> documentIterator = documentReader

            while (documentIterator.hasNextValue()) {
                JacksonTermedStatementDocument document = documentIterator.nextValue();
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot read JSON input: " + e.getMessage(), e);


From source file:org.apache.htrace.core.LocalFileSpanReceiver.java

public void receiveSpan(Span span) {
    // Serialize the span data into a byte[].  Note that we're not holding the
    // lock here, to improve concurrency.
    byte jsonBuf[] = null;
    try {//from   w ww.  j  av  a  2 s  . co  m
        jsonBuf = JSON_WRITER.writeValueAsBytes(span);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        LOG.error("receiveSpan(path=" + path + ", span=" + span + "): " + "Json processing error: "
                + e.getMessage());

    // Grab the bufferLock and put our jsonBuf into the list of buffers to
    // flush. 
    byte toFlush[][] = null;
    try {
        if (bufferedSpans == null) {
            LOG.debug("receiveSpan(path=" + path + ", span=" + span + "): " + "LocalFileSpanReceiver for "
                    + path + " is closed.");
        bufferedSpans[bufferedSpansIndex] = jsonBuf;
        if (bufferedSpansIndex == bufferedSpans.length) {
            // If we've hit the limit for the number of buffers to flush, 
            // swap out the existing bufferedSpans array for a new array, and
            // prepare to flush those spans to disk.
            toFlush = bufferedSpans;
            bufferedSpansIndex = 0;
            bufferedSpans = new byte[bufferedSpans.length][];
    } finally {
    if (toFlush != null) {
        // We released the bufferLock above, to avoid blocking concurrent
        // receiveSpan calls.  But now, we must take the channelLock, to make
        // sure that we have sole access to the output channel.  If we did not do
        // this, we might get interleaved output.
        // There is a small chance that another thread doing a flush of more
        // recent spans could get ahead of us here, and take the lock before we
        // do.  This is ok, since spans don't have to be written out in order.
        try {
            doFlush(toFlush, toFlush.length);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            LOG.error("Error flushing buffers to " + path + ": " + ioe.getMessage());
        } finally {

From source file:org.venice.piazza.servicecontroller.taskmanaged.ServiceTaskManager.java

 * Adds a Job to the Service's queue.//from   w  w w .ja v a  2 s  . co m
 * @param job
 *            The Job to be executed. This information contains the serviceId, which is used to lookup the
 *            appropriate Service Queue.
public void addJobToQueue(ExecuteServiceJob job) {
    // Add the Job to the Jobs queue
    ServiceJob serviceJob = new ServiceJob(job.getJobId(), job.getData().getServiceId());
    mongoAccessor.addJobToServiceQueue(job.getData().getServiceId(), serviceJob);
    // Update the Job Status as Pending to Kafka
    StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate();
    ProducerRecord<String, String> statusUpdateRecord;
    try {
        statusUpdateRecord = new ProducerRecord<String, String>(
                String.format("%s-%s", JobMessageFactory.UPDATE_JOB_TOPIC_NAME, SPACE), job.getJobId(),
    } catch (JsonProcessingException exception) {
        String error = "Error Sending Pending Job Status to Job Manager: " + exception.getMessage();
        LOGGER.error(error, exception);
        piazzaLogger.log(error, Severity.ERROR);

From source file:org.apache.pulsar.functions.worker.WorkerService.java

public void start(URI dlogUri) throws InterruptedException {
    log.info("Starting worker {}...", workerConfig.getWorkerId());

    this.brokerAdmin = Utils.getPulsarAdminClient(workerConfig.getPulsarWebServiceUrl(),
            workerConfig.getClientAuthenticationPlugin(), workerConfig.getClientAuthenticationParameters(),
            workerConfig.getTlsTrustCertsFilePath(), workerConfig.isTlsAllowInsecureConnection());

    final String functionWebServiceUrl = StringUtils.isNotBlank(workerConfig.getFunctionWebServiceUrl())
            ? workerConfig.getFunctionWebServiceUrl()
            : workerConfig.getWorkerWebAddress();
    this.functionAdmin = Utils.getPulsarAdminClient(functionWebServiceUrl,
            workerConfig.getClientAuthenticationPlugin(), workerConfig.getClientAuthenticationParameters(),
            workerConfig.getTlsTrustCertsFilePath(), workerConfig.isTlsAllowInsecureConnection());

    try {// ww  w  . j  a  v a  2  s .  c  o m
        log.info("Worker Configs: {}",
                new ObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(workerConfig));
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        log.warn("Failed to print worker configs with error {}", e.getMessage(), e);

    // create the dlog namespace for storing function packages
    this.dlogUri = dlogUri;
    DistributedLogConfiguration dlogConf = Utils.getDlogConf(workerConfig);
    try {
        this.dlogNamespace = NamespaceBuilder.newBuilder().conf(dlogConf)
                .clientId("function-worker-" + workerConfig.getWorkerId()).uri(this.dlogUri).build();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Failed to initialize dlog namespace {} for storing function packages", dlogUri, e);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // create the state storage client for accessing function state
    if (workerConfig.getStateStorageServiceUrl() != null) {
        StorageClientSettings clientSettings = StorageClientSettings.newBuilder()
        this.stateStoreAdminClient = StorageClientBuilder.newBuilder().withSettings(clientSettings)

    // initialize the function metadata manager
    try {

        ClientBuilder clientBuilder = PulsarClient.builder()
        if (isNotBlank(workerConfig.getClientAuthenticationPlugin())
                && isNotBlank(workerConfig.getClientAuthenticationParameters())) {
        this.client = clientBuilder.build();
        log.info("Created Pulsar client");

        //create scheduler manager
        this.schedulerManager = new SchedulerManager(this.workerConfig, this.client, this.brokerAdmin,

        //create function meta data manager
        this.functionMetaDataManager = new FunctionMetaDataManager(this.workerConfig, this.schedulerManager,

        this.connectorsManager = new ConnectorsManager(workerConfig);

        //create membership manager
        this.membershipManager = new MembershipManager(this, this.client);

        // create function runtime manager
        this.functionRuntimeManager = new FunctionRuntimeManager(this.workerConfig, this, this.dlogNamespace,
                this.membershipManager, connectorsManager, functionMetaDataManager);

        // Setting references to managers in scheduler

        // initialize function metadata manager

        // initialize function runtime manager

        authenticationService = new AuthenticationService(PulsarConfigurationLoader.convertFrom(workerConfig));

        // Starting cluster services
        log.info("Start cluster services...");
        this.clusterServiceCoordinator = new ClusterServiceCoordinator(this.workerConfig.getWorkerId(),

        this.clusterServiceCoordinator.addTask("membership-monitor", this.workerConfig.getFailureCheckFreqMs(),
                () -> membershipManager.checkFailures(functionMetaDataManager, functionRuntimeManager,


        // Start function runtime manager

        // indicate function worker service is done intializing
        this.isInitialized = true;

        this.connectorsManager = new ConnectorsManager(workerConfig);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        log.error("Error Starting up in worker", t);
        throw new RuntimeException(t);

From source file:com.vmware.photon.controller.apife.backends.StepSqlBackend.java

private StepEntity getStepEntity(TaskEntity task, StepEntity.State state, Operation operation,
        Map<String, String> stepOptions) {
    StepEntity step = new StepEntity();
    step.setState(state);//w ww  .  ja v  a  2s .c o  m
    // auto-link step to their task

    if (stepOptions != null && !stepOptions.isEmpty()) {
        try {
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("Error serializing step %s options: %s", step.getId(), e.getMessage()));

    if (StepEntity.State.COMPLETED.equals(state)) {
    return step;

From source file:com.github.fge.jsonschema.load.URIManager.java

 * Get the content at a given URI as a {@link JsonNode}
 * @param uri the URI//from ww w  .  j a  v a 2 s. co  m
 * @return the content
 * @throws ProcessingException scheme is not registered, failed to get
 * content, or content is not JSON
public JsonNode getContent(final URI uri) throws ProcessingException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(uri, "null URI");

    final URI target = schemaRedirects.containsKey(uri) ? schemaRedirects.get(uri) : uri;

    if (!target.isAbsolute())
        throw new ProcessingException(BUNDLE.message("uriNotAbsolute").put("uri", uri));

    final String scheme = target.getScheme();

    final URIDownloader downloader = downloaders.get(scheme);

    if (downloader == null)
        throw new ProcessingException(BUNDLE.message("unhandledScheme").put("uri", uri).put("scheme", scheme));

    final InputStream in;

    try {
        in = downloader.fetch(target);
        return READER.readTree(in);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        throw new ProcessingException(
                BUNDLE.message("uriNotJson").put("uri", uri).put("parsingMessage", e.getOriginalMessage()));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ProcessingException(
                BUNDLE.message("uriIOError").put("uri", uri).put("exceptionMessage", e.getMessage()));

From source file:com.fiadot.springjsoncrypt.json.CryptMappingJacson2HttpMessageConverter.java

protected void writeInternal(Object object, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage)
        throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {

    JsonEncoding encoding = getJsonEncoding(outputMessage.getHeaders().getContentType());
    // The following has been deprecated as late as Jackson 2.2 (April 2013);
    // preserved for the time being, for Jackson 2.0/2.1 compatibility.
    JsonGenerator jsonGenerator = this.objectMapper.getJsonFactory()
            .createJsonGenerator(outputMessage.getBody(), encoding);

    // A workaround for JsonGenerators not applying serialization features
    // https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/issues/12
    if (this.objectMapper.isEnabled(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT)) {
    }/*from   w  w  w  .  j  a v  a 2  s.c om*/

    try {
        if (this.jsonPrefix != null) {

        // original source
        // jsonGenerator.
        //this.objectMapper.writeValue(jsonGenerator, object);

        CipherEncryptUtils cryptoUtil = new CipherEncryptUtils("AES", "AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding",
                "ls4h+XaXU+A5m72HRpwkeQ==", "W46YspHuEiQlKDcLTqoySw==");
        String encStr = null;
        try {
            encStr = cryptoUtil.encrypt(this.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(object));
            logger.info("MessageMapper::WriteInternal() encStr=" + encStr);
        } catch (Exception e) {


    } catch (JsonProcessingException ex) {
        throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);

From source file:org.jmxtrans.embedded.config.ConfigurationParser.java

protected void mergeEmbeddedJmxTransConfiguration(@Nonnull String configurationUrl,
        @Nonnull EmbeddedJmxTrans embeddedJmxTrans) throws EmbeddedJmxTransException {
    try {//  w w w  .j  a v a 2 s. com
        if (configurationUrl.startsWith("classpath:")) {
            logger.debug("mergeEmbeddedJmxTransConfiguration({})", configurationUrl);
            String path = configurationUrl.substring("classpath:".length());
            InputStream in = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
            Preconditions.checkNotNull(in, "No file found for '" + configurationUrl + "'");
            mergeEmbeddedJmxTransConfiguration(in, embeddedJmxTrans);
        } else {
            mergeEmbeddedJmxTransConfiguration(new URL(configurationUrl), embeddedJmxTrans);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        throw new EmbeddedJmxTransException(
                "Exception loading configuration'" + configurationUrl + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EmbeddedJmxTransException("Exception loading configuration'" + configurationUrl + "'", e);