Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core ObjectCodec readValue

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.core ObjectCodec readValue


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core ObjectCodec readValue.


public abstract <T> T readValue(JsonParser jp, ResolvedType valueType)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException;

Source Link


Method to deserialize JSON content into a POJO, type specified with fully resolved type object (so it can be a generic type, including containers like java.util.Collection and java.util.Map ).


From source file:de.dfki.asr.compass.rest.serialization.AbstractIDToEntityDeserializer.java

public EntityType deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
    ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
    Long id = oc.readValue(jp, new TypeReference<Long>() {
    });/*w w w  . java2s  . co  m*/
    try {
        return referenceById(id);
    } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot load from Database", e);

From source file:de.dfki.asr.compass.rest.serialization.RenderGeometryDeserializer.java

public RenderGeometry deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
    ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
    Long id = oc.readValue(jp, new TypeReference<Long>() {
    });//from w  ww .  ja va  2  s.c  o  m
    try {
        return (RenderGeometry) manager.referenceById(id);
    } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot load from Database", e);

From source file:de.dfki.asr.compass.rest.serialization.ReferenceDeserializer.java

public EntityClass deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
    ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
    Long id = oc.readValue(jp, new TypeReference<Long>() {
    });/*  w  ww .j  a va2  s  .  c om*/
    try {
        return manager.referenceById(id);
    } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot load from Database", e);

From source file:de.avpptr.umweltzone.models.CircuitDeserializer.java

public Circuit deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
    Circuit circuit = new Circuit();
    ObjectCodec codec = parser.getCodec();
    GeoPoint[] coordinates = codec.readValue(parser, GeoPoint[].class);
    return circuit;

From source file:de.dfki.asr.compass.rest.serialization.AbstractIDListDeserializer.java

public List<EntityType> deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext dc)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
    ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
    List<Long> ids = oc.readValue(jp, new TypeReference<List<Long>>() {
    });/*from  w  ww  .  j  a va2 s  .  c  om*/
    List<EntityType> refs = new LinkedList<>();
    try {
        for (Long id : ids) {
        return refs;
    } catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
        throw new IOException("Cannot load from Database", e);

From source file:de.upb.wdqa.wdvd.datamodel.oldjson.jackson.deserializers.OldLabelsDescriptionsDeserializer.java

public LinkedHashMap<String, String> deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

    LinkedHashMap<String, String> result = null;

    // Is the alias broken, i.e., it starts with '['
    if (jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.START_ARRAY)) {
        result = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        jp.nextToken();/*from  w  ww  .j  a  va2  s  . co  m*/
        if (!jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.END_ARRAY)) {
            logger.warn("Token " + JsonToken.END_ARRAY + " expected");
    } else {
        ObjectCodec mapper = jp.getCodec();
        result = mapper.readValue(jp, new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String, String>>() {

    return result;

From source file:de.upb.wdqa.wdvd.datamodel.oldjson.jackson.deserializers.OldSitelinksDeserializer.java

public LinkedHashMap<String, OldJacksonSiteLink> deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

    LinkedHashMap<String, OldJacksonSiteLink> result = null;

    // Is the alias broken, i.e., it starts with '['
    if (jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.START_ARRAY)) {
        result = new LinkedHashMap<String, OldJacksonSiteLink>();
        jp.nextToken();/* www . j a  v  a 2 s  .  com*/
        if (!jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.END_ARRAY)) {
            logger.warn("Token " + JsonToken.END_ARRAY + " expected");
    } else {
        ObjectCodec mapper = jp.getCodec();
        result = mapper.readValue(jp, new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String, OldJacksonSiteLink>>() {

    return result;

From source file:de.upb.wdqa.wdvd.datamodel.oldjson.jackson.deserializers.OldAliasesDeserializer.java

public LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

    LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();

    // Is the alias broken, i.e., it starts with '['
    if (jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.START_ARRAY)) {
        jp.nextToken();/*from   www  .  ja  v a 2s  .com*/
        if (!jp.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.END_ARRAY)) {
            logger.warn("Token " + JsonToken.END_ARRAY + " expected");
    } else {
        ObjectCodec mapper = jp.getCodec();
        result = mapper.readValue(jp, new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<String, OldAliasList>>() {

    return result;

From source file:de.upb.wdqa.wdvd.datamodel.oldjson.jackson.OldAliasListDeserializer.java

public List<String> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
    List<String> result;

    ObjectCodec codec = p.getCodec();

    if (p.getCurrentToken().equals(JsonToken.START_ARRAY)) {
        result = codec.readValue(p, new TypeReference<List<String>>() {
        });/*from  w ww .j a v a 2s.  co m*/
    } else {
        LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> map = codec.readValue(p,
                new TypeReference<LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>>() {

        result = new ArrayList<String>(map.values());
    return result;

From source file:de.undercouch.bson4jackson.BsonParser.java

 * Fully reads an embedded document, reusing this parser
 * @return the parsed document//from ww w.  j a  v a2 s  .  c o  m
 * @throws IOException if the document could not be read
protected Map<String, Object> readDocument() throws IOException {
    ObjectCodec codec = getCodec();
    if (codec == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Could not parse embedded document " + "because BSON parser has no codec");
    _currToken = handleNewDocument(false);
    return codec.readValue(this, new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {