Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util ByteArrayBuilder toByteArray

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util ByteArrayBuilder toByteArray


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util ByteArrayBuilder toByteArray.


public byte[] toByteArray() 

Source Link


Method called when results are finalized and we can get the full aggregated result buffer to return to the caller


From source file:org.nuxeo.client.api.marshaller.NuxeoRequestConverterFactory.java

public RequestBody convert(T value) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayBuilder bb = new ByteArrayBuilder();
    byte[] bytes;
    if (nuxeoMarshaller != null) {
        JsonGenerator jg = objectMapper.getFactory().createGenerator(bb, JsonEncoding.UTF8);
        nuxeoMarshaller.write(jg, value);
        bytes = bb.toByteArray();
    } else {/*from   ww  w.j  a  v  a2 s.  com*/
        bytes = adapter.writeValueAsBytes(value);
    return RequestBody.create(ConstantsV1.APPLICATION_JSON_CHARSET_UTF_8, bytes);

From source file:net.logstash.logback.LogstashAbstractFormatter.java

public byte[] writeValueAsBytes(EventType event, Context context) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayBuilder outputStream = new ByteArrayBuilder(getBufferRecycler());

    try {//from w w w.j a v a2 s.  c o  m
        writeValueToOutputStream(event, context, outputStream);
        return outputStream.toByteArray();
    } finally {

From source file:net.logstash.logback.composite.CompositeJsonFormatter.java

public byte[] writeEventAsBytes(Event event) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayBuilder outputStream = new ByteArrayBuilder(getBufferRecycler());

    try {/*from ww w  . j a v a  2 s  .  c o m*/
        writeEventToOutputStream(event, outputStream);
        return outputStream.toByteArray();
    } finally {

From source file:gaffer.jsonserialisation.JSONSerialiser.java

 * Serialises an object.//from  w w w  .  ja v a 2 s.  c o  m
 * @param object      the object to be serialised
 * @param prettyPrint true if the object should be serialised with pretty printing
 * @return the provided object serialised (with pretty printing) into bytes
 * @throws SerialisationException if the object fails to serialise
public byte[] serialise(final Object object, final boolean prettyPrint) throws SerialisationException {
    final ByteArrayBuilder byteArrayBuilder = new ByteArrayBuilder();
    try {
        serialise(object, JSON_FACTORY.createGenerator(byteArrayBuilder, JsonEncoding.UTF8), prettyPrint);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new SerialisationException(e.getMessage(), e);

    return byteArrayBuilder.toByteArray();

From source file:com.bazaarvoice.jackson.rison.RisonParser.java

public byte[] getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) throws IOException, JsonParseException {
    if (_currToken != JsonToken.VALUE_STRING
            && (_currToken != JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT || _binaryValue == null)) {
        _reportError("Current token (" + _currToken
                + ") not VALUE_STRING or VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, can not access as binary");
    }//from  ww  w  . j  av a 2 s .c om
    /* To ensure that we won't see inconsistent data, better clear up
     * state...
    if (_tokenIncomplete) {
        try {
            _binaryValue = _decodeBase64(b64variant);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            throw _constructError(
                    "Failed to decode VALUE_STRING as base64 (" + b64variant + "): " + iae.getMessage());
        /* let's clear incomplete only now; allows for accessing other
         * textual content in error cases
        _tokenIncomplete = false;
    } else { // may actually require conversion...
        if (_binaryValue == null) {
            ByteArrayBuilder builder = _getByteArrayBuilder();
            _decodeBase64(getText(), builder, b64variant);
            _binaryValue = builder.toByteArray();
    return _binaryValue;

From source file:com.bazaarvoice.jackson.rison.RisonParser.java

 * Efficient handling for incremental parsing of base64-encoded
 * textual content./*from   w w w .java  2  s.  com*/
protected byte[] _decodeBase64(Base64Variant b64variant) throws IOException, JsonParseException {
    ByteArrayBuilder builder = _getByteArrayBuilder();

    while (true) {
        // first, we'll skip preceding white space, if any
        char ch;
        do {
            if (_inputPtr >= _inputEnd) {
            ch = _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++];
        } while (ch <= INT_SPACE);
        int bits = b64variant.decodeBase64Char(ch);
        if (bits < 0) {
            if (ch == INT_APOSTROPHE) { // reached the end, fair and square?
                return builder.toByteArray();
            bits = _decodeBase64Escape2(b64variant, ch, 0);
            if (bits < 0) { // white space to skip
        int decodedData = bits;

        // then second base64 char; can't get padding yet, nor ws

        if (_inputPtr >= _inputEnd) {
        ch = _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++];
        bits = b64variant.decodeBase64Char(ch);
        if (bits < 0) {
            bits = _decodeBase64Escape2(b64variant, ch, 1);
        decodedData = (decodedData << 6) | bits;

        // third base64 char; can be padding, but not ws
        if (_inputPtr >= _inputEnd) {
        ch = _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++];
        bits = b64variant.decodeBase64Char(ch);

        // First branch: can get padding (-> 1 byte)
        if (bits < 0) {
            if (bits != Base64Variant.BASE64_VALUE_PADDING) {
                // as per [JACKSON-631], could also just be 'missing'  padding
                if (ch == INT_APOSTROPHE && !b64variant.usesPadding()) {
                    decodedData >>= 4;
                    return builder.toByteArray();
                bits = _decodeBase64Escape2(b64variant, ch, 2);
            if (bits == Base64Variant.BASE64_VALUE_PADDING) {
                // Ok, must get more padding chars, then
                if (_inputPtr >= _inputEnd) {
                ch = _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++];
                if (!b64variant.usesPaddingChar(ch)) {
                    throw reportInvalidBase64Char(b64variant, ch, 3,
                            "expected padding character '" + b64variant.getPaddingChar() + "'");
                // Got 12 bits, only need 8, need to shift
                decodedData >>= 4;
            // otherwise we got escaped other char, to be processed below
        // Nope, 2 or 3 bytes
        decodedData = (decodedData << 6) | bits;
        // fourth and last base64 char; can be padding, but not ws
        if (_inputPtr >= _inputEnd) {
        ch = _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++];
        bits = b64variant.decodeBase64Char(ch);
        if (bits < 0) {
            if (bits != Base64Variant.BASE64_VALUE_PADDING) {
                // as per [JACKSON-631], could also just be 'missing'  padding
                if (ch == INT_APOSTROPHE && !b64variant.usesPadding()) {
                    decodedData >>= 2;
                    return builder.toByteArray();
                bits = _decodeBase64Escape2(b64variant, ch, 3);
            if (bits == Base64Variant.BASE64_VALUE_PADDING) {
                // With padding we only get 2 bytes; but we have
                // to shift it a bit so it is identical to triplet
                // case with partial output.
                // 3 chars gives 3x6 == 18 bits, of which 2 are
                // dummies, need to discard:
                decodedData >>= 2;
            // otherwise we got escaped other char, to be processed below
        // otherwise, our triplet is now complete
        decodedData = (decodedData << 6) | bits;

From source file:uk.gov.gchq.gaffer.jsonserialisation.JSONSerialiser.java

 * Serialises an object.//from   w w  w .j av a2s  . c o m
 * @param object          the object to be serialised
 * @param prettyPrint     true if the object should be serialised with pretty printing
 * @param fieldsToExclude optional property names to exclude from the json
 * @return the provided object serialised (with pretty printing) into bytes
 * @throws SerialisationException if the object fails to serialise
public byte[] serialise(final Object object, final boolean prettyPrint, final String... fieldsToExclude)
        throws SerialisationException {
    final ByteArrayBuilder byteArrayBuilder = new ByteArrayBuilder();
    try {
        serialise(object, JSON_FACTORY.createGenerator(byteArrayBuilder, JsonEncoding.UTF8), prettyPrint,
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new SerialisationException(e.getMessage(), e);

    return byteArrayBuilder.toByteArray();